Search For Flomaton Bank Robbery Suspect Leads To North Escambia Drug Arrest

March 10, 2010

The search for a Flomaton bank robbery suspect led to the arrest of North Escambia man on drug charges late Monday afternoon.

grimesjaviscain.jpgJavis Cain Grimes, 25, of Gilmore Road, Century, was charged with unlawful possession of a listed chemical used to manufacture a controlled substance. He was also issued a citation for driving while his license was knowingly suspended. Grimes was released from the Escambia County Jail on $12,000 bond.

Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Steve Kay was patrolling Highway 168 near Byrneville looking for an older model silver Chevrolet S10 pickup truck that was reported in the area traveling at a high rate of speed shortly after a bank robbery in Flomaton. Kay met a similar Chevrolet S10 pickup. When he turned around on the truck, he reported that it sped up as it turned off Highway 168 and into a yard at 7710 Jack Smith Road.

The deputy observed the driver go behind a mobile home. Grimes told Kay that he ran because his license was suspended, but he had paid the fines. The deputy asked to search the pickup truck, but Grimes said he would need to call his mother because the pickup belonged to her.

At that point, Escambia County Deputy Todd Day requested the assistance of a K-9 from the Flomaton Police Department. Flomaton K-9 officer Jason Bondurant’s dog indicated on the passenger side of the truck, according to the sheriff’s office incident report.

A subsequent search of the vehicle revealed a long list of items commonly used in the manufacture of methamphetamine, including drain opener, Liquid Fire, valves and tubing, sponges, digital scales, plastic baggies, ammonium nitrate,  batteries and a reddish powdery substance that was possibly ephedrine, the report states. The search also revealed glass smoking tubes, plastic straws and a Vicks inhaler tube inside the vehicle. In the back of the truck, deputies found Coleman fuel. Grimes had a metal torch on his person.


18 Responses to “Search For Flomaton Bank Robbery Suspect Leads To North Escambia Drug Arrest”

  1. FRIEND OF MISUNDERSTOOD on April 22nd, 2010 1:21 am


  2. Bob on March 17th, 2010 1:35 pm

    Good Catch

  3. T2 on March 13th, 2010 9:14 pm

    To just me….. What are you talking about? Read the story….. He was not one of the bank robbers. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time thank God. If he hadn’t been caught , someone (like an innocent child) could have gotten blown up with all that stuff he had.

    I had a clogged drain at my business and was looking for something stronger than Draino to clear it. A guy at the hardware store said “use this”…… LIQUID FIRE!!! I poured that mess in my drain and in a matter of about 2 minutes it had eaten through the metal piece the pvc connected to!!! My point being….. What in the heck are people thinking putting that stuff in their bodies?! That is unbelievable!

  4. Tornado on March 10th, 2010 8:32 pm

    This is to Misunderstood, Excuse Me ! but it sounds like he is the one that people should not be around ” The wrong crowd ” That’s a joke.
    Has nothing to do with the name, but everything that was written in the article. Yes everyone makes mistakes, but time after time is no mistake, it is just stupidity. His great support system must be the one’s that are bailing him out. How many times are you suppose to bail them out because they have a HUGH
    heart and always trying to make you laugh. Don’t you think that maybe that is a way to cover up what he is doing. Get real. Did some of you even read the article. How can you justify what he is doing when it is against the law. I know you hate to see family hurt or even close friends but what if he gets your children are grandchildren are someone you don’t even know hook on this stuff. Yes he need’s help, he needs professional help. And as far as the name goes, well he should be the one to make it a better name, not just keep on doing things against the law, that is what hurts the name. I do pray for this person to turn his life around and not hurt his family and friends. Get him some help before it is to late.

  5. Buddy on March 10th, 2010 5:17 pm

    Misunderstood How many times does he have to be put in jail before you think he needs help, Every one of them need to be put in jail and spend their lives there so they will not be a pain in the neck for the rest of the community

  6. tricia on March 10th, 2010 5:14 pm

    I personally know Javis. He is a good hearted young boy who needs guidance. and i do agree that he catches a lot of crap because of his last name. People are quick to point fingers and blame when they need to do cleaning in their own back yards. I hope the best for Javis and for the people that make bad remarks “NEVER” say “NEVER” cause it could be your child or grandchild one day.

