Deputies: Walnut Hill Home Invasion Never Happened

March 28, 2010

A home invasion reported March 19 in Walnut Hill never happened, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Instead, deputies said Saturday that it was a case of a mortgage company entering a foreclosed home and resulting accusations by an occupant.

On March 19, the occupant of a house at 6520 Highway 97 in Walnut Hill reported that he met two men, one armed with a handgun, in the hallway of the home after he heard a noise in the back of the house.  The man reported that the men turned and ran to a blue truck with a roll bar. Area law enforcement agencies were put on alert, but the truck was not found.

“We believe there was no home invasion,” Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Rudy Brown said Saturday afternoon, following the completion of his investigation. “We believe the men were acting properly on behalf of the mortgage company that had foreclosed on the house.”

The owner of the home is in a local nursing home, he said. The house has no power, no running water, no appliances and no kitchen cabinets. “When you look in the windows, it looks completely unoccupied,” Brown said.

When the subcontractors arrived at the house on March 19 to change the locks, clean the yard and inspect the premises, they believed no one lived in the home. They entered, within their rights, through a back window of the house.

He said they were in a tan truck with a trailer of lawn equipment — not a blue truck as the occupant claimed. The color of the truck has been verified by an independent witness.

The subcontractors for the mortgage company did get into an argument with the occupant inside, according to the Sheriff’s Office, but they quickly left the premises. The home’s occupant told deputies that the men stole a generator from the home, but Brown said there was no evidence to that effect.

The subcontractors have spotless criminal records and work for a reputable company from Gainesville, Brown said.

“There is no probable cause for any criminal charges in the case,” Brown said.


10 Responses to “Deputies: Walnut Hill Home Invasion Never Happened”

  1. bill, big b little ill on March 30th, 2010 9:01 am

    David for keeping financial affairs in order…………….come on David, I thought by not having them in order was a way of your children paying for their raising…just kidding my friend.

    Bill very glad his parents had theirs in order.

  2. Neighbor!!! on March 29th, 2010 7:20 am

    Now Ninja, if you know him so well,you would know that it is or was his Grandmother’s house and also if you are so close to him you would know that there are some serious ISSUES regarding the entire situation since they bought the place. Hopefully the law will get to the bottom of the situation and get that someone some help that they REALLY need!!!

  3. Oversight on March 29th, 2010 5:49 am

    Ok, now where is the arrest for the false police report? The department wasted manhours and resources chasing around this lie. The person who reported this non-crime neeeds to be charged with making a false report, false activation of the 911 system and anything else that deputies can come up with.

  4. David Huie Green on March 28th, 2010 11:32 pm

    “This is complete and utter bull I know the person personally and he is not a squatter by any means. He is taking care of his mothers house.”

    If it is actually true that “it was a case of a mortgage company entering a foreclosed home and resulting accusations by an occupant.”, then it is no longer his mother’s house and she does not have authority to authorize him to stay there and take care of the place.

    David for keeping financial affairs in order

  5. David Huie Green on March 28th, 2010 11:16 pm

    “Can you imagine? Being laid up in a nursing home, apparently not in any condition to tend to your affairs, and having your home foreclosed?”

    I know a lady at a local nursing home. She asked me to look after her home while she is in there. I didn’t know what to tell her since it was bought for multiple years of unpaid taxes a few years back and sold since then.

    The fellow who bought it is a good man and she is never leaving that home alive. One other thing is certain, he certainly improved the looks of the place.

    David still watching but none of my business

  6. Ninja on March 28th, 2010 10:39 pm

    This is complete and utter bull I know the person personally and he is not a squatter by any means. He is taking care of his mothers house. The place was broken into a while back and stripped by some people. Alot of property was also stolen from the house. This guy wouldn’t lie about a home invasion. I have known him for years and I even served in the army with him.

  7. molinojim on March 28th, 2010 11:15 am

    I guess it was good that the fellows WORKING AND DOING THEIR JOB didn’t run into all those folks that have their shotguns/AK-47/AR-15’s ready to shoot first and ask questions later. I fully believe in protecting myself and my family. But I recall so many statements when this was first reported about shooting ANYONE ON MY PROPERTY OR COMING INTO MY HOUSE. Luck was with them and the home owner.

  8. anydaynow on March 28th, 2010 11:04 am

    Can you imagine? Being laid up in a nursing home, apparently not in any condition to tend to your affairs, and having your home foreclosed? Where is this man’s case manager or patient advocate??

  9. Joe on March 28th, 2010 9:13 am

    Does this fall under the category of filing a false police report? Just because some people are having trouble paying bills does not make it morally correct or legal for a person to break into, and unlawfully reside in a vacant home. The owner of the property (either private citizen or bank) has the right to protect their financial interest. If the squatter needs a place to stay they should go to a shelter or stay with friends. Otherwise they should be arrested for trespassing.

  10. me on March 28th, 2010 7:18 am

    you know we all are struggling to keep a roof over our head these days . its not like we have millions setting in the bank and just choose not to pay our loans I say remember to serve Gods laws Not mans and soon we will see relief but not by man but out FATHER