Consultant: Century’s Gas Department Fair To Customers

March 2, 2010


The Town of Century’s gas consultant told the town council that the town is being a good steward of its gas department, despite recent claims of faulty equipment leading to abnormally high bills.

“I think you are doing exactly what you were elected to do,” Bobby Boyd, a consultant for the company City Services, said. “I do not think you are gypping the customers.”

Boyd spoke to the council Monday night after several residents complained last month that they thought their gas bills were inaccurate and because one council member, Henry Hawkins, said two weeks ago that he thought residents were being over-billed as a result of faulty equipment.

Two weeks ago, Hawkins asserted that in a recent month the town sold more gas that it actually purchased. Boyd said that while a report does show that the town sold 56,000 units of gas while purchasing 52,000, the numbers have to do with the rate structure, not the actual gas sold.

“It does not mean that you physically sold more,” he said.

Boyd said that many of the high gas bill complaints could be explained by “common sense” — January was one of the coldest in the past few decades.

Town Clerk Dorothy Sims said that fewer than 50 of the town’s 593 residential customers complained about unusually high bills, and that almost all manual meter re-readings had confirmed that the town’s electronic gas meters were read correct.

gasbills.jpg“That don’t explain people getting bills that don’t have gas,” Hawkins said, citing one resident that he did not name. He said that shed had gas bills of $98 and $140 during a two month period when she was not home.

Sims said she had spoken to the person that she believe to be the customer, and the customer had agreed that her daily usage did match the days she was at home using gas. “She agreed she was wrong, and she did use it (gas).”

“It’s usually when we have real, real cold weather and bills go sky high — that’s when we get complaints,” Sims said.

“You can justify bad info all day long,” Hawkins said. “This is what we are shoving down people’s throats.”

As part of its contract with City Services, Boyd said the town had access to a gas expert one day per month that could help assist with troubleshooting any potential customer billing problems — at no extra charge to the twon. He also said his company would provide Century with a recommended customer service policy that would, if adopted by the town, provide a set of standards for dealing with customer oriented issues in the town’s gas department.

Pictured top: This graph shows the daily gas usage of one Century resident who claimed a problem with her gas bill. Century’s mayor says the high usage on the account coincides with low temperatures. The mayor has written the overnight low temperatures on the top of the graph over the days of highest usage, showing that most usage occurred on the days with the lowest temperatures. Submitted for, click to enlarge. 


30 Responses to “Consultant: Century’s Gas Department Fair To Customers”

  1. David Huie Green on March 5th, 2010 2:08 pm

    “I have witnessed water meters that WERE NOT CONNECTED that somehow gave readings.”

    Of course every meter has a reading but if you actually saw one in which the reading was changing without a source of flow, this is a good thing. It had output work without input energy. Scale it up and you can handle all the world’s energy problems.

    “Some of the Problems could be that a number of the homes in Century is not insulated for the tempuratures of the cold this year, or could it be a bigger problem.”

    This is indeed a problem. If a house isn’t sealed and insulated, you aren’t heating the house, you are trying to heat the whole planet.. It’s much cheaper just to heat the inside of a house.

    My grandfather’s house had one inch boards on the outside of two by fours. Wind blew through the cracks. He could never get it warm in the winter. A couple of cousins went to work for Georgia Pacific and noticed they were selling reject paneling cheap. They bought enough to panel the inside of his house. It still didn’t have any insulation but the wid couldn’t pass through it without slowing down anymore.

    Grandpa’s heating bill dropped more the cost of buying the paneling in the first couple of months and stayed low for the rest of his life. It would have been even lower if he had used any kind of insulation to boot.

    I just never blamed the county for how he built his house and the expenses which resulted. Blaming the innocent is a waste of a good mad.

    “This should not be White / Black issue, a Poor / better off issue / a Crack Head / Ellected Official issue, you are all residentsand you have to come togother as the Family of Century should.”

    I doubt meters are racists so they never make an issue of such things. Those who do usually are, or so it seems to me.

    “Shouldn’t we be electing wise and knowledgeable people who will use their ability to make Century a better place to live and do business?”

