Changes In Escambia’s Search For New County Administrator

March 14, 2010

There have been changes in Escambia County’s road to selecting a new county administrator.

Most notably, the job will now be advertised as a three-year position instead of the one year contract that has been offered by the Escambia County Commission.  The commission has voted to spend an extra $3,000 to extend the application process through the end of the April; the selection process was due to be completed by the first of April.

About 50 people have applied for the county administrator job, while the current Interim County Administrator Larry Newsom has withdrawn his name from the candidate list. He will return to his division manager job when a new top county boss is hired.


7 Responses to “Changes In Escambia’s Search For New County Administrator”

  1. Jack on March 22nd, 2010 8:27 am


  2. John Peacock on March 17th, 2010 12:34 pm

    Let’s elect the county executive!

  3. escambiamom on March 16th, 2010 1:34 am

    Your assessment sounds pretty believable from what I have observed. That is why I insist that it is necessary for the commissioners to hire someone from outside the area. They may follow the same pattern eventually, but at least it will take them a little more time doing so. We have some definite problems in some of our county departments and we need someone with guts to clean them out and let the good workers do their jobs correctly.

    The commissioners need to spend more time doing their homework and not get enraged or sarcastic at staff when they are fooled again! ( lol!)
    They need to quit doing the majority of their wheeling and dealing in the morning Agenda Review meetings and have those discussions during the regular BCC meeting when the public is mainly watching.

    And they (commissioners and county workers/administration) need to treat the citizens with respect from the moment that they interface with the county government, not treat them as suspect and stupid until they spend a lot of time proving otherwise.
    This opinion is based on my experiences and those of people I have observed dealing with county government.

    I am glad they are getting a new administrator (I had definite issues with the past two administrators) but I hope they actually choose a better one this time. I’m not sure I believe that none of the applicants so far had the qualifications.

  4. jACKRUBY on March 14th, 2010 9:46 pm

    It has been my experience (which includes years of associating with commissioners and county administrators), that as soon as an administrator is hired, he begins to build his internal fiefdom, sucks up to the Pensacola News Journal and the City of Pensacola crowd. Before you know it he is fearlessly lying to the Commissioners who have not read the backup material provided to them. The Administrators staff present snapshots of the backup material and the Administrator tells the unread Commissioners what the material says but it is TOO frequently NOT SO. The administrator depends on the Commissioners NOT to have read all the material….. especially when there are night meetings when less of the public can stay out DOWNTOWN until after 10 p.m. and see what is slipped in at the last minute.

  5. anydaynow on March 14th, 2010 3:46 pm

    I would wager that they have already decided who they are going to announce as the “winner” and they don’t want to have to listen to citizen input as to what is being done every year. Odds are, they have something going on under the table that will require their selected someone to be in the position for three years minimum.

  6. molinojim on March 14th, 2010 9:56 am

    klondike kid–I’m with you on this. The Commission acts as if they just want a “yes man” who will rubber stamp any and all things things hey come up with. Some times when I go to the meetings I come away with the feeling that “boss hog” from the Dukes is alive and well.

  7. Klondike Kid on March 14th, 2010 3:36 am

    They should beg Bob Mc to take his job back. People with ethics & integrity probably won’t last more than a year in this job.