Escambia Prepares For Gulf Oil Slick; Cleans Up Jet Fuel Spill

April 28, 2010


Escambia County escaped an environmental disaster after thousands of gallons of aviation fuel was found spilled in the Intercoastal  Waterway near Perdido Key. Meanwhile, the county commission will hold an emergency meeting this afternoon to prepare for a possible response to the Deepwater Horizon oil plume making its way across the Gulf of Mexico.

oil10.jpgThe Escambia County Commission has scheduled a special emergency meeting for 3:00 this afternoon to discuss any Escambia County response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.The oil slick continues to grow from the April 20 explosion of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig 41 miles from the Louisiana shore. As of late Tuesday, the oil sheen was 1,800 square miles — larger than Rhode Island. The wrecked platform site continues to gush about 42,000 gallons a day.

Tuesday afternoon, officials from BP, the company leasing the oil platform, said that efforts to contain the spill have failed to work so far. Later this week, they will use another oil rig towed to the site to drill a relief well, but will take three months. In the meantime, BP officials said 4.2 million gallons of oil cold flow into the Gulf of Mexico.

Officials are considering setting fire to the oil slick as early a today in an attempt to avert a possible ecological disaster that is possible from Louisiana to Florida.

Gov. Charlie Crist, who took a Coast Guard flight out of Mobile Tuesday  to see the spill,  that he is closely watching the situation, saying that it should “give pause” to those thinking about oil drilling off the Florida coast.

But Crist didn’t say he had changed his mind about supporting offshore drilling. “If this doesn’t give somebody pause, there’s something wrong, I think,” Crist said when asked how the spill had affected his thinking on drilling. “This is a pretty new rig. I’ve always said it would need to be far enough, safe enough, and clean enough.” The rig in question appears not to have been any of those, Crist said.

Forecasts from the National Weather Service indicate that winds from the north will help keep oil away from the shoreline through Wednesday. The winds are forecast to shift to the southeast after Wednesday.

Jet Fuel Spill

The Coast Guard still has not determined the source of a jet fuel spill into the Intercoastal Waterway. The mile-long concentration of fuel is expected to have a minimal environmental impact, officials said. The fuel is believed to have leaked from a barge passing through the waterway about 3 p.m. Monday.

Officials first believed that  JP-8 jet fuel used the military was from a barge making a delivery to Pensacola Naval Air Station, but there was no evidence found. The cleanup could cost the county well over $100,000.

Pictured top: A NOAA oil slick forecast. Pictured inset: Response boats work to clean up oil near where the Deepwater Horizon sank April 22. Photo courtesy U.S. Coast Guard for, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Escambia Prepares For Gulf Oil Slick; Cleans Up Jet Fuel Spill”

  1. mo on April 29th, 2010 10:49 pm

    Interesting how this happens just after Obama announces intention to drill offshore.

    Conspiracy, Cost & Calculated Risk:

  2. Robert on April 29th, 2010 2:28 pm

    Escambria, Perdido Key, Pensacola Beaces, Destin … ARE ABOUT TO BE DESTROYED … By “DRILL BABY DRILL” McCain, Palin, Republicans Perry, and Hadley Barbour…….


    Perhaps “As Conservatives, You Prefer Federal Gov’mt Stay Outta STATES RIGHTS”?

    So…….. CLEAN UP YOUR CRUDE OIL Fer Yer’selves!!!

  3. Maria on April 29th, 2010 6:22 am

    I checked the surf forecast and its expected to be onshore 3-5 for about the next week. Very unfavorable conditions oil, highly likely it will reach the shores. I suspect this is the #1 reason for the controlled burn. I also think Washington is trying to keep this quiet.

  4. Brad on April 29th, 2010 6:21 am

    Oh and another thing I checked the surf forecast and the wind swell hight should average around 3-5 for the upcoming week onshore, not good conditions at all for the slick… highly probably for it coming aground. This is why I believe they started burning. I also believe that Washington is trying to keep this thing pretty hush hush.

  5. Brad on April 29th, 2010 6:18 am

    How about saving some of our oil in the gulf for future use when it may actually be needed? Wait, we live in the I want it now it will alleviate the burden of what 3$’s at the pump. What EMD fails to realize is that you could get our oil prices down really low but why exhaust all of our natural resources? Why not exhaust them from other places first?

    On another note if the oil spill had happened hypothetically off of say Socal or NYC coastline then it would be daily world news and would be huge. Think of the tourism that could be lost if the likely slick reaches the Gulf Florida Beaches. I figure a sustainable portion of the nations seafood industry comes out of the gulf. I know large portions of blue crab, oyster, shrimp, flounder, mullet, speckled trout, and many other species of fish and invert that end up at the dinner table come out of the gulf. Think about that tasty oiled shrimp the next time you bite into it. Also about those not saying this is nearly as trajic as the prince willam sound exxon valez, it is not yet though it could potentially be. The Gulf coast of LA, MS, AL, and FL is just as pristine and produces more economically… why didn’t they have a wireless shutoff valve on the rig?

