Authorities Search For Flomaton Bank Robbery Suspects (With Photos)

March 9, 2010


Authorities are investigating the Monday afternoon robbery of a Flomaton bank — and they say the suspects may be responsible for another bank robbery last week.

The United Bank in Flomaton was held up at 4:47 p.m. Monday by a man and woman who each passed holdup notes to different tellers shortly before the bank was set to close for the day, according to Flomaton Police Chief Terri Tolbert.

The pair did not display or indicate that they had a weapon. “No threats were made,” Tolbert said.

robbery35.jpgThe man and woman can be seen on bank surveillance video (pictured left) entering the bank together, walking to different teller windows and passing separate holdup notes. The man can be seen folding his arms and leaning on a teller’s window while he waits for her to empty a cash drawer. They were in the bank for just a few minutes, the police chief said, leaving with an undetermined amount of cash.

The pair fled the bank in an older model, two-tone Chevrolet pickup, possibly gray or white. The back bumper of the truck was bent, witnesses told police. Their last know direction of travel was south on Sidney Manning Boulevard (Highway 29) toward Century.

unitedflom22.jpgFlomaton Police Department officers arrived at the bank just moments after the robbery, while surrounding law enforcement agencies in Alabama and Florida were notified to be on the lookout for the suspects. The Federal Bureau of Investigation also responded to investigate the crime.

Both the white male and white female were described as  being in their 20’s to 30’s. He was wearing a dark ski cap, jeans and a sweatshirt. Bank employees said he had a goatee and was slender build.

The female was slender and wearing a baseball cap. She was described as having dirty blond hair and large tattoo on her neck.

A truck matching the suspect vehicle’s description was seen shortly before the robbery turning around near the intersection of College and Jackson streets and heading back toward the nearby bank.

Tolbert said the description of the couple and the actual crime were very similar to Thursday afternoon robbery of a Wachovia Bank in Florala, Alabama. Florala is about 70 miles east of Flomaton, and, like Flomaton, it sits on the Alabama-Florida border.

In the Florala robbery, the couple fled the bank on foot with $1,700. They were last seen entering a port-o-potty near the bank, according to Florala Police. Authorities believe they were picked up by someone else in a vehicle. Prior to the Florala robbery, the couple was seen on surveillance video in the town’s Tom Thumb store.

Anyone with information about the robbery is asked to call the Flomaton Police Department at (251) 296-5811.

Pictured top: Two robbery suspects pass holdup notes Monday as seen on survelliance video from United Bank in Flomaton. Pictured top inset: The pair entered the bank together. Pictured bottom inset: Flomaton Police were on scene without moments of the holdup alarm. Pictured below: More survelliance images from inside Monday afternoon’s robbery of United Bank in Flomaton. Submitted and photos, click to to enlarge.

Editor’s note: It should be noted that the times displayed on the survelliance photos in this story are incorrect; the robbery actually happened about 10 minutes prior to the times indicated on the tape, according to Flomaton Police.




30 Responses to “Authorities Search For Flomaton Bank Robbery Suspects (With Photos)”

  1. rollingwiththetide on March 10th, 2010 9:49 am

    Dumb & Dumber!!

  2. K.B. on March 9th, 2010 9:01 pm

    That new carpet fertilizer is so good that they gotta keep the mower in the bank to keep up with all the new growth.

  3. common sense is dead on March 9th, 2010 8:01 pm

    The lawnmower in the background. That is funny as crap. A lawnmower in a bank.

  4. nudp on March 9th, 2010 5:37 pm

    Legalizing drugs is not the answer. Puting people in jail and actually making them serve time and, harsher punishment is the answer. If u get slapped on the wrist when you break the law, then why not keep doing drugs, or robbing banks, or whatever it is.

  5. Dan on March 9th, 2010 4:57 pm

    Bonnie and Clyde?

