More Details Released: Rumors Predicted Ernest Ward Fight

March 26, 2010


There were rumors of an impending fight at Ernest Ward Middle School Thursday before a dismissal time confrontation that landed seven Ernest Ward and Northview High School students in jail, according to an incident report released Friday morning by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. Three students were charged with felonies.

“Upon my arrival, I made contact with Glenn Dumas, the school’s dean, who advised me that earlier in the day, he had interview several students and warned them not to be involved in a fight because there was a rumor going around campus of an impending fight,” Deputy James Moretz wrote in his report.

The report states that a bus driver tried to stop a fight that started between two juvenile students.  The bus driver ended up on the ground on top of a student, and several other students joined the altercation.

While the bus driver was on the ground, he was kicked several times by a 17-year old female Northview student. A 16-year Northview student was also identified as having punched or kicked the bus driver.

A 16-year old Ernest Ward student was charged after he “was throwing punches and shoved off…the school’s principal, who was trying to hold him back and prevent him from entering the affray”.

One of the seven students, a 12-year old that attends Ernest Ward, was not charged in connection with the actual fight. He was charged with resisting without violence and obstructing justice after allegedly tried to grab a deputy’s handcuffs as he attempted to place a female into custody.


61 Responses to “More Details Released: Rumors Predicted Ernest Ward Fight”

  1. EWMS Student on April 1st, 2010 1:51 am

    Vernoica, so not true. I was there and saw the whole thing there was only two people fighting at a time but there was three different fights. Sounds like he is pulling the wool over your eyes, My mama would whip me for that. btw Mrs. Perry begged him not to get involved I saw it.

  2. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on March 31st, 2010 10:12 am

    Veronica, I feel for you. But a fist fight in modern day schools is simply not allowed. There are no rights of passage anymore. Since there were no weapons and the only injured person was the bus driver, it is easy to see that the “right thing” to do is stay out of it and inform the teachers, Dean, bus drivers, or any adults and let them handle it. That is the best way to help his cousin and himself. You can not compare a mugging of an old lady to an old fashioned teenager fist fight. He knew the rules. He broke the rules. Now he will pay for that. You telling him he did the right thing will only enable more bad behaviour. Get hold of this now before it is too late and get him on the books in the alternative school he likely will have to attend and show him that hard work and discipline are the only ways to stay out of trouble and not ruin the rest of his life over this one incident. If you want success for him, you need to show him the right way to do things. What he did in this situation is just plain NOT the right thing.

  3. Disgusted on March 29th, 2010 7:42 pm

    Veronica….. wow… obviously you are just as concerned with keeping your child out of trouble and worrying about his\her education as you were your own???
    “MY SON GOT OFF THE BUS BECAUSE THREE BOYS WAS FIGHTING HIS COUSIN.” “WHAT DO HE SUPPOSE TO DO, WALK AWAY OR HELP” what language is this?? I am an EWMS alumni, and this school definitely did not have problems like this when I attented. I am disgusted that these problems exist in this school. Seems like all of these problems started when another school combined with EWMS… sorry, I know I just made a lot of people mad, but someone had to say it. I feel so sorry for you Mrs Gindl, you are definitely in my prayers.

  4. blondie on March 29th, 2010 7:07 pm

    angi i disagree about the cell phones if my grand daughter didnot have her phone that day her mother wouldnot have known about tyhe fight on the bus..and as far as my space goes know what your kids are doing on the computer dont let the computer be your babysitter….

  5. VERONICA on March 29th, 2010 5:14 pm


  6. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on March 29th, 2010 10:36 am

    I agree that teachers need to teach and not “make” the kids be good little boys and girls. That is indeed the parents responsibility. However, to act as if the teachers and acedemia in general are not at least mostly to blame for the current parenting (or lack of) culture is insanely ignorant. They (academia) have such an enormous role in shaping culture as they have the kids for so much of every day. They have mainstreamed left wing ideology and removed discipline from the schools and now the parents are results of that. But they (and many of you) want to blame the parents as if they just magically created the modern subcultures. That doens’t make any sense.

  7. Concerned All Around on March 28th, 2010 5:57 pm

    Another amen to CW! … teach those young’uns to work and don’t let them spend their time hanging out on the web. They’ll thank you someday.

