Escambia Could Restrict Tethering Of Dogs

April 7, 2010

The Escambia County Commission may soon restrict how and when dogs can be tethered in the county.

The commission will vote Thursday to set a public hearing for April 22 on a proposed tethering ordinance.  The ordinance will require dogs to have a shelter large enough to stand up, turn around, lie down and stretch comfortably.

Tethering of animals over six months old will be allowed, if the ordinance is approved, if the animal is within eyesight of the owner and the tethering system is at least six feet long, below 1/16 the weight of the animal and fitted with a proper collar. The animal can not be tethered during extreme weather or while it is sick.

There are additional requirements set forth in the ordinance. To read the ordinance, click here.

If the commission votes Thursday to set the public hearing on the ordinance, the hearing will be held at 5:31 p.m. on Thursday, March 22 in the commission’s chambers.


25 Responses to “Escambia Could Restrict Tethering Of Dogs”

  1. Emma on April 15th, 2010 10:34 am

    I have owned large dogs my whole life and have had diggers, jumpers and numerous other behaviors. I NEVER resorted to chaining, tethering of any sort. I walked them, trained them and when I let them out in the yard I went out with them and played with them and enjoyed them, they were and are always inside dogs period. What is the point to chain them up and leave them outside? Unfortunately not everyone treats their pets like they are family, for those of you who do, God Bless Ya and you reap the rewards of unconditional love and devotion from an animal that depends upon you for their very existence. For those who tether or chain their dogs and actually take care of them you are in the minority and I truly hope you do take care of your pets as you say but the usual treatment is being left outside, day after day, with little human interaction and care. If you aren’t breaking the law great but too many do and we need both this ordnance and enforcement to speak for the four legged ones that die because of it.

  2. Love & Care on April 12th, 2010 10:57 pm

    I have two dogs that are tethered due to fence jumping. I have proper fencing. They are brought in during extreme hot & cold, run during the day, played with every day, fed & watered daily. I tether my dogs for their safety. I would rather have them safe in my yard than hit & killed in the road or picked up/stolen. I understand what is trying to be expressed here but not all situations are the same & not everyone owns small lap dogs. I love my dogs & they know they are loved.

  3. Ron on April 12th, 2010 8:16 am

    Have u people who live in Escambia EVEN seen the documented evidence the untold number of dogs found in your county chained, left to starve and grieve alone in the back of houses and buildings – dead, emaciated dogs whose cruel and irresponsible owners left to die an agonizing death -RIGHT IN THEIR EYESIGHT!! ??Anyone who chains Mans Best Friend and inflicts such a miserable existence upon a dog should face harsh punishment, even that – is not enough for such scum bags who mistreat animals. Ignorance is no excuse for cruelty, neglect and slow murder of innocent victims of uncaring human beings.

  4. Jboy on April 11th, 2010 5:53 pm

    It is becomeing more and more like comunisim good ole U.S.A. Rules rules to get every tax payees money as if they weren’t gettin enough !!!we are in resseion
    and only ones makin a livein are tax collectors , police, state well you all know I shouldn’t have to tell you.

  5. unchain your dog on April 9th, 2010 6:06 am

    re: JGJ :Enforce whats already there and leave everybody else alone!”

    Right now there is NO law on the books regarding chaining, tethering. That’s why the ordinance needs to be changed to BAN it. As it stands now, it’s legal to chain 24/7 in any kind of weather on a heavy logging chain that is 1 foot long. Many communities around the country are banning this inhumane practice and hopefully Escambia Co. will get in line. Animal welfare is everyone’s business.

  6. A. Davis on April 8th, 2010 10:04 pm

    my little dog likes when he is tied outside he feels like a big dog! he is so small he finds his way out of the fence so I tie him. atleast he cant chase the neighbors and the children around are not scared he will get out and try to bite them. But this is great to look out for pets! It is alot easier than worring about protecting children around us. that is alot to do!

  7. David Huie Green on April 8th, 2010 5:14 pm

    “Bring the dog inside, build a small fenced in area ”

    Best if it isn’t too small. I have seen fenced areas so small that there wasn’t a blade of grass living and the ground was covered with dog feces.

    Do what I do: just enjoy your neighbor’s dogs when they come over to visit.

    David who’s built hundreds of fences and hated to see how some were used

  8. JGJ on April 8th, 2010 10:14 am

    Those people in the pictures and videos are already in violation of animal cruelty laws and ordinances. Do you really think a few more rules in the books is going to change anything??? So instead of enforcing whats already there, they’re gonna tell everybody how to raise their pets. Enforce whats already there and leave everybody else alone!!

  9. BAJ on April 8th, 2010 9:53 am

    Yes, i agree with so many of you,,, I have seen as one person called it a pet/animal yard art were they just are there and only noticed at feeding time and sometimes not even sure of that. Some folks have PETS others ANIMALS there is a difference. Mine are my protection and my babies and my patience.

  10. Please stay on topic on April 7th, 2010 6:55 pm

    ghendricks & lamar smith,

    Please read the rules for posting comments at the bottom of the page.

    6) Limit your comments to the subject in this story only, and limit comments to 300 words or less. Do not post copyrighted material.

    The story is about a proposed ordinance banning the tethering animals in a neglectful manner, not human abortion.

  11. ghendricks on April 7th, 2010 5:22 pm

    “I wonder when the county commission will enact an ordinance protecting unborned children?”

