Jay Softball Teams Pulls Out Of Brewton Tournament Following Weekend Shooting

March 5, 2010

Jay High School’s softball team has pulled out of a Brewton softball tournament following the weekend shooting of a Brewton teen near Jay.

The Lady Royals were scheduled to play in the tournament this weekend at T.R. Miller High School in Brewton, but the team will no longer take part out of what school officials called “an abundance of caution”.

Robert Franklin Floyd, 21, of Jay, is charged with an open count of murder for the shooting death of Getyron Lopez Benjamin, 18. Floyd is also facing three counts of attempted murder after he allegedly fired a rifle into a vehicle occupied by Benjamin and four other people that were leaving a party in Jay last Saturday morning.

There were allegations that the shooting could have been racially motivated, but many residents of Jay and Brewton say that race is not an issue in their town.

“This insanity has to stop,” one Jay High supporter wrote in an email to NorthEscambia.com “A lot of innocent people are being affected by people who are not and should not be involved in this situation.”


16 Responses to “Jay Softball Teams Pulls Out Of Brewton Tournament Following Weekend Shooting”

  1. WHAT?? i >3 Jay Florida on March 12th, 2010 9:02 am

    what does the people from haity have to do with anything?? lmao

  2. jus me on March 7th, 2010 12:35 pm

    evryone talks bout bringin the people from haity here i think we should take care of our on people we have people here homeless and hungry and no one offers to help them

  3. Llfsh on March 6th, 2010 10:33 pm

    May God Bless both families and our community of JAY. My heart cries for any mother in the loss of a child. We are a friendly, God fearing, hard working community, friends to all . We are not racist , I am so sorry that 2% of the people may be bias but 98% are not. I have lived here for 60 + years and I have never known of any racial problems. The stories of old are just that stories.
    This should have never happened. We are all one blood and all Gods Children
    he made us as we are. Never let one persons opinion make you mark a whole town. We are close Communities and need to respect and pray for each other.

  4. Angi originally from Jay on March 6th, 2010 8:29 am

    I agree with the coaches of Jay High School’s softball team, they did they right thing by looking out for the children’s safety first. This isn’t a competition to see who wins anything right now; and really there should be no name calling such as (Thugs), this kind of stuff only esculates more problems, this is a safety issue that I feel was rightly done by Jay School Officials…. Be glad that these school officials do look out for the safety of your children, and not just push them into something that could result into a more serious situation; because of maybe one young man’s fault. Everyone needs to realize, that this tragic incident did not happen in Jay; it happened in Berrydale. Why should everyone in Jay have to suffer from one mans doings. Yes this was a tragic thing that has happened, and I do feel for both sides families… GREAT WORK JAY OFFICIALS, FOR LOOKING OUT FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR CHILDREN…

  5. Jay resident on March 6th, 2010 5:58 am

    I absoutely did mean illegal aliens NOT African Americans. My response was to the blog that suggested we bring Haitian refugees to Jay to prove we are not a racist community. Sorry if anyone misunderstood my wording!

  6. JW on March 6th, 2010 1:15 am

    Proverbs 6:16-19

  7. Jay resident on March 5th, 2010 11:19 am

    It is my belief that these blogs should not be allowed to continue on this subject. We have too many biased opinions that just keep fueling a fire that should be extinguished. Let the facts come out on the court date. As for ‘aliens’
    being referred to as black people- that is ignorant. I took the writer to mean illegal aliens- not any specific race. African Americans are welcome in Jay anytime they want to come- I see them in the grocery stores, the doctor’s offices, etc.. Don’t let one bad apple spoil them all.

  8. why on March 5th, 2010 10:42 am

    to the jay resident on here what do you mean ALIENS, if you are such GOD FEARING why would you say such a thing. I will pray for you because if the god you serve allows you to call BLACK PEOPLE Aliens you you really need JESUS CHRIST to help you in your everyday walk with him.

    to the softball mom x4 you should be ashamed also I do agree life goes on and PEOPLE get shot everyday and this kind of act happens but to call them THUGS come on person get real.

    and to B It can’t get any worse than it already is , IT IS WHAT IT IS A VERY BIG MESS

    I AGREE 1000% Escambia County Resident

    to Flomaton Mom with the recent things that have happened LIFE MUST STILL GO ON. some of the girls on the TEAMS may be upset over it all but as you say blacks i find that to be an ensult they are AFRICAN AMERICANS and are proud to be THANK YOU

  9. M on March 5th, 2010 10:10 am

    Very well said PapaJ!!