    I think we have some great teachers out there but unfortunately they aren’t allowed to do their job in this day and age. I graduated from Ernest Ward and in my day not many dared to misbehave in Coach Wayne McKay’s classes (he’s gone now, God bless him), and if they did they learned better. In Mrs. Walker’s chemistry class you could have heard a pin drop… all she needed to do was to give you a pained look and you felt like a juvenile that needed to grow up. Our teachers knew they could back their word with a paddle if they needed to, and so they didn’t need to very often.

  8. Concerned All Around on March 28th, 2010 4:18 pm

    It’s great to read some of these comments and see how many sensible, dedicated and responsible parents and non-parents are living in our neighborhood. I particularly appreciated the comments by Former E.W. Student, Pastor Barrow, Grandmother, Elizabeth and KB. If you missed them, scroll down and read… it will be worth your time and effort.

    I agree totally with Elizabeth. A good sound spanking, after a loving expanation of why it is necessary, will do wonders, especially if you don’t wait until the child is too old to correct before you begin. If you start (with appropriate severity) as soon as the child is old enough to be defiant, you’ll be surprised at how few spankings will be necessary.

    If it didn’t work, the wisest man that ever lived would not have recommended it. My children, after a properly given spanking , would change from defiant to loving, with a complete attitude change. They’re grown now and they aren’t perfect, no one is, but they are great kids, loving and respectful.

  9. Angi on March 28th, 2010 3:48 pm

    CW… Amen! I totally agree about the MYSPACE, It is and can be a very dangerous place fore a child to be; sometimes even for adults as well… I have come to the conclusion that it isn’t your space, it’s everybodies space… Same as these Facebooks. However I do monitor my child when they are on the computer at all, and I have seen some vulgar stuff on there from a child (maybe or who knows) and I made my child delete that person right off their Myspace…

  10. CW on March 28th, 2010 11:51 am

    I’m surprised at all of the people here saying that high school students shouldn’t be allowed near middle school students. I went to Ernest Ward back in 1991 when it was BOTH middle and high school combined, we also rode the SAME bus everyday. We didn’t have these problems back then.

    There is seriously something wrong with the kids today. I remember when we got paddled if we acted up, and when we were really bad we got paddled by a Coach which was even worse. Parents, you need to take those d*mn cellphones away and get your kids off of MySpace!

  11. Former EW Student on March 28th, 2010 12:03 am

    First of all I do respect all the opinions I have read. It is a right we have in this country and I learned about it at EW. I do see some that cause me concern about how some view the job of a teacher.

    A teacher is charged with promoting learning in the minds of your child. They are not responsible for making your child a good little boy or girl. No that would be your job as their parent. This seems to be an issue some people need to read up on.
    As for the person who goes on about you should not spank a child for bad behavior. I do not think it is proper to spank a child for everything wrong but if the wrong deed is bad enough a spanking may be needed. I come to this opinion due to we don’t give bank robbers a time out. Oh and I don’t think the children that beat a bus drive to the point he was taken to the hospital by ambulance need a time out or a good talk about their feelings.

    Parents be parents and let the teachers teach. And if your sweet little baby beats a man I can tell you the COPS WILL BE COPS. Stop being a parent only when they are doing well and remember when they act bad they learned that from someone. Have a talk with that teacher you can find them in any mirror you look in.

    This is just the opinion of a parent of 4 and no they don’t act like angels 24/7 but the rewards I give them for behavior matches the behavior good or bad. And they seem to be developing into normal children. At times good children at times bad but we deal with those times when they come.

  12. Concerned on March 27th, 2010 3:11 pm

    Angi, I can tell you they were called that morning and the boys were warned but that did not matter to them so the alternative is JAIL!! and out of school. Way to go EWMS Administration and teachers and staff you did all things rights. If the school calls the cops everytime some kids says I gonna kick your rear boy Mrs. Perry would have parents up there all the time. I still think she is 100% correct in what she did and how it was handled. I wonder how many of us could have gotten this under control so quickly?

