Clean And Green: Barrineau Park Clean Up Is Saturday

April 16, 2010

Residents of the Barrineau Park Community are invited to take part in a Community Clean Up on Saturday.

Residents on the west side of Hwy 29 along Molino Road, Barrineau Park Road, Crabtree Church, Chestnut, Schifko, Sunshine Hill, Highway 99 (south of Luth Rd), Barrineau Lane and adjacent areas are invited to meet at 8:30 at the Barrineau Park Community Center, 6055 Barrineau Park School Road to pick up trash bags, safety gear and area assignments  close to your residence).

The residents will then fan out across the community, trash bags in hand, to clean up the roadsides around Barrineau Park.

Volunteers will return to the Community Center at 11:30 to drop off  their trash and join in a lunch hosted by the Barrineau Park Historical Society and Honeysuckle Garden Club. Residents in the area that are unable to attend are invited to just pick up litter in front of their property and leave it in a plastic bag. Volunteers in the area will pick up the plastics bags.

The fifth annual Community Cleanup is sponsored by the Barrineau Park Historical Society, Clean & Green, The Honeysuckle Garden Club and Fran’s Diner.


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