One Trapped After Early Morning Accident

March 20, 2010

One person was trapped for about 20 minutes following an early morning North Escambia accident.

The accident was reported about 3:20 a.m. Saturday.

Firefighters were forced to use chainsaws to cut their way to a vehicle in a wooded area near the intersection of Quintette Road and Highway 95A.

One person was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital by ambulance following the crash.

The wreck is still under investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol. Further details were not available.


14 Responses to “One Trapped After Early Morning Accident”

  1. T on March 24th, 2010 12:25 pm

    To “Molino Mom” NOPE wrong AGAIN!!
    you never answered my question……just becaue YOUR husband has an affair, does that make my husband a cheater?
    Molino Mom did you read the statement from ” volunteer officer”?
    If the person in the wreck was drunk, that is just where the wreck took place!!
    It had NOTHING to do with Quintette.
    Just because you gossip, and make harsh judements does not make ALL of Molino Ignorant.

  2. molino mom on March 23rd, 2010 9:00 pm

    To “T” let me guess you or your family must live in Quintette and as far as information on the wreck all you have to do is listen and you will find out plenty of info…..If not then just wait it will come out in the news sooner or later…..

  3. T on March 23rd, 2010 8:15 pm

    MOLINO MOM ???

    and to the “Volunteer Officer” THANK YOU!!
    very professional statement, and very reasurring that Molino Mom doesn’t get the “inside” scoop if I have to call for help……THANKS!!

  4. Volunteer Officer on March 23rd, 2010 5:11 pm

    I am going to personally apologize for the comments made in regards to information from firefighters. I was in charge of this incident and can tell you that firefighters are not to make uninformed comments to anyone. I will personally speak with the Chief officers of the departments involved to ensure this is not an issue in the future.

    It is not our job to decide WHY an incident occured, only to mitigate it and bring it to a safe conclusion. I will say that the driver was injured, required extrication from the passenger compartment, and then from the wooded area.

    Other than that, great job to all those involved. It went extremely smooth and no one else got hurt.

  5. T on March 23rd, 2010 3:35 pm

    Dear Molino Mom, if your Husband has an affair, does that make my husband a cheater too?

    Yesssssssss Quintette has drug addicts JUST LIKE MOLINO, CANTONMENT, PENSACOLA, CENTURY, ATMORE, BUT it does not justify calling a Community “Crackville” because of the choice people make in EVERY community.

    And why does this have to be a subject on an article about someone having a wreck? It just happened to be in that area!!

    GUESS WHAT?? they just had another wreck, 30 minutes ago, same place…….wooweee I guess Quintette is #1 on crackville list huh?

    Gosh, I sure your fire fighter friend don’t have to respond to an emergency at my house, like helping me out of the shower, I’d be scared he might also share that info with you too. WOW. make me think twice before I call for help now knowing that they may share info about me.

  6. molino mom on March 23rd, 2010 7:57 am

    I know a Firefighter that ran this call and the driver was drunk…..there are the facts and yes Quintette is crackville… I wish they would do a whole clean sweep of the area and get rid of all the crack houses along 95A just north or Quintette rd…the person wasn’t being mean she was being honest and as for the deputy comment…I had a deputy come out and speak to our children yesterday about an individual who has been hanging around their bus stop and he did and excellent job with the kids and warning this person to stay away from our rd. So if you feel a need to respond to a comment then why don’t you respond to the person putting down our depuites while they are out there putting their life on the line for all of us.

  7. reader on March 21st, 2010 8:24 am

    I agree with you all about that bad mouthing person. I say to that person
    If you cant say anything good don’t say anything at all.

  8. always bizzie on March 20th, 2010 10:29 pm

    I am amazed at some people’s hateful and judgemental comments. This road is one of the main highways traveled daily by many of this area’s citizens whether it be to and from work, a trip to the beach, shopping, or attending church. It could be any one of us in a wreck at that location. There have been many serious wrecks there already. If it is your loved one it is very hurtful when someone makes uncalled for comments. Please don’t jump to conclusions and make derogatory statements when you know nothing about what is going on. My thoughts and prayers go out to the person in the wreck and to their family.

  9. concerned citizen on March 20th, 2010 6:36 pm

    I spoke with one of the firefighters that responded to that call and he said that the gentleman driving the truck was on his way home from work and i think he said he fell asleep behind the wheel…….so before u start calling it crackville or whatever find out all the details first

  10. Lauren on March 20th, 2010 3:00 pm

    Hey I agree with T about the comment even being allowed I haven’t been allowed stuff such as that but hey thats freedom of the press. However she is correct its is a known drug area just ask a deputy if you can find one. Can’t find one. Hey I know just stop at Frans they’ll be there. LOL

  11. T on March 20th, 2010 10:38 am

    MARY….”CRACKVILLE”?? and may I ask how you know this?
    Just because someone has a wreck means the neighborhood is “crackville”??
    First of all I am surprised that your derogatory comment was even allowed, and second, why do you judge and make such a negative comment on a rather nice community? I could say that all bingo players are thieves and liars but that wouldn’t be true. would it?

    NOW…… getting back to the subject………I do hope they are ok, and will be praying for a speedy recovery with NO major injuries.

  12. Angi on March 20th, 2010 9:21 am

    Thanks again to our firefighters heroes, I surely hope this person is alright that was trapped in the vehicle and sent to the hospital… Does anyone know if it was just a one vehicle accident or were more vehicles involved? At this time of the morning on the weekend, I guess there could be many factors to this accident, anyway hope all is well…

  13. bill, big b little ill on March 20th, 2010 9:15 am

    William I guess there is no need to ask about pictures of this accident. If you had them you would post them. Thanks for all you do, you must work 24-7.

    Now Mary, that could be anyone passing through.

  14. mary on March 20th, 2010 5:19 am

    crackville..need I say more???