  6. EMD on April 29th, 2010 12:20 am


    I’m sticking with my opinion that our president is a Marxist. And, we have forgotten about the one true God of the Bible, for the most part. For, just as The Word says, we have become a country of those, “having a form of Godliness, but denying the Power thereof.” Just as it is today, there were the good the bad and the ugly who came to this land in the beginning. You covered the main attrocities quite well, and I am in agreement with you, there. The way the Indians (who were here first, by the way), were treated was a travesty of justice, decency and every other good thing I can think of, and the whole slavery thing was terrible. Those two things were shameful, and just thinking about them, turns my stomach. For, they involved unspeakable horrors. Concerning supernatural divine intervention, the gifts we are born with, come from God. It is written that it is God who gives one the power to get wealth. So, I believe that God did play a part in our beginnings here. It is now a nation of, people from most, if not all, countries of the world. It has been a haven of freedom for countless thousands, and has been instrumental in sending missionaries into all the world with the gospel. However, From my vantage point in 2010, I see us in the US as needing missionaries here in our own country as much, or even more, than any people on earth. This country is running over with lying, cheating, stealing, incontinence, impurity, adultery, murder, perversion and witchcraft, to name a few. It is not what I would call a holy country. But it has been, for many years, a great country. Furthermore it IS written that the nations that forget God shall be turned into Hell. There are many hellish things running rampant here for sure. You are correct in your assessment of the rape of the resources here. That stems mostly from greed. But there has been the opportunity in our once much freer society here, to do better. We just seem to have not availed ourselves fully of that opportunity. It seems like, even among Christians, there is a thirst for the things of this world, much more than a true thirst for God and HIS Righteousness. And, many have forgotten their “first love.” I, too, wonder about our values. They are not what the Word of God teaches for the most part. You said, “As for the President being Muslim, well, your full of it on that one.” :( I think I know what the meaning of “it” is here, but I know you are wrong about that. I smell good tonight. :) It’s OK. I forgive you. Your opinion of why I do not care for Obama is way off. Racism has nothing to do with it. I don’t like the white half of him either. It is not personal. I believe that he is really a Muslim, at least in his heart, and if he had to choose to defend Christianity or Islam, I believe he would choose the latter. So I can not get over it, because you are wrong about racist nonsense where I am concerned. I truly believe I could, in short order, obtain written affirmations from friends, Black, Asian, Middle Eastern, and others that I am not a racist, and neither is my church. I agree about the violation of our Constitution by most of the previous administrations, going back, at least, to Woodrow Wilson, and perhaps even farther back, and about the illegitimate war/wars. All things are not as I once believed. We are not too far apart in what we believe. I wish we could have a one on one chat. I believe that people of all backgrounds in all neighborhoods should get together and chat once in a while and air their grievances, beliefs and desires. I think that would run circles around the United Nations (what a farce that is). It should be abolished or cleaned up. Our society is too busy running to and fro to really get to know one another. We have become faceless stereotypes to one another, and I find that so very sad.

  7. Robert on April 28th, 2010 9:19 pm

    You Need To Call …. “Drill Baby Drill McCain and Palin” for Help!

    There are 80 million Acres of Oil Leases – ON LAND – Not Being Drilled,
    Including several on North Shore of Alaska, So Why Drill in Coastal Waters?

    MSNBC — updated 3:57 p.m. ET, Tues., June 1, 2004
    “WASHINGTON – Nearly three-fourths of the 40 million acres of public land currently leased for oil and gas development in the continental United States outside Alaska isn’t producing any oil or gas, federal records show, even as the Bush administration pushes to open more environmentally sensitive public lands for oil and gas development.

    An Associated Press computer analysis of Bureau of Land Management records found that 80 percent of federal lands leased for oil and gas production in Wyoming are producing no oil or gas. Neither are 83 percent of the leased acres in Montana, 77 percent in Utah, 71 percent in Colorado, 36 percent in New Mexico and 99 percent in Nevada.

    How much exploration has occurred on the nearly 30 million acres of non-producing public land leases is difficult to say. BLM officials could provide no details on the number of exploratory wells drilled on those leases, despite repeated requests for that information over the past two months.”

