Man Wanted For Shooting AT FHP Trooper

March 29, 2010


The Florida High Patrol is asking the public statewide to be on the lookout for an armed and dangerous man that shot at two Florida Highway Patrol officers in Sumter County.

Brody James Whitaker, 37, is  a white male, 150 pounds and 5-foot, 8-inches tall. He was last seen wearing no shirt, no shoes and camouflage cargo pants. He has dirty brown or strawberry hair and blue eyes.

On March 25, two FHP troopers attempted to conduct a traffic stop on Brody’s Whitaker’s vehicle. He opened fire and let troopers on a short pursuit that ended in a traffic crash.  He fled on foot. After a two-day manhunt, authorities received information that Whitaker has escaped the 8,600 acre perimeter.

The suspect has been in contact with friends and family and could be heading to Arkansas, according to the FHP.

Whitaker has been in contact with friends and family and could be heading to Arkansas, according to the FHP. The suspect has a criminal history in several different states which include Michigan, Virginia, California, Florida, and Ohio. Brody James Whitaker has an arrest warrant out of Michigan for possession of marijuana and Florida for aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, criminal mischief, fleeing and eluding law enforcement officers.

He is considered armed and dangerous and should not be approached, the FHP said. If you see Whitaker, call 911.

Pictured above: Three different photos of  Brody James Whitaker provided by the FHP. Click to enlarge.


38 Responses to “Man Wanted For Shooting AT FHP Trooper”

  1. Ray on April 16th, 2010 3:48 pm

    Damn the media.

  2. ARKANSAS on April 1st, 2010 8:22 pm

    TED I am really not tryin to start a war!
    QUOTE TED “this man is a product of society…if u were backed into a corner and ur life was on the line wuldnt u try to survive???” TED YES I WOULD! But his life was not threatened,,, THE POLICE WERE NOT THREATENING HIM!! RATHER the culmination of years of bad decisions THAT WOULD HAVE PUT HIM AWAY FOR YEARS(MULTIPLE FELONIES)!


    As far as where was I in his Life!!! I was keppin my butt outta trouble and staying out of jail!!!!! Secondly I am not qualified to help him!!!! and lastly you cannot help someone who will not help themself! I have tried many times and come to one conclusion,,,,,, Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Think about this quote for a second and ask yourself, does this quote apply to your relationship with Brody???? By that definition I am insane for tryin so many times!!!

  3. Ted nugge on April 1st, 2010 4:47 pm

    Wow…it almost seems like u might b “that” person that wasn’t in his life that mayb shuldve been “Arkansas”…the he told about…by the way in no way shape or form did I ever say it was ok to shoot at police…not sure wat u read???? If you wanna quote people get ur facts straight! He shuldnt even b running the streets in the first place…that shows how the system fails…aren’t we supposed to learn from our mistakes??? How is he to learn if they jus keep puttin him out there when he supposedly is psychologically evaluated in prison but allowed to return? He even knows he’s not quite stable 80% of the time. Children shuld not b pit behind bars with criminals if society intends on rehabilitating them. Eats it gonna take til a change us made?? How many law officials hafta b shot or killed???? That’s the real problem!!!!

  4. Ted nuggen on April 1st, 2010 4:24 pm

    Ok so I’m not sure why I feel compelled to keep lookin up this site to check? But I guess I got my answer when I ssaw a comment from “Arkansas”…. Yeah he is wat he is…institutionalized is definatly the best word to use. But wat is the true definition of the word…cuz if ya ask me it has a whole new meaning and the next word that shuld b thought of is reform. Cuz the system needs it!!!! And Brody proves it!!!

  5. TwistyCoaster on April 1st, 2010 8:39 am

    THANK YOU ARKANSAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Finally! Too bad it had to be someone already aware to see the truth in what’s been said (I was hoping someone random would maybe wake up, but no, they just mock the truth) but at least I know that there is some one out there that understands and isn’t blinded by all this BS.
    I wish I could we could talk away from all this so I could learn a little bit more, but whatever, it’s the internet.
    I really hope that, if they do catch him they put bypass prison and see that he needs to heal from what THEY did to him. Insanity plee? If you have any new info on this case, Arkansas, can you PLEASE give me(us) a link or let us know? It doesn’t seem like they have anymore new articles on it.
    Oh, and you are right about the woman. Yeah, I’d really like to know more details.