  13. Thinker on March 27th, 2010 1:23 pm

    Why does every one think that disciplining a child means bruising a child. People beat their children or use belts on them because they don’t have brains or interest enough to find an alternative. There ARE alternatives. Watch dogs. A dog will growl at, and snap at a younger dog to “discipline it”, but it usually won’t break the skin or cause any kind of damage that a belt or solid paddle or hard hitting hand can do. There are exceptions with aggressive breeds, but that’s OUR doing again. When I worked with young people, the main problem was with parents who whip teenagers. That’s not discipline, it’s too late then. You’re asking to get blown away by your child when he gets hold of a gun. I’ve SEEN that happen.
    A child that receives whippings may function, but they’re more likely to become shy, fearful of others, withdrawn, etc. They are less likely to become leaders and develop really good people skills, and they develop subtle phobias to learning some things. Subtle, he said. Again, some kids can handle it and some can’t. The ones that can’t are usually the smarter and more sensitive ones that have greater potential to do creative things in our culture. Go ahead and place your bets. Gamble on your child. Good luck y’all.

  14. Angi on March 27th, 2010 10:14 am

    #1 I think the bus driver should press charges against these students that were kicking him over and over. If not, I feel that it is saying to the students “Hey it’s ok to do this kind of behavior, because I can get away with it.”

    #2 I feel that the authorities should have been called to EWMS earlier than they were, simply because (“Upon my arrival, I made contact with Glenn Dumas, the school’s dean, who advised me that earlier in the day, he had interviewed several students and warned them not to be involved in a fight because there was a rumor going around campus of an impending fight,” Deputy James Moretz wrote in his report.) they already knew there was going to be trouble.

    #3 The problem is, some parents take up alot of time with their children, teaching them right from wrong and how to be polite and respect others. But then you have some parents that doesn’t show their children the time of day and they basically learn things on their own from their following peers, some good and some bad… Then when these children are together (the bad behaved and the good behaved) it sometimes tends to bring the good out of the good ones… So stop blaming all of the parents it isn’t all of their fault… No matter what you teach your children these days, they have a mind of their own and they think it’s ok to do whatever they want to do… All parents should take up time with their children, show them that they are loved, and how to be a good person overall… Parents To Blame? Yes, Some of them…

    #4 Should we blame the schools? Maybe a little… For they show bad judgements to children as well… ( Teachers Locking students in closets, Teachers having sexual relations with minor students, Teachers coming to work while consuming alcohol… etc… I could go on.)

  15. JW on March 27th, 2010 1:15 am

    Thinker, I sure would like to meet you and share the gospel with you. Right now I am in Afghanistan defending free thinkers/college educated people like yourself. I would really like to meet you and “white punk not on dope”. In a little over two months I will be back in the area. May God continue to bless you and your family with his mercy and grace.

  16. Atmore Resident on March 27th, 2010 12:49 am

    Yall make me laugh!! People are getting freaked out because of a fight! This kind of stuff happens regularly at ECHS and has for years. Now you know why Atmore people want to come to FL.

  17. Pastor Barrow on March 26th, 2010 9:25 pm

    To Anyone That Is Concerned enough to read. You don’t need parental classes that are government or state run to teach you about parenting. We have a guide book, and it is called the Bible. Get one, preferably the only one that hasn’t been watered down. The one that was good enough for your great great grandparents, great grandparents, and grandparents. It’s called the King James Bible. Turn to the book of Proverbs and there you will find a guidebook for parenting. It worked then and it will work now. Also, find you a good Bible-believing church to go to and allow a Pastor that loves you and prays for you to step inside your home every Sunday morning and evening and preach to your family the truth of God’s Word without compromise. Everyone is looking for answers, especially in education. When the first chapter of Proverbs, verse 7, says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

    Now for you that are Faithful Christians that are trying your best to follow the Lord and raise your family for God – then just do like I tell our church, and just amen Me and keep on trying to serve God.

    But those that scoff at the Bible, Church, and the things of God – just keep on trying all the politically correct ways and worldly means of raising and educating a family. Remember God’s Word has never and will never fail. “Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?”

  18. EMD on March 26th, 2010 9:25 pm


    “What??? parents can not discipline their children? Folks, we live in America!!!”

    Haven’t you noticed that America is no longer free? Sad, but true. It’s not the America I grew up in, and loved. But, I may be older than you. I am old enough to be a great grandmother.

