Good News For Kids: No Snow Day Make Up During Spring Break

March 2, 2010

Good news for Spring Break — students in Escambia County, Florida, will not be required to make up their recent snow day or two days missed back in November due to tropical weather.

This afternoon, the Escambia County School Board is set to approve an amended school year calendar that does not require the days to be made up.

“Even with the snow day and the hurricane days, we still meet the 900 hours of instruction required per year,” said Linda English, spokesperson for the district.  Even without the three days in class, elementary students in the county will have 1032.5 hours of instruction this year; middle school 1014.8 hours and high school 988.25 hours.
Students missed  November 9 and 10 due to Hurricane/Tropical Storm Ida, and February 12 for a snow day.

Spring Break and Good Friday holidays will be March 29-April 2 for students in Escambia County, Florida.


7 Responses to “Good News For Kids: No Snow Day Make Up During Spring Break”

  1. Ray L on March 4th, 2010 8:11 pm

    nhs mom,
    So, did your kids study for FCAT at all during snow-day? Even 1 hour?
    Surely they didn’t stay outside the entire day? I have a child at Suter and we did spend about 2 hours during “snow-day” on schoolwork studying for an upcoming test………..Just my opinion. No offense. If Esc Co was a top rated county state-wide, I wouldn’t be concerned as much.

  2. nhs mom on March 4th, 2010 10:06 am

    Ray L. It is good news for students, they were thinking they would need to give up one of their spring break days. I know for a fact that the students in our area are hard at work getting ready for FCAT. So yes they need a break. This is great news.

  3. Ray L on March 4th, 2010 8:43 am

    “GOOD Day for students” Headlines read. Hmmm? Since we already live in one of the most under-educated counties in the entire state with a rating near the bottom of the list, why should we encourage students that it is a GOOD thing to miss school? No wonder we are churning out under-achievers…………

  4. Perdido teacher on March 3rd, 2010 6:42 pm

    Baldwin county already made up the 2 Ida days. We go Good Friday to make up the snow day.

  5. Esc. FL on March 2nd, 2010 3:34 pm

    No, it does not count for Escambia County, AL. It only says Escambia County, FL. Nothing is said about AL.. Read before you make a comment!!!!!!! DUH!!!!!!

  6. Michelle H.. on March 2nd, 2010 12:15 pm

    Does that count for Escambia County, AL kids too?

  7. Angi on March 2nd, 2010 7:46 am

    I am sure that the kids are glad that they don’t have to make up these days of extra school, and I know every one of them really got alot of enjoyment of being out to get to play in the snow, since this is probably the first time that many of them have seen any snow at all…