Deadline Extended To Apply For Century Clerk Job

April 26, 2010

Last Thursday was to be the application deadline for a new town clerk in Century, but that deadline has been extended until Friday, April 30.

The town extended the deadline after deciding to advertise the position on and in the Pensacola News Journal to increase the reach of their advertisement and attract a wider application base.

The position was first advertised in the Tri-City Ledger on April 1, and the town received no applicants.

An advertisement with the more stringent requirements ran April 8 and April 15 in the Tri-City Ledger and an article was published on Afterwards, the town received about a dozen applications.

“There are some good ones in there,” Century Mayor Freddie McCall said.

Current Century Town Clerk Dorothy Sims is retiring at the end of April, but will remain available to help train her replacement.The new town clerk will be required to hold at least an associate’s degree with a minimum of three years experience in records management, data processing or experience in municipal government including supervisory experience and any equivalent combination of education and experience.

The applicant will also be required to have working knowledge of state statutes and bylaws relating to the duties and responsibilities of the town clerk, local government procedures and office procedure requirements, as well as other office and financial record keeping experience.

The advertisement, with complete job qualifications, can be found on our classifieds page.


7 Responses to “Deadline Extended To Apply For Century Clerk Job”

  1. Chris on April 27th, 2010 9:01 am

    Just another example why Century will never be more than what it is now. ( Small po-dunk Hick Town) A simple task in hiring a town clerk has turned into yet another circus act. Maybe Hollywood should come to Century and do a reallity show. I know lets call it ” The not so real city leaders of Century Florida” You would think that as a Mayor and Council member all of the perticulars would have been worked out before even thinking about posting for the job.

  2. molinojim on April 26th, 2010 9:35 pm

    Maybe they should contact the lady who was cooking the books at the S.O.—she needs a job and is easy to locate.

  3. William on April 26th, 2010 7:03 pm

    > William, can we verify exactly what the salary range is for this job?

    There has been no salary set for the job by the council. The current clerk makes around $40K, I believe.

    There was some discussion, but no action, at the table about trying to hire someone at a much lower rate. At the same time, there was discussion about paying well to eliminate as much need for an outside accountant.

  4. Curious Mom on April 26th, 2010 6:40 pm

    William, can we verify exactly what the salary range is for this job? I would find it hard to believe, even for Century, that this would be a minimum wage job.

  5. Satch on April 26th, 2010 9:50 am

    Thats a lot to ask for a minimum wage job. Besides, only a naive outsider would want that hotseat. Get one of those work release inmates to do it.

  6. Lynn on April 26th, 2010 8:46 am

    I’m confused. Mayor McCall said they had some good resumes already, so why keep advertising? If they think they’ll find someone qualified for ALL their requirements, then they are dreaming!! Unless someone has already worked as a town clerk, or at least for a municipality, then they won’t have a clue to all the rules and regulations involved in municipal government. And I wonder what type of salary they’re planning on paying for such qualifications!!

  7. YELLAR HAMMER on April 26th, 2010 7:58 am

    If they drop the requirements then 90% of the community will qualify, but if they keep the requirments then Century will have to out source a replacement.