    Much of what you say is true, in general, but I know of a home broken over and over, where there are some really good kids. I know of others where children were nutured but chose to rebel. Also, what about when one parent tries to raise the kids right, but the other does not back that one up? There are many variables. And your kids only need to report a spanking, and can be removed from the home or at least “warned” by family “services.”

  19. old school on March 26th, 2010 8:25 pm

    the “good boy” that got arrested so sad. it is his home life i will betcha zero tolerance send all the “good boys” somewhere they learn respect they want to be big shots send them to learn from a good old fashion drill instructor when they run till the puke then run them harder if they cant be healed them remove them from society forever

  20. concerned on March 26th, 2010 8:15 pm

    Ron Darby, I agree with you 100%. I don’t care what all these (thinkers) say. my parents spanked, and so did I. I never beat them, but they knew not to do it again. My kids will tell you they have all the love, respect and admiration for me and their dad anyone could have. I truly believe soare the rod and spoil the child. When I see kids in Wal Mart hitting and screaming at their parents I would like to take them outside and spank their butts. I am telling you those are the kids that grow up to be in trouble all the time.

  21. Grandmother on March 26th, 2010 8:06 pm

    What??? parents can not discipline their children? Folks, we live in America!!! If WE have children then WE are responsible for them not the government. IF you love your children you should discipline them and teach them morals,responsibilities and respect. They are a mold of the parents and they learn from the parents. IF the parents are respectful,responsibile and moral then the children will be. When children are given chores at home at an early age and the parents spend quality time with them, they grow up knowing they are loved and being responsible. Given discipline at home when needed, teaches them the results of a bad decision. No one is perfect but I know WE parents have a choice to seek a good foundation for our family and plant the seeds or produce children because it is the popular thing to do, and let someone else take care of them. WE reap what WE sow.

  22. laurie on March 26th, 2010 7:43 pm

    2day was so stupedo!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. laurie on March 26th, 2010 7:42 pm

    all people talked about 2day was the fight one girl had a kid and got errested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Ewms student on March 26th, 2010 6:57 pm

    To miny me some do respect mrs Perry talked to all of us today and said that she was feed up with the bad kids and going to get all the bad ones out if 542 students and about 20 or 30 of them are bad and if you do the math we have about 520 good kids that will be rewarded that’s almost exactly what she said in lunch today at school So To ms miny me some do respect some don’t so don’t accuse everyone for about 10 other kids actions

  25. Ya on March 26th, 2010 6:38 pm

    There behavior has hardly anything to do with “home life” and parenting. One of these boys isn’t mean or disrespectful, he’s a good boy and obviously he had enough. Yeah, and so what if theres a 16 year old in middle school, i mean theres a BUNCH of people that fail. I mean, seriously. Come on.

  26. Michelle Cayson on March 26th, 2010 5:08 pm

    Updste, Ms perry said that the children will have their field day when they return after their break. Thank you Ms perry for being a great leader to your children. That’s why they love you so much.

  27. JohnMolino on March 26th, 2010 5:03 pm

    My girls just got home from EWMS, happy that it’s Friday and Spring Break. They say they were bored and had to sit and watch Disney movies all day. But like I told them, better that, then getting punished for something you were not involved with.Or worse, seeing the fighting continue and getting caught up in it. They said there was extra Police there (4 or 5), plus teachers escorted them everywhere.

    I have said it before and will say it again, I thank my lucky stars my kids are under the guidance of Miss Perry and her excellent staff. I think a great lesson was learned yesterday…. Don’t even think about upsetting Miss Perry! With every freedom comes responsibility. Drill that into your kids,folks!
    Thanks EWMS Staff and Teachers! Also a big huge Hat Tip and E Hug to our Wonderful Bus Driver and friend, Miss Kennedy. Life goes a lot easier when one does not need to worry about the safety and well being of their children. For that, We are very thankful.
    ~Father of two EWMS Students

  28. Jim on March 26th, 2010 5:02 pm

    Michelle, I understand where you are coming from, but what good deed was there? The good kids that did not get into a fight? The principal brought the kids inside to protect them, not to punish them. So go out and have fun with your kid or kids this weekend and spring break. There will be other “fun days”.

    On the other hand, It does suck for the kids BUT it was for their own protection. Isn’t that what you want, someone looking out after your child while you are not there?