  8. Lynn D. on April 28th, 2010 7:44 pm

    I agree 100% with EMD above. Michelle Obama has admitted more than once, IN PUBLIC that Barack Hussein Obama is from Kenya, (not America). You can “read her lips” on Youtube video. Obama was Selected ‘NOT’ to CHANGE America but to insure that the changes the Bush’s and Clinton’s already made became permanent! They all work for the same puppet masters, the global elite international bankers and illegal Federal Reserve. Since the days of Lyndon Johnson that began almost forty-five years ago, with the assassination of JFK, the American public has been a reluctant participant in a Masquerade Ball wherein everyone with a titled position has been playing a double or in some cases even a triple part in this charade. The major problem for the public has been that they cannot seem to tell the players apart; even with the now clearly marked lists of criminals that had been thought to be part of the defense of the nation-the public just cannot seem to understand the specifics of what is and has been happening throughout all the years since LBJ became the Dictator-despite the last nine full years and hundreds of thousands of articles about every facet of this Masquerade. TV and newspapers, which are nothing but government propaganda, is largely responsible for this massive ignorance.
    Everyone among the most affected must understand that party affiliations are transitory and misleading tokens that signify nothing of value to anyone in the electorate. America is essentially a ONE PARTY oligarchy. The left and the right are both connected to the same beast agenda. The political parties in the United States are simply different wings of the same private club-with no real differences between any of them. The professionals covet the real power behind the offices they seek, and almost none of them care about what the public might think about what they do for themselves as officeholders in the country. (This should be readily apparent to anyone with more than 6 neurons firing). These people are like Vampires that survive on the blood-money they are able to steal from the public in a hundred different ways each and every day. The “issues” that supposedly matter to the rest of us are just so much useless paper to be disposed of in order to increase their “take” from everything we do to try and survive.Both Left and Right serve monopoly capital. There is phony opposition on both sides. As Lenin said, “the best way to control the opposition is to lead it.” They don’t represent the people. They are all Masons or Masonic affiliates (i.e Knights of Malta, Shriners, Skull and Bones, etc.) and part of the Masonic two-step leading to banker world government tyranny using the vehicle of false flag staged “terror” throughout history. Problem, Reaction, Solution. It’s a tried and true formula that has always worked brilliantly on the blind masses. As Hitler once stated, “The bigger the lie, the more likely the public will believe it.” It’s a reflection of how the “establishment” is complicit in the enslavement of society. Similarly in both the US and Europe, all political parties are run by masons and ruled by the satanic Rothschild cartel. I doubt if any individual or group gains visibility unless they are puppets. Everything is orchestrated and “under control.”
    This Satanic Illuminati cult is International in scope. Mankind is now officially at war against demonic forces planning for mankind’s extermination. And remember the Public Law already exists in which you will be beheaded if you do not bow down to the coming Judaic Olam Ha Ba “The New World Order to Come”. “The whole world lies under the deception of the wicked one.” 1 John 5:19 There you have it…as plain as day. The world has been tragically deceived, and now is the time to wake up, turn off “Faux News” and seek the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer, because the time for these foretold disasters is just over the horizon. “Men of high degree are a lie.” Psalm 62:9

    As far as Daryl above is concerned, the Bible mentions him and those like him: “The fool hath said in his heart there is no God.” Psalm 53:1

  9. Darryl on April 28th, 2010 3:38 pm

    EMD; I’m afraid I disagree with your positions; that we have communist running the country, and the problems we face is because we have “forgotten God”, which implies we became a great nation due to supernatural intervention, which is not true, in fact we built this country with good and bad means. The bad being slavery, savagely slaughtering the native Americans, relentless and unsustainable consumption of our natural resources and the near extermination of wild game and our forest lands. We also became great because we took advantage of the latest energy technology at the turn of the last century: oil. We have problems and they are many and unfortunately most of the “solutions” I see batted around are not holistic in nature, i.e. taking in the whole issue, but just addressing one aspect of an overall issue.

    I also wonder about our values (Christian or othewise) when we want to only look out for ourselves. The issues of poverty, education, etc. are problems that we need to address and both political parties have contributed to the problems. We have either ignored those in crisis or provided support that is short term in nature. Take the African-Americans, who many consider lazy and not willing to work. This is a blanket classification that is racist. Those that are in poverty are in a spiraling downward cycle that needs to be broken, and we need to remember in the not too distant past we discriminated against them in a most inhumanly way, especially in not giving them jobs. Several generations ago they were worked like animals and paid nothing, then they were discriminated against and refused jobs. After several generations, we have the unfortunate situation of having some who have had no proper upbringing and lost basic life skills. We contributed to the problem and we should contribute to viable solutions.

    As for the President being muslim, well, your full of it on that one. I’m so sick and tired of someone who has a better family situation than the last 4 presidents being labeled something he is not. It is ASININE how this racist nonsense will not go away. He was born in Hawaii and he is a Christian. Get over it. At least he is not trying to start another illegitimate war with a nation that has not attack us, killing and maiming more soldiers in the process, violating Constitutional principals and doing revisionist history claiming they kept the country safe when 9-11 happened on their watch and for the 10 months prior to it did NOTHING regarding the warnings about al Qaeda.

