Naval Air Station Pensacola Commanding Officer Relieved of Command

March 3, 2010

The Navy is now officially acknowledging the removal of the commanding officer of Naval Air Station Pensacola.

“Capt. William P. Reavey has been relieved of command by Rear Adm. Tim Alexander, Commander, Navy Region Southeast, due to loss of confidence in Reavey’s judgment and ability to command. Reavey was temporarily removed from his duties Feb. 26 at the outset of an inquiry. The decision to relieve Capt. Reavey was made based on information obtained during the inquiry,” according to a Navy statement.

Reavey has been reassigned to Naval Air Station Whiting Field, Fla., pending the formal completion and review of the inquiry.

Naval Air Station Pensacola Executive Officer Cmdr. Greg A. Thomas has assumed the duties performed by Capt. Reavey until a relief reports aboard.


2 Responses to “Naval Air Station Pensacola Commanding Officer Relieved of Command”

  1. Jayyy on March 9th, 2010 9:14 pm

    There seems to be a story hiding here… maybe its just me though…

  2. Wondering on March 9th, 2010 5:07 pm

    “…relieved of command…due to loss of confidence in Reavy’s judgment and ability to command.”

    Reassigned to NAS Whiting? What is he doing there? Is there more to the story or is this standard proceedure? It must have been a really bad judgment call to be reassigned. At least he is still in Florida…it could have been some other dreaded place.