  6. David Huie Green on March 9th, 2010 2:42 pm

    ” like these make me think we should legalize drugs. …”

    I’m not ready to consider legalizing drugs on the basis of a bank robbery until I at least know drug demand was part of the motive. It seems like people have robbed banks before who weren’t trying to satisfy a drug habit.

    David for legalizing drugs only for the right reasons
    such as starving drug pushers and thinning out idiots

  7. Byrneville Resident on March 9th, 2010 2:16 pm

    William, what did the tatoo look like? Maybe we could spot them if they are still in the area .? Who knows……….?

  8. Whynot on March 9th, 2010 1:51 pm

    Drug uses cost the government (taxpayers) tons of money every year not just prison cost (they are in prison for stealing an other crimes due to trying to supply there habit and that would not change but worsen),we have to pick-up the bill for health care, because the user will not work or can’t work. To legalize drugs would increase problems. There is just NO GOOD REASON TO LEGALIZE DRUGS!!!
    Its true we don’t know why United Bank was robbed, but we do know that drug use is usually why.

  9. none of your business on March 9th, 2010 1:33 pm

    I heard in the Netherlands and Sweden they just give them their dope.
    If their hooked, they just go get some.
    No need to rob someone.

    Don’t know if this practice is still going on, I heard it several years ago.

    I beleive that’s what we should do.
    Just hand them to them.
    You can’t stop them.
    Just offer them rehab or the drugs and let them go.
    Some ppl can’t even get off cigs.
    It’s a personnal decision on drugs that is very hard to force someone
    till their ready.

  10. none of your business on March 9th, 2010 1:28 pm

    Yes you CAN assume something…..
    You can assume drugs, hooch, economy, lazyness, and greed.

    What else makes idiots of someone’s kids.

    This is however, a big time crime.
    Just like the holdups last week in cantonment.

    If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.
    Nobody owes you a living.
    Get off your butts and work like everyone else.
    There is work out there. You just might not like what you have to do, but it will
    feed your family.

    I hope they catch them.

  11. whitepunknotondope on March 9th, 2010 12:10 pm

    “I know it’s not a popular view but incidents like these make me think we should legalize drugs. Reason, how many people have you heard of that rob banks or business’ for money to buy alcohol.”

    Even if drugs were legal, users would still have to pay for them! Thus robbing banks would not decrease.

  12. JWS on March 9th, 2010 10:24 am

    Looks like they could get a nice set of fingerprints from the countertops thats for sure! Hope they catch him!!

  13. Whynot on March 9th, 2010 10:16 am

    Legalizing drugs is just STUPID!!! To think it would help is be beyond reasonable thinking.

  14. family of a police on March 9th, 2010 9:49 am

    I know the police force here in Flomaton. They do their job and do it with pride. Knowing that they are protecting their family and friends and the town they live in. Yes this is something big for a small town. Flomaton has a bank robbery. So do other small towns. Just let the police force do what they are trained to do. They will catch them and then maybe everyone will say hay that is our police force that catched them criminals. You don’t know what all go’s on during and investigation. They are doing they job. I hope these two stupid people are caughted and put away for a long time. What is a long time???? well what the judge sees fit for them !!!!!HAY HAY HAY remeber he also is a trained judge. Don’t just sit here and critize every move the police force makes, ( WALK A MILE IN MY SHOES) go back to school and get a degree in what ever so you too can say what is right and what is wrong.

  15. sally on March 9th, 2010 9:38 am

    I think that the economy is playing a huge part in the crimes that are taking place these days. Yes, drugs still do as well, but you cant just assume things. I think it is amazing how people are always so quick to jump and blame the police department. Just as our service men are working to protect our freedom, our police department are working to keep us safe as well. Support them. Not one department is perfect, but are you? I bet if you needed help from them, you would be quick to praise them when they helped you.

  16. ! on March 9th, 2010 9:17 am

    Thank God no one was injured or killed. This could have been so much worse than it was!

