Democrats Applaud Passage Of Health Care Reform Bill; Republicans Fire Back; What Do You Think?
March 22, 2010
Sunday night, the Democratic-controlled Congress approved a health care reform bill that will overhaul the American medical system. Shortly after the bill passed, both Congressmen that represent the North Escambia area spoke out in strong opposition to the plan.
The bill passed 219-212 after a year of bitter debate, with all 178 Republicans in the House and 34 Democrats opposed. The bill now goes to President Barack Obama’s desk for a signature.
The $940 billion legislation will extend health insurance coverage to about 32 million additional Americans. Most Americans will be required to have health insurance or pay a fine, and large employers will be fined if they don’t offer coverage to their employees. The bill also caps expenses for those with insurance, and it will bar insurance companies from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions.
After the bill passed, Congressman Jeff Miller (R-Fla) said, “After over a year of trying to ram through a trillion dollar government takeover of our health care system, Nancy Pelosi and the majority party waited until the middle of the night to take one of the most important votes in history. This bill was written behind closed doors using backroom deals to buy enough votes to pass, and puts the future of our great country at great risk. It does nothing to protect the sanctity of human life, will not lower health care costs for the American family, cuts Medicare by $500 billion, and raises taxes on middle-class Americans. I strongly denounce the passage of this bill and will work for its swift repeal.”
In Alabama, the entire House delegation — five Republicans and two Democrats — voted unanimously against the health care legislation approved late Sunday. In Florida, the vote was split along party lines.
Congressman Jo Bonner (R-Ala) said, “Tonight, a stake was put through the heart of both freedom and liberty. Under the Democrat’s rule, personal responsibility no longer appears to be an American virtue. And the federal government, with 16,000 new IRS agents, will be watching our every move. With a national debt over $12 trillion, and growing every minute, this is not a day for celebration; it is a moment we will all one day come to regret.”
Your thoughts on this story are welcome in the comments section below.
President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and senior staff, react in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, as the House passes the health care reform bill Sunday night. Courtesy Photo for, click to enlarge.
167 Responses to “Democrats Applaud Passage Of Health Care Reform Bill; Republicans Fire Back; What Do You Think?”
Health insurance is a choice not a right! Wake up people, this bill is WRONG!
KB, the American must like having their heads buried in the sand. We are being lead around by the nose and don’t have the good sense to know it. Most of us have grown up in a family that was republican or democrat and continue you be die hard one or the other. Some people will follow the leader and vote for who ever their friend says vote for and never research for themselves. America caught the Obama wave and never even considered his record, a very short record as a law maker who passed on voting on most issues rather that commit to one or the other. A fence rider. A president that has a hidden back ground of so much information that he will not answer himself. Why should any president be allowed to cover up his back ground.
Belonged to a church that preached hate rather that love and forgiveness.
Then we have N. Pelosi, a wild eyed woman that is nutty as a fruit cake. A vice president that fits the same bill.
America has just been had by it own leaders and it did not start with Obama it has been going on for a while. Obama has just taken it to the extreme.
Just this mans opinion, read H.R.3200 for yourself before you jump on the bandwagon, it’s not so easy to read and I don’t for one minute think all the lawmakers have read it. It’s going to take a while for me to finish reading. Just start reading, what some of you are so happy about being passed, I think if your honest you will not be so happy.
God help America, your the only one who can.
hey the truth, get your head out of the sand.
I saw this online and had to repost it here…
“So, we just passed a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, signed by a Congress that exempts themselves from it, signed by a president that smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, all to be overseen by a surgeon general that is obese…and financed by a country that’s broke? First steps into our new communist country.”
But….the sadest of all is yet to come. Children that are badly in need of health insurance will have to wait until 2013 to recieve it.
Key points on the health care bill H.R.3200
Oh thank God, I purpose as well. I must be entertainer of the year.
David Huie Green,
JGJ “…………………. if anyone wants to know more about whats going on, just ask your doctor…pretty simple… i will at my next visit..”
Just a little while ago, I found out that my doctor is going to retire in a month or so. NO WARNING!!! I think he knows something we all need to know. He is not an old man.
“No one has the answers here, we all just have opinions, just some think that their opinion is the only one that matters.”
sorry, couldn’t help myself
I saw a plaque once which read something like
which also reminds me of
“I have learned that God sends fools and idiots not to punish you but to entertain you (Note: Life becomes so much simpler when you learn this!) ”
from some joke of the day I got yesterday or today. So at least I have some entertainment value based on the above, everybody needs a purpose.
All the polls that I seen say that the american people don’t want this bill passed. I would love to see everyone have affordable insurance, I consider mind as high priced with no dental or vision.
Being retired it’s a good chunk of change for my wife and I, but I pretty much don’t have a choice, we couldn’t afford her medication with out it.
No one has the answers here, we all just have opinions, just some think that their opinion is the only one that matters.
We still live in America, and it’s a pretty good place to live.
you make a good point bill… if anyone wants to know more about whats going on, just ask your doctor…pretty simple… i will at my next visit..
EMD on March 24th, 2010 5:30 pm David Huie Green,
“Thank you. I suppose you are right. It’s no longer a bill. It is whatever it is now. ”
Even if you agree with me, I disagree. That’s just wrong. But I noticed on the news today that Nancy Pelosi realized all of the reconciliation hadn’t happened so I guess it was still at least one and possibly two bills and counting.
So when people say, The American People wanted THIS bill, which one was it they wanted????
Anyway, our President will get to sign the new one as soon as it is approved by al the right minded people. Interesting to think of the one he signed with such fanfare. I wonder if he will need to sign a followup Executive Order since they now say the one he signed is null and void.
David wondering if there are more changes coming
Joe Biden said without the passing of the health care bill that Obama would be done. Joe always shows such great support of his commander and chief.
Now the bill hits a snag and heads back to congress because of wording. Wonder what will be added or lost.
Those who don’t have insurance already.
An insurance-less person would have to pony up whichever is greater: $695 for each uninsured family member, up to a maximum of $2,085; or 2.5 percent of household income.
So don’t think that your getting free insurance.
Beginning in 2014 (that’s right, this is four years away), The cutoff level would be an income of four times the federal poverty level. For one person, that’s about $44,000 a year. For a family of four, the comparable figure is about $88,000.People who make less would have to pay a smaller slice of their income for coverage. For instance, individuals who make about $14,000, and four-person families with incomes of about $29,000, would not have to pay more than 3 to 4 percent of their incomes for insurance.
This is just a small portion of what we can expect.
I think one of our commenters used a different name tonight. He seems to be upset because of one of my dyslexic( or whatever) , moments.
Just want him to know he got prayed for tonight. So did I. I believe there are many folks bitter like WPNOD who were dropped spirtually by some hypocrites, and now have a lot of bruises. Like a banana with all those soft brown spot (not pleasant to eat). Bruises can be really sore. It happens way too often. If there is any hypocrisy in anyone, it needs to go for sure. All we can do that really works is to be sorry, repent, and ask for forgiveness. Can a leopard change its spots? No. But, God can. And He is also a restorer. Now, the United States of America is bruised. Someone told me today that there are folks around the globe, praying for our nation.
Thanks David, I knew you would help me out.
“David some very good points, I agree.
Sorry I just couldn’t think of any thing to say, I was to busy trying to figure out how to spell …..HYPOCRITE! … I could look it up.
now where would I look?”
I tend to go into Microsoft Works Word Processor and type: hypocrit.
so I ask it politely (might as well be polite to computer programs, they don’t care anyway and it’s good practice for obnoxious people) Well, how do you think it should be spelled by putting the cursor on it and clicking my mouse. And it confidently suggests a number of possible, real words, the first of which is HYPOCRITE. And I wonder Where did that E at the end come from? But I figure it’s smarter than I am, so I let it go. Just out of curiosity, I click on my new spelling and ask for the dictionary lookup and it says:
hyp·o·crite [híppə krìt]
(plural hyp·o·crites)
somebody feigning high principles: somebody who pretends to have admirable principles, beliefs, or feelings but behaves otherwise
[12th century. Via Old French ypocrite
I read on Fox news that our law-makers are getting threatening phone calls and their wives were afraid to answer the phones. That just crazy.
“I do not agree with those who say the majority want this. I have only heard 2 people I know say they want it.”
I’ve met plenty who said they wanted it, even before it was written in any form, they favored it.
It will be interesting if they still want it when they see how it works and if the others still don’t want it after they see how it works. I have no idea how well it is going to work–I just keep remembering how successful the government has been at other big projects like Somalia, Haiti, Iraq and Afghanistan and the war on poverty and the war on drugs and the war on poor learning.
Some made it clear they wanted it because they thought it meant all their health care needs would be free if it passed. They as individuals may be right, even though somebody’s going to have to pay the bills.
Some want it because they know they don’t actually have to get insurance until they get sick and then the premiums will be lower than if they were based on their health. (They’ll have to pay a penalty for not getting insurance, but it may be cheaper than insurance until they actually need it.)
We shall see.
Some want it because they know it will force young people to pay for insurance and that will subsidize their health care now that they are older and sicker and it would be more expensive if the burden weren’t shared by the healthy. (“Hey kid, I need your help, give it to me or I’ll send you to prison.”)
