Man Guilty Of Threatening To Kill President, ‘Create Another 9/11′

March 3, 2010

A Santa Rosa County man has pled guilty to threatening to kill President Barack Obama, his family and everyone in the Pentagon.

curetpresident.jpgUnited States Attorney Thomas F. Kirwin, Northern District of Florida, announced Tuesday that Renee Curet, 30, pled guilty in United States District Court in Pensacola to charges that he threatened to kill President Barack Obama and members of his immediate family.

Jury selection was about to begin when Curet decided to enter a plea to the two-count federal indictment. In court this morning, Curet admitted to writing a letter to the White House in October 2009, threatening to kill the President and his family, as well as “everybody in the Pentagon” in order to “create another 9/11.”

The Forensic Services Division of the United States Secret Service confirmed a positive match between the handwritten threat letter and known writing samples of Curet. Curet was subsequently interviewed by the United States Secret Service and told them that he intended to travel to Washington, D.C. with a sniper rifle to kill the President. Curet is currently in custody at the Santa Rosa Correctional Institution on unrelated homicide charges originating out of Broward County.

The Honorable Lacey A. Collier took Curet’s guilty plea and scheduled the sentencing for May 11, 2010. Curet faces up to 10 years’ imprisonment for these charges. This case was investigated by the United States Secret Service and the Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General. The case was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney David L. Goldberg.


25 Responses to “Man Guilty Of Threatening To Kill President, ‘Create Another 9/11′”

  1. / on March 8th, 2010 7:10 pm

    if i was a dude and my parents would have named me renee i probly would want to kill someone too.

  2. bill, big b little ill on March 8th, 2010 12:16 pm

    Regarding David Huie Greens rant. If you call it a rant then I guess we are all guilty.

    While I don’t care for Obama as president. I don’t think we have had anyone that can turn around the mess that our country is faced with.

    The big disgrace is two political partys fighting between themselves like a bunch of squabbling three year olds fighting over a toy .It’s more about party that people.

    No one has the right to threaten the president, or anyone else for that matter. But the idea that Joe Biden would be president, or worse than that Nancy Pelosi if something happened to Obama & Biden. I would just as soon have mickey mouse.

  3. David Huie Green on March 6th, 2010 4:02 pm

    “rant”? What rant?

    David leaving no doubt

  4. Jimmie Carter on March 6th, 2010 2:19 pm

    David Green, your rant reminds me of something Mark Twain once penned.
    “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”

  5. David Huie Green on March 6th, 2010 8:52 am

    “Did you really expect the mess that it took BUSH eight years to make, would be straigtened out in a year’s time. Show a little intelligence. It will take at least four years before you will even begin to see improvement. This country was in a serious state!!”

    Do you really think the previous President spent all his time making things worse? He DID take vacations, you know. I always wondered why people who opposed his work got mad when he stopped working for a while.

    And I am reminded of a baseball team and how folks will claim one person lost the game when the team has several players. All contributed to the win or the loss. If Congress passed bad legislation, blame Congress, not the President. If the Judiciary handed down poor rulings, blame the Judiciary, not the President. (other than the obvious fact that some President appointed them and some Senate approved them)

    If some of the problems were caused by actions in China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq, Greece, Zimbabwe, Somalia, surely not all of them were working under the direct command of George W. He just wasn’t that powerful.

    And why would it take four years for our President to do any good at all? He strikes me as a smart man. Surely he can undo all the evil and idiocy you lay solely at the feet of his predecessor.

    ” And as for the spending, do you really think that this country will ever be debt-free, seriously? If I hear another person talking about the debt our children will have to pay. Have you paid any of the debt that all the Presidents beforehand has accumalated? No, I don’t think so.”

    Actually, yep. My payments are partly in the form of interest on the debt but I have paid plenty over the years. I’m not sure when interest payments will exceed defense expenses (one of the few legitimate expenses of the federal government) but it’s coming if it hasn’t already happened.