  17. bill, big b little ill on March 9th, 2010 8:29 am

    Justsaying……..legalize drugs…What? Make it legal to drive drunk and doopie.

    Legalizing drugs would no nothing for cutting down on crime. Ask the good people of England if it helps not being allowed to own guns. They will tell you that the thieves and thugs will beat you to death with a pipe or chain. What I’m telling you is they will find other means to get money breaking the law.

    Not sure what drugs had to do with the bank robbery anyway.

  18. squall on March 9th, 2010 7:38 am

    the police have their work cut out for them. some of you say that they are writing tickets all day long. they do write tickets but they are doing their job. writing tickets means there is police presence in the area. lets becareful what we wish for because they could do nothing at all. they could be lazy not stop cars and when someone from out of town kills local people then there would be an uproar because the police was not doing their job. like someone else said these people are targeting small towns on the AL FL line with small departments. i think our police department needs some improvements but overall alot better than what we have had.

  19. Local Yocal on March 9th, 2010 6:57 am

    george- You hit the nail on the head. The Flomaton police can’t protect homes and businesses because they are too busy playing “Roscoe” up and down 113 all day.

  20. joe on March 9th, 2010 6:09 am

    i have a 13 yr old son that was in my sisters truck at subway next door while robbery took place and they didnt know it until they got home to close for comfort

  21. justsaying on March 9th, 2010 5:47 am

    I know it’s not a popular view but incidents like these make me think we should legalize drugs. Reason, how many people have you heard of that rob banks or business’ for money to buy alcohol. Yet alcohol causes more problems as a whole than illegal drugs. I have heard corrections officers say they would much rather have a prison full of people smoking marijuana than drinking “hooch”. Sure people do crazy things on both, but most people complain about theft and violence as their main argument about the problems regarding illegal drugs. Legalize them and drug dealers dissappear, robberies decrease significantly, prison population goes WAY down, etc. It costs 30K to keep someone in prison for a year. I think we could find a MUCH better way to spend this money. It costs more money to lock these guys up than they make in a year even when they are employees. I just think we should try a different approach. Prohibition didn’t work for alcohol so why should it work for drugs??

  22. cold on March 9th, 2010 5:27 am

    Hey george. you say the police need to quit writing tickets. well i bet if a speeder or someone with no insurance hit you or someone you car about you would want to know if they got a ticeket. fact of the matter is it looks like in this case the robbers or targeting small towns with small police departments.

  23. idunno/ DICK TRACY on March 9th, 2010 4:56 am

    Did they get fingerprints from the countertop??????

  24. george on March 8th, 2010 10:09 pm

    was an alarm set off? how long did it take for the police to respond? crime seems to be increasing. enforcement needs to quit righting tickets and clean out the cess pools. they know where they are.

  25. noleman17 on March 8th, 2010 8:04 pm

    the drug problem in this small area would shock everyone!! there is just as many drugs in these to small towns combined than mobile! believe it or not!

  26. Angi on March 8th, 2010 7:53 pm

    I agree with Whynot…(The drug problems must be dealt with — the root cause for most of the stealing and other crimes) there is so much happening all of the time, this world has gone mad, and that is so sad…

  27. Ashley! on March 8th, 2010 7:47 pm

    These low bold people must not be from around here, if so there brave being how small flomaton & century is!! I sure hope they catch them, because this is getting ridiculous! I still can’t understand why people do the horrible things they do!

  28. Whynot on March 8th, 2010 6:31 pm

    The drug problems must be dealt with — the root cause for most of the stealing and other crimes!

  29. Inquired mind on March 8th, 2010 6:10 pm

    OMG!! This is very scary… What is the world turning into? These people are bold and they just don’t care anymore.. I have family that work down there I could only imagine the fear that is being felt right now… I hope they catch them very soon before they rob another bank..

  30. concerned on March 8th, 2010 6:04 pm

    Wow! This is scary. These jokers are getting very brave. I hope they catch him.