    Of course we should–or they should–since I’m an outsider and Bluff Springs hasn’t held an election since around 1930. The problem, of course is that we tend to elect only those running and those running tend to be people with an axe to grind or they are running on a single issue or–in very rare cases, none of those running is wise and knowledgeable in the first place.

    As an outsider, I appreciate the way Freddy Wayne looks into questions and reports. I’m reminded of previous times in which questions simply were never answered. There were even times when I got the impression the attitude was, “You can’t handle the truth.” That may be true, but if true, I can’t handle the fact.

    “I think the gas consultant may have conflicts of interest and may not be an expert on automated metering systems. I think the meter reading schedule is questionable, and calibration is far too technical to be donei n the field.”

    Well, if he doesn’t know his business, it may have been unwise to have consulted with him in the first place. I wonder what conflicts of interest are involved. Usually calibration isn’t done in the field and a few are tested and/or replaced every year to check how they work.

    I noticed an air bubble on my water meter face a few years back and insisted they replace it, per advice from Sensus who sells water meters.

    Sure enough the meter wasn’t working right. It was only registering half the water I was using and my bill went up enough to buy a new one in less than two months–good for the system, not good for my pocketbook. Me and my big mouth.

    David thinking how old newspapers make fair insulation if they just didn’t burn

  2. CWED on March 5th, 2010 11:26 am

    First I am happy that Mr. Moran, Mr. Howkins, Mr. Green, Century Girl is talking about the problem, that is a good start. Now all of you have to sit down with each other and come up with wayes to fix the problem. I know you can resolve the problem. There are some Residents are fighting to be in charge, or just tobe fighting, that person should put the need of the resident of Century first and not hating the ones in office. This should not be White / Black issue, a Poor / better off issue / a Crack Head / Ellected Official issue, you are all residentsand you have to come togother as the Family of Century should. You all want the gas peoblem fixed for the residents of Century. Some of the Problems could be that a number of the homes in Century is not insulated for the tempuratures of the cold this year, or could it be a bigger problem. Please less stop fighting among each other and work for the better good, the health and walefair of the residents of the City of Certury, young, sick, old, for the have and the have not. We are all god childern.

  3. Jack Moran on March 4th, 2010 10:23 pm

    “We don’t expect them to be philosophers and judges so that might be a little bit above their pay grade. Just faithfully and impartially carrying out their duties as spelled out in the charter should be enough.” -DHG

    many elected officials DO take on the role of philsopher and especially judge but with little regard for the Charter, or Constitution, or the needs or desires of the people. This behavior beggs the question; what is the role of each elected official? And shouldn’t there be specific policies & procedures for carrying out those roles?

    Shouldn’t we be electing wise and knowledgeable people who will use their ability to make Century a better place to live and do business?

  4. Jack Moran on March 4th, 2010 10:01 pm

    Having been named a member of several “boards” and realizing there is a huge difference between a “Director” and an elected official, But there are similarities also.

    Many people learn quickly to keep their mouth shut and their face down to survive; however, the proper role for citizen, Director, council person, or legislator is to be viligant, prepared to discuss or further investigate the issues on behalf of the people and to stand-up, speak up and stay the course until all issues and questions are resolved.

    REGARDING gas meter readings:
    I think the gas consultant may have conflicts of interest and may not be an expert on automated metering systems. I think the meter reading schedule is questionable, and calibration is far too technical to be donei n the field. I have witnessed water meters that WERE NOT CONNECTED that somehow gave readings.

    The base issue here is “DO THE PEOPLE TRUST THEIR GOVERNMENT?
    And “has the Town over-billed the Century Prison?”

  5. David Huie Green on March 4th, 2010 5:11 pm

    “Their job is NOT TO DO FAVORS, but rather to seek TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS.”

    We don’t expect them to be philosophers and judges so that might be a little bit above their pay grade. Just faithfully and impartially carrying out their duties as spelled out in the charter should be enough.

    I suspect cutting the bill without showing it wasn’t owed was a favor but pity is a virtue and hard to gripe about. It meant others had to pick up the slack, but we don’t mind, being virtuous ourselves.


