Damage To Sandy Hollow Bridge More Extensive Than First Reported

April 9, 2010


Escambia County now says that damage to the Sandy Hollow Bridge in Davisville is worse than initially reported.

Updated information released Thursday afternoon shows that the needed repairs are much more substantial than first reported by Escambia County. The bridge on Sandy Hollow Road will require eight new piles to be driven, the replacement of the abutment and wing walls on the south end and the replacement of the guardrail.

The work is scheduled to begin Monday and is expected to continue for about two weeks.

The emergency closure of the bridge on Sandy Hollow Road was announced Wednesday afternoon due to the Florida Department of Transportation’s bridge consultant, Volkert and Associates, inspection of the bridge. At that time, Escambia County said just one or possibly two of the pilings that support the bridge would be replaced.

Highway 97 is the detour for the road, which runs from West Highway 4 to Gobbler Road. The bridge, located about a mile and a half south of Highway 4, already had a restricted weight limit of 20 tons.

Pictured above: Work crews place barricades on Sandy Hollow Road late Wednesday afternoon. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Damage To Sandy Hollow Bridge More Extensive Than First Reported”

  1. jack on April 9th, 2010 7:36 am

    Thank you,Volkert and Associates.

    Now,if the FDT and Escambia County,would send out the road consultant to inspect “Sandy Hollow Road”………..I’m sure they would find the entire road,very dangerous and in disrepair.