  29. Michelle Cayson on March 26th, 2010 4:18 pm

    What a pity that again the good children end up being punished.

    Today should have been a fun day as a reward since it was the last day of testing. But instead, they are the ones that are locked behind closed doors. While the bad ones get a slap on the wrist and get to stay home before spring break.. I know my sons will be disappointed just like the rest of their classmates.

    That about sums the world we are in today. That no good deed goes unpunished.

  30. Wondering on March 26th, 2010 4:08 pm

    Did I read this correctly, A 16 year old middle school student? Where does he park?

  31. GirlnGreen on March 26th, 2010 3:59 pm

    I am a 26 year old female and can remember my father hitting me with a belt twice. Why you might ask? Thats all it took. I think I might even have a permenant hand print of my moms palm on my face because of my smart mouth! I’m not complaining. I grew up with daddies belt on the end of the bunk beds if we were playing after bedtime, May I say I got plenty restful nights. I think more kids should have their “Give a Da*m” adjusted in the same manner. Parents are to worried about giving their spawn the right brand of jeans and the newest cell phone then the way they act. I think my parents for raising me right! I have grown into a very independant young woman with a awesome job (since I was 15) a mortage payment (since 21) a couple cool vehicles and all the respect to the parents that dont let their children run around in walmart unattended, to the adults that make the rug rats mow the grass instead of pay a company, and hold those kids accountable to there actions and not blame everyone else for what their kids do. Maybe if those kids had the fear of what would happen when they got home if they followed through with their actions no-one would have gotten hurt. Let that bus driver swing a belt at those idiot kids.

  32. another_teacher on March 26th, 2010 3:57 pm

    Before I changed careers and became a teacher I blamed teachers for a lot of things. After walking in their shoes for a number of years now I can testify to a few truths:

    1. Almost all teachers I have known personally work very, very hard.

    2. Almost all teacher I have know personally put in many, many more hours than 40.

    3. Almost NO parents have any clue about the challenging behaviors their kids’ teachers handle every, single day.

    4. The teachers’ union is a toothless tiger. Most teachers I know are not membersand certainly are not driven by union ideology.

    5. As hard a job as teaching is, I would have to be starving to become a bus driver. Really. It is a thankless, low-paying, incredibly difficult job.

    6. There are a lot of students who are overaged in middle school and alternative programs to handle such students are being slowly but surely phased out. It’s not going to get better…

  33. bama54 on March 26th, 2010 3:57 pm

    To many comments to read them all, but here is my little tid bit. If you teach your children good habit at home, he will grow up to be a good little boy or girl. Everyone blames the parent, but should they? When a parent disciplines the child, then parent gets in trouble, if the child causes trouble, then parent gets in trouble and blamed for all the bad. I blame the government for taking away my rights as a parent to discipline my child. I blame all the busy bodies out there trying to run everyone else life. Blame! Blame! Blame that is all we do. It is always someone else fault. Look in the mirror and what do you see? Take back our rights and then you will see change, real change that will form our country into a better place to live.

  34. Thinker on March 26th, 2010 3:50 pm

    I stand corrected. But not entirely. Kids are all different. Some accept corporal punishment and some don’t. Dogs are the same. You can’t just say go ahead and whip your child. It isn’t really necessary except to the extent that you show them that people can hurt you physically. After that, a warning should suffice. I raised two boys and both are doing just fine WITHOUT having been whipped. One is a college trained professional and the other keeps a steady job and loves his own children as does the other. It’s an art. A lot of parents should never do it, and schools should NEVER be allowed to paddle. My last word from years of experience. I’ve worked with happy kids and prisoners. Don’t tell ME how to suck eggs.

  35. Rose on March 26th, 2010 3:41 pm


  36. Angie on March 26th, 2010 3:19 pm


  37. Teacher on March 26th, 2010 3:18 pm

    Thinker, you missed meeting my father and his peach tree. Did wonders for me. I didn’t grow up to be bad, and will always remember that I never got one for the same thing.

  38. Ron Darby on March 26th, 2010 3:06 pm

    Thinker, u are exactly what’s wrong with this country. U are the type of person that feels bad for the terrorist locked in gitmo . Whipping is like harsh punishment but it gets great results. O revieved my fair share of whippings when I was young and I havenever been in any trouble. Its the kids that receive no discipline growing that turn in to trouble later in life.