  7. greeneyes on March 10th, 2010 4:44 pm

    I think it is time we bring back the firing squad for the people that are repeat offenders, murders, rapist, and molesters. If they steal cut off the hand. etc…our country is so screwed up..SAVE the TAXPAYERS some money god knows we need it..why should these people have any rights get rid of them get rid of the problems. Criminals have more rights than anyone. Stop being so liberal america and get these wanabes out of here. and yeah if my children did this stupid stuff I would feel the same because I did what I could to raise them right once they are adult they are accountable for their own actions. Doesnt mean I dont love them but hey we all have choices. Well atleast for now while we are still a free country. Give God the Glory.

  8. Misunderstood on March 10th, 2010 4:41 pm

    I know this guy, he really isn’t that bad of person. He has a HUGE heart & always trying to make you laugh. Sometimes people get caught up in the wrong crowd & make mistakes. Everyone does, does that mean he should spend the rest of his life in jail? I would say no. He has a great support system @ home. A wonderful mother and plenty of family to help him. He already has a bad reputation because of his last name “Grimes”. I should know I was one of them, I was raised by a great woman also. I caught hell because of the rest of them. I got speeding tickets when I wasn’t even speeding. I am not saying that he didn’t do anything wrong, but why throw him to the wolves. I hope that none of your children or family member goes through something like this. Yes, he has made mistakes but that doesn’t make him a bad person. He is a very loving person with a heart of gold with a family that he loves & that loves him. If the person that bailed him out gave up on him then who would believe that he would get better & do things right????

  9. Know your neighbor on March 10th, 2010 3:32 pm

    Dr. Pepper

    I checked Mr. Grimes record, a thug in training. You’re right Tornado, he’ll be the cause of someone’s death in the near future. When that happens I hope the mother stands before Mr. Grimes and unloads on him. Why do we continue to turn these people back into society without fear of spending time in prison? I believe that jurors would send them to prison if the lawyers wouldn’t plea for lesser sentences and make deals among themselves.

  10. just me on March 10th, 2010 2:22 pm

    so now we know who he is……Who is the girl????????trash just like him. This makes me sick to sit here a read this article knowing his family is going to hire a lawyer and try to get him out of this trouble. He needs to sit their until he is 80 years old. Just enough time to help him to realize the terriblecrime not grime that was committed. Someone could have been killed. She is just sitting back and laughing because she know she will not be captured.

  11. Tornado on March 10th, 2010 1:47 pm

    Who ever keeps paying the bonds on this guy is only hurting him not helping him at all. He needs to spend some time, I mean a lot of time behind bars. He will do it again and again till some small child get’s some of his stuff or even a grown person and they may died, how are you going to feel when he dose this? Can you live with yourself. We tried our best to protect our children but with scum like this, we are fighting a loosing battle. Maybe you think you are protecting him from harm, but please think of everyone else.

  12. Dr. Pepper on March 10th, 2010 12:21 pm

    Know Your Neighbor

    Here’s the link to the Escambia Clerk of the Court. You can type in anyone’s name and get a list of criminal charges that were brought against them in Escambia County, FL.

  13. bill, big b little ill on March 10th, 2010 11:26 am

    Concerned said

    You caught him now they need to make him think twice before he does it again!

    I agree…..But just my opinion, I said my not anyone else…..That I wonder about the legal system, are they just making money off repeat offenders. When we have laws and penalties already in place that a judge can use on repeat offenders. Why would they let him lose agian?
    Prison cost are high to house an inmate, but what kind of price tag can you put on the damage that methamphetamine use can do to a person. Or if they kill someone with these drugs. If you’re making and selling aren’t you slowly killing the people you sell to.I call that murder.

  14. concerned on March 10th, 2010 10:12 am

    Sometimes a person deserves a second chance, but for the Love of God this Joker has had a dozen chances. There is no need to arrest someone if all they going to get is a slap on the wrist. You caught him now they need to make him think twice before he does it again!

  15. me on March 10th, 2010 8:51 am

    well we had a similiar story about 7 months ago same hwy hey take the plea they only got 2yrs probation when it comes to drugs and if your guilty they will make an easy plea for ya

  16. bill, big b little ill on March 10th, 2010 8:47 am

    I will never understand why anyone would ever take methamphetamines. Or make it for that matter. The love of money is killing the maker of the drug, and the drug is killing the taker. Killing the taker, sounds like the side effects of the meds doctors give us. Can’t win for losing.

  17. Know your neighbor on March 10th, 2010 7:40 am

    Good Job Kay, now if we could get your DA to keep and process this guy would be better. What he’s OUT. How many times has this Grimes boy been in trouble? I wish they would post his record so everyone could see.

  18. Angi on March 10th, 2010 7:22 am

    Good for you Deputy Steve Kay, get that kind of stuff off the streets; This kind of stuff is killing people’s brains and that is why there is so much crime…