Officials: Ernest Ward And Northview Will Be Safe Places Today

March 26, 2010


School and law enforcement officials say that the safety of students will be a top priority today at Ernest Ward Middle School and Northview High School following an affray Thursday afternoon. But officials stress that they do not anticipate any problems at either school today.

Seven students were arrested after a fight involving Ernest Ward and Northview students erupted on the Ernest Ward campus Thursday afternoon. There were no weapons involved in the fight, and all of the students involved have been temporarily banned from either campus.

“We will have adequate security and surveillance in place at Northview on Friday,” Principal Gayle Weaver said. “We will not have any problems.”

Ernest Ward Middle School Principal Nancy Gindl-Perry said there will be extra security in place on her campus Friday.

“We will have district personnel and law enforcement in place,” Perry said. “Everything will be more than adequate.”

After morning exams, Ernest Ward students were scheduled to have a Field Day today, the final day of school before Spring Break. But Perry said the Field Day has been canceled due to an abundance of caution. Instead, students will have an indoor “fun day” following 9-week exams, with teachers providing games, movies and other activities in each classroom.

Pictured above: A sheriff’s deputy arrives at Ernest Ward Middle School Thursday afternoon following a fight that send a school bus driver to the hospital. exclusive photo, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “Officials: Ernest Ward And Northview Will Be Safe Places Today”

  1. ewms on March 26th, 2010 11:12 pm

    To NHS student

    “Indoor fun day! That’s not what the students thought. I’m a nortview student and all the EWMS students said they felt like they were in prison.”

    I am an EWMS student and it was not like a prison. You are just mad cause you had to go to all your classes. Mrs. Perry did what she had to to keep us safe. Don’t talk about our school and things you don’t know about maybe one student felt that way the rest were okay. I am glad I go to EWMS for Mrs. Perry, teachers, even Mr. Dumas but he does get on to me sometimes but he is just doing what Mrs. Perry wants him to do.

  2. NHS student on March 26th, 2010 8:39 pm

    Indoor fun day! That’s not what the students thought. I’m a nortview student and all the EWMS students said they felt like they were in prison.

  3. country girl on March 26th, 2010 6:31 pm

    i totally get why mrs.perry kept us in our classrooms today and that was for our safety.

  4. Single Parent on March 26th, 2010 4:54 pm

    I understand that taking precautions is extremely important and I believe the schools are doing exactly what they should be. I do think that if my child needed to call me that no one should take away that privilege. As far as the comment on the single moms being put on a pedestal instead of being treated as a harlot, wow, what a generalization. All single moms do not ask to be put in that position. While I don’t agree anyone should be responsible for the ones that make bad decisions I do know that some aren’t there because they chose to be. I am a single parent to a northview student, anyone looking in on the outside would see us as a “mother/daughter” household. Should I be considered a harlot based on what others perceive me to be? I am not actually her mother, but her older sister. I raise her the best I know how without help from anyone. There are others who are like me and on the other side of the coin there are single fathers out there too. Some need a good kick in the rear but others like myself are out here taking the responsibility that someone else didn’t want and we are doing the best we can to raise our children well.

  5. WAY out of line on March 26th, 2010 4:25 pm

    I’ve been married for 25 years to the same woman…so this is not about ME…but you are showing your ignorance. Not all single mothers chose to be single mothers…you do realize that it takes both a male and a female to produce a child…right? All single mothers have their own unique story to tell…but some are single because the male decided that being a father “wasn’t his thing” and left the mother to raise the child alone. You are being an insensitive jerk and you are very offensive. I would say that YES, most behavior problems with children are indeed the parent’s fault…but what does THAT have to do with this little rant that you have chosen to take against single mothers.

    I applaud single mothers that are doing the best they can to raise their children. Are there single mothers that do a horrible job…YOU BET…just like there are families with BOTH parents still at home that are also doing a horrible job.

    Single mothers don’t necessarily need to be revered but then again, they don’t need to be trashed by the likes of you either!

  6. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on March 26th, 2010 2:47 pm

    Well, WAY out of line, you are obviously right and I am sorry. Single mothers should be put on a pedestal and treated like royalty. We should not only continue to give them every advantage they didn’t earn, but give them even more “help”. Their parenting skills have proven supremely effective and their life choices should be looked at as everyone else’s responsibility.