  39. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on March 26th, 2010 2:38 pm

    Huh? Parenting classes? Who will teach them? DCF? You have absolutely got to be kidding me!! I know teachers have it really tough with modern culture’s children, but we can’t give academia a free pass on this one. You’ll see the yahoos out there that will say, “It all started going down hill when they took God and prayer out of school.” Well, they are 100% correct. It isn’t forcing Christian prayers on kids that is the problem though. The problem is, that while they (teachers’ unions led academia and their supported legislators) were removing prayer from schools, they were simultaneously eliminating corporal punishment, legitimate discipline, legitimate grading, and rights of passage. As well, they started celebrating diversity and self worth over results and competition. Today’s young parents are a direct result of the cultural changes brought about by academia and the left. So those of you who blame the parents need to answer the questions; 1. What should the parents be doing? Giving them timeouts? Spanking them in hopes that DCF doesn’t find out? Being their friend and trying to “talk it out” with them? These are 16 year olds for Pete’s sake. Get a grip.

  40. my 2 cents worth on March 26th, 2010 2:36 pm

    There ARE parenting classes for people BEFORE they have kids, while they are pregnant and AFTER they have kids. There are classes everywhere! It’s up to the person to be responsible enough to find and take the classes.
    Also, I don’t get the fuss about high schoolers riding the same bus as younger kids. I did where I am from and these things never happened! Everyone is just trying to find someone else to blame – it’s the kids, plain and simple! You can raise them right but there is a point when you have to let them make their own mistakes and it’s up to THEM to make the right choices.

  41. Mary on March 26th, 2010 2:18 pm

    I am not for corporal punishment that is NOT done in LOVE!!! My mother and
    dad tore me up when I was young, but I love and respect my parents to this day. I knew without a doubt that they loved me, because my well fare come first. You never saw adults or kids acting like they do today. Yes there are adults out there that abuse their children, but that is not what I am talking about, children need to know there is consequences for doing wrong. (but this is a feel good world)HA

  42. EMD on March 26th, 2010 2:05 pm

    I agree with Elizabeth. I wish I had known how to spank properly. There should be parenting classes for parents, before they have children. One day, these children will be your adult children. It is too late then. You may think you will have children who will care for you when you are older or alone, or sick, or need them. Don’t count on that, especially if you did not know how to raise them. It can also turn into a vicious circle when your grandchildren and great grandchildren come along. THIS is one of the most important things that should be taught in school. Sex education, without teaching how to deal with being adults and being good parents is teaching that sex is for pleasure first, and procreation is just a side effect, unless you want children. (IMO)

  43. old school on March 26th, 2010 2:00 pm

    untill this starts costing the parents money or jail time nothing will be done about kids behavior.. look into thier home life if there is no structure or dicsipline or respect you cannot expect them the show any in other places. there needs to be zero tolerance .. ask the school bus drivers they spend a lot of time with students today and i bet you will get real answers about the behavior that goes on. how about reports that there we many kids on the busses flashing gang signs … zero tolerance

  44. Elizabeth on March 26th, 2010 1:50 pm

    Well, you know, back in the 50’s nearly every child had a good spanking when needed. Look at how child violence was back then. LOL

    The problem with what most people call spanking is that it’s not spanking at all. Proper spanking is never done in anger, a parent and child spend time alone and calmly discuss what has happened and what can be done to correct the problem. Then there is a spanking with a ROD, as in contrast to a hand. They parent expresses love and prays with the child. This is how we handle spanking.

    From what I’ve observed is that most parents just yell and yell and yell until they just can’t stand any more. When the parent reaches the boiling point, he has a meltdown, snatches up the child, swats the child until his anger passes and the child never knows exactly what’s going on.

    Say what you will, but this is how we spank (the former example, not the latter). Our children are loving, happy, exercise self-control and never hit.

  45. Jenny??? on March 26th, 2010 1:49 pm

    And these students that behave so respectful ( yeah right ) are what the state is wanting to base teacher pay on. What a joke!!!