  10. EMD on April 28th, 2010 2:29 pm


    I recently sent an email out about “business as usual,” to one of our senators, and a number of “undisclosed recipients” That seems to be the attitude of those we have elected to represent us. Here it is( spelling error and all):

    I hope you will pass this on to many and keep it going. I want to urge others to speak out and speak up, so that we will not have regret later on about not doing so. The iniviable will one day happen, but America does not have to die in silence.


    You and others send out nice sounding newsletters. What I want to know is, how any of you can send out “Business As Usual” newsletters, when our country’s way of life is disappearing at break-neck-speed? What is going on with the people we elected to represent us? Until recently, we were told that communism is our enemy. Now our leaders are embracing it. I find it very hard to believe that everyone we elected is a communist or of other persuasions we once feared and hated. The only thing I can believe, is that some, if not all of you, have had their lives, and/or the lives of their loved ones, threatened. If any of you think that all of the people are fooled, you are sadly mistaken. Do you have any idea of the magnitude of what is about to happen to a nation who has forgotten God and its roots, and have embraced Godlessness and doctrines of demons? You may think this is an ignorant kook writing. I was an RN and a flight nurse in the ANG. My husband was a career military man and USPS employee. We both had even more education and worked very hard for what we had. Now the fruit of our efforts, and money paid into the system is going to go to those who did not earn it, and most of those being those who are able bodied, but are the leeches of society? Also, we are letting illegal aliens in, but making those who followed the rules wait and wait. Not only are illegal aliens coming in…….now I read where we are letting illegal alien gang members in. It is obvious to anyone with a brain, that they are coming in to vote for those who let them in!!!
    We have already had a health care plan that was forced down our throats and that will make things even worse, and now I see where we are going to have to buy a license for our homes every year, and be told if we can sell it, and for how much? Furthermore, with abortion and the ending of our once revered freedom of speech, we are now going to have to do things against our conscience and fund it too? WHAT!? And, now we hear that our unbelievable Muslim, non citizen, president is going to sign an international gun control treaty, and arrest those who do not turn in their guns!!! You may say, “Well, none of this is law yet.” That’s what we were told about the health care “plan.” I will probably be one of the first to be killed, for I have not been silent about all this. How, pray tell, can anyone sleep (without the Peace of God), especially in Washington DC. If you are not one of them, maybe you would do better at the state level fighting the federal takeover of our country. May God open the eyes of all who sleep!!!

  11. huh on April 28th, 2010 1:20 pm

    This is exactly why it should have remained banned

  12. Darryl on April 28th, 2010 12:43 pm

    In all of the debate on drilling, I’ve seen estimates that indicate, that if the pumped oil/gas was used for about a quarter of our needs we run through it in about 20 years, at current use levels. The issue I’ve always had is that the citizens of Florida really need to weigh the benefits from off-shore drilling versus their tourism and sports fishing industry. I’ve seen numbers of 1.6 to 2 billion in revenue for drilling and revenue of 50+ billion for sports fishing and tourism. This current situation being an example of what will happen if the beaches get hit. It’ll kill the fishing and tourism for quite a while.

    We have screwed around for 20 years doing very little about our oil dependency, while other nations are beginning to make real headway (Germany, Australia and China are killing us in solar technology as just one example) while we are business as usual. In the last few centuries the nation that was a “super power” was the one that took advantage of the next energy technology such as Britain with coal then the US with oil, and if we don’t go for the next technology then who ever does attain the best control of it will be in a position of control.

  13. AL on April 28th, 2010 12:14 pm

    . Of the 42 million acres of Federal land currently leased by oil and gas companies, only about 12 million acres are actually being drilled to produce oil and natural gas. —-
    google unused oil leases in the gulf

  14. AL on April 28th, 2010 12:11 pm

    I am all for drilling if it is needed… but there are thousands (millions?) of acres on the Gulf floor that have been approved for drilling and nobody has even set up shop there. Why bring them closer before they exhaust other options?

  15. EMD on April 28th, 2010 11:40 am

    Should we stop jets from flying, or barges from delivering fuel? For all we know, someone who is against drilling, could have had something to do with the drilling disaster. I say drill, drill, drill. Quit depending on our enemies for oil. THAT is what makes no sense. I do not relish a one world government, but I believe that is the plan of those who are behind not drilling. When Bush senior spoke of the new world order, I thought he must not know the meaning of what he said. That he, surely, didn’t mean it in the “end time” definition of the same. Now, I believe he new exactly what he was saying, and so did/does his son, and many more that I once believed were true patriots. :(

  16. S.L.B on April 28th, 2010 10:41 am

    Thanks William for keeping us posted on this unfortunate disaster. I especially like the map.

  17. Name (required) on April 28th, 2010 9:19 am

    Drill baby drill!