Man Charged With Attempting To Strangle Ex-wife

March 18, 2010

A North Escambia man is jailed after he allegedly attempted to strangle his ex-wife, with whom he was residing with in violation of a 12-year old restraining order.

brownharveylamar.jpgHarvey Lamar Brown, 52, of Highway 4A, Century, is charged with felony domestic battery by strangulation and contempt of court for willfully violating a restraining order.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrest report, the victim said her ex-husband apparently became jealous because she talked to a young man at a yard sale outside her home. When she went inside, a confrontation erupted, and Brown “strangled her to the point of almost passing out”, Deputy Jeff Gardner wrote in his report. When the victim attempted to call for help, Brown allegedly threw her on the floor and tried to break her neck, the report states.

The victim escaped and ran to a neighbor’s house to call for help. She refused medical treatment.

Brown acknowledged to deputies that an argument had occurred and said that the victim had bitten him on the arm. He admitted to the deputy that they “got into a fight (and) tussled around”.

According to the arrest report, a permanent domestic violence injunction was issued against Brown in December, 1997. Deputy Gardner wrote in his report that Brown thought the injunction had been recalled and that “she mislead him into living with her”. The report states Brown had become the caregiver for the victim, who is suffering from a medical condition.

Brown remains in the Escambia County Jail on $100,000 bond. He is due to appear in court again on April 8.


13 Responses to “Man Charged With Attempting To Strangle Ex-wife”

  1. Beau on August 5th, 2011 10:02 am

    Marty wasn’t always like this Not that I lnow anyway people have probslems they can’t control His Dad was a good man but He had a prob he couldn’t control Marty Has a good heart but unfortunately that doesn’t excuse what he did I hope he finds a way to control both himself and his probs

  2. Rena on March 20th, 2010 11:35 pm

    It’s a vicious circle for both people in an abusive relationship. While your in it, you just can’t see the disfunction of it and your love for the abuser wants to believe. He always has you convinced that it is your fault for his actions!! I was abused by a drunk who couldn’t remember what he did the next day. Finally when he was at the point of murder, God had to get me out cause i didnt want out even then! Even my Church didnt understand, telling me to stay with him and that God didnt want me to leave! Now I know God doesnt want anyone to give their life to save the marriage. Saving YOU is more important to God than saving the institution of marriage. GET OUT and go to a safe place!! Trust God with your marriage and your life, He is good and wants you to have a good happy, peaceful life. Seek peace and go after it with all thats in you!!

  3. Rena on March 19th, 2010 8:01 pm

    Re: Deborah Carnley
    Thank the Lord for changing hearts and cleaning out bitterness. For me, it took the Holy Ghost showing me plainly that I had bitterness and softened my heart to allow him to take it out with his power and put in Holy Ghost Love.
    This bitterness came after living with an abusive husband for 12 years. I had a personal relationship with Jesus and belived himto change my husband. My husband never changed and my marriage failed. I thought God failed me and decided i didnt believe, didnt pray enough, wasnt good enough. So i gave up on God. Three years later he called me back, cleaned my heart of bitterness replaced it with Love forgiveness. You cant twist God’s arm, in HIS timing not ours.

  4. Deborah Carnley on March 19th, 2010 12:17 pm

    Let us see the need in the lives of those around us..Let us all see the need for a Saviour..These are perilous times. Sometimes it is best not to backtrack but to move forward..The relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important relationship that one can ever build. Give him a try. This is not you Marty. I went to school with you and I know you in a different way.
    Get the bitterness out of your heart and turn it over to God. Prayer can and does change life situations. Remember this….Angelica Storm…..

  5. Splat on March 18th, 2010 12:03 pm

    I hope VOP isn’t enforced since it is obvious she was willing to reconnect with him and tolerate this behavior. But I do believe he should be in jail for attempted murder.

  6. David Huie Green on March 18th, 2010 9:44 am

    “The report states Brown had become the caregiver for the victim, ”

    I guess different people have different ideas as to how to give care.

    David against choking and biting care

  7. friend of family on March 18th, 2010 9:40 am

    HER FAMILY did try their very best to step in and HAD been taking care of her; before this ex-husband came back into the picture; but SHE would not LISTEN TO ANY OF THEM; they did everything they could think of to stop her from getting back involved with this man. So please do not fault her family!!! Just keep praying for them and her.

  8. Queen Bee of S.C. on March 18th, 2010 9:26 am

    Some of you are running off at the mouth. You don’t know what you’re talking about when you say some of the things you have said about her family. I know what I am saying and I say that she is one person who believes in the Lord and wants to give everyone a second chance and her family loves her and does give her care when she needs it. He does not deserve anymore chances. You just need to do some research before you write any response to what you read about. May God bless each of you and take care of YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. maggie on March 18th, 2010 8:53 am

    I wonder how many men have thought to do this ??….I’ve often thought about doing that to my husbands ex…………..sorry…..not funny…..I had been an abused me there is no excuse !

  10. Angi on March 18th, 2010 8:21 am

    Sounds to me that he has done this several times before to her too, why in the world would she put herself at risk for this to happen yet again; if their was a restraining order then he should not have even been living with this ex-wife. Seems like she would have turned to family members to help her out with her illness, or else they would have been willing themselves to help her out…

  11. none of your business on March 18th, 2010 7:59 am

    With women they always think the guy will change, but the best predictor of
    furture behavior is past behavior.
    She probably needed help and he convinced her he had changed and would
    be there for her.


  12. JKS on March 18th, 2010 6:56 am

    Hmmm, not to sure I would want a caregiver such as this one. She must have been willing for him to be there, since she didn’t try to enforce the injunction,

  13. wonder on March 18th, 2010 3:40 am

    Why did her family not step in and help her if she is sick enough for a caregiver? A permanent domestic vilolence injunction sounds like he has did this many times before to her.