    Well no doubt Lamar abortion is on you mind. What about other perils the “unborned” are threatened by? No prenatal care, mothers that are drug abusers and alcohol abusers, just to name a few. Have you ever seen the effects of fetal alcohol syndrome? What about the mother, while in labor, that risks a placental abrution because is determine to go out and smoke a cigarette. Lest we forget, the mother who smoked a joint on the way to the delivery room. These are just a few; go spend some time in a delivery room and see who is having children.

    At least with a dog, you can have it spayed or neutered…

    Like I said, if you can’t take care of it, be it animal or child, you should not have it!

  12. Thank you on April 7th, 2010 4:50 pm

    Thank you County Commissioners for considering the proposal of this ordinance. If passed, hopefully Animal Control Officers will respond quickly to reported violations and judges will impose penalties harsh enough to dissuade others from committing the same crimes.

    And thank you “unchain your dog for the imformative PowerPoint and video.

  13. Lynn on April 7th, 2010 3:51 pm

    I agree with the other posters…why have an animal if all you do is chain it outside with no love or attention. What’s the point? It’s just a shame that we have to try and legislate compassion for helpless creatures….human or animal.

  14. David Senn on April 7th, 2010 12:12 pm

    So this is what we pay our elected officials to do?

  15. lamar smith on April 7th, 2010 12:03 pm

    I wonder when the county commission will enact an ordinance protecting unborned children?

  16. Shannon on April 7th, 2010 9:11 am

    @Sammie12-You can call AC when you see that and they will come out and check the dogs. You can be totally anonymous (not to stir up any fueds w/neighbors). They are required to have shelter and water.

    Furthermore, I would like to know “why?” Why do you even care to want an animal if you are going to leave it chained and only interact with it when it’s feeding time. I mean really, what’s the point? Live yard art?

  17. Amanda on April 7th, 2010 9:01 am

    There has to be a law to help these animals have a voice!! Try being chained like your dog, day in and day out! It will make you crazy!! Read the ordinance before you judge it!!! This will give Animal Control some authority to save the ones who are being mistreated on the chains and the neglect from never being cared for. Help us help the ones who have no voice!! Summers here can kill animals and the last winter has proven it can do the same. You don’t need a dog if all it does is sit on a chain everyday! They have feelings and look for you to care for them and love them!!! Find your dog a home if that’s the best you can give it!
    Support the ordinance!!! Read it on his page!!!

  18. ghendricks on April 7th, 2010 9:00 am

    Having a dog (or any pet for that matter) is much like having a child, if you can’t properly take care of it, you should not have it.

  19. molly on April 7th, 2010 8:53 am

    There is ZERO excuse to tether a dog. The two sides to the story are owner and dog. If you have to chain your dog you shouldn’t own it. There are lots of ways around digging and jumping, its called training, fences and care. It is a rare day that a tethered dog is well cared for and if you are among the minority that actually do provide for your dog while they are tethered then bravo for you. Have seen too many animals starved to death on chains or basically left to fend for themselves, most pretty much live in mud pits and have inadequate shelter, food and human interaction to begin with.

  20. Susan on April 7th, 2010 8:51 am

    Don’t do anything to an animal that you wouldn’t do to yourself. Would you feel comfortable chained outside?? Without shelter? Without water?

    Animal Control should be held accountable for NOT investigating and following up on complaints. For example, the Greyhound Park kennels! They did nothing after being notified of problems.

    There are SOME ordinances already in place for animals, but WHO is supposed to enforce them? Local Law Enforcement told me it is not their job, and Animal Control told me otherwise!! The ordinances are worthless unless someone takes responsibility for upholding them!

  21. JUDY MASEK on April 7th, 2010 8:45 am

    william, despite how intensely disturbing the video links are, thank you for including them…and, many thanks to “unchain your dog”, along w/the other dedicated individuals /groups who champion this important cause….if you are unable to truely consider your dog as “part of your family” AND treat them like that, then….perhaps you shouldnt be having the dog…SUGGESTION: maybe obama should divert some of the leftover stimulous $ to homeowners to assist w/fencing in their property so that dog owners wont feel compelled to chain their dogs outside (for convenience or protection purposes)…that effort would certainly stimulate significant fencing installation and manufacturing jobs… AND, it beats (in my opinion) wasting $150,000.00 of our stimulous $ by building a salamander crossing!….

  22. unchain your dog on April 7th, 2010 8:19 am
  23. Yah' Think! on April 7th, 2010 7:56 am

    Personally my dog is spoiled rotten and stays inside ALL day except for potty breaks. But some people have no choice but to tether their dog. Some dogs jump, or climb the fence. Some dogs dig, and run away. And then talk about some angry neighbors. Not all cases are like this though but you have to look at both sides of the story.

  24. William on April 7th, 2010 7:00 am

    Editor’s note on the comment below: Some readers may find the linked video and pdf file to be disturbing.

    from: unchain your dog

    As a volunteer with several animal welfare groups in the area, I have witnessed the numerous chained (24/7), neglected dogs in the county. I started photographing these dogs 5 years ago so the citizens could have documented proof that such abuse and neglect take place in Escambia Co.
    Here is a video slideshow I made:
    More proof on how Cruel and Inhumane Chaining is:

  25. Sammie12 on April 7th, 2010 6:25 am

    I’tll be nice to know that finally Animal Control can do something about a neighbor who keeps his labs chained 24/7 in the sun. They’ve knocked the water bowls over by 8am and are just left in the heat all day long while the genius is at work. And they’re BLACK labs at that…