Some just think that the government creates wealth out of nothingness and that all expenses will just–POOF–go away.
Some are convinced they can live unhealthy lifestyles and the government will never step in to punish them for driving up health care expenses. Others think they can now start living unhealthy lifestyles since the government will foot the bill. (I doubt anyone actually words it that way, but the result will be the same.)
It will all be educational.
JGJ, my doctor told me that he figured he could work until 2014 before he has to file bankruptcy. That’s what he thinks of this new bill.
David some very good points, I agree.
Sorry I just couldn’t think of any thing to say, I was to busy trying to figure out how to spell …..HYPOCRITE! … I could look it up.
now where would I look?
I guess you’ve heard the news about how the Dems screwed up and now addressing the children with pre existing conditions won’t take effect until 2014. I guess thats what happens when you ram through legislation without reading it first…
If in fact your situation really does exist, I truly hope it works out for the best…That really is sad..
“you can’t even correctly type a short, little sentence. ”
Even though it wasn’t me this time, you know perfectly well how easy it is to type something wrong and have so much self-confidence that you don’t proof read what you wrote. It’s not really significant.
“Wow, the nerve of some people! Just because people don’t agree with you, does not make them ignorant. Matter of fact, they may disagree because they are far more informed than you. ”
I’m pretty sure we’re all fairly ignorant of all of the details of such a massive act–both those in favor and those against. Every day some report says something like, “By the way, this is an aspect of the new Health Care act nobody has mentioned yet….”
And our President felt the need to sign an Executive Order to clear up what he was going to take it’s meaning to be in regard to abortion. I am expecting somebody any day now to say the act in conjunction with the order will make certain medical procedures illegal which were formerly legal.
I know that was part of the squabble among the Democrats themselves (ourselves) in which some insisted it include and mean certain things and others insisted it exclude those very things.
David thinking anything which requires signing statements to be clearly understood might not have been well written in the first place
I can’t see anyone being scared of anything they don’t believe in.
But Jesus can help you with that scared part.
Some people change names like they change underwear. Always something to amuse me on here.
Waiting on Jesus, He IS COMING SOON
Man you people scare me the way you turn everything into Jesus.
Ever think for a minute that Jesus wanted this to happen for the good of all the people, as opposed to those of you who are merely concerned with your OWN well-being?
And then EMD said:
Those that think this is a good think is just ignorant (means “uninformed” )
Now that right there is funny. Here you are trying to call someone else ignorant, but you can’t even correctly type a short, little sentence. Wow, the nerve of some people! Just because people don’t agree with you, does not make them ignorant. Matter of fact, they may disagree because they are far more informed than you. That is just a little food for a narrow mind; take your time and digest slowly, wouldn’t want you to get a headache.
Ever wonder how YOUR Jesus feels about you judging thy neighbors like that?
Here is another big word for you to go look up…HYPOCRITE!
At this point all you can do is voice your opinion to your senator. Then vote when the next election comes. What ever happens after that will be. Some will be happy some will be mad.
Just hang on and watch for Jesus.
David Huie Green,
Thank you. I suppose you are right. It’s no longer a bill. It is whatever it is now.
I do not agree with those who say the majority want this. I have only heard 2 people I know say they want it.
Those that think this is a good think is just ignorant (means “uninformed” ) about what all is behind this. You are going to wish you had never heard of Obama. May God have Mercy in Judgment.
The time IS now.
“there is NO WAY the Supreme Court is going to rule a Bill unconstutional when
A. The majority of Americans want it.
B. The Bill does far more good than harm.”
You could be right, we shall see.
Sad if you are.
Not that I am particularly worried about the act itselft either way but because the function of the Supreme Court is to apply the Constitution and other laws of the nation. The Constitution is the highest law in the nation and if the law is laid aside for popularity, that means we have no law.
You say, Yes but it is lawlessness for a good cause.
I say everyone is right in his own mind, even the killers.
I am reminded when First Lady Clinton tried to have military surgeons court martialed for refusal to perform abortions. She figured a woman’s right to choose meant any given doctor had to take part in her decision even if he or she personally considered it murder.
What if someone like that comes to power: Kill or be killed.
I saw where a Nazi war criminal was convicted of assorted murders just the other day (hard to believe there are still any left). He asserted that he had to kill the Jews or his government would kill him. The court didn’t buy his defense but we may well be seeing more of the same in the future.
You say, Obama wouldn’t do a thing like that.
I say there will be other people in charge in the future and they will do what they will do. Some will be good, some will be bad. This is especially true if there are no laws limiting their exercise of power. If there are no limits on power there are no limits on its power to corrupt.
So maybe the Supreme Court WILL rule not on the law but on the polls and we will reap the whirlwind.
David not even considering whether the American people wanted THIS bill or just SOME bill which would take care of us for us
“I am also 100% against this bill. Its stupid.’
Just a note, It is no longer a bill. A bill is a proposal under consideration. An act is a bill which has been approved–for better or for worse..
EMD said:
“Liberty Counsel is filing a suit to stop this bill in Federal District Court: ”
Good luck with that one! The majority of Americans want this Bill. Although the manner in which the Bill was passed is a subject of concern, even though Repubs have used the same tactics nearly 3-1 over Dems, there is NO WAY the Supreme Court is going to rule a Bill unconstutional when
A. The majority of Americans want it.
B. The Bill does far more good than harm.
My recommendation is to find another reason to hate this president, because this is in the books baby!!!!!!!! VICTORY…..ah yes what a sweet taste it is.
“Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country.” – President Kennedy (Dem)
It is apparent that the so-called great Democratic party has turned it’s back on a hero of theirs, and would rather do the opposite of what he believed in.
Can you say USSA?
It will take the people of the US to wake up and remove them from office. An put in TRUE AMERICANS who believe and follow the constitution as written. Not what they think it says.
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:14
I am also 100% against this bill. Its stupid.
Liberty Counsel is filing a suit to stop this bill in Federal District Court:
To sign petition:
I understand what you are saying. I have children that are in the same position. But if the care the govt. says they will now provide, is more than you can afford,and you are penalized for not buying it, how does that help you? I believe that some, high in our govt., want to rule over us all with a hand of iron, and this is part of their plan to do just that. They have been working up to this for years. You can be sure that they are not your friend. Your only real help will come from God. Those that do not know Him, need to make His aquaintance. He is raising an army to help, but will their be faith?
Let’s see, I work for a living. Each and every day. But because my job is “contract” I have no health insurance offered. I can’t afford to purchase privately. I would love to pool of American people with premiums and copays I can afford. I would love to be able to go to the doctor once a year for a physical. To see a dentist. But that costs money. But who cares about people like me. Cling onto the welfare moms and dads, they are already getting theirs. But people like me and many others are falling through the cracks.
BTW, we are a two parent family.
If this is so great why is the people from canada coming to the states for health care. I read that you are a wake and in a dential chair when they remove your toncils. What parent would want this for their child. We already pay for people to have insurance. If you do not make enought money you can get medicade for your self. Their is Ala.All kids and Flordia has a great program that is not that much a month.I wonder if my family will make fun at me now for being republican? It will probally save the United States money we will be dead before we can see the doctor.
Peg is right. I visited Canada, and their taxes are ridiculously high. I met a motel manager that was irate against the government there. I also dated, and was good friends with, a doctor that was from a country that had socialized medicine. He didn’t like it at all. He said that people having their tonsils removed, had the procedure sitting, awake, in a dentist type chair! Also, there were long waiting lists and lines.
Face is fellow citizens, this thing that is happening now in our country was planned long ago. We fell for many lies and tricks of the enemy, and now all that awaits us on this earth is slavery to power mongers. They are minions of Satan, himself.
God is the only One, and repentance and prayer the only thing that can turn this around. I, for one, do not see any mass repentance going on, in or out of this world’s churches. But God has, and is, preparing a people for this day, born for such a time as this. If and when you recognize them, will it be too late?
Concerned: Sorry to hear that your granddaughter cant get insurance because of a preexisting condition. But consider this – countries that have socialized medicine also have long waiting lists that prevent more people from being treated. The doctors are second rate, and don’t really care about their patients. I know from experience… lived in Canada… and believe me free health-care is in fact far from free. They make up for it with high taxes on everything.
When i was a baby i developed a weird rash that wouldn’t go away so my mom took me to the doctor. He didn’t know what it was, so he sent us to a specialist…. the appointment for the specialist was 4 months later! If the rash would have been anything serious, 4 months later would have been far to late to fix anything. This story is repeated over and over… long waits lines, etc. Actually many Canadians come to the united states to get procedures done, instead of waiting months. Part of the reason my grandfather is moving to the states to get better health-care. Im not saying that all the health-care is going to go totally to pot, but i am saying that it will not be all its cracked up to be. And i have a feeling that soon the American public will wake up and see just how “good” and “cheap” socialized health-care is. It surprises me that people still want it despite its failures in other countries (canada is not the only one).
Dear Concerned,
You have no clue Sir or Ma’am. I have a 16 year old daughter that now lives in heaven. It took us 12 years to pay off her Dr. & hospital bills. We didn’t go on Welfare or collect food stamps. We paid for a nice funeral with no help from anyone, not even the party reasponsible for her death. Insurance didn’t give your daughter life and insurance can’t say when she will die. Only the Most High God has the authority to give and take life.