    “Problems should NOT have to rise to the level of MAJOR CRIMES or Felonies to get the attention of government and find out the truth. ”

    I could be wrong, but it sure looks like they were seeking the truth of the matter.

    They checked the meters for accuracy even though meters tend to under-read if they go out of calibration, not over-read.

    They had an independent consultant check on the matter at least on the ones who were named. If it was someone who didn’t want her name brought out and didn’t officially gripe, they don’t have the chance to fix the possible problem.

    David wondering what else they should do other than just give all the gas away to everybody for free and see how long anybody had gas

  6. Jack Moran on March 4th, 2010 3:21 pm

    “Fraud must be proved by showing that the defendant’s actions involved five separate elements: (1) a false statement of a material fact,(2) knowledge on the part of the defendant that the statement is untrue, (3) intent on the part of the defendant to deceive the alleged victim, (4) justifiable reliance by the alleged victim on the statement, and (5) injury to the alleged victim as a result.” In fewer words, “Fraud is the unjust enrichment of one at the expense of another or others”.

    But who is able and capagle of showing these things, and who can afford an attorney to do it for them? Recently, I had to pay an attorney $900 to write a letter for me – true it involved a day of research and then an hour to actually write the letter – but at what point DOES IT BECOME JUSTICE DENIED because of the expense, time, and knowledge required. Perhaps the little old lady felt she could resolve it before her trusted elected official.

    I doubt very seriously if the “old lady” has the resources or knowledge to prove her gas meter or its complex and technical reading system has caused her damage, but does this mean that she has NOT been damaged. Also, the Town of Century could spend itself into destitution doing a full blown investigation of every complaint; but that is why we have elected representatives like Henry J. Hawkins and Anne C. Brooks. If one of them thinks there is “fire” in the “smoke” then perhaps there is a problem that warrants an additional examination. What IF THERE IS A PROBLEM, and nothing is done about it. Where is the justice in that? Their job is NOT TO DO FAVORS, but rather to seek TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS.

    Problems should NOT have to rise to the level of MAJOR CRIMES or Felonies to get the attention of government and find out the truth. And I might point out that it is the American process to question, and debate these issues, and Town Hall meetings is the place to do this. In my mind, Mr. Hawkins is a PATRIOT not a troublemaker.

    A wise General once said; “The Devil is in the details!”

  7. David Huie Green on March 4th, 2010 2:04 pm

    “if there is a Meter reeding it should reflect the correct amount of Gas Residents did use. The old Lady only wants to pay for the Gas the old Lady used, and the City should be able to track the amount she used by the metter. Supply and Demand, Check and Balance.”

    Supply and Demand. Check and Balance don’t apply here but you are right that people should pay for what they use.

    If you can show that the meter isn’t working right or that the town overcharged, I am sure they will right the wrong. Just claiming it must be wrong and they must be wrong doesn’t help the old lady.

    It also is confusing to read: “This is a Criminal act but the City of Century, Gulf and Escambia could care less about the poor, Old or Middle Class that live in Century.”

    Where is the criminal act?

    Do you propose they arrest the town and lock up all the inhabitants?

    Should they arrest the entire county because you claim it has committed some criminal act?

    How do you jail a town or a county? And why should people in Perdido or Pensacola Beach be arrested for the unspecified crimes commited by the town of Century or Escambia County? Wouldn’t this involve arresting the old lady since she is part of the town?

    What kind of justice are we talking here????????? I don’t like so you’re guilty??

    When did the people of Century quit caring about themselves as you claim? After all, not everybody on the Council is a spring chicken and all were elected by the people of the town.

    David knowing the Constitution requires telling people charged with a crime exactly what the crime is supposed to be

  8. CWED on March 4th, 2010 1:37 pm

    My friend you have to understand that the old Lady like others with the same issues or like Issues could care less how much gas the City ordered, if there is a Meter reeding it should reflect the correct amount of Gas Residents did use. The old Lady only wants to pay for the Gas the old Lady used, and the City should be able to track the amount she used by the metter. Supply and Demand, Check and Balance. Now I see why Century has failed its people for so many years. Leadership. Mr. Hawkins is a good manager and a Outstanding leader, a leader like Mr. Hawkins could bring jobs from other states to Century and to give the Resident a voice.