  6. ARKANSAS on March 31st, 2010 9:34 pm


  7. bill, big b little ill on March 31st, 2010 7:38 pm

    When you are down in the dumps and think you have real problems, just remember: Somewhere in this world, there is a poor guy named Mr. Pelosi. Whitaker may just go to jail.

  8. MustBeSmokin on March 31st, 2010 6:01 pm

    Twisty coaster is right. All these mean cops want to put him in jail just for shooting at them on a routine traffic stop. These cops should just let people shoot at them and be more understanding. I don’t know why anyone would think he’s dangerous just because he shoots at people. Just because he’s wanted out of two states doesn’t make him a criminal. It’s a conspiracy man! Those mean troopers just made up a story so they could steal his magical dog from the back seat. He had a bad childhood. Its his parents fault. Its Dubyas fault. He needs hugs. He’s God’s child. Obama will save him. He’s doing God’s work? Pass the pipe!

  9. Sleepingbear on March 31st, 2010 4:28 pm

    The trooper in question is family my marriage.
    Now that that is out of the way………….ted…….I hope for your sake the real Tad nuggent dosent read your post!
    Your line of thinking is seriously flawed and twisted!
    The dude is a lifetime felon and should not be on the streets!
    I am surprised your not going to his funeral!
    You shoot at law enforcement you generally dont live to tell the tale as it should be!
    This scum will shoot at troopers he will shoot anybody!
    Funny you use k9 training phrases to describe what went on.He is less than a dog!

  10. TwistyCoaster on March 31st, 2010 10:32 am

    Oh, and in response to your comment before about how the families of the officers should be able to “take out their aggression” then I guess, by your logic, the families of all the criminals or innocents that were treated as such should have the same opportunity. By your logic, the wife that watched her husband be MURDERED by these good, upstanding officers should have been able to bludgen them how she wanted. I should be able to take out mine for their harrasment. Charly’s family as well? You think from one side of the tracks, Sir. You think like an officer. You think like the programmed individuals I’ve been talking about. Do some research and actually see the truth of the corruption of the ENTIRE WORLD. I’m not against America or the gov or anyone. I’m against corruption and lies. I’m against programming. Mybe if you looked a little more into what society HAS done to people, you’d see a flicker of light in that blindness your surrounded in. That light, by the way, is called truth.

  11. TwistyCoaster on March 31st, 2010 10:24 am

    It would’v been nice if they had posted what I wrote yesterday. Maybe it weas too long. Or told too much truth. But I advise everyone one of you who think they are fallowing Gods word to read the bible. If you have, read it again.
    Find the parts that talk about judgement. Find the parts that talk about how GOD IS JUDGE JURRY AND EXOCUTIONER. Not saying this man didn’t do some of the most stupid things he could have, but I’m asking for you to look into the TRUTH that you think you fallow.
    All of you are so programmed it’s disgusting. WAKE UP! Just cuz they tell you he’s a dangerous man with no regard for human life you think it’s true. Just because they tell you he was pulled over for a routine traffic check or to his tinted windows or whatever, you believe it. As far as anyone knows this could he the resurrection of God’s Son and he’s about to be crusified again because the multitude wants Ceasar to bypass his punishment on them.
    YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT THIS MAN HAS DONE. You don’t know of the great things he’s done for people. You don’t know how many sins these upstanding officers have commited and kept closed about. You don’t know your own Bible.
    I’m not here as an anti-law rep for this man. I’m here because Father guided me to this site and showed me the ignorance you all hold so tight to. My whole life is based off fallowing where the Father wants me. And it has taken me to every environment, every kind of man and woman, religion, belief, etc. I haven’t seen the world, but I’m already 10 states further than I was 3 months ago. I believe I am fallowing the path he guids me on and I believe that at least ONE of you will hear what he is saying through me and actually listen.
    I believe that this man is watched over by Father and, as I pray every night for him and all of you, if he is not caught I know I’m right. Father protect and guide all of us to the better path that leads to you. Hopefully your messege will open some one’s eyes and ears.

  12. kj on March 30th, 2010 1:50 pm

    Here is a link to some additional photo’s of this guy from ….

    sending to you to allow people to see multiple pictures, the more that are out there for people to see, the better chance for him to be found.

  13. interested reader on March 30th, 2010 1:34 pm

    WOW! scary looking man! Hope he doesn’t shoot at any else before he’s caught. If he looks like the pictures he should be easy to spot. Thank the good Lord that the officers are ok. All law enforcement officers have such a dangerous job that they should always be on our prayer list.

