Students Of The Month Named

March 2, 2010


Escambia County Students of the Month for February have been named by the Escambia Association for Administrators in Education. The awards are presented monthly to two students from participating schools.

The following students were named from North Escambia area schools:

  • Bratt: Kendrell B. Lowery, third grade; Jaylee S. Redmond, kindergarten.
  • Jim Allen: Hunter L. Myrick, kindergarten; Kendall E. Newton, kindergarten.
  • Molino Park: Reagan G. Daniels, kindergarten; Jaden I. Lewis, kindergarten.
  • Ernest Ward: Kelton J. Wooten, seventh grade; Kyle A. Wood, eighth grade.
  • Ransom: Britton S. Dunn, eighth grade; Anna M. Del Gallo, eighth grade.
  • Northview: Jessica N. Bloodsworth, senior; Seth M. Leonard, senior.
  • Tate: Amy E. Sapp, freshman; Tyler D. Emmons, senior.

Pictured top:  Seth Leonard and Jessica Bloodsworth, Northview High School’s Students of the Month for February. Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Students Of The Month Named”

  1. Sabria on March 3rd, 2010 8:38 am

    Congratulations Jaylee!!!! I’m so proud of you!!!!

  2. Monica Allen on March 2nd, 2010 8:06 pm

    Congratulations Seth and Jessica, hope you will continue to keep a postive attitude and good work ethic. It will certainly pay off in the future! Best Wishes Class of 2010!!!!

  3. Steve Leonard on March 2nd, 2010 11:30 am

    Congratulations Seth and Jessica. It’s good to see your efforts recognized publicly. I hope that you are encouraged to keep working towards your goals.

  4. Sherry & Howard Bloodsworth on March 2nd, 2010 8:48 am

    Alright, way to go JESSICA and Seth and congratulations to all the other students as well. Keep pushing forward and strive for your absolute best and you will reap the rewards in the end.

  5. Angi on March 2nd, 2010 7:51 am

    Congratulations to all of these students for such an excellent job, keep up the excellent work… very proud of you all…