  9. David Huie Green on March 4th, 2010 1:33 pm

    “Can someone comment as to the law – do customer/members have to have representation on the Board like we do at Central And Davisville water & Utility Districts?”

    Different animals. Central Water Works, Inc. is a member-owned utility with funding from federal loans and grants requiring membership. Century is a wonderful little town which sells natural gas to people outside its boundaries. I don’t want to force them to extend their boundaries to include Bluff Springs and McDavid and I don’t want them to stop selling me natural gas because I’m outside their boundaries. For that matter, there are people inside the boundaries of Century who are members of Central Water Works, Inc because Century decided not to provide them with water.

    “Mr. Green, I think you are correct about the value of gas-bought being based on THERMAL UNITS, and gas sold being priced on cubic feet. An interesting point for sure.”

    Yep, everything’s interesting if looked at closely and often it makes more sense than at first glance.

    That said and after reading Joe Thomas’ article, I’m becoming convinced the difference between bought and sold isn’t related to energy value but to accounting practices.

    It looks like he’s saying they bought one amount from a pipeline and sold another amount. Not that they took in one amount and charged for a different amount. I think it says they bought it months in advance based on how much they expected to use and then used more than that.

    Imagine paying for your water in advance based on how many baths and flushes you expected then having relatives over who used more than you expected. The water comes on demand, not on expectation.

    I assume at some point they will square the differences away. I think it also said there were months in which they bought more than they used. I wonder if this is like my cell phone in which I paid for so many minutes per month but only use a thousand minutes less than that. Then the save them for a year in case I want to use them and then they throw them away.

    Banking, accounting, and sales are interesting fields of endeavour.

    “DHG – What do you think of entrepreneurship as an economic development tool and incubators as an entreneurship building tool?”

    I favor entrepreneurship
    (Definition The assumption of risk and responsibility in designing and implementing a business strategy or starting a business.)
    Because in it people set out on their own to produce a product which they think others will want and in the process make life better for many people.

    I don’t favor incubators because they depend on government forming the opportunities for entrepreneurs to work. They do it in special places and under special conditions for special people. Or they don’t do it, as you pointed out.

    I would much rather the government protect us from dangerous situations and allow entrepreneurs to take their own risks, come up with their own ideas, set up their businesses themselves–wherever and however seems best to them.

    I can think of a few times in which Pensacola has drawn businesses away from Century and Flomaton with incintives. It made things better for Pensacola but worse for us and didn’t improve actual product, just changed location.

    Welcome new businesses as long as they aren’t just scams (we’ve seen those too) and don’t treat them like gods or demons. Don’t try to skin them once when you can fleece them over and over. (Restated: Don’t put such a tax burden on them that they fail when they could have been producing taxes directly and through employees and sales for years to come.)

    I always worry when government steps in to save one business at the expense of the taxpayers and their competitors. For example, consider the help given GM and Chrysler. Yes, they employ lots of people and we drive their cars, but giving them money does not assure their success and gives Ford more competition out of your pocketbook.

    I don’t want anybody to fail but I don’t want to be the unwilling source of their success and I don’t want to make one succeed by pushing down others.

    David knowing things are complicated but favoring simplistic solutions

  10. Jack Moran on March 4th, 2010 7:39 am

    99.9 percent of businesses hiring less than 100 employees are locally owned and started by local people. IT IS NOT THE JOB OF GOVERNMENT TO PROVIDE JOBS. In fact politicians and legitimate industry don’t mix. It IS the responsibility of gov. and elected to manage the assets of the people, and to promote and improve LIFE QUALITY.

    The incubator in Century was designed and built to create jobs, but has NEVER BEEN OPENED – in TEN YEARS. Even with tenn
    tenants waiting in line.

    Google “community business incubator” to see what an inccubator could do for Century.

    DHG – What do you think of entrepreneurship as an economic development tool and incubators as an entreneurship building tool?