  10. Flomaton Mom on March 5th, 2010 9:04 am

    As a mother I think this was the right decision. These girls should be protected and safe, and I feel like if they go to T.R. Miller they won’t be. There is too many emotions right now from the black community and it would be like throwing the Jay girls into a lions den! I feel bad for Jay’s softball team, they have worked hard and deserve to be in the tournament but I just honestly feel like it wouldn’t be safe.

  11. Patsy Green on March 5th, 2010 8:46 am

    A town cannot be racist. People are racist. I know racists from Jay and racists from Century.
    I hslped a coach a JR. Pro basketball team from Century a few years back. All but 3 of our players were black. All our games were played in Jay. We were never mistreated and I did not hear a single racial slur the entire three years I was involved.

  12. PapaJ on March 5th, 2010 8:06 am

    I have been a life-long resident of the Jay area but I was not raised to hold prejudice toward anyone. This holds true for most everyone I know who was also raised in the area. There have always been rumors of the perceived bias in the community but in my 40+ years of living here I have not seen nor been a part of such activities. Many people want to believe what they want about the community but the facts are the majority of the people who live here are not biased toward anyone and are God fearing people. Believe it or not there are many races of people living in the Jay area including those of African descent. I personnally know Mexican, Chinese, Philippine and African American people who live and have lived here for many years and they are vibrant contributing members of the community. Their children also attend and have attended Jay Schools with all of those so called biased people and have gone on with normal successful lives unscared by the perceived racism . This world is what you make of it. If you choose to live under the rock of perceived oppression of rumors and ignorance of the truth that is your prerogative. Don’t blame someone or a community for what you think is the truth. That is what breeds racism and that is up to you. You and only you have the choice to be a racist or not. Judge not any man lest you be judged.

  13. Jay resident on March 5th, 2010 7:26 am

    This is in response to Escambia County Resident who suggested we allow Haitian refugees come to Jay to correct the reputation we have. You need to read alittle more about Haiti and you would realize they are very racist toward white people. We do not need or should allow anymore aliens anywhere in this country! Anyone who knows what truly happened that tragic night knows it was not a racist act. Jay is a wonderful caring town. The majority of people work hard, go to church, take care of their families and always help when there is a need. I am very blessed to have lived and raised children in Jay!

  14. Softball Mom X4 on March 5th, 2010 6:42 am

    I do not agree with the fact that the team pulled out of this tournament. Most of the people in Jay are good, law abiding citizens and to pull out of the tournament means the THUGS have won. I can only pray for the families involved and hope better decisions are made to soothe the feeling of all involved. Jay High School and TR Miller should not be involved to this point in this situation. Sad, Sad Decision. Why punish the innocent people for the actions of one.

  15. B on March 5th, 2010 5:57 am

    I’m not sure what rock the news station pulled that idiot out from under but his statements do not reflect how the majority of Jay residents feel. The mainstream media should never have put that particular segment on the air….it was unnecessary in light of the situation. The young lady from Brewton made a statement that is also much too broad. There are still people who feel that way, but unfortunately those ignorant people are everywhre, not just Jay and the surrounding communities. When something of this nature occurs, talk is rampant and typically based on personal beliefs, which the mainstream media exploits to supposedly “report” the news. This is sad and crazy at the same time. If yoiu were not at the party or have any idea what happened, keep your opinions and beliefs to yourself. Don’t make an already horrible situation worse.

  16. Escambia County Resident on March 5th, 2010 5:49 am

    I want to feel bad for the Jay community, but when the area’s reputation precedes it, it is hard to change the perception that the town is racist after the fact. Maybe the town could extend a good will gesture like opening a Haitian relief shelter in the town along with providing those refugees permanent housing there. And then go a little further with welcoming those suffering from disaster into the school. I think that would go along way to correcting Jay’s biased reputation.