Century To Move Forward With Plan To Resurface The Town’s Worst Streets

April 22, 2010

The Town of Century is moving forward on plans to prioritize street resurfacing projects, voting to use their own street superintendent to develop a preliminary list of streets that need attention.

During January, the  Century council decided that each member would submit a list of roads and bridges that they believed need attention. That list was to be combined with a list already maintained by the mayor to create a master list of bad roads, and when dollars became available for road and bridge projects, would refer to their master priority list to begin work.

But then the town decided in early February to determine what it would cost to resurface every street in town that needed attention. And the bottom line was much higher than they hoped — $4.5 million, according to Fabre Engineering.

The council’s next step was to get a cost estimate in March from Fabre to survey 21 miles of streets in the town for road condition, width and drainage issues. From the survey, the engineering company would create the list of streets that should be resurfaced first as funds allowed. When that estimate came back at $10,200, the council tabled action at that time.

Now, under their new plan, once the street superintendent submits a list to the council of the streets most in need of attention, the council will once again move forward toward resurfacing.


4 Responses to “Century To Move Forward With Plan To Resurface The Town’s Worst Streets”

  1. S.L.B on April 24th, 2010 5:03 pm

    Hope ya’ll aren’t planning on using the same road pavers that took forever to do that small section down the road from Century Piggly Wiggly on Hwy.29, because that is the worst job I’ve seen in a long time. The drop-off from the original road to the repaved road is really bad and it’s not good for your vehichle either.

    Where is the inspector in charge of inspecting roadwork after it’s supposively completed, because thier is no way this should’ve passed and the road re-opened to drivers?


  2. Safebear on April 22nd, 2010 10:19 pm

    Yep – they’ll spend a million dollars fixing the drain and road bed problems with what they do fix just because they saved that 10K. I hope they all liked there picture in the ledger a couple of weeks ago. That was money well spent on that full page ad. I think all the council and mayor should have pitched in for that publicity and spent the money for the road.

  3. JJ on April 22nd, 2010 5:29 pm

    Well, since they were too tight to spend $10,200 on the engineering firm to actually tell them what they need to do, they are just going to pick which roads they want to pave…. so it’ll start out all the main roads that the City Councilmembers and their family members live on… then it’ll be the roads they use the most… then the roads their relatives live on…. and then if there’s any money left, they’ll randomly pick a few of the roads that are in really bad shape…

    I’m really making sput, but that’s going to be what they’re gonna be dealing with from a lot of the public once this project starts…. they should spent the small amount for the engineering firm and could have avoided a lot of problems. The engineering firm would have surveyed the roads, warned them of potential drainage problems and generally given them a ton of useful information about future problems…. and the cost would have been a drop in the bucket compared to the overall cost of this project…. but instead, they’ve chosen to just pick and choose which roads to redo which is going to turn into a huge political mess…

  4. Sylvia Godwin on April 22nd, 2010 10:02 am

    They are all worst, wonder how they can pick certian ones