  11. Jack Moran on March 4th, 2010 7:17 am

    To Mr. DHG,
    my comment was to make a satarical point; with your EXCELLENT mind and courious intellect you would be an excellent member of either a utility board or the Town Council; however, since no one seems to care about wheather or not they have representation, or how the financials or operating statements are compiled or presented, then is his only voice.

    Can someone comment as to the law – do customer/members have to have representation on the Board like we do at Central And Davisville water & Utility Districts?

    Mr. Green, I think you are correct about the value of gas-bought being based on THERMAL UNITS, and gas sold being priced on cubic feet. An interesting point for sure.

  12. A Watchman on March 4th, 2010 6:25 am

    Did not the town CPA report in this past Mondays budget meeting that the town had over-charged the Century-Prison for gas by some $74,000 and could expect to have to give back the money – OR did I misunderstand what was said?

    The people deserve an investigation, a proper investigation. The graph raises more questions than it answers.

  13. David Huie Green on March 3rd, 2010 10:31 pm

    “What most of us relate to is if a “propane” business or gas station filled (purchased) their tank with x number of gallons, units etc then shouldn’t they have on hand that exact or nearly exact amount to sell to John Q Public? They wouldn’t be able to sell more than they bought! That’s my point.”

    I think propane is sold by the pound but am not sure. I could even be wrong, it happens way too often. One thing which is certain is that liquids don’t change volume and gas does.

    Another is that natural gas is a mixture of gases and the energy content varies with the mixture.

    Another is that reading of meters takes place over time so usage at the beginning of meter reading is different from usage by the end of meter reading. I could imagine that throwing in some uncertainty. Was the incoming reading at the beginning of meter reading, middle of meter reading or end of meter reading?

    My point about the 7.7% is that even if they WERE overselling, it would not make $8 per hundred dollars on your bill. No way it’s going to dorp to half or something like that. (although I would appreciate it if it did)

    Further, if the units were energy and not volume, the correction factor might make up for differences in energy content. Consider buying a pound of silver or a pound of gold. They are both a pound but one is worth more than the other.


    “BTW, I thought DH Green lived outside the town limits of Century. Perhaps Mr. Green should run for the Century Gas Board or the Town Council – I would vote for him.”

    I do live outside Century, in Bluff Springs, thus not qualified. I grow irritating after a while, so you probably wouldn’t vote for me but that once.


    “So what if Century sold more gas than they bought…U put an order in for a certain amount of gas at one price $, then if you go over that amount u have to pay the new price ”

    I don’t think anybody was griping about charging more than break even prices which wouldn’t even cover related expenses. They just didn’t like the idea of being sold ten units but being charged for eleven units, no matter the price.

    “I know that Century and Escambia County elected official is at fault for this problem. The County has allowed the poor and low income making less than 45,000 a year to fin for them selves. ”

    Yep, the town of Century and Escambia County should give everybody good jobs at very high rates of pay. It has nothing to do with how hard they worked in school–or didn’t work. It has nothing to do with how they apply themselves after school. They should just be given good paying jobs. I hear brain surgery pays well, perhaps they could go into that. Want to be the first patient? second? ever?

    I hear investment banking pays well. Maybe Century could turn them all into investment bankers.

    What good paying job would YOU give them?


    “I know an old lady that does not have a gas hot water tank, her Gas stove have been broken for the last two years and does not work and she have not used her stove for the last two years. The old lady has an electric heater that she uses to keep worm and she live in a 500 SQ ft house. The City of Century billed the old lady last month $100.00 for her gas bill. The old Lady complained and the City of Century lowered he Bill to $60.00. You tell me why the Elected official of Century and Escambia County / Gulf Power should be arrested for Fraud. ”

    You haven’t really shown they committed fraud. Just because something is broken doesn’t mean it doesn’t leak. Just because they lowered her bill doesn’t mean they should have, just that they did.

    And I can’t for the life of me see how Gulf Power is responsible for her gas bill.

    David the mystified

  14. CWED on March 3rd, 2010 4:14 pm

    Mr. Hawkins, thank you for being FOR the need of the people and not against them. The ones that has for got where they came from is sucking up the good old boys and Girls. You are attempting to look out for the people, that is why you were put in place. Heep up the fight, do what is right for the people.