  46. K.B. on March 26th, 2010 1:31 pm

    Thinker, get a grip and get real!!! There are plenty of us who have had our butts tanned plenty of times. We DO NOT go around looking for trouble.Quite the contrary,spanking,when properly applied,does WONDERS for teaching respect!! Kids are what they are today because of attitudes liks yours!

  47. idk on March 26th, 2010 1:23 pm

    well yes it starts at home,but i fault the school board!!! they had no rite to combind high school and middle school students on one bus!!! if they where not combinded then Northveiw students would not had been on EWMS property and dis fight would never have taken place!!!

  48. mary on March 26th, 2010 1:19 pm

    Yes raising a kid is hard & it is the responsibility of the PARENTS..If the school officials knew or heard rumors of the fight.why did they not call law enforcement before school was let out?? My child is in the 7th grade & he shoulddnt have to ride a school bus w/High Schoolers.

  49. Thinker? on March 26th, 2010 1:02 pm

    Thinker, I would have to disagree. I grew up getting spankings for bad behavior, breaking rules, etc. and I NEVER got in trouble in school. I have never been in a fight, I have never hit someone out of anger, and I know that isn’t how you solve problems. All of my friends growing up got spankings as well and I believe that all of them can say the same. I imagine that most of the children at these schools that are in fights are NOT spanked at home…they don’t have a whole lot of punishment. period. These kids are apathetic, self involved and unmotivated. They don’t know how to express themselves and those that do don’t want to take the time when they can just beat each other up and prove themselves to their friends. Maybe you should THINK a little more before you make generalizations.

  50. Thinker on March 26th, 2010 12:44 pm

    Spare the rod and raise a good child. Parents who whip their children demonstrate to them how to resolve conflicts. Whipping and spanking and slapping a child in the face only serves to anger them so they take it out during their pre-adult years in middle school.

  51. Miny Me on March 26th, 2010 12:43 pm

    Kids need to learn to not belive others thats how roomers start.Poor Mrs.Perry has to deel with all yall.You need to RESPECT……

  52. LISA on March 26th, 2010 12:39 pm


  53. j on March 26th, 2010 12:30 pm

    What is up with kids now days, no sense or just dont give a crap about nothing and no one and not even thereself?

  54. Jim on March 26th, 2010 12:26 pm

    How stupid are you “Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme”? How old are you.. 12? Apparently you have no idea what a teacher’s job entails. The only people who “degrade” anything is people like you trying to make the teachers and anyone else look bad. It is the students fault for getting into the fight! The bus driver deserves an award, if I was the bus driver, I would have been brought up on charges.

    AND why is there a 16yo at a MIDDLE SCHOOL???? – Enough said!

  55. Yumus B Kidding on March 26th, 2010 12:18 pm

    “Too bad we can’t charge the teachers’ unions and the teachers who have worked for decades to degrade things to this point”

    Here we go….here starts the entitlement/victim speeches. I guess this trend started 200 years ago and led to this huh? If your child was not involved I bet they are not far from such a display themselves.

  56. Yumus B Kidding on March 26th, 2010 12:16 pm

    Take a good look folks…I suspect we will be using our tax money to support these 7 wastes of space for the next 60 or 70 years….or until they kill each other off!

    How tough is a high schooler that shows up at a middle school to fight?

  57. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on March 26th, 2010 12:16 pm

    Why keep blaming parents? They were taught by teachers and government to be friends, not authorities. Put the blame where it belongs. On the left led teachers’ unions for the last 5 decades,

  58. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on March 26th, 2010 12:15 pm

    Too bad we can’t charge the teachers’ unions and the teachers who have worked for decades to degrade things to this point.

  59. Mark on March 26th, 2010 12:11 pm

    I wonder if it is possible to charge the parents also? Until parents are held accountable, this will only get worse.

  60. drd on March 26th, 2010 11:31 am

    I cannot believe that two students actually kicked the bus driver when he was on the ground… I hope the driver presses charges and these two are locked up, kids or not. I agree with “i bet”… home training goes along way with respect for an adult. An evidentally these kids have none…suprise suprise! If my child did something like that, then they better hope to god, they get a ride to the jail house, cause coming home and dealing with mama would be alot worst punishment.

  61. i bet the parents will be proud on March 26th, 2010 11:11 am

    okay parents this is what you get when you do not teach your children to respect anyone. Parents you should be ashamed of yourselves!!