Area Unemployment Rate Inches Down; 25,240 Still Out Of Work

April 18, 2010

For the first time in many months, the unemployment rate in the counties of the North Escambia area inched downward. New figures released Friday shows 25,240 unemployed in the three county area.

In Escambia County, Florida, the unemployment rate for March held fell to 11.5 percent from 11.9 percent the month prior. That compares to 9.3 percent out of work a year ago. The March nemployment rate represents 16,171 people without a job.

In Santa Rosa County, March’s unemployment rate was 10.2 percent, a decrease from 10.9 percent in February. It was 8.3 percent one year ago. There were 7,286 people out of a job in March in Santa Rosa County.

In Escambia County, Alabama, the unemployment rate decreased 12.6 percent in February. It was 13.1 percent the month prior and 11.8 percent a year ago. There were 1,783 unemployed in Escambia County, Alabama, during March.

Florida’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for March 2010 was 12.3 percent. This represents 1,138,000 j jobless out of a labor force of 9,269,000.. The unemployment rate is up 0.1 percentage point from the February revised rate of 12.2 percent, and up 2.7 percentage points from the March 2009 rate of 9.6 percent. March’s unemployment rate is the highest in the recorded series going back to 1970. Florida’s unemployment rate remains higher than the national rate, which is 9.7 percent in March.

Alabama’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, at 11.0 percent in March, declined slightly from the March rate of 11.1 percent but was above the year-ago rate of 9.2 percent.


3 Responses to “Area Unemployment Rate Inches Down; 25,240 Still Out Of Work”

  1. YELLAR HAMMER on April 19th, 2010 9:47 am

    CW & TW you are both correct but don’t let this decieve you a lot of this info is because of the temporary work for the cencus count and will not be good in the future unemployment counts.

  2. Tw on April 18th, 2010 11:27 pm

    Thats true CW. My unemp. ran out a week ago. what do u do when there is nothing!

  3. CW on April 18th, 2010 7:51 pm

    I have to wonder if much of this is a result of peoples benefits running out. Once the benefits run out people are no longer counted.