Bless you and yours,
One more thing… God is in the healing business to, just ask and believe in the name of Jesus for your daughters healing. It just takes a little faith as small as a grain of mustard seed.
I see no one took me up so again I like some of the positive post and I am going to say I support the bill, I pay taxes, I vote how I want for what I want, and now what are you are going to do. I have work for 41 years now and I own my home, my land, and I am so dang glad my grandaughter will now be able to get insurance because she has cancer at 2 years old…that is right no insurance because “preexisting condition” you folks do not have a clue!!! God help you!
bill, big b little ill ,
Thank you for sharing your testimony. You make my heart sing.
Like you, I went for years thinking I was saved, then years wondering, and now about 33 years knowing. I was also, water baptized 3 times. Water does not save. Then I wanted to praise God for what He did for me that day on my dining room floor, but I didn’t have words sufficient. Well, He gave me some. When I opened my mouth to speak them, many many came out. I understood none of them, but after wards, I felt a Peace I had never known. Oh how a place called “church” can hold one back spiritually if it is not right with God, and the members do not seek His will for themselves and test everything they are taught against His Word. Trying to live a holy life without the fullness of The Spirit, is like trying to plow ten fields alone with a donkey and plow, when there is a big gasoline powered tractor with an air conditioned cab just sitting there. May God open blinded eyes, and may shepherds of greed be saved. And, may God empower those shepherds who do love and live for Him and His sheep, with ever more of the power of love than they already have.
“We need some folks using common sense in DC. I’m not seeing much on either side. ”
I have often wonderee why something so uncommon as common sense was called common sense in the first place.
Was there once a time when many had it?
If so, what happened?
David just wondering
SaddleUpNRide said,
” These are the worse degenerates that we have ever had running our country, even worse than the Clintons,”
It is written: Daniel 4:17
This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.
Psalm 9:17
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
I have worked Home Health in the north end of this county, and have seen the problem. Some folks I saw were those who had worked but were ill and poor and really needed help. However, the majority were slackers or had younger family members who were slackers, who always wanted to blame somebody else. I saw things that you would not believe if I told you. And, with my own ears, I heard a young girl talking with another young girl about how many babies she would have to have to get enough money to live on. Into the mix, they were figuring on food stamps, subsidized living quarters etc. They have never known anything different. I saw the results of alcohol and drug abuse. I was even shown a pistol once and a shotgun another time, and found a pistol under one patient’s pillow. The shotgun was a threat if I blew the whistle on a man that had, once more, raped his retarded daughter and gotten her pregnant. The pistol was showing off and talking big. I was praying and acting cool, continuing with my assessment of the patient he was living with. I guess I “proved” myself. He later, threatened any of his cronies who would try to harass me. Most of these folks would not follow instructions on how to care for themselves. Most were illiterate to one degree or another. HANDOUTS that are not deserved, DON’T WORK!!!
We have a lot of problems in this country, and now we have, what appears to be a puppet dictator making it worse.
Are we getting what we deserve now because of the degree of sin and darknes much of the country has been wallowing in? Yes wallowing it. It goes on in places that “look” respectable too. We are a spoiled people who have thought this could not happen here. Well, just look at what it’s come to. Freedom isn’t free, unless, of course, it is the freedom God gives. And, He paid the Highest price possible for It. It cost Him All. But He promised us all. Comparatively few take full advantage of His Offer.
David I do love your sense of humor. I agree that theres lots of thing we need to fix. The words republican or democrat can not fix our problems. We need leaders not followers as most of the democratic party has done with Obama. Just because Obama wants or Bush, Pelosi, Reid or who ever. We need some folks using common sense in DC. I’m not seeing much on either side. All we have is free for alls that gets no where….keep up that sense of humor.
EMD, as a young man I went for years thinking I was saved. Never reading his word and had no understanding of his word. But in 1993 setting in the back of a small church My wife and I were visiting, God began to deal with me as every fiber of by being began to jump around inside me. The only way I can explain it is that the Holy Spirit moved and and he was cleaning house, everything had to leave. Never have I experienced such a relief as I ask Jesus into my heart. God has spoken to me many times, but the most beautiful voice I ever heard was when I ask him what he saved me for. Two week later driving home he spoke to me, his words were “Just because I love you” other times he has reminded me it’s not about me but him.
God loves you, no matter who you are or what you have done, but until you ask Jesus to come into your heart and cleans you with his blood his love will not keep you hell. It’s your choice, he’s willing.
I believe if it walks like a DEM.
Talks like a DEM.
Smells like a DEM.
I’ll vote like I don’t like DEM.
We have been bucked off by this country over & over & over again and I’m not going to ride this bronk any longer. Our rivals in D.C., Bomma and his woman Pit Bull, could care less about “By the people for the people”. These are the worse degenerates that we have ever had running our country, even worse than the Clintons, and thats a fact. I declare a clean sweep of the present administration all the way down to everyone who voted to pass this horrid “health care bill”. We can’t afford to pay & pay & pay. The price of everything has gone up from gas to groceries… but Not the paychecks and now THEY are going to hurt us even more. Families are sleeping in the streets that once had good jobs and homes to live in and you all know that THEY do not give a hoot!!
I say SUE the pants off those “Legal Criminals” that are taking our last pennies right out of our holey pants pockets.
I could call them bad ugly names that they do deserve, but I’m better than they are and I won’t lower myself to their standards to do such.
“Have a Jesus Filled Day”
“Until you have experienced families in which the parents are working two jobs and still unable to provide health care for their children (which by the way is the majority) than you will continue to live under your rock. ”
Yet reports indicate most in such situations are not two parent families.
so how is it the majority?
David who has seen plenty wonder why they should pay attention in school and now blaming society because now they can’t get a good job
“Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their BUTT—-doing drugs while I work.”
Whereas I believe we should provide them their drug of choice until they kill themselves from the abuse.
It’s heartless of me and I am ashamed of myself, but I see laws to protect people don’t help them and do burden the rest of society, leading to murder, spread of AIDS, financing pushers on the lifeblood of their clients. Just be done with it.
“Can any of you negative posters list a SPECIFIC way in which you as an individual will be adversely affected by the passing of this Bill?”
You mean like being forced to pay for insurance for others? Or like being forced to buy insurance? Or being punished for having too good an insurance plan? Or like the young being forced to take up the burden of caring for the old?
Nope, can’t think of a single thing, even if it turns out to be unconstitutional
I’m joining the NON-Incumbent and Term Limits party on my next vote…
“when a worker has an accident at work they are immediately given a drug screen and if they flunk the test no insurance pays. Not worker’s comp and not health insurance. It’s really unfair in many ways because there are many things that can cause someone to flunk those tests including over the counter meds, prescriptions, and even some foods.”
The government won’t pay workman’s compensation for having accidents while working in a self-induced impaired state? ? ?
We need to fix that.
And imagine being turned down for taking medications which say DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE HEAVY MACHINERY WHILE TAKING THIS MEDICINE and having an accident while driving or operating heavy machinery ! ! !
We need to fix that.
and in a perfectly fair world you would run into such a person after fixing the inequity. In an imperfectly fair world, some small children will be run into instead..
David for encouraging people I share the road with to drive doped up
(is this where I then say NOT ?)
bill, big b little ill
“a child of God and willing to be anything God wants me to be. ”
To me, that is as high of a place as a human can attain to. You make my heart glad.
Thank you bill, but, like Paul, I count all of my education and experience dung, compared to what I have found in Christ. I would relinquish it all in a heartbeat.
I sense something different in WPNOD. I believe that WPNOD just has a big Christ size hole in his heart that he doesn’t know what to do with, and much anger. I would also guess, he has been abused in some way or some ways, perhaps even spiritually. I do not know him, but I know what lonesome feels like and I know what being subjected to a lot of hypocrisy in church and with church people feels like. Note; I did not say believers in, and lovers of, Christ. I said, “church people” ( little c ).
There is an ache in my heart for him/her. Either……..doesn’t matter. He/she is what the enemy is trying to make out of the person God created him/her to be. But, it is not too late for him/her yet. God’ arms are still outstretched, and He wants to recreate WPNOD.
I once wanted to see to believe, but when I truly believed, I saw.
“… anyone who hears voices like that is in need of some meds.”
As the Tee shirt says
EMD, wow you have been around. Good for you. God has blessed you in many ways. As for telling white punk anything, well the name he has chosen for himself speaks loudly of himself. I’m after all a unsophisticated backwoods simpletons that spent 35 years a a local company with a high school education and some college. Raised 5 children and burried two.Don’t claim to be anything other than a child of God and willing to be anything God wants me to be.
White punk is just one os those people that if you say it’s a nice day, he’s going to say it’s a bad day. You know the type, not happen in anything so he wants to bring everyone else down to his level.
bill, big b little ill,
I consider that a privilege of huge proportion, and I thank William for posting it.
Hold your “Peace.”
“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” Matthew 5:44
“Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.”Luke 6:26
“Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.” Matthew 5:11
“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” Psalms 14:1 and 53:1
God loves you WPNOD
EMD, myself and lots of others hear that still small voice, bring on the white rap-around hug me jacket. If God never speaks to you or you have never had a prayer answered then you are in serious trouble.