  15. CWED on March 3rd, 2010 12:35 pm

    I know that Century and Escambia County elected official is at fault for this problem. The County has allowed the poor and low income making less than 45,000 a year to fin for them selves. The City of Century and Escambia has failed to provide jobs for the poor in Century for over 90 years. The City of Century is willing to Charge the Poor, Old and unemployed as well as the low income resident to pay for gas that they are not using. I know an old lady that does not have a gas hot water tank, her Gas stove have been broken for the last two years and does not work and she have not used her stove for the last two years. The old lady has an electric heater that she uses to keep worm and she live in a 500 SQ ft house. The City of Century billed the old lady last month $100.00 for her gas bill. The old Lady complained and the City of Century lowered he Bill to $60.00. You tell me why the Elected official of Century and Escambia County / Gulf Power should be arrested for Fraud. This is a Criminal act but the City of Century, Gulf and Escambia could care less about the poor, Old or Middle Class that live in Century.

  16. Jack Moran on March 3rd, 2010 10:38 am

    The question revolves around the statement that they “Sold more than they bought . . . ” how can that be?

  17. Daisy on March 3rd, 2010 10:02 am

    Come on people….So what if Century sold more gas than they bought…U put an order in for a certain amount of gas at one price $, then if you go over that amount u have to pay the new price $, the town orders at a certain price as to what they think they will need to supply customers–no one could have predicted this cold of a winter 6 months ago! Just because the consumption was over doesn’t mean the gas flow stops. You just need to speak about what you know, not ASSUME! It seems like every month folks in Century are trying to get out of paying their bills. I used over 140 gallons of propane in the last month–just bought more and we have spent over $500 to stay warm. Some of you really believe that you didn’t use the gas that ran through the meter!!! Pitiful!!! Pay your bill..Mayor quit giving in…Mr. Hawkins quit trying to buy votes. Remember, the same ones complaining now, will be complaining next year. Always wanting something for nothing. One last thought: I am sure there are a lot of hard working folks in Century: they pay their bills: honest: the ones complaining if you look at their history: probably are government paid, thinks everyone owes them, and are always looking for a way out of everything. Said state of affairs our country and our town is in!!!

  18. Century girl on March 3rd, 2010 9:07 am

    Amen! I second that…how many meters don’t even have the “automatic reader” even connected? Could be like several that were just laying in the meter box total unattached…guess it magically was suppose to read usage. Hmmmmmm?

  19. Jack Moran on March 3rd, 2010 6:39 am

    As I remember I was in attendence at the Council meeting when the “gas consultant” made the stunning announcement ( I have it on tape), that the Town of Century actually SOLD MORE GAS THAN IT BOUGHT! To the tune of $190,000 plus dollars. Now someone needs to call me ignorant for saying that the only way that can happen is for people to either pay too much or to pay for more than they use. Everyone who buys gas from Century should be OUTRAGED and calling for an examination by the State Audittor General on the basis of the consultants statement alone!

    BTW, I thought DH Green lived outside the town limits of Century. Perhaps Mr. Green should run for the Century Gas Board or the Town Council – I would vote for him.

  20. century girl on March 3rd, 2010 12:44 am

    As for the council, how many on the council take their job as serious as Henry Hawkins? He is well educated and listens to the voters. He is not intimidated by going along with what’s popular or just the business as usual attitude; he tries to encourage accountability and represent the people in this town. The town needs Mr. Hawkins and if they would pay attention, I think he could really help our little town.

  21. Century Girl on March 3rd, 2010 12:27 am

    To Trish…ignorance? “wedster dictionary”? Hmmmm who is the ignorant one?

    To Mr. Green, I appreciate your explanation, seriously. Although, I and the majority of our little do not know about the process that you explained… What most of us relate to is if a “propane” business or gas station filled (purchased) their tank with x number of gallons, units etc then shouldn’t they have on hand that exact or nearly exact amount to sell to John Q Public? They wouldn’t be able to sell more than they bought! That’s my point.

