Council To Prioritize Road Projects Without Engineer

March 18, 2010

The Century Town Council will not rely on their engineer to prioritize street resurfacing projects. Instead, council members will create their own list — a process the mayor thinks might be too political.

Town Engineer Dale Long presented a $10,200 proposal to survey 21 miles of streets for road condition, width and drainage issues. From the survey, the engineering company would create the list of streets that should be resurfaced first.

“I want to take the politics out of prioritizing these roads,” Mayor Freddie McCall said.

Council member Henry Hawkins said spending over $10,000 to create the priority list made no sense to him when the council could create the list.

“We have our own people riding these roads every day, and they know,” Council member Gary Riley said.

Long said that with the engineer survey, the town could make educated decisions and be ready to apply for any potential future grants.

Council President Ann Brooks said the council would discuss a road resurfacing priority list at their next meeting.


One Response to “Council To Prioritize Road Projects Without Engineer”

  1. JJ on March 18th, 2010 9:29 am

    $10,000 is a drop in the bucket in relation to the entire cost of resurfacing all these roads… if surveyed, the town will have an accurate record of all these roads, conditions, potential drainage problems, etc. That in itself is worth a lot. Plus, like the mayor said, they have accurate data to present to the state and feds to apply for grants to pay for a lot of this work. It’s really the only sensible way to approach this project.

    Also, that $10,000 could be saved by the surveying company just catching ONE problem that gets missed by the council members simply driving around, picking who gets new roads.

    But instead the council will argue and fight about who’s going to get the new roads… there will be letters written, lawyers contacted, (probably $10,000 spent in legal fees) just because this council member’s area of town got 18″ more of new pavement than the next member’s area.

    I can’t WAIT until these council members get voted out. Century needs very badly to have some people in charge with some common sense.