EMD thanks for sharing what God has done in your life.
Thanks white punk for adding another name for me to go by.
Lets see you have called me stupidity, fool, idiot republican, unsophisticated backwoods simpleton, I can’t remember what else, oh yea, believer in donkey doo do.
It’s good to know that I am known.
Praise God, for the blessings
Hearing from God, is not necessarily hearing with your natural ears or your natural mind. It is The Spirit’s Voice, which is something you have to know for yourself. I do not know how to adequately explain this. You will have to ask God.
As for being simpletons, I’m sure there are some, but you cannot know who they are for sure, can you? Or are you calling “simpleton’s,” the ones who do not agree with you? Not to brag, but to prove a point, I encourage some of you dissenters out there to join me in listing some qualifications, as did the Apostle, Paul. As for myself, I went through 3 years of nursing school at a hospital in Atlanta, that pioneered in the field of open heart surgery. They had one of the first heart-lung machines. Only two of the graduates knew how to deal with it, so they had to work 12hr shifts in the recovery room. I was one of the two. After that, joined the Air National Guard Reserves as a Flight Nurse, and 2nd. Lieutenant. I married a Navy man and have lived in Calif., Japan, P.R., and have been in many cities in this country, and have also been to Mexico twice and Germany and Nova Scotia. While in Japan, I took two classes in Japanese. I have also taken two classes in sign language, and 2 classes in creative writing. I took one class in cake decorating. I have learned a bit of Spanish on my own, and used to know the alphabet in Arabic, and could write some of it. I almost finished a correspondence course in writing, but didn’t get to finish because of a few family tragedies. I have taken courses in survival training and self defense at a camp near Ocala. I attended and completed officer’s training in Montgomery AL, and completed about 8 weeks of school at the Brooks School of Aerospace Medicine, in San Antonio, Texas. I have been on a Coast Guard Cutter, flown many air miles, and been on a life raft in the Atlantic. I was a flight nurse for a short time during the Viet Nam War. I have done private duty, worked as a charge nurse in a hospital, drove a school bus for 5 years, and worked in home health for 5 years. Now, I am about tired in my flesh, but my spirit is renewed daily, by Jesus Christ, The Son of God, who lives in me, and I love Him with all my heart. And, I enjoy the fellowship of many of like mind and heart. I would really love for you to be one of them. And, I feel I must tell you that I just totally LOVE the backwoods!!!
white punk ? Have you figured out that you are the minority around here? If you think we came from monkeys, then why do we still have monkeys? I doubt you make $85,000.00 a year anyway, your always on here trying to get under someones skin. There is a GOD and when you do find out we are right about it, it will be too late to matter. VOTE REPUBLICAN IN NOVEMBER !!!! Its time to send the communist packing !!!
The frustrating thing about reading all the posts on this site is that the majority of you are all unsophisticated backwoods simpletons. “No monkeys in your bloodline”? I’m sure you’re right, because anyone who descended from a monkey would HAVE to be more intelligent than you make yourself out to be.
As for you EMD, instead of calling out to God you might have tried calling a mental health professional. because anyone who hears voices like that is in need of some meds.
If you voted for this unqaulified ego maniac and you still support him after he kicks you in the teeth, then you pay the bill for all the illegal people and the ones who want to sit on their lazy butt and let us take care of them. NEVER NEVER NEVER this whole wasted time did this UNAMERICAN prompter reading communist ever mention the words working families. You know why? Because it doesn’t help the working people of this country. Everybody on this wonderful site should call our represenatives and tell them what we think. ( not counting the uninformed and always wrong supporters of this freedom taker ).
With a national debt over $12 trillion, and growing every minute how can the US continue as a nation. Our government spends money like they have a money tree. They borrow money without thinking of consequences. Obama went into office and has no idea what to do. He filled his administration with the same old same old out of D.C. now that’s change you can believe in. Same old bunch that’s been draining America for years. Change is coming, just like other nations through out history that turn from God, God lead them into captivity as he turn his anger towards them.
This nation could have paid for health care for those who could not afford it over the years out of the money they fill their own pockets with. It would be nice to see bills passed that had no attachments to award congressmen and women, just like the senate. They never pass any thing just on the merit of a single issue without adding pork
White punk, your attacks on what I have to say are welcome. I’m an idiot republican, with no brains according to you. Anyone ever told you that you are your worst enemy. No matter what you call me or say about me I still have enough brains and faith to believe in the one true God.
I HAVE NO MONKEYS IN MY BLOODLINE, NOR DID MY ANCESTORS WASH UP ON SHORE AND JUST HAPPEN. But by all means, if that where you think you came from, have at it.
Just like EMD, I will be praying for you.
whitepunknotondope: “What the HELL does this mean? I don’t know, and I’m sure you don’t either. Don’t quote crap some lower life form wrote three thousand years ago.”
I used to ask that same question, and one day, after searching everything I could find, seeking truth, I laid on my face in the floor and, in anger, and frustration, cried out to God. I told Him that I had tried to find The Truth, and that if this was all there was, I did not want to live, but that I would not commit suicide. I would just let Him kill me. I will shorten this story: I told Him I would not move until He answered me, no matter what happened. I meant it with everything in me. He answered in a still small voice that was very loudly true, and I just KNEW it. He said, “You must come as a child……………….” and “Whosoever calls on the name of The Lord shall be saved.” I said, “what is your name?” He said, “Jesus.” I said, “But I thought that all ways must be the way until the confusion I found today.” (words to that effect) He then said, “No other name is given under heaven by which man can be saved.” I asked, ” What about my Buddhist, Moslem and other friends of different beliefs. What will happen to them?” He said, “Do not worry about them. Leave them to me. You cannot love them more than I do.” That day, I gave my all to Him. Now, about 33 years later, I know more than I ever did that had been hidden from my understanding. For, I learned about His Word from Him. Not just preachers or someone else. There are many preachers that do not know Him. I recommend fellowship for believers, with other believers, but I highly recommend that one who is serious about Truth and about God, find a place where The Truth is taught from God’s Word, and where God is not kept in a denominational box. One where a person is not spiritually abused, but where they can be free to be led of God and be free to worship Him in their own way from their heart, not from doctrines of men. I pray you ask Him to find you . WPNOD! He gave ALL for you before you asked, because, even in your hate, He loves you so very much. I promise you that if you really love truth, you will love Him. Otherwise……what can I say? You will be in my prayers and those of many others.
John Parker: “It’s a welcome change from all these people who think the world is going to end almost immediately with these changes to health coverage in the United States!!”
I am quite sure it is not just the changes in health coverage in the United States that they are thinking about.
Some of us need to wake up, and some that are awake, need to get out of the bed they woke up in.
One of my neighbors said the other day, “if there was truly any justice in this universe all the federal jobs in Florida’s district 1 would vanish into thin air and the people living here would have to live what they talk”
This morning, I find myself rolling that comment around in my head and wishing I had the meaness in me to agree.
Whte punk, you will understand soon.
you will bow down an proclaim Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
just for futher information, I will continue to cling to the Bible and Jesus.
Get a job and save the gov. that 85k
Elections have consequences and now America is facing those consequences. American voters have recklessly chosen to give power to a socialistic ideologue with a majority in both houses of Congress. The “dumbing down” of our American educational system by liberal educators has paid off for them as a majority of the American voting public is yet ignorant of the multitudes of freedoms they have voted away by confusing our political system with American Idol. Incredibly, the people that idolize Castro, Che Guevara and Hugo Chavez now have their victory, but perhaps by November Americans will come to their senses and rise up to soundly reject this socialistic doctrine!
“The Bible clearly states that those who don’t believe will not understand.”
Bill, I am truly sorry that you don’t have enough brain cells to live in the modern world. Perhaps one day, many lifetimes from now, you will become enlightened enough to wean yourself from the Bipple.
And for your information, I did find Jesus. He was nailed to a freakin cross!
“I bet the white punk is still draining his mother and daddy and doesn’t have a real job??”
My parents have been dead for years. I make 85k a year.
John Parker-here is the main page of that feature if you or anyone else would like to see the impact on other districts.
bill, big b little ill -it’s interesting and timely that you bring up the subject of some workers being subjected to drug screening. I suppose you are aware that mandate was at the demands of insurance companies, both health care and worker’s compensation. It is about safety guidelines. If you have noticed, when a worker has an accident at work they are immediately given a drug screen and if they flunk the test no insurance pays. Not worker’s comp and not health insurance. It’s really unfair in many ways because there are many things that can cause someone to flunk those tests including over the counter meds, prescriptions, and even some foods.
Our country does need an Overhaul of the Health Care System. I would have to know all of the aspects of this national Health Care Plan in order to make a judgment call on it. Every person should be entitled to adequate health care in time of sickness or debilitating disease. My concern which has not been mentioned is the fact that there will be a fine imposed on those who do not have insurance. Is this a fine on the consumer or the business? I do not feel that the public worker should be fined if he chooses to not be insured. He could be denied hospitalization or costly care, but as a free country do we have the right to fine the people who have no insurance. Yes, maybe fine the business or corporate sector, if coverage is not there.