  14. Just An Old Soldier on March 30th, 2010 10:46 am

    Any felon in possession of a gun is breaking the Law. Any person shooting from a vehicle (at anything) is breaking the Law. Any person shooting into another vehicle is also Breaking the Law. Any person shooting at another person, and not defending his own life against deadly attach is Breaking the Law. Any person brandishing a weapon in a threatening manner is Breaking the Law. Any person firing a weapon at a clearly identified Law Enforcement Officer is Breaking the Law.

    This man was breaking the law with VIGOR. And the way this is heading I would not be surprised if it winds up with his life taken – I just hope that he doesn’t take the lives any other people. And yes, our Law Enforcement Officers are People of our community – they have spouses, families, friends and have value beyond what some here give them credit. They are standing between decent, peaceful people (us) and THUGS that have no respect for your person, or public law. You should thank God every day for those that defend us against criminals and thugs like this moron.

    Hope they catch this creep soon!

  15. TwistyCoaster on March 30th, 2010 10:06 am

    Five “upstanding officers” killed my friend without provocation, only with a grudge because he had done drugs in the past and hadn’t seen him in a while. He had changed his life after coming out of prison and was a good Christian that whent to church 3 times a week with his wife. HE was a good man, and THEY killed him because they had a grudge. ALL OF THE EVIDENCE WAS HIDDEN AND TWISTED! The only one who knows the truth was his wife, cuz they made her sit and watch it all.
    Remember that EVERY MAN IS MAN AND SUCCUMBS TO HUMAN NATURE, then we can FINALLY agree that no one knows what the heck happened to start all this. Sure, the cops could be good upstanding guys, but they are human and will defend their brother officers no matter what. Even if they are in the wrong. I’m not saying they were, cuz all I know is what I’ve read and heard about. BUT! PLEASE! PEOPLE OF THE “USA” PLEASE SEEK TRUTH! Don’t just wait for someone to tell you what they think is truth. Seek it on your own and the Lord, our Father, will guide you to it. NO MATTER WHAT. I don’t believe this was just some innocent pull over and he decided to shoot. I think there’s many facts missing. Like his dog they haven’t said anything about.
    I’m just tired of the “This is what they tell me so this is what must be true” mindset so many “Americans” have today. I wish we could all have a group enlightenment session. OHM and Prey for this and every other man who is in need of compassion (that includes the cops being shot at, don’t think I’m one-sided).

  16. kj on March 30th, 2010 9:34 am

    In response to Can’t always judge, I understand that your view on who can we trust, but let me tell you something on your statement of “One can assume that this guy is bad because he shot at police, but maybe that was karma returning vengeance on the LEOs for former infractions they committed.”

    The two officers that were shot at by this Psycho were NOT dealing with karma, one of them I have known all of my live and the other trooper for many years and they are both OUTSTANDING officers of the law and individuals. You state that too many people around here put too much into the “cover” of people; well maybe you should take a quick look in the mirror as I think you are too quick to “judge and stereotype” because of things that have recently been posted on Individuals that happen to have had a job with a law enforcement agency.

    Neither you nor I should judge someone by the type of job they have, the home that they live in, or by the faith that they say that they have. And it’s not your place, nor mine to judge any one person to start with, that’s for our good Lord to do on judgment day and this man that took those shots will have his judgment day. We can have our opinions (as long as the democrats don’t keep taking them away with all of our other rights), but normal opinions come from the facts.

    Go to the FACTS of this situation:

    That facts are simple… if you are have read the articles, watched the news, and followed this story, you would know the hard core facts: This man was breaking the law while driving, FHP officers attempted to pull him over, he didn’t stop, he turned and SHOT at them. What matters here are the FACTS, not the selective pictures or how some of the media attempts to “twist” thing: The man shot at two officers without provocation or justification of any means. Anyone who takes this action needs to be taken off the street as they are a danger.

    Apparently a few of you commenting know this man and have seen a side of him that was not displayed this past week when he made the decision to shoot at Law Enforcement officers. Instead of automatically defending this man, stating that things are being twisted, just look at the FACTS.

    Fact 1 – He was breaking the law and refused to stop for an officer.

    Fact 2 – He attempted to shoot two officers (you know the people who serve to protect us and keep us safe and out of harm’s way).

    Fact 3 – He does have a significant criminal history and has proven that he is dangerous and has NO respect for another person’s life. As for all of the other comments, everyone has a right to your opinion, mine simply stays with the fact that anyone that will shoot at an officer for a traffic stop has something to hide or simply has no respect for human life. This man is a danger, and he does need to be removed from the streets.

