Escambia Students Send Veterans On Honor Flight (With Photo Gallery)

April 15, 2010


The World War II veterans on the sixth Emerald Coast Honor Flight were welcomed back to Pensacola last night by thousands, including members of the Ernest Ward Middle School cheerleaders.

morehonor1.jpgThe students and staff in the Escambia County School District raised $114,000 to sponsor the flight to Washington for the veterans to tour the World War  II Memorial and other monuments in the nation’s capital. Almost 100 veterans were on Wednesday’s flight.

During “mail call” on the flight from Pensacola, each veteran received mail — cards and letters — from students and school staff from every school in the district.

Each school in the district raised funds for the trip, including $2,580 contributed by Ernest Ward.

For a photo gallery, click here. (Photos submitted by Ramona Fischer.)

Pictured top: Members of the  Ernest Ward Middle School cheerleaders welcomed veterans on the sixth Emerald Coast Honor Flight back to the Pensacola airport Wednesday night. Cheerleaders pictured are: (back L-R) Lily Townson, Tamara Green, Mallory Ryan, Anna Fischer, Katelynn Calloway, Chelsea Ward Front, (front) Morgan Ward, Hannah Gibson, Mallory Wiggins and Paeton Hadley. Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Escambia Students Send Veterans On Honor Flight (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. morgan ward on April 16th, 2010 9:04 pm

    it was so much fun to go and have this once in a lifetime opportunity to go and show these wonderful men and women the respect and honor they deserve so very much,thats just a little way that we can repay these veterans.

  2. Nancy Gindl Perry on April 16th, 2010 7:28 pm

    As most of you know the Veterans are very near and dear to my heart. However, I have never been as emotionally touched as I was the other night when the Veterans returned to Pensacola. Some of our (EWMS) cheerleaders went down to “Welcome the Veterans Home” and the girls decided on their own to chat “We love them, yes we love our VETERANS.” Of course I joined in. The expression on the Veterans faces will be one I will never forget. Some cried, some gave us thumbs up, some smiled, but all were very grateful!! I personally tried to thank as many of them as I could for Serving Our Great Country, allowing me the Freedom I have today, and told them we love you. Most replied with either “oh it was nothing anyone else would not do” or “no, thank you for allowing me to go…it has been an honor.” Boy talk about tears…These men and women are dying by the day and I will forever be grateful and honored to have been a part of such a wonderful afternoon and evening. God Bless each and every VETERAN you are all HEROES!!!!

  3. Sandy on April 16th, 2010 4:38 pm

    That was a wonderful thing those students did for the Veterans.Good Job!!!!!

  4. Sarah-Jane on April 15th, 2010 9:02 pm

    Congratulations to Molino Park Elementary and all the schools in the North End of the County for participating in such a worthwhile event. I know first hand from my two children at Molino Park that they felt honored to collect change and take it into school so that a Veteran or two could participate on this Honor Flight in the name of Molino Park Elementary.

  5. ghendricks on April 15th, 2010 9:19 am

    This is a fantastic story, thank you to everyone that was involved! These men and women sacrificed so much for us! It is great that we can do something in return. Please remember the veterans of all wars.

  6. Stuart on April 15th, 2010 9:15 am

    that is awesome. Great job students!