Area Students Attend Youth Tour In Tallahassee

March 17, 2010


youthtour1.jpgEscambia River Electric Cooperative recently gave 14 juniors from the EREC service area in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties an opportunity to take part in a youth tour of the state capital.
The students traveled with EREC to Tallahassee to learn more about their state legislature and electric cooperatives. Participants included Allie Bryan, Taylor Fisher, Alexis Harris, Anna Hollingshead, Sarah Killam, A.J. Lambert, Sarah McLean, Nick McMellon, Courtney Penton, Justin Poley, Josh Scott, Ashley Stokes, Leely Trevino and Jami Wessel.

While in Tallahassee, the students toured the governor’s mansion and observed court in session in the Florida Supreme Court. The students participated in a mock session in the house chambers where various members of the House of Representatives addressed the group. In addition, the students enjoyed visiting the Challenger Museum and viewing the IMAX movie, Forces of Nature.

The Youth Tour program provides students an opportunity to learn more about their state government and electric cooperatives and also gives them a chance to interact with other students from co-ops throughout the state. It was a great educational experience and a lot of fun for the entire group, according to Sabrina Owens, EREC spokesperson.

Pictured above: Youth Tour participants on the steps of the capital and in front of the Florida Supreme Court. (Front, L-R) Leely Trevino, Alexis Harris, Sarah Killam, Allie Bryan, Sarah McLean, Courtney Penton and Jami Wessel. Back row: Anna Hollingshead, Ashley Stokes, Josh Scott, Nick McMellon, Justin Poley, A.J. Lambert and Taylor Fisher. Pictured inset: Sarah Killam plays the piano in the Governor’s Mansion. Pictured below: Jami Wessel, Courtney Penton and Sarah McLean participate in a mock session in the House of Representatives. Pictured bottom: EREC Youth Tour participants in Tallahassee. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.




2 Responses to “Area Students Attend Youth Tour In Tallahassee”

  1. S.L.B on March 17th, 2010 6:19 pm

    Our daughter participated in this tour last year and enjoyed it very much. I’m proud that EREC has a program like this in place for our youth to experience. Good job everyone who attended and a special thumbs up to the NHS students
    that attended.

  2. Angi on March 17th, 2010 6:55 am

    Congratulations to you all…