Unemployment Soars; 26,130 Out Of Work In Area

March 11, 2010

The unemployment rate in the North Escambia area continues to climb, according to the latest numbers released Wednesday. New figures show 26,130 unemployed in the three county area.

In Escambia County, Florida, the unemployment rate for January jumped to 11.7 percent, up from 11.1 percent in December. That compares to 9.1 percent out of work a year ago.  January’s 11.7 percent unemployment rates represents 16,456 people without a job.

In Santa Rosa County, January’s unemployment rate jumped to 10.0 percent, up from 10.0 percent the previous month and 8.1 percent one year ago. There were 7,723 people out of a job in January in Santa Rosa County.

In Escambia County, Alabama, the unemployment rate soared to 13.9 percent, up from 12.5 percent the month prior and 10.8 percent a year ago. There were 1,951 unemployed in Escambia County, Alabama.

Florida’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate is 11.9 percent in January 2010, up 0.2 percentage point from the December revised rate of 11.7 percent, and up from 8.7 percent a year ago. January’s rate equals the May 1975 rate, the highest in the recorded series. Florida’s unemployment rate remained higher than the national average, which was 9.7 percent in January.

Alabama’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, at 11.1 percent in January, increased from December’s revised rate of 10.9 percent and was above the year-ago rate of 8.1 percent.


11 Responses to “Unemployment Soars; 26,130 Out Of Work In Area”

  1. David Huie Green on March 12th, 2010 5:10 pm

    Imaginary conversation:

    “My child can’t find work.”

    “What’d he study in school?”


    “What can he do?”

    “DO? ? ? He can’t do anything until somebody gives him a job.”

    “What’s he done in the past?”

    “Doesn’t matter what he did; he was never convicted.”

    “Has he considered going into politics?”

  2. Jim on March 11th, 2010 2:23 pm

    Everyone can keep blaming their economic woes on presidents and keep missing the point which is, it is your own fault.

    You keep voting into office the people that promise to bring the bacon home.

    When you receive from the government, someone else has had that taken from them by force. It’s called taxes.
    This is not an economic sound swap of goods and resources. Every time your resources changes hands some of same is rubbed off by the expense of handling, called government agencies, employees (IRS), buildings to house same, Ear-Marks = buildings named after Congressmen, etc.
    Your government, the people you put in charge with your votes keep giving resources to people that do not put anything into the system.
    These resources have to come from producers, tax payers. Companies/Corporations pay taxes.
    At current rates of taxes and squandering of those taxes doesn’t leave Companies/Corporations with the resources (money) to expand/hire or even retain their current employees.
    It’s a shell game of taking from some to give to others until everyone is giving more than they receive.
    Government spending/giving at the current rate cannot be sustained, you are seeing proof of this right now.

    Do you still think that “good old boy” you voted in is your friend because he brought the bacon home?

    “The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.” – Cicero, 55 BC

  3. Lawson on March 11th, 2010 12:23 pm

    I heard that Obama was going to rename the earthquake prone area around South America. He is going to call it “Bush’s Fault”.
    Seriously, The problem is that Americans have learned to vote benefits for themselves. Both parties try to buy votes with tax dollars. The Democrats are just better at it for the time being.
    Obama did inheirit problems not of his making, but he told us during the campaign that he knew what the problems were and that he had solutions. Seems his solutions is to allow the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House free reign to spend, spend, spend.
    If we the tax payers don’t get this downward spiral stopped soon, we’re down for the count.

  4. mcdonald on March 11th, 2010 11:49 am

    As i understand it, these unemployment numbers only reflect those individuals who are actually looking for work. They do not include those that have not been working and have been on government assistance. Nor does it include those individuals who have lost their jobs and are working at anything they can; such as part time, in an effort to make ends meet.

    These numbers are quite misleading if you take everyone into account who isn’t working, plus those who have only been able to find part time, or wages much lower than they were making prior to being laid off.

  5. bill, big b little ill on March 11th, 2010 10:16 am

    disagree…….It’s your right to disagree…..still don’t change anything in my mind. As for Ronald Regan and H.W. Bush, I like them both and yes the country was better in those years.
    If you believe in God, then you know that he is in control and no man will change anything that God is doing. If you believe in Obama, Regan or Bush then you have missed placed your faith. God raises them up and brings them down.
    Mark 13:8….For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
    Just the other day China announced that they could start a fire in our back yard that the USA was no longer that super power that some of our presidents proclaimed.
    Since Israel became a nation in 1948, Jesus said that generation would see The His return. Some say a bibical generation is 40 years, some say 70 years. So do you really believe thing are going to get better. Just do a little research on the frequency of earth quakes, Just today they announced another one in Chili, a 7.2 this is a major quake.
    Famines, they are getting worse, as mush as we would like to be able to feed the world. The US farms and farm land is disappering daily. Not to mention other nations being able to feed the world.

    Bill knows we all need to get ready for the rapture. See you at the wedding feast.

  6. NOTE on March 11th, 2010 9:55 am

    Choosing crime is a conscious decision. I’ve been without work, money, and even food for my children and never had to resort to crime–or wanted to. I didn’t even resort to government handouts. Where there is a will, there is a way. Blaming the government, economy, or health care is just a cop-out. People need the perseverence and pride to pick themselves up by the bootstraps and move forward. That is what made our country great–so far.

  7. I disagree Bill on March 11th, 2010 8:53 am

    This country was in fine shape under the guidance of Ronald Regan and H.W. Bush(post Carter era). The slide didn’t truly begin until Clinton’s 2nd term, and only got worse as W. Bush kept the ball rolling down hill.
    Many (around here at least) may disagree with the manner in which President Obama is handling certain affairs, but no one in their right mind can deny that the issues he is tackling are #1. Not his fault, problem started well before his term began and #2. Are indeed issues that need to be fixed ASAP!
    My main concern with President Obama is that he is trying to do too much at once instead of concentrating on one problem at a time. IMO, he should have came into office and concentrated solely on getting Americans back to work, once that problem was rectified, then move on to the heath care issues.
    On the other hand I also understand why he was trying to push the Health Care Bill through so quickly while the Democrats had control of the House and Senate, because he knew once the tides turned, and they always do, Republicans would try to block any health care reform Bills, which now they have done.
    If you want change in the White House, start with term limits for everyone and force the career politicians to go some where else for a free ride. The real problem is these career politicians stop being concerned with what is good for the people and spend too much time worrying about what they need to do to get re-elected.

  8. Angi on March 11th, 2010 7:53 am

    …And this is why there is so much more crime rate!!!

  9. bill, big b little ill on March 11th, 2010 7:53 am

    Retraction of statement……Bill thinks GOD is still in control.


  10. bill, big b little ill on March 11th, 2010 7:50 am

    huh…I like to blame Obama just because of all the people who have placed the blame on Bush….The down hill slide started even before Carter. Wake up and smell the roses people while you have a rose to smell. You can’t fix the whole worlds problems, it’s not just the USA economy. Our goverments all over the world have been working towards the one world order.

    Bill thinks GOD is still in control.

  11. huh on March 11th, 2010 1:38 am

    Before Obama is blamed, Let me remind you all of

    GW Bush and his bailout plans, true, Obama could have said no, but the new boss is the same as the old boss