    And we should continue to put the blame on the parents. Obviously, the epidemic of poor parenting and culture of disrespect and dependency is all their fault. They didn’t learn from anyone, they just do it all by themselves……


  7. Not so happy mom... on March 26th, 2010 2:46 pm

    My son attends EWMS. I found out earlier today that all students were having to sit in there homeroom classes today and play games and talk quietly. ALL DAY!! They were not allowed to go to the restroom other than at the descretion of the teacher…then at her discretion could only go with an escort. All the students were told by their homeroom teachers that Mrs. Perry said that no child was allowed to call their parents today for any reason. This is WRONG!! Our children should never be told they cannot call us. I am very upset by this. As soon as I was made aware of this my child was checked out of school. I feel that all the children were being punished for the someone else’s bad behavior and it just isn’t fair. Who wants to sit in one classroom all day and practically do NOTHING?? Instead of this supposedly being a fun day it seems to me like it was more of a punishment day for everyone. Glad my child only had to endure this for a couple of hours until I found out.

  8. northendbratt on March 26th, 2010 1:41 pm

    Mrs. Perry, Continue to do what you do best!!! Watch out for your kids!!!! You were there for my children and my Grands are in your hands now, we have two more on the way there and I hope you are there still!

  9. WAY out of line on March 26th, 2010 1:18 pm

    You mean to tell me that single mothers are supposed to be looked on as “harlots”? Dude, you need to go crawl back under whatever rock you have slipped out from under!!

  10. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on March 26th, 2010 12:11 pm

    Huh? Where do you think these laws and attitudes came from? Academia led by the teachers’ unions. They worked very hard for decades to eliminate corporal punishment, accountability (both student and teacher), and natural rights of passage. They have pushed the curriculum into focusing on diversity and revisionist history rather than the basics, which eventually forced the legislature to put FCAT into effect. Parents are intimidated by the government (DCF in Florida) and are often times afraid to punish children. Single mothers are now put up on a pedestal, rather than treated like harlots. All the while, the touchy-feely left has used the government school system to strip parents and our culture in general of any gumption to succeed. Need somebody to blame? Blame the teachers and their union for the last 50 years of decline in culture. Simple.

  11. Student-Teacher and Mom on March 26th, 2010 10:49 am

    I observe how this age group of children (I know the proper term is “adolescent”, but I call them for what they are, children.) act. It is atrocious to see the kind of blatant disrespect and disregard of authority this generation projects toward parents, teachers, administrators, etc. I wanted to teach because I love literature and the English language, but I cannot see myself teaching long-term. The amount of the garbage the bad kids throw out overwhelms the productivity of the good kids.

    If the public only knew what teachers have to put up with on a daily basis. You cannot punish the student, because you may hurt their “feelings.” It’s sad that the school must have law enforcement on campus to keep students under control. I had Ms. Gindl-Perry as a teacher, and I think she is a wonderful administrator. However, even the most effective principal has his or her hands tied by the laws legislatures have passed.

  12. NOTE on March 26th, 2010 9:24 am

    Those teachers should receive merit pay just for having to put up with garbage like this.

  13. friend on March 26th, 2010 8:55 am

    but to keep them lock up in a class room can make this happen again

  14. nhs mom on March 26th, 2010 8:46 am

    What’s that saying “a few bad apples ruin the bunch”. Its true, a few bad students have ruined their field day. I do understand though, Mrs. Perry needs to contain the students as much as possible, to keep things from escalating the day after.

  15. concerned on March 26th, 2010 6:55 am

    My feelings exactly JohnMolino! I have a son at EWMS and NHS and am very confident Ms. Perry and Ms. Weaver will have control at both schools today!

  16. blondie on March 26th, 2010 6:49 am

    ihope that everything turn out good today however i have a grandchild at ewms and agree thatall person involved should be punished let get prayer back in the school and escambia county findest out those guys has other things to do besides babysitting//////////

  17. Rambo John J. on March 26th, 2010 6:25 am

    What happened to the first amendment? Waiting on your moderation!!!

  18. Rambo John J. on March 26th, 2010 6:18 am

    NO FEAR!!!

  19. JohnMolino on March 26th, 2010 2:55 am

    As a parent of two students of EWMS, I have 100% total confidence in Principal Nancy Gindl-Perry and her excellent staff. Amazing school.