    I also pay on the debt by loss of value of money. The numbers of the debt are bigger than they used to be but the debt is lower than it would have been by the devaluation of the dollar. A silver dime was worth ten cents but is now worth something like $1.17, not because silver is any more valuable but because our dollar has been devalued by our deficit spending and inflation.

    It’s an invisible tax.

    “So neither will your children. So stop repeating what you hear the news reporters commenting on.”

    Surely he can comment? Should they be silenced to make our President look even better than he is? Would that be just for him but for all future Presidents?

    “And besides, everytime we elect a Democrat and they get the country in some kind of working order, the people go and put a Republican in office and mess it up again. ”

    The country’s always in some sort of working order, it just doesn’t always work the way we wish it did.

    Kennedy was the last president to submit a balanced budget other than Clinton and a Republican Congress. Kennedy did it they say be cutting taxes; I suspect it had more to do with growth of the economy but that is what he said cutting taxes would cause.

    President Clinton did it because Congress forced him to keep some of the pormises he had ignored for two years and because he was distracted by his legal problems and not able to spend money as quickly as he and Congress usually did.

    Admittedly, George W did an especially good job of wasting money but it looks like he is going to lose the race for best spender. It isn’t about party, even though that gets into the picture. It’s about personal integrity and understanding. Some would argue that has been lacking in the halls of fcongress and in the White House for a while.

    David thinking Barack will improve things quicker than four years

  6. Palin 2010 on March 5th, 2010 7:55 pm

    TO: blank and T.K. aka The DODGE MAN,

    It is so hard to believe that people are so simple minded, it really makes me wonder. Did you really expect the mess that it took BUSH eight years to make, would be straigtened out in a year’s time. Show a little intelligence. It will take at least four years before you will even begin to see improvement. This country was in a serious state!! And as for the spending, do you really think that this country will ever be debt-free, seriously? If I hear another person talking about the debt our children will have to pay. Have you paid any of the debt that all the Presidents beforehand has accumalated? No, I don’t think so. So neither will your children. So stop repeating what you hear the news reporters commenting on.
    And besides, everytime we elect a Democrat and they get the country in some kind of working order, the people go and put a Republican in office and mess it up again. You would think that they would know the pattern by now.

  7. David Huie Green on March 4th, 2010 5:14 pm

    “his mistake was in actually writing down a specific plan to carry out those harmful ideas”

    I’m glad he did, write it down, I mean. I don’t want our President threatened or harmed.

    David for accepting votes and not threatening the fathers of little children

  8. Mercy Me on March 4th, 2010 3:29 pm

    Although many Americans may now feel violent about President Obama, not too many have voiced, and written, a specific plan of action to actually do harm to the President, his family and people in the Pentagon. Renee’s mistake was not in his feelings or in voicing his displeasure with U.S. Government–we all have freedom to disagree with our political leaders–but his mistake was in actually writing down a specific plan to carry out those harmful ideas. Talk it out, get it off your chest but please, please don’t go postal on us!

  9. David Huie Green on March 4th, 2010 2:22 pm

    a mind is a terrible thing to waste and it doesn’t look like one was wasted on him

    David wondering who he actually DID kill

  10. Colin Bryant on March 4th, 2010 3:40 am

    Surely to ‘create another 9/11′ the situation would need to be reversed.

  11. over it on March 4th, 2010 1:06 am

    to “Obama 2012″ and anyone else searching for change…..
    I will keep my guns, I will keep my health insurance, and I will keep my money, You can keep the change!
    This young man who made the threats is not going anywhere, I think someone said it best, he is trying to upgrade his hotel.