We have to remain a country, which gives our people freedom of choice. This is what we have always been. There are people in America who are so poor that they cannot afford to even see a doctor. We will always have the poor with us.
We cannot help people by instilling fear in them.
Control is never the best way to solve issues.
Does it need a solution? Yes..but in the correct way.
I bet the white punk is still draining his mother and daddy and doesn’t have a real job??
If the government runs health care like it runs social security we are in deep trouble. I was told yesterday that it would take 2 to 4 months to get a corrected SSA 1099 from social security so I can file my income tax. They screwed the first one up, hope the second one is correct!
White punk, I understand why you don’t understand. The Bible clearly states that those who don’t believe will not understand.
You have made it clear that you don’t believe, even though you use reference to God in some of your post.
Just for the record, it make no differance to me what you think of me. I do hope you find Jesus before it’s to late.
King James Bible
5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. 6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. 7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. 8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
So many negative comments and most without an ounce of substance or truth!
Have any of you read the Bill, or any parts of the Bill?
Can any of you negative posters list a SPECIFIC way in which you as an individual will be adversely affected by the passing of this Bill?
For example: “I make more than $250,000 per year and will now have to pay more taxes”.
Just list a specific way in which this Bill is going to adversely affect your life.
Here are a few SPECIFIC ways in which this Bill will help the American people:
1. It will now be mandatory for insurance companies to insure sick children and the elderly who were previously denied insurance and subsequently were denied adequate care.
2. Insurance companies will no longer be permitted to cancel individual’s coverage or deny coverage due to pre-existing conditions.
3. Huge tax incentives will be given to small businesses who offer insurance to employees. Now, small businesses who previously couldn’t afford to offer health coverage should be able to offer coverage.
Now admittedly those who earn more than $250,000 per year will pay the lion’s share of the cost to support this Bill, but I don’t think many of you fall into that category.
Stop drinking the Kool-Aid being forced down your throats by rich Republican Right-wingers, do your own research and you just might discover that this Bill does far more good than bad.
And lastly, remember that the passing of this Bill must have been God’s will because he gave the people responsible for its passing the strength, courage and ability to get the job done!
“Matthew 24:15-16 (King James Version)
15When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
16Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:”
What the HELL does this mean? I don’t know, and I’m sure you don’t either. Don’t quote crap some lower life form wrote three thousand years ago.
bill, big b little ill, you should change your name to little brain, big ill.
I feel like we the people of this USA have just been officually shafted by our so called Gov. This is about the most under handed President we have ever had….To push this so called Universal health care plan on us… They call it free health care …people there is no such thing as free and we will surely pay for ….I feel that we the people should have had the right to vote on this matter and not for this so called President to take it apon himself to tell us what we want…We are truly becoming an Communist country where we the people have no rights at all….
There is an increasing tendency of the extreme right to automatically describe its opponents in negative buzz words. You would think that if it’s possible to be a conservative it’s also possible to be a liberal. Not so. In the Republican theology, a conservative is merely a conservative. Liberals are socialists, community organizers, Marxists, traitors, communists, haters, Nazis, elitists and, in general, liars. Conservatives, on the other hand, are moderates, patriots, reasonable, pro-American, and stand for family values.
So what do I think? I think Republicans are idiots.
EMD, I agree with country living. My wife and I live quarter mile off the main road on 20 arces. We have eveything piped in on dish and when it comes to TV my friend, we get sick of it.
This is the content of an e-mail I received today. I agree with.
Like most folks in this country, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes &the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit.
>In order to get that paycheck, in my case, I am required to pass a random urine test (with which I have no problem).
>What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don’t have to pass a urine test.
>So, here is my question: Shouldn’t one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them?
>Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their BUTT—-doing drugs while I work.
>Can you imagine how much money each state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public
assistance check?
>I guess we could call the program “URINE OR YOU’RE OUT”!
100% Against-Obama & His Socialist Team Members Are Carrying Out The
Agenda For The What Is To Become “The New World Order”…Health Care Control Is The First Real Start…Of Our Loss And Right Of Freedom To Choose.
There Is A(Elite) Group Of Men (Henry KIssinger’s) Age…That Control The World Bank In Europe And Their Associates From The Long Known (Bilderberg, Council
Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission)..It Is Their Intent And Design To
Create A…One World Controlled Goverment..Obama Along With The Non-Thinking Liberals Of Congress Have Put The Foot In The Door For The Beginning
Of This Population-Control Nightmare…This Is No Conspiracy Bull Corn…
Futurist Alex Jones Was Saying This In The Year 2000…I Could Not Believe My Ears…Yes The Year 2000 And Even Before That…It Is Slowly Happening Before
Our Eyes Month By Month Since This Economy Downturn ( Fascade) Began…
This (Converted) Chicago Man Named Barrack Hussein Obama Has Appeared
Out Of No Where And Was Hand Picked To Be Where He Sits Now….
..Next A By Design Crisis May Occur…Then Restriction Of People’s Movements And Freedom’s…Slowly Conditioning The Folks For Acceptance…
One small step for Chairman obama, one giant leap toward socialism. If the provisions in this bill are so good, why are obama and his obamatrons exempt? obama’s legacy…..the late great United States. This country is doomed. Prayer is the only thing that can help.
There is a small chance of hope that this sad and sickening bill will be repealed, It does make me happy that some states are making a stand against this thing. I mean free country means that you are able to choose what you want. A communist country tells you what you must do and what to have. so therefore it is sad that our country is forcing us to have something that most cant afford. How many will actually be able to get on medicare if they cant afford insurance. If not when they start fining the people for this when and where will the people decide to make a stand in this heinous time. We live in a sad world ran by a self centered abomination – obama nation-.
I will not forget the Healthcare bill come November!! To make a change vote Repubican!!
Nancy Peolosi’s approval rating is now 11 percent…Reid is 8 percent. I think I just saw the approval rate for Congress is 14 percent.
Thanks for posting that anydaynow. It’s a welcome change from all these people who think the world is going to end almost immediately with these changes to health coverage in the United States!!
What have they done? This is such a bad idea, it makes you want to cry.
If you think health insurance is expensive now, just wait when insurance companies are forced to take on all these extra claims. We all know how the companies love to part with payouts for customers over their profits.
Pray, stand strong and fight against this, or say nothing and wait in line for the mark (of the beast) on your hand or forehead.
As our Preacher says, “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.”
This document show how the health care bill will benefit Florida district 1.
or access the page from here:
Keep in mind that this bill primarily serves the middle class. Seniors have access to Medicare, though it is currently more expensive and provides less than it should, and most of the poor have access to Medicaid. It is the middle class and people with pre-existing conditions that is having as much as up to 25% of their take home pay going for health care, or having to file bankruptcy because of health care debt and ongoing expenses. And then, of course, we could talk about whether it’s appropriate for any ONE PERSON to go home with 1 BILLION dollars in people’s insurance premiums.
I think its great, yay!!!!! It was long over due, but i’m not happy about having to go through a private insurance company, I wanted government run healthcare as an option (public option) sadly it didn’t happen though.
Makes me sick…..LIARS and SNAKES……and YES, I understand the 3 bills do you? that the second cancels itself out???? the first bill stands…we as a nation WILL pay for abortion…and anyone who WAS getting a tax refund, wont be now, if you don’t have insurance…YOU ARE GONNA BE PENALIZED!
THis is a day we will long regret in this nations history.
ANY bill for ANY reason the says you must BUY something or PAY a penalty is WRONG.
I would like to know where all of you experts got your information from? I can not find anything that says we are now a communist country, no more freedom, no more choices, etc. I do know that my parents have worked all thier lives, paid insurance, social security, etc. yet the insurance company tells my parents they can not get the meds the doctor ordered because it is too expensive so they must pay for it……and this is a private insurance company…..medicare will pay some….and if you people think that we tax paying and insurance carrying citizens are not paying for every patient that comes in to the ER think again. Have you ever read the sign in the ER…..medical treatment can not be refused due to inability to pay…..if you have no insurance. But if you have insurance YOU HAVE TO PAY THE COPAY ON THE SPOT!! I work in the ER.
So I ask again please tell me where to find the info on all the talk about this being so so bad, I need to read it….please tell me where I can find proof to back you up in writing and hard document not what someone tells you. Please advise..Concerned
I received email from Jeff Miller and John Fleming today, saying they did not vote for this. Anyone heard from anyone else in government?
bill, big b little ill ,
Thank you. I do not watch CNN or FOX News. All I have is antenna, and I watch very very little of that. Someone sent it as an attachment on an email.
EMD i’ll sing and dance on that one buddy.
To the poster “harry reid, jr ”
It’s funny to hear from people like you who say I should move out of the country for speaking in favor of healthcare reform. I am a citizen of the United States and whether you want me to move or not because I don’t agree with your beliefs is just really a dumb thing to say.
Just my two cents. Accept the fact some people disagree with you and others who share the same beliefs that you do.
It’s called freedom of speech. And no, I’m not moving away just because you want me to move away.
Hey Bully,
A rock wil NOT cry out in our place. Wanna sing with me? Those whose trust and focus is on The Rock will not be moved, but will have Peace in the midst of the storm. And, the storm is coming. It is coming. But, so is The Lord. Let’s get our eyes off the sky, and on the temple. Let’s finish cleaning house. He is at hand. And, it is written: “He that believes will not make haste.” And, ” He will come to His temple, suddenly.”
