Police Impersonator Arrested; Had Badge And Crown Victoria With Lights

March 1, 2010

A Pensacola man allegedly pretending to be a cop was busted by the real thing Sunday at a Pensacola Taco Bell.

wilsonreginald.jpgReginald Mahlon Wilson, 27, was charged with impersonating a police office and unlawful use of a police badge.

Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a Taco Bell on Fairfield Drive Sunday morning in reference to a suspicious individual wearing a police insignia and driving a Ford Crown Victoria.

“When deputies arrived, they observed Wilson driving a green Ford Crown Victoria as described by the caller and wearing a green police style jacket with Dixie County Sheriff’s Office patches and a silver police style badge. A search of the suspect’s vehicle revealed a toggle switch that operated strobe lights on the front of the vehicle,” according to an Escambia Sheriff’s Office press release.

Wilson was released from the Escambia County Jail on $12,000 bond.


21 Responses to “Police Impersonator Arrested; Had Badge And Crown Victoria With Lights”

  1. Tina on March 4th, 2010 2:49 pm


  2. whitepunknotondope on March 2nd, 2010 8:55 pm

    “There should be no amount of money to pay to let perverts, murders, robbers, rapists etc out of where they should be. Its pure BS!”

    It’s the government, and that’s the government’s way: BS! The gov needs our money to finance itself. Read Animal Farm.

  3. rebel on March 2nd, 2010 8:35 pm

    To molino jim…. they just don’t get it do they??????

  4. molinojim on March 2nd, 2010 8:11 pm

    To David. Sorry to pop your bubble. You are wrong on both counts. I’m not a cop and I don’t live in a dream world. I have traveled a fair amount and the law enforcement officers in this country are for the most part well trained and well disciplined, there are excepts—but they are the except that some members of the public point at. In many countries I have been in if you question what a officer is doing you will disappear and not be seen again. Or in some cases be beaten so that you’ll never question them again. Do cops make mistakes–sure they do. Please tell me any group that has never had a member screw up and made a fool of them self.

  5. Name (required) on March 2nd, 2010 7:26 pm

    Good Job ESCO.

    WRT ‘OH MY’…. folks, do not “feed the troll”

    NO ONE could be as stupid as that, they are just trying to get a rise out of you all.

  6. Splat on March 2nd, 2010 12:39 pm

    Catching A cop impersonator should be top priority!!
    When my son was younger I put my cell phone number in his back pocket and told him if for any reason we got seperated to hand this to a police officer. Of course he never had to but the point is, we are supposed to feel safe and also obey officers. This creep could have done some real damage like the impersonator did last year.

  7. Concerned!! on March 2nd, 2010 11:31 am

    I think bonds are stupid. There’s a reason for every person who’s in jail, or has been placed in jail to be in jail… BECAUSE THEY DISOBEYED THE LAW. That is the reason they should stay in jail. There should be no amount of money to pay to let perverts, murders, robbers, rapists etc out of where they should be. Its pure BS!

  8. Doug Masters on March 2nd, 2010 11:27 am

    To oh my and Dave

    If you think you can do better than those deputies that are out there risking their lives to protect you and your families, go to the academy and show them how to do their job better. Or go to law school and learn more about the laws than they do. A person who is methodically preying on our women and children by impersonating an officer is more dangerous than a drunk driver that is parked and passed out on the side of the road. I am against drunk driving and drugs just as much as anyone else but there are priorties. Why else would he be inpersonating an officer?

  9. Dave on March 2nd, 2010 10:26 am

    molinojim ,

    OH MY knows what he saw and I’ve seen the same thing 100 times over. You are either a cop trying to defend yourself or you’re just living in a dream world.

  10. molinojim on March 2nd, 2010 8:39 am

    David:::: You are 100 % WRONG. Cops work hard for all of us. A small time drug/DUI/simple battery and so on does not make the news. The cops do their job and hope the people in the area hear about it. True there are some who love the press and a TV camera is their hope. Look at the arrest log in the PNJ—those are felonies–for each felony arrest there are 7 to 8 misdemeanor arrest that do not make the news. Cops put up with a lot and do the best they can. Do you feel some clown should be running around with blue lights and a badge? I hope not.

  11. bill, big b little ill on March 2nd, 2010 7:37 am

    Police Impersonators I would think have something more devious in mine than just wanting to pull people over and give them a ticket.

    Very surprised he was allowed to bond out.

  12. Dave on March 2nd, 2010 6:57 am

    To OH MY,

    For us, the members of the public, we think the police should be serving us and our needs. However, the police see it differently. They see themselves as working for the police department. That being the case, they just pursue their own agenda and do the things that they feel is most beneficial to them. Busting a cop impersonator is way high on their list just one step below catching a cop killer. Next, is any arrest that gets them really good press. Catching someone that kills you is further down that list. Catching those small time bums you are talking about that are passed out in the road on drugs won’t get that cop an award or the admiration of his fellow cops. It’s not really worth his time.

  13. JKS on March 2nd, 2010 6:09 am

    I also am wondering if he could be involved with the rapes. Why would a grown man go to the trouble to fake being a law enforcerment officer if not up to no good? Halloween is a few months away!

  14. Oversight on March 2nd, 2010 5:27 am

    “OH MY,” Sorry to disappoint you, but when someone is lawfully arrested, a search of his or her vehicle is warranted for impound purposes. This guy broke the law, so go ahead and attempt to suppress the evidence because it isn’t going to happen! This police impersonator needs to be off the streets, or don’t you remember the one(s) in Pensacola, Santa Rosa and Baldwin Counties who raped women? So re-read your post and explain yourself.

  15. Jimbo on March 1st, 2010 10:06 pm

    UR right , OH MY you are disgusting with your comments.

  16. OH MY on March 1st, 2010 8:36 pm

    I wonder if they had a proable reason to search his car ,other then the fact he had on a jacket and badge…..????…..sounds crazy, he may be able to fight this one!! It kind of gets off with me a bit that i have called in drunk drivers and people with dope in their car and people being passed out in the middle of the road on drugs and was told they didnt have probable cause to search the car so there would be nothing they could do…and this guy goes to jail over a police jacket ,badge and a stobe light!!!! PLEASE WHERE IS OUR JUSTICE WHEN WE NEED IT???? Lets get real and start picking up the people out there that are doing real harm in our community,Like DRUGS AND DUI’S……I am disgusted!

  17. Angi on March 1st, 2010 7:01 pm

    Oh my! now I can’t even type…lol, what I meant to say was Oh my gosh! what was this guy thinking… Guess you can tell I’ve been up since 4 a.m.

  18. Angi on March 1st, 2010 6:59 pm

    Oh my gosh, what in the world was this guy thing??? WOW!!!

  19. bill, big b little ill on March 1st, 2010 5:12 pm

    Thank you…William

  20. William on March 1st, 2010 5:04 pm

    “bill, big b little ill ” — he is not accused of any other crimes besides what is above. He has not been implicated as being the fake cop from last year.

  21. bill, big b little ill on March 1st, 2010 4:59 pm

    Is he the man that raping women in pensacola? If so, they let him out on bond.