  12. blank on March 3rd, 2010 6:13 pm

    i agree w/ “T.K.” what has he done that he said that he would do. he said that he would fix all the ecomony problem. to me he has made worse. and what is up w/ the health program the way my mom talks bout it, it seems like we would have to wait days to see a doctor of something just like canada. we are not canada we are a free country we can chose what doctor we want to see not who the “president” wants us to see! if i wanted to be told what to do and not to do i would go live in a dictatorship contury!

    obama in 2012:
    whay does he have to be a redneck? we dont know if moved from the north to the south or what just because he lives in Santa Rosa County does not mean everyone is a redneck! but i am proud to say that i am a redneck but i am not racial i have alot of african american friends some are my bestfriends. so dont judge people by where they live because you nor I know if they have lived so we dont need to put a label on people just because of where they chose to live!

  13. over it on March 3rd, 2010 4:35 pm

    why ruin a good thing?

  14. bill, big b little ill on March 3rd, 2010 3:49 pm

    White punk…I’m glad I can make your day…everyone needs a good laugh.

  15. a harsh judge on March 3rd, 2010 3:00 pm


    “Do you realize how much your stupidity makes others laugh at you?”

    ‘Nuff said.

  16. T.K. aka The DODGE MAN on March 3rd, 2010 1:52 pm

    OBAMA in 2012. You have got to be kidding. You can’t say with a straight face that he has done ANYTHING he promised he would do. If you have kids then they now have a $ 68000.00 debt for the wasteful spending this UNQAULIFIED person has spent. Could you PLEASE tell me just ONE thing he has done to help our country. Or one thing he said he would do. GIVE ME JUST ONE>

  17. escambiamom on March 3rd, 2010 1:52 pm

    I enjoy “big b”’s posts on a variety of topics as they seem to be kind and balanced. And he said none of the things you attributed to him, whitepunk.

    Many people from different political persuasions are concerned with the direction the country is going. That doesn’t mean we are all extreme conspiracy theorists. But by painting people that you disagree with as such, it may be easier to dismiss their concerns. As this article points out, violence OR ridicule don’t help people solve problems when they disagree.

  18. whitepunknotondope on March 3rd, 2010 12:30 pm

    “Obama in 2012……it;s your right to vote for whoever you chose…for now. It may not be that way forever.”

    That’s right big b, in a few years we all will live in the United Socialist Republic of America and everyone will have to work on farms and share their wealth with everyone and we won’t have any rights, and we’ll all be told which doctors we have to go to, and we’ll have jobs assigned to us, and we won’t be allowed to own guns or drink alcohol, we’ll have to eat lots and lots of rice, and we’ll all be forced to drive Japanese cars, and we’ll be forced to convert to Islam, and gay people will be free to do what they want, and…………………!

    Do you realize how much your stupidity makes others laugh at you?

  19. bill, big b little ill on March 3rd, 2010 11:20 am

    Obama in 2012……it;s your right to vote for whoever you chose…for now.

    It may not be that way forever.

  20. Obama in 2012 on March 3rd, 2010 10:53 am

    And many of us will be voting again for Obama in 2012, so this man is right where all the radical rednecks belong.

  21. LULU on March 3rd, 2010 8:26 am

    Another IDIOT off the streets!!

  22. Resident on March 3rd, 2010 7:55 am

    Pretty smart. Threaten the president when you know you are going to the state pen, hoping to get time in the federal prison system instead. It’s like upgrading from the Motel 6 to the Hilton.

  23. Angi on March 3rd, 2010 7:24 am

    …LOL bill, big b little ill (Martha Stewart on prison cell home decor), Of course alot of us want Obama out, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to do such stuff as this man has stated that he wants to do… I guess he is right where he needs to be for such behavior…

  24. bill, big b little ill on March 3rd, 2010 6:36 am

    The next letter that he may want to wright, would be to Martha Stewart on prison cell home decor. He needs mental help.

    Lots of us want Obama out, but this is the wrong way to do it.

  25. Mike on March 3rd, 2010 5:49 am

    Curet is sentenced to prison in Florida until 2032 on homicide charges. I don’t really belive the Florida Dept. of Corrections is going to let him vacation in Washington with a sniper rifle. I hope the federal judge realizes this is just an attempt to get to a more “enlightend” federal prison by danerous inmate.