“All hail King Jesus
All hail Emmanuel
King of Kings
Lord of Lords
Bright Morning Star
And throughout eternity
I’ll sing Your Praises
And I’ll reign with You throughout eternity.”
I could just dance! Oh, why not?
EMD, I don’t watch CNN or MSNBC. I think that lots of those new people like Keith Olbermann will have to eat some words before it’s all over. I’m still disapointed in some of the Hollywood bunch that lied about leaving the US if Bush was elected. All those who supported Obama with the big bucks that always come out to give a million or two in a diaster in another country so they can get free publicity. Sean Penn who calls Hugo Chavez a great humanitarian and his buddy.
Anyway you may like and if you don’t already know about them. They post news worthy articles that you don’t always see.
Leilani Mason-socialized medicine is a system in which the government owns the hospitals and clinics and the doctors nurses and other employees of those facilities are employed by the government, and the cost of care is paid for by the government. Our VA system is a socialized medical model.
The single payer medical system is one in which patients are seen by doctors, and cared for by nurses who are not employed by a government, but are employees of corporate owned, or privately own hospitals, clinics and diagnostic facilities and a single payor pays them for their services. Our Medicare system is a single payer system of health care.
I have worked hard for what I have and I expect for my fellow American to work just as hard and not to be carried by another whose back might not be as strong. Everyone has a responsibility to themselves but to many look for the easy way out. All government programs are abused by a high margin and by statistics….this one will be also.
I think it’s a smart move. I must say, I am not surprised, but I am disappointed that our Florida representatives voted against this bill with 1 in 6 Floridians without health care coverage and a rapidly aging population of baby boomers. They had no problem approving well over $765 BILLION for a war that has killed tens of thousands and accomplished nothing.
Reuter has a nice list of features, but of course this is not the final bill that we are talking about. The final bill is yet to be done.
It is sad that our society truley believes that many people want to live of welfare and medicaid. I imagine those that make those comments have never received a social security check, an unemployment check or any other form of WELFARE. That is what they are and when social security was being passed the American people were in an uproar just as they are currently. Now everyone depends on social security and prays it will be here for them. I am not saying that the bill is perfect, but it is a start. Until you have experienced families in which the parents are working two jobs and still unable to provide health care for their children (which by the way is the majority) than you will continue to live under your rock. We are all fortunate to live in a country in which its citizens are willing to help each other. This country and our citizens have strayed far from our roots of depending on one anohter and helping each other. We have instead become so independant and greedy. I imagine that those like myself that have more education are fortunate enough to know the reality that socialism has always been in our government and that some forms are needed making us less afraid. Programs such as Healhty Families, Head Start, VPK, Healthy Start are all forms of socialism. We are all responsible for the future of our children. Yes some people may have more than they can afford, but I am not going to take out the parents irresponsibililty on the inocent children. Their is no reason why a child should not have his shots or have dental coverage. It is not acceptable that a elderly person should have to decide between perscriptions and food. Access to affortible health care should be a right not a privledge. Again I am not saying that the proposed bill does not have it’s faults. It is however time that all of you who denounce the bill spend more engery figuring out what can make this work rather than ranting and raving. Expecially those who have no idea what is even going on and really just wanted another reason to complain about what is happening in this country. If it is so terrible than by all means get the hell out and good luck.
Big government has proven that they cannot balance a checkbook… they are going to dig deeper into the wallet and pocketbooks of hard working Americans (notice I didn’t say ALL americans). This is truly shameful.
Amen, Bully,
You may be the first Bully I ever liked. (:
We need to settle down and really get serious with our Maker. If we would do that, I believe we would see that what is happening has to be supernatural, at least in part. If we go to some of the news comment sites, we will see that the majority are against this. I even heard a piece of outrage from one of the newsmen on CNN. Imagine that! So what is really going on? God knows. We should be directing more comments to Him than to other humans with no more power than the ones who read what we write.
Matthew 24:15-16 (King James Version)
15When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
16Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
****abomination – Obama Nation********
Our eyes should be turned to God. Where all our help come from.
Ladies and Gentlemen… Welcome to the U.S.S.A.
The United SOCIALIST States of America.
Remember to thank all your communist err… democratic friends for all you are about to lose.
??? For this I spent over twenty years of my life defending this country???
john parker…
you are a lost soul…move to canada or europe…
How can you say ….so be it?
how much of an igmo can one be?
escambiamom, I believe that number is about right for the AMA…I think they were at a low a few years back with only 16%, but they recently boasted a 25% number…It’s a pretty pricey group and they offer very little to their members…
Well said, EMD. If we do not cry out, the rocks will!
In the 2009 budget S.S. 678 Billion, Medicare/Medicaid 676 Billion equalling 40% of the total budget…percentage wise less due to the costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which BTW came in at 782 Billion for the armed forces…Let’s get rid of the real socialist programs that have been dragging this country down for too long Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid…like one poster said, let your family or church take care of you if you don’t have the forsight to save for your later years.
I do not believe LaHaye, but “the church” has already failed, royally! However, the gates of Hell will NOT prevail against “The” Church, The Bride of Christ.
I believe you are right that this mess started long ago. The fact is now, that people need to decide where they stand. The time it NOW!
“The night is coming, when no man can work.” I wish folks would get in ALL the way or get out of The Way.
There are still watchmen on the wall, and they see that THE TIME IS NOW! We need to listen to that still small voice within. Or, we may not hear Him until He shouts!
What a shame now maybe I can have insurance rather than paying completely out of pocket or doing what I do most of the time, not going to the doctor at all. What a shame.
For those who think this is going to drive the country into socialism, so be it. I’m a proud Democrat who is happy this bill passed. I realize I’m in a very much minority around here at least.
What percentage of doctors are members of the AMA? I’ve heard several places that it is relatively low.
“between 25-30% of the approximately 800,000 doctors in country belong to it. And a good percentage (up to half of members according to one report) of those include residents and medical students, who get big discounts on membership and a free subscription to a journal when they join. “
I agree with some of the latest comments that this is not something sprung up overnight. It started with FDR and has progressed to now.
Also, this is not an apocalyptic event. If you believe Lahaye, then you believe the church will fail. Matthew 16:18 assures that the church will prevail. One should not interpret Scripture based on current events.
The $787 billion stimulus. $6,000 times 130 million American families. Total? $780 billion. ‘Self-disciplined’ people would pay off credit cards, cars, loans. It might have saved the banks. Homes cost a lot more of course. It is still government interference. But the economy might be better today. MONEY OUT OF NOTHING!
$787 billion stimulus. Pay the nations insurance costs for a year or two. Or howerver long it would last. It is still government interference. But people could save money by not having to pay health insurance. Money out of nothing.
$787 billion stimulus. That is enough money to pay all of our taxes this year. (An add says, “why pay taxes? Government makes money out of nothing.) It is government interference, but we would not have to pay taxes. We save money.
What do you say Mr. Obama? “YEAH RIGHT!”
The first thing we should get rid of is Social Security! It consumes 23% of the federal budget! I could use a 23% decrease in my taxes! Then Medicare and Medicaid! That would be another 30% or so…Get rid of them all and my taxes are cut in half!
The AMA and AARP both supported the final bill…
We, and a lot that will come after us, are (as the old saying goes) up ____ creek without a paddle. We may think we are seeing the beginning of the fall of our great nation – but socialism started long ago when the gov. started paying some people to NOT work – and giving them no incentive to find a job ( and their kids and grandkids, and so on).
This bill should have been put to the people – just as all raises for politicians in Washington should be voted on by us!
If this bill is so good, why did so many sweetheart deals and bribes have to be made to pass it? Why does every poll show the majority of the American people don’t want it? Why are 11 state attorney generals across the country planning to sue as we speak? Why does a new poll ( from a left leaning organization) show that doctors are going to leave the medical field? Why is Congress’approval rating at an all time low? Why is Obama’s approval rating below 50 % for the first time?
Alright, I’m waiting on my premiums to drop. Anyday now..(like that is really going to happen)
“Don’t spread my wealth, spread my work ethic”
I agree with those who are complaining about contributing their dollars for the benefit of others. I don’t have children but I have paid taxes for 40 years so other people’s children can go to school. All you folks crying about having to chip in so that less fortunate people can have insurance should put a few dollars in an envelope and mail it to me if you have kids in public schools.
I have also paid into Social Security and Medicare for all these years. When I am of retirement age in ten years,will I draw anything from SS? If we are not going to try to cover all or most of the uninsured people in this country then, please,those of you who get health care from a government program (Medicare) send me a few bucks to repay me for what I have given you. Let the families of the seniors cover their medical costs.
Every one of us is moaning about the fiscal condition of the nation,and justifiably so. The country cannot exist while continuing to spend at our current pace. But there is one thing I sense in nearly everyone who weeps over our state. And that is that we all want to cut expenditures for everyone else,just not me.
This health care bill did not suddenly bring an apocalyptic scenario upon us. We have done that to ourselves over the last 50 years. We collect enough taxes to pay foru four items in our budget. Defense,health care, Social Security, and interest on the national debt are all we pay for. Education,roads,bridges,etc are all on the “borrowed money” side of the ledger. Yes,we are going to have to cut, and it’s going to be a lot more than health care bills when we do. Then lots of people will really have reason for screaming and waving their arms and it won’t just be on this forum.