  22. W.R. on March 2nd, 2010 7:48 pm

    I wonder how many of these folk are down at Gulf Power in the middle of the Summer complaining about their electric bills? AAH they just complain and show their back sides just because they think they can get away with it at the Council meeting and hard timing the People that are trying to do a job that the rest of us won’t have. Come on folks, You use it–You pay for it. And yes Hawkins needs to go.

  23. Name (required) on March 2nd, 2010 6:16 pm

    I wonder if it has occurred to anyone that the price of gas will be higher now that this consultant had to be paid to prove that the price was appropriate in the first place?

    Would it not have been better for all involved if people simply monitored their own use, and paid their bills?

  24. David Huie Green on March 2nd, 2010 4:59 pm

    hasn’t Century always had some problems?

  25. Buddy on March 2nd, 2010 4:50 pm

    If hawkins would go away Century’s problems would go away

  26. David Huie Green on March 2nd, 2010 12:27 pm

    56/52 is about 1.077 so at worst, it would be only seven point seven percent high based on those numbers.

    The conversion factor is based on energy value. If the gas delivered had a higher energy content than the standard, you would up the number to match the energy of a standard cubic foot of natural gas.

    How can it vary? Isn’t gas gas? No more than nitrogen gas is oxygen gas. Natural gas has a mixture of gases: methane being most common but ethane, propane and butane also being in the mixture. They have higher energy content per cubic foot than methane. Thus it is possible the 52 units were richer than standardized units and the sale numbers corrected.

    There is a danger if that were the case. If there is too much butane in the natural gas, it is possible for liquid butane to come out the burners and fun down the side and spread fire where it shouldn’t be. In th absence of many house fires lately, I assume that didn’t happen.

    Gas companies don’t want to sell the higher number hydrocarbons anyway because they can get more for them than they do for methane, so they try to separate them out before sending them to you and me.

    “That don’t explain people getting bills that don’t have gas,” Hawkins said, citing one resident that he did not name.

    If Mr. Hawkins is right and people are being billed who do not have any meters or gas connections, he needs to bring specific numbers before the town council so they can right the wrong. NAME NAMES ! ! ! They shouldn’t be ashamed to be identified if they don’t have gas and are being billed anyway.

    On the off chance they don’t exist, an apology would be nice but not expected. I’m sure everybody has plenty of time to deal with this.

    David with a $313 gas bill, more or less

  27. Trish on March 2nd, 2010 10:39 am

    To Century Girl

    Don’t blame someone else for your ignorance (Wedster Dictionary meaning lack of knowledge). When you don’t understand how business works you should call and ask questions. Buying natural gas is not like buying apples at the store. Call any company who deals in natural gas and they can tell you. You also can do a little research on the internet.

    Mr. Hawkins
    It is easy to spout off to make yourself look good at a meeting. Why don’t you come with solid examples in hand to show. You would find that people will back you up with evidence instead of saying that so and so said this or that.

  28. Terri Sanders on March 2nd, 2010 8:37 am

    I for one will sure be happy when someone runs against Henry Hawkins and wins.I am tired of his moaning and groaning about issues that for the most part are either made up or blown all out of proportion.The council then ends up wasting valuable time defending their actions /decisions instead of focusing on issues that will move the town forward and enhance the overall good of the town.

  29. george on March 2nd, 2010 7:34 am

    some people gripe and blame the city if the sun comes up. it was cold you used the gas. pay up.

  30. Century Girl on March 2nd, 2010 4:14 am

    Math is math,folks … If you sell more than you buy- something is wrong! How can that possibly be in the “rating” system? If the town buys 52,000 units and charges its customers 56,000 units that is a difference of 4,000 units! If this is due to a rate conversion then is it being converted on both sides?

    The gas consultant can try to pretty up this pig by putting lipstick on it…but it is still a pig! Also, patting the counsel on the back & telling them how great a job they are doing appears to be smoke & mirrors.

    Come on Town of Century, the folks in this town have a hard enough time making ends meet without being overcharged due to faulty systems. You just can’t sell gas than you buy! Thank you, Councilman Hawkins for standing up for us!