Century Seeks To Increase Sewer Plant Permit Capacity

March 24, 2010

The Town of Century will seek a permit to increase the permitted capacity of its wastewater treatment plant by about 40 percent.

The facility is currently permitted for 425,000 gallons per day. If approved, the new permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection would allow the town to flow 625,000 gallons per day. The facility already has the ability to handle the higher flow without any physical upgrades.

Fabre Engineering will handle the DEP permit at a cost of up to $2,000, according to Dale Long, the town’s engineer.

According to Mayor Freddie McCall, the 450,000 gallon daily flow is not adequate to handle excessive rainfall . In addition, according to Long, having the high capacity permit in place would allow the town to be ready if any large commercial customer would located in Century.


2 Responses to “Century Seeks To Increase Sewer Plant Permit Capacity”

  1. David Huie Green on March 25th, 2010 2:25 pm

    so Century really IS full of it?

    Watchman sounds right, though.

  2. A Watchman on March 25th, 2010 7:48 am

    The Mayor should “Smoke” test the pipes if he has a problem with rainwater intrusion. If rain water leaks in, then RAW SEWAGE is leaking out!