Every state has provisions for the needy, it’s called Medicaid. Although medicaid needs to be fixed because it is abused often, at least it was a foundation to be worked upon and made better. Insurance companies also are not perfect, but also has foundations so that necessary changes can be made. What I cannot figure out is what gives Obama, Pelosi or Biden the right to tell me that my paycheck that I work hard for every week has to go to someone else because they don’t have a job or because they are lazy or because they couldn’t figure out what kept making those babies. When Jesus said to help the poor, he didn’t say we should let the government delegate to which needy organizaion that they think that our hard earned money should go to. If the plan is so wonderful, I’ll expect to see Obama, Pelosi and Biden drop what coverage they have now and also be covered under this plan just like they expect the American people to be covered.
The line is drawn. The time is now. Where will you stand?
Mr. Ruby, it will take ten years to pay for six years of coverage. By the Democrats own words. After ten years, how will we be able to pay for it then? More taxes or cut benefits drastically?
If it wasn’t going to start for four years, what was the rush to only have the almost 3000 page bill available for review for only 72 hours? Because they didn’t want any real scrutiny of the bill. Pelosi herself said we needed to pass the bill so we could see what was in the bill. If you have that much trust in your government, then more power to you. but I am more along the lines of ‘trust but verify’.
Even if this was a good bill (and I don’t believe it is …one provision that I read about was setting up people to come into homes to “educate parents”… that is potentially scary and ripe for abuse), why be in such of a rush to pass it when 2/3 of the county was against it? That is not representative government.
2 Timothy 3
Godlessness in the Last Days
(1)But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. (2)People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, (3)without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, (4)treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— (5)having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.
Whether you are Christian, non-Christian, do yourself a favor and grab a bible and read the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation (for starters) and see for yourself that this is prophecy being fulfilled. Read the Left Behind book series by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins and think hard about what is going on in the world, not just the US, as you do. One world government will happen….and the way I see it, we are definitely headed toward said type of government…whether you choose to see it or not is your call.
Like it or not, this nation was founded as a nation under God, with godly principles. Sadly, this is no longer one nation under God, but rather a nation where so many citizens, our “leaders” included, have choosen to turn their back on God and forget Him. It’s time for the true Christians left in this nation to fall on their knees and pray for this country without ceasing because the freedoms once enjoyed in the USA are fast becoming a thing of the past.
….if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Responding to The Truth:
I’ve studied the Holy Scriptures and nowhere is, stealing from Peter to pay Paul, endorsed by God. There is no such thing as legal theft.
This is A VICTORY OVER INSURANCE COMPANIES. As for the people asking where they can find out who voted FOR this healthcare bill, the mere asking shows your attention to the issue is NEGLIGENT. The cost of this healthcare plan over TEN YEARS is equal to ONE MONTH in Iraq/Afghanistan. What are your priorities? You know most of the mulit-million dollar executive salaries are paid to INSURANCE COMPANY EXECUTIVES dont you… .no, I guess you dont. This is not a WELCOME TO SOCIALISM. If you believe that, then lets root out socialism, starting with Social Security, Workers Compensation, Food Stamps, healthy children programs, MEDICARE…If you havent seen this coming you have been BLESSED with good health, a good job and no friends with real illness in their family. GET A CLUE! REPUBLICANS ARE BAD FOR JOE LUNCHBOX. Study a little history, Pres.Lincoln was elected because he pulled together a couple of the then largest political parties and the largest was actually known as the “no nothing” party. That really was their name.
I know all people will be sorry this happened to our country. I have a friend in England that has had to wait 6months to get to see a surgeon. The government can not run any thing , so just wait to this hits every one. every one remember this in November. Give small amounts of money to help the people fight this crooked government. The muslim president did that to get elected, he asked for 5 dollars or less and all gave to get him elected. God help us.
I am in Canada as I write this. Pharmacists, people on the street will tell you when they need health care they drive down to New York The Canadian Prime Minister goes to the USA for health care. They do NOT have a model system and their taxes are 46 percent of income along with the very high cost of living. People all over the world come to the US for health care. God help us.
We have the privilege of voting the liberal Democrats with no common sense out of office.
We should take care of our needy. It should be done by family first, our churches, our community generosity and if more is needed we already have government programs like Medicaid that are available for those with greater needs.
Small business is trying to survive until better economic conditions return. Until then work hard, help your neighbor, live conservative and pray for guidance.
Well people as much as you think that your government is concerned for your welfare and benefit you are very wrong. Within five years the U.S. dollar is going to cease to exist. It will be replaced by a new currency called the AMERO. Within five years there will be only two currencies in the entire world the EURO and the AMERO. The individuals behind this operation will use calamity and crisis to bring about this plan. The same way that they have convinced us to embrace socialistic individuals, supposed saviors to help us overcome economic collapse. The year 2012 is going to be a year of opportunity for them. The idea that the world is going to end in 2012 will be used as a vehicle to convince the American people that a new world order is needed and that it is the only reasonable solution. When every American discovers that the dollars they had in the bank are now only as valuable as one tenth as what they were before, they will scream for a change in currency. The government is already bankrupt. The big bail out spending was a calculated move to get rid of the major problem country, the United States. The passage of the health care reform is another huge spending drain that will raise taxes and further oppress the American people with debt. Another method of devaluing the American Dollar. Remember this is all part of the plan. America is a large problem for the new world order pushers because we have been able to stand on our own for a long time, but that is no longer going to be the case in the very near future. With the death of the dollar, welcome the AMERO, embrace the new world order, the mark of the beast, and the oppression of those of refuse to bear the mark. Honestly, what nation do you think that mark was going to come from? We must put our faith in God, understand correct doctrine, embrace true principles and understand that these things which are taking place have been made known to us by prophets of the Lord Jesus Christ. It should not surprise us when we realize that those in power seek our downfall. We will and are being betrayed by those whom we have put our confidence in and have trusted to lead us. The end of days are already tomorrow, but so also is arrival of the Lord Jesus Christ. Trust in him, pick up your cross and follow.
For all of you out there that wanted change…here it is “The Socialist States of America”…. We are all screwed here in Illinois…not the land of Lincoln.. but the land of Chicago Politics, Blagojevich, Rahm Emanuel and don’t for get the prophet Obama. Florida wake up and get those Dem’s out of office and perhaps in 2012 we wil lbe able to take back out country. Republicans can perhaps take back the House and Senate, but until we get the idiot out of th White House nothing will change…..or at least change for the better.
“You obeyed my message and endured. So I will protect you from the time of testing that everyone in all the world must go through. I am coming soon. So hold firmly to what you have, and no one will take away the crown that you will be given as your reward”…..Revelations 3:10-11.
I would be willing to bet that before this is over people will be able to “opt out” of the insurance requirements just as we are allowed to opt out of paying social security which is neither social or secure.I would like to see every person from 20 to 50 years of age to opt out of paying social securiy and instead put that same amount of money back into a savings and leave it alone until they retire.At least it will be there for them.As it is now you pay in and it goes for other people’s payments out of the system.We have killed off 2 generations that would have been paying in social security…one by abortion and one by aids.By the time I can draw mine the system will be defunct and I will not have any benefits after having paid in all my life.How I wish I would have known the facts years ago instead of beleiving that I HAD” to pay into the system.Now it is too late for me.Young people beware…know all of the facts.And yes,one would have to set the money aside and never touch it which takes real disipline but it can be done if you look at it as protecting your future.”
Welcome to the beginning of the socialization of the United States of America!
to bill big b little ill,
The facts could not have expressed it any better.
Thanks William
I’ll be sending Florida Republicans and maybe some Dems money to defeat the YES voters come re-election.
Like the story says, ALL Alabama representative voted against. ALL Florida Republicans voted against, and ALL Florida Democrats in the House vote for it. Here’s the breakdown:
Democrats — Boyd, Y; Brown, Corrine, Y; Castor, Y; Grayson, Y; Hastings, Y; Klein, Y; Kosmas, Y; Meek, Y; Wasserman Schultz, Y.
Republicans — Bilirakis, N; Brown-Waite, Ginny, N; Buchanan, N; Crenshaw, N; Diaz-Balart, L., N; Diaz-Balart, M., N; Mack, N; Mica, N; Miller, N; Posey, N; Putnam, N; Rooney, N; Ros-Lehtinen, N; Stearns, N; Young, N.
Democrats — Bright, N; Davis, N.
Republicans — Aderholt, N; Bachus, N; Bonner, N; Griffith, N; Rogers, N.
So many against this bill and so few in favor. For the first time in this countrys’
history the few control the masses. Our Presidents’ appointed “CZARS” openly
praise Chairman Mao as a political hero. We are not a “Christian Nation” ac-
cording to our President. This “regeme” has taken over the banking system,
the auto industry, and now healthcare. What do you want to wager that com-
unication and transportation systems will be next. A must according to Marx,
Hitler, and Mao.
Question is, when has a government takeover of anything worked efficiently?
Without billions lost to graft, and fraud. With the economic problems we now
have, bankruptcy is most certainly in our near future. Then where will healthcare come from?
