Census Forms Arriving; Officials Stress Local Importance Of Compliance

March 17, 2010

Census forms are arriving in mailboxes in the North Escambia area, and local officials say it is very important that forms be returned. In Century, the mayor says he is especially hopeful that residents will respond.

census10.jpgAccurate census counts are important to local governments because over $300 billion in federal funding is allocated to communities every year based upon their population data from the census. That funding provides critical services, jobs and economic development.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only 46 percent of Century residents bothered to mail their census form back to the government in 2000. That compares to the national average of 67 percent during the last census.

“It’s important to us that we get an accurate count because that affects our federal funding for this town,” Century Mayor Freddie McCall said. “I would like to encourage everybody in Century to fill out these forms and get them back in so we can get a good, true census count.”

McCall acknowledged that if 10 percent of the population in his town were to not be counted, a 10 percent reduction in funding for the town could be detrimental.

“We are not getting a true snapshot or the true count,” Tina Joshua with the Census Bureau recently said. “We want to raise awareness in the community because if we don’t have a good head count we are not going to be able to get the money into the communities where it is needed.”

If you don’t return your census form, Joshua said you can expect a knock at your door. Home visits will be conducte between May and July.

“We will not have people knocking on the door if we can just get people to send it back in,” Joshua said.


7 Responses to “Census Forms Arriving; Officials Stress Local Importance Of Compliance”

  1. bill, big b little ill on March 20th, 2010 11:41 am

    Thanks EMD, I had not heard of The American Community Survey until you informed us of it.

    I don’t answer questions over the phone, could be anyone telling you they are so in so. Don’t like the Gov. getting into personal business. But I will answer what I am required by law and what I believe to be harmless questions.They already know more about you than they want you to know.
    The Military can fly over you home and tell you how many people you have inside. We are tracked online, they know what you watch on tv, listen to or phone calls, and now they strip you of you dignity at airports and for pete sakes never make a joke at an airport.

  2. FreeSpeacher on March 19th, 2010 3:43 pm

    B. you state, “unless you have something to hide (like illegal activity) there really shouldn’t reason for alarm.” First, I and many others are not alarmed nor ignorent (why resort to namecalling?)…we just see this as an invasion of privacy…have you actually read through this form? Some of the things they are asking for are none of their business. Many of the questions have nothing to do with an accurate count of people that live in a house and their ages. Why must the govt know so much about our private lives?
    I will fill out the form though, but they will have to settle for some blocks remaining blank.
    P.S. There is no illegal activity going on in my house…

  3. B. on March 19th, 2010 1:47 pm

    The American Community Survey
    •is an on-going survey
    •is sent to a sample of the population
    •tells us what the population looks like and how it lives
    •helps communities determine where to locate services and allocate resources

    BEFORE you all hit the PANIC button, not eveyone will receive one AND unless you have something to hide (like illegal activity) there really shouldn’t reason for alarm. But as usual ignorant people would rather believe lies and rumors than find out the truth for themselves. Get a grip already and come into the 21st century already. If people wanted to find out any thing really private about you, they would just go and ask you nosy neighbors or pay your closes relatives for gossip, we all know they’ll spill their guts for a buck.

  4. Fed(eral) Up on March 18th, 2010 6:16 pm

    The govt is asking for alot of personal information that has nothing to do with how many people live in my home and their ages…really, LOOK THROUGH IT…how is the number of bathrooms I have any of their business.THEY WANT MORE PERSONAL INFORMATION THAT BARAK HAS GIVEN US ABOUT HIMSELF…what’s next?

  5. none of your business on March 18th, 2010 8:16 am

    maybe that is in search of illegals. lol
    Like if they don’t declare on one form, they will on another.

  6. Just Because on March 17th, 2010 5:27 pm

    I don’t feel like I’m taking anything from the Federal Government, with the amount of income tax I send them every year and have been sending them for the last 40 years or so. If I get anything from them I feel like it’s been well paid for.

  7. EMD on March 17th, 2010 11:25 am

    The more you take from the Federal Government, the more they will control you. People everywhere, including Century need to help themselves. We’ve had the Stone Age and The Ice Age, and now we have the Gimme and Enslaveme Age.

    There is another form said to be coming out that we are “required” to fill out, and it is much longer than the Census. It is called The American Community Survey. Anyone else seen this?