    In this situation, you might say that I am one sided because I know the troopers, but what I know of these troopers is that they go above and beyond to serve the state of Florida and all of the people that live in it.

    What a sad day it is when someone can say that it’s Karma when a person tries to KILL someone that is serving our communities and our Country without provocation. May God help us all

  17. whitepunknotondope on March 30th, 2010 7:31 am

    Can’t always judge: well stated.

  18. Can't always judge a book by its cover on March 30th, 2010 7:17 am

    Looks can be deceiving. Seems lately a lot of the bad guys are wearing uniforms, guns, badges and/or crosses. So who do we trust? The guy who looks like a psychopath maniac on the outside, or the guy wearing the uniform who is a psychopath maniac on the inside? Folks around here put too much value in the cover and too little value on what is on the inside, metaphorically speaking of course.
    One can assume that this guy is bad because he shot at police, but maybe that was karma returning vengeance on the LEOs for former infractions they committed.
    Who do we trust, the Christian Militia who says they are just here to protect us or the Christians who say that those are radical groups and they should not be trusted.
    Trust no one; psychopaths come in many shapes, forms and colors.

  19. whitepunknotondope on March 30th, 2010 6:38 am

    “Like Ted said, if you were in an intense situation that threatened your life, wouldn’t you defend yourself?”

    Yeah, that’s right, and Clyde Barrow was a really nice guy too.

  20. Ted nuggent on March 29th, 2010 11:34 pm

    Sorry folks…I haven’t heard even about him in a year. I heard what he had done at random surfing the news on the web. I’m glad to hear your son was not injured. I hav children and could only imagine. I wish someone would get his dog cuz from wat I hear it’s a type of Cain corso (sp?) bull mastiff. From wat I hear the dog is huge docile and beautiful. Good luck to FHP finding him…he needs to b off the street! He apparently has lost his mind. The guy I knew was not the smartest but I never thought dumb enuf to b pointing guns at people!

  21. North-end drop out on March 29th, 2010 11:05 pm

    Ted Nuggent – if you know this man – then have him turn himself in.,,,,,,

    It happen to be my son he shot at and I do not like people shooting at my son, nor his partner… He is out there trying to protect you from harden criminals like this person, just because he had something that he should not have had in his car, he shot at my son and his partner. No sir – he does not belong out in the public to attack you or me….I hope he does not come this way, our other son is on the roads up here and does not need to come upon him.

    William, I am glad someone finally put this in the news up in this end of the state…Thank you for letting the public know that we have extremely bad people out and about. Everyone please say a pray for our Florida Highway Patrol Officers and all law enforcement officers in the State of Florida.

  22. TwistyCoaster on March 29th, 2010 10:03 pm

    By the way Ted Nugent, I think it would be best if you looked into getting his dog. I heard it was in the pound somewhere down there.

  23. TwistyCoaster on March 29th, 2010 9:54 pm

    Ted Nugent – I agree. I dont know what your relationship was with this guy was, but I can say that I agree whole heartedly to the not being a threat (or wasn’t) comment. I’m supprised you’re so open with how close you are to him. Aren’t you worried it’ll bring you unwanted attention?
    I pray for this man every night and every morning and hope that he stays safe. I’m aware that he might not make it out alive, but I know that that is Dad’s say, not any of the officers looking for him. I wish he could have been given an easier hand in life, but then I guess he wouldn’t be the great guy few really know him to be. I hate the fact that media twists everything to look as bad as possible.
    Anyone actually interrest in this should look at ALL the news reports on him. They are ALL the same, yet different, and make him out to be a kidnapping, homicidal lunatic. The only reason they put the “unattractive” pictures that remind you of a cave man is so you’ll think of him like that. Come on people, think past the programming. Like Ted said, if you were in an intense situation that threatened your life, wouldn’t you defend yourself?
    I would LOVE to hear the TRUE story to what happened.
    I wish I knew what more to do to help those in need (like those of you who could use this man’s words) than just pray, but all blessings comes from the Father and I believe he has a greater plan for this man than any but maybe Ted could imagine.

  24. Ted nuggent on March 29th, 2010 9:42 pm

    So lol…as per my typin skills it’s merely a form of abbrev. Since I am usin a iPhone…but thanks y’all…I did say he’s a nut and he will tell ya so too…he “mans” up Typically…not sure when a gun came into play…anyhow…someone mentioned in the comments that they hate when people make the kinda comments I made…but then you proceed to include yours…it’s infectious

  25. concerned on March 29th, 2010 9:26 pm

    He does look like Charles Manson. I hope to heck they catch him and keep him locked up. It would scare the crap out of me if I walked upon him!