The idea of mandated health coverage is a Noble one and like many others at it’s inception is not well received. Social security was probably thought of the same way but today is pretty well accepted. As a matter of fact we could probably pay for its cost if we could cut out the fraud waste and abuse that exists in our present Medicare/ health care system.
How is it that all Republicans were against and most Democrats were for? Was there nothing in this bill Republicans could accept? If at the very beginning the minority had seen the handwriting on the wall and decided to work with the majority in a bipartisan effort the result would probably have been different. Being hard headed rarely works in any situation and this is a classic example of Leadership gone bad.
Where can we find out who voted yes for this Health Bill ? I would like to know what Florida and Alabama officials voted yes so can fight their re-election!
We all need to remember that a trillion dollar government takeover of our health care system has to be paid for. You can expect 7- $10.00 a gal gas. You can expect to pay for it one way or another. It’s not going to be cheap. No matter who is in office now. But from the prez through the house and senate. We the people get to pay them pretty well and they don’t mind spending it.
Change we can believe in? Believe our country will no longer have the freedoms, values, and principles our founding fathers fought so hard to achieve.
Thank you, Obama, Palosi, Reid, and the rest of the far-left liberals who presume that the citizens of our country are so ignorant as to not know why our Constitution was written. Your arrogance is overwhelming!
Our children and grandchildren will reap these “benefits” dictated by big government control. My heart breaks for them, and the collapse of our great country.
One question, for I’m not sure the health care bill is right or not in its arrangement, but there is a notion that is odd in this discussion: the notion that this is communist when we already have Social Security (don’t give me the line we paid into it for most get more out of it than they pay in) and Medicare/Medaide which are social programs. So we as a society have already accepted some social remedies. So does this mean when you go for the health care repeal I can expect you to go for Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment, federal park system and all other forms of social programs?
There is a fine line between doing too much and utilizing our government for safety nets and improving the overall quality of life, and we are not there. As to health care, all I’ll say is something needs to change for to do nothing most of us will be without soon enough. Ours went up 29% this year, and has gone up between 15% and 25% every year for years. We keep cutting benefits and raising the deductable to try to keep insurance. So the current system is anything but a free market system.
Just a thought.
This is just a drop in the bucket compaired to the damage he will do before he is voted out. Along with the rest of those who refuse to listen to the American public.
But good people, all things must come to pass before the return of or Lord. As we kick and scream about our goverment we must remember that God has a plain and no matter how much we don’t like it, he will prevail. We maybe kicking and screaming at his very plain.
No I don’t support Obama or will I ever vote for him. I hope that you all will remember those who voted for this bill come election time.
God’s not finished with America, as more an more people turn from God and vote for liberal ways you can expect more and more pain and suffering. Just maybe the reason people can’t find America and its place in the Bible, could be because in the end times we will destroy ourselves just as the Roman empire did. The Romans conquered and tried to assimilate all people into its empire. Just as America continues to assimilate Muslims and other religions not of God into one nation under God. We have one nation divided and doomed to fall.
I also know that lost of good Christian people voted for Obama, well we did’ent have much to vote for anyway. If you check you will see that they all lied.
Just for the record I want Mike Huckabee, but he never had much chance.
It is quite apparent that Jesus and Christianity have no place in a Muslum led, Democrat controlled Congress.
Pray without ceasing for our country!
November cannot come fast enough!
Ditto on most of these comments. All I have left to say it just makes me physically sick, except I can’t AFFORD to get sick and doesn’t look like I’ll ever be… Other than trying to vote the best I can in upcoming elections, for my own well-being, I will almost have to refrain from hearing about how politicians are messing things up and where our country is headed. I don’t want to be a person with my “head in the sand” but it’s so disgusting how things are going and how citizens are being ignored, it makes one wonder, “how much difference can I make?” If I wasn’t clinically depressed before, I may be headed that way now. ARGH.
It was the right thing to do! THE CHRISTIAN THING TO DO!! The right thing for our county! Don’t believe the lies and half truth your being told! The republican party is working hard for the big insurance companies, to fight with all their might! Using all the scared tactics it can make-up; that are simply not the truth. They say the same thing about medium wages every time it comes up. All to scare you! The republican party doesn’t work for the working class, it works agaist YOU!
Jesus, taught better than this! No to greed!
Don’t think for one minute these congressmen and women are worried about losing their jobs to the simpleton voters. Each and every one defeated for reelection in 2010 will “retire” with full salery and benifits. Each one will be ap-
pointed to a federal position by this administration and laugh at the voters just as
they did when they voted for this legislation Sunday.
Tell me, what has happened to, “of the people, for the people, and by the people”?
Well this is a sad day in our history when people we ( or somebody ) voted in office to handle the affairs of our politics failed to support us and our needs. Sucks dosn’t it !!!!!!!!!!!!!
My company provides us health insurance for the individual worker for free. Now, once you start adding dependents the price slowly goes up. Now, this health care bill will cause my company to have to pay more for insurance. Thus, we will no longer have free health insurance for the individual worker. It will cut directly into my pay.
Its my belief that health insurance is a privilage not a right.
Welfare nation!!! Forget hard work, faith in God, family values, hello socialism!
America is no longer a great nation, just another nation on its way down the path of self destruction!
I’m very disgusted. I lived in Canada for awhile – 7 years to be exact. Their “free health care” is far from what is reality. It’s not free. There are high and extra taxes placed on the consumer and residents. And the quality of health care is not what you and I are used to, or what you would want. Drs who decide not to show up and see patients – for what excuse? who knows, but they get paid anyway. Appointments that can’t be made until 9 months later because the Drs only work certain hours and there are none available. Elderly people who are told not to get tests done, because “there hasn’t been a problem before and you probably aren’t having the problem now”. I could tell you more. What they have is not what it is portrayed to be. There are huge loopholes in the system and a person’s health and well being are NOT their priority. I’ve been there. I’ve done that.
With the comments before mine all that I can say is “ditto!”
Now the lawsuits will commence starting with the way that the bill was voted on to the fact that there is nothing in the Constitution that commands us to buy health insurance. The Supreme Court will have it’s hands full for quite awhile.
THIS GOES OUT TO everyone who voted for Barack Hussein Obama. This country is in big trouble I just wanted to say thank you. I am very happy with being a communist country, now we can be just like Russia.
What do I think? I think that it is scary…the rate at which our country is heading toward being a socialist state. I have no words.
My family is uninsured and I still think this bill sounds awful!
First of all, I doubt that many who voted for it even read the monstrosity (2000+ pages!) This bill just expanded the powers of the federal government beyond its Constitutional authority. Speaker Pelosi was comparing it to Social Security and Medicare that are already in financial peril.
There was so much wheeling and dealing, and closed door meetings, that it does make me sick to think about it. How those representatives that took hometown “perks” in exchange for their votes can look themselves in the mirror each morning is beyond me! There was no attempt to come to a reasonable bi-partisan solution. It just seems to be an historic power grab.
Even the parameters that they had the Congressional Budget Office examine were false, as they left out the “doctor fix” that they plan to add in, which will make this law anything but budget neutral. We can’t afford this as a country financially and constitutionally and I hope it is struck down in the courts somehow.
With 2/3 of the country saying they did not want this, they shoved it down our throats anyway. Way to go “representatives”.
I am very concerned with all the debt that we have accumulated trying to “stimulate” our sad economy and I think this will only stifle economic expansion.
I am extremely disappointed with this but I know ultimately, God is in control of my life, not the government.
Obama (knowingly) and his followers (knowingly or not) are selling our constitution down the drain. This is a huge turning point toward SOCIALISM. This is just one of the first steps. God help our country…
I think that our lawmakers have forgotten who put them in office and now it may come back to bite them in the butts. The people didn’t want this and that is who they are supposed to represent.
Our country as we know it is no longer a democracy. We are now a socialist state. We now will deliberately take from those who have planned for their futures, educated themselves and worked hard to get ahead to GIVE to those who have chosen not to, all in the name of Obamacare. First it was the takeover of banks, GM, healthcare. Next it is the student loan industry and illegal aliens’ amnesty. I cannot believe what I am witnessing with my own eyes. So many people are keeping their heads in the sand. Read the Healthcare Bill. We are now paying for abortion. The Executive Order that Stupak sold out to is not worth anything. It was a shield for him to vote the “Yes.” We are now murderers, and we will be “controlled” and “monitored” by 16,500 IRS Gestapos. Educate yourselves. This is incredible. Fight this with everything you have left!
The President and Congress can not move fast enough to make us a third world country it seems. I believe we’re now living under a “strong delusion” because of our moral wickedness—-which these same people can’t put into law fast enough. But these people were voted in by our fellow Americans so the destruction is from within, not outside of our borders.
I am 100 % against this bill. I would like a list of all the names that voted for this so I can personnally thank them by voting them out of office. Its time to wake up America our Freedoms are slowly being taken away.
The recent vote was in deed a historical event——The United States as we knew it no longer exists! The people we sent to Washington to represent our wishes and interests refuse to listen to the people who put them in office. Maybe they should dust off their resumee’s because they are going to be looking for new jobs come November. It is truly a sad day for this country and common sense. God help us all.