  26. Jacob G. on March 29th, 2010 8:33 pm

    My goodnessTed Nugent from the looks of your spelling i’m suprised you can even use a computer to type it. And yes this guy is dangerous and should be put in jail. It doesnt matter where he came from or how he was raised; he is a threat to the public and doesnt belong out in it!!!

  27. REALLY~~~~ on March 29th, 2010 8:06 pm

    “Oversite”, do you seriously need to ask??? Family in Arkansas, think he might come through here!!!!!!!

  28. kj on March 29th, 2010 8:06 pm

    In response to Ted Nugent, I am unsure as to what type of person you are, or if you were even educated by your lack of English skills, but let’s get something straight for the record. When someone fires a gun at an Officer of the Law, then they are not harmless! Your view on this story makes me sick. You have the nerve to actually say “fight or flight”, so that means that any time that you are violating the law by speeding, running a red light, a stop sign, or any other type of moving violation that the Officer that is stopping you should be prepared to pull his weapon because it’s a normal reaction to carry a gun and shoot at them? What an idiot you are! If you have known this man for more than twenty years, and currently know him, then maybe you should think about the type of individuals that you associate with. You and anyone else that has this mind set needs to seek psychiatric treatment or Shock Therapy quickly. It makes me extremely angry when people make these type of comments that it’s society’s fault, it’s always someone else’s fault, or someone else is to blame…. well, that’s what people that have grown up not understanding consequences to their actions always seem to say. While it is a shame that some people do not have parents to teach them right from wrong, proper actions, RESPECT, and everything else that a parent should do, but at some point, YOU HAVE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for your own Actions! My personal opinion is that the officers that this FREAK fired the shots at should have the opportunity to bring him in, get him in a room, and let the officers Families that he could have taken them from, take out their aggressions on him! This guy needs to be taken off the streets, and if he decides to endanger another officers or person life while he is being taken into custody I hope they blow his head off! My prayers are with this man, I pray that he turns himself in, and that he decides that he should change his ways in life, but if he chooses to continue down this same path, then I still pray that the Lord is with him, but that he is taken OUT!

  29. Oversight on March 29th, 2010 8:02 pm

    Sumter County? Isn’t that way down yonder by Tampa and quite a ways from here? I wouldn’t think with his history that he’d be taking the high road (the interstate), so he may just travel through these backwoods roads around here.

  30. LULU on March 29th, 2010 7:56 pm

    Good grief! Ted nugent , you need to go back to school.

  31. Ted nugent on March 29th, 2010 6:49 pm

    Lol…I’ve been saying he looks like charles Manson fer years…I hav known this man
    fer over twenty years and he’s actually harmless…let’s see people of the public…let see if fer once u culd get it…this man is a product of society…if u were backed into a corner and ur life was on the line wuldnt u try to survive??? Well regardless…fight or flight..unfortunatly fer this mannhis mother had no business having children…he had no choice…he maynnow but come on people…we hav been to school and like to think we r smart…it’s all he knows…I will tell u wat…here’s my perspective….I jus assume he b in jail if he can’t learn to behave…I’m sorry fer him and allbof u they lead u all to beliave he’s sum endangerment to their well being but I can assure u he is not…or at least WAS not…it’s too bad u all believe everything these no name people print or at least they print whatever they r of lucknyo ALL of you…PEACE!

  32. AL on March 29th, 2010 6:22 pm

    It’s a shame this is even an issue – with a criminal history like his he should be under the jail.

  33. Cheryl on March 29th, 2010 5:06 pm

    So easy, a felon could do it!

  34. bill, big b little ill on March 29th, 2010 4:03 pm

    I agree with that Charlie Manson look a like.

  35. Know your neighbor on March 29th, 2010 3:59 pm

    Look in Jay……I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.

  36. Ashley! on March 29th, 2010 3:33 pm

    Wow, he really does look like the cave man on the geico commercial. He is so scary looking! Imagine if he came up on you in the dark. I will sure recognize him if I see him.

  37. HA! on March 29th, 2010 3:08 pm

    I think I saw him on a GEICO commercial!!

  38. Yumus B Kidding on March 29th, 2010 2:50 pm

    and the winner of this year’s Charlie Manson look a like contest goes to …..