Albritton Announces Candidacy For Escambia Ala. Sheriff

March 2, 2010

Lloyd Albritton of Atmore has announced his candidacy for sheriff of Escambia County, Alabama. Albritton currently serves on the Escambia County Republican Executive Committee and as a delegate to the Alabama Republican State Executive Committee.

He issued the following statement:

albrittonfloyd.jpg“The office of Sheriff is an elective office, which means that the people get an opportunity every four years to take a fresh look at things, reevaluate, and make needed changes. The Sheriff does not put forth or vote on legislation, and his office is considered by many to be a non-partisan job. He is, nevertheless, a highly visible standard-bearer for his party’s politics. And to put it simply, Democratic politics are liberal politics. I believe in the conservative principles and values best exemplified by the Republican perspective. I also believe that most of the voting citizens of Escambia County share these values with me. Consequently, I have accepted my party’s challenge to step forward because I have a strong desire to serve my fellow man. Further, I believe I am qualified to perform the duties of County Sheriff to the highest standards.

“As a fully credentialed Criminal Investigator during my 8 ½ years of military service, I acquired a solid and comprehensive understanding of law enforcement issues and procedures. In addition, I have over 30 years of experience in various business executive positions. I have led men, organized manufacturing and training systems, and developed national sales organizations. I am confident that I have the skills and talents to serve the people of this county well as your Sheriff. This is what I bring to the table.

“What I do not bring to the table are the biases and attitudes of the status quo; that is, I am not a clone of the old regime. I represent the new, not the old. The people have given our current Sheriff two terms in office. Isn’t eight years enough? Elective political offices were never intended to be long-term career jobs, and that includes the office of Sheriff. Over the coming months as the campaign trail heats up, I will be asking the voters of Escambia County to give Lloyd Albritton a try. I hope you will.”

For more information, contact Albritton at (251)368-7063 or e-mail at


26 Responses to “Albritton Announces Candidacy For Escambia Ala. Sheriff”

  1. A citizen on March 27th, 2010 5:28 pm

    I have to say Escambia County needs a change. I can tell you stories of Grover Smith’s (as well as a few other’s) connections in Brewton – not Escambia County. I refer to it as cronism. It is very strong on our little community. I think someone like Albritton can make the beginning of change in our local government by NOT being part of that local brotherhood. It starts with one person with integrity to make a stand. Each of us is that one person. Lets day good by to Grover and a few of his friends.

  2. Travelin' Man on March 5th, 2010 10:00 pm

    I think the job of Sheriff is one of management and leadership. A top notch Deputy might make a lousy Sheriff and vice versa. Too many of you above are making a judgement based on “what he looks like”. I recommend you get to know Mr Albritton before you decide about his ability to hold the office he seeks. Personally, I think two terms in ANY elected office is enough.

  3. observation on March 5th, 2010 5:32 pm

    Am I understanding correctly ………….”This position is one that you are “groomed” for by others. It takes years of working not only the streets but making connections at the right levels within the county.”


  4. Safebear on March 5th, 2010 9:08 am

    This guy looks too much like an office guy. You can’t manage a Sheriff’s Department from behind a desk. Especially in a county like this where at any given time he may have to get out from behind that desk and back up one of his officers at a scene somewhere. I think he needs to come down off his ego go back to selling whatever he was selling.

  5. People are telling half truths and whole lies on March 5th, 2010 6:44 am

    Thank you “Local Yocal”, well spoken.

  6. Local Yocal on March 4th, 2010 10:28 pm

    I commend “People are telling half truths and whole lies” as you have stated the facts as they are within the Sheriff’s Department. I am a former employee of this department and of the Sheriff that Grover Smith replaced. I cannot commend Sheriff Smith enough of the job he has done since taking office. He has utilized every resource available to him to improve the department, including the addition of Mike Lambert as chief deputy; which was one of the best selections for the job that Grover could have made. Given some of the “shady” decisions made by the last Sheriff, many of the citizens of Escambia County would have been applaud if they knew what was really going on back then; Grover has been a breath of fresh air.
    I now Lloyd Albritton and have for most of my life and think very well of him. However I do not think he fully understands what it takes to be the Sheriff of Escambia County nor understands the qualifications it takes to run this department. He has spent too many years away from here to “really” know the inner workings of this county. Being elected Sheriff is not about campaigning to the voters of Escambia County. This position is one that you are “groomed” for by others. It takes years of working not only the streets but making connections at the right levels within the county. It is not a job you just step into, and if you are not careful you will become a puppet of the people who paid for your campaign like the former Sheriff did.
    Lloyd, I wish you the best, but this might just be a decision you re-think and run for another office. Anyway, best of luck!!

  7. get off that soapbox on March 4th, 2010 9:26 am

    Voting for Grover Smith again and proud to say it. Has done a great job with resources available. Super nice guy and always professional. You know that old saying , “If you can’t say something, nice don’t say anythng at all”. But then they wouldn’t be many comments would there?

  8. People are telling half truth’s and whole lies. on March 3rd, 2010 5:44 pm

    Too many investigators? The sheriff’s Department has eight investigators, most of which are covered by grant’s, meaning that the county pays part or none of their salary. Three are Drug Task Force, covered by a grant. Two are Domestic Violence Crime Unit, covered by a grant. One is assigned to the Child Advocacy Center, covered by a grant. The other two are Criminal Investigators, not covered by a grant. You also must know that the investigator’s work patrol when needed, take walk in complaints, register and track the sex offenders in the county and are on call 24-7. I will agree that there should be more than two Deputies’ out, and on some nights there are. If the county commission would give the Sheriff money to hire more patrol Deputy’s I’m sure he would. I am also sure that the Sheriff would take into consideration any suggestions to solve the issues that have been brought up.

    Oh and just some free information, prior to the current Sheriff’s election into office there were only one Deputy on duty at night. The Sheriff’s Department has more Deputies’ employed now than any prior administration and the Sheriff has had to fight for every penny to get those Deputies.

  9. preacher man on March 3rd, 2010 2:14 pm

    scotty was on office over 20 yrs,hawsey was in office about 20 yrs, why rock the boat let grover stay in office 25/30 plus

  10. Billy on March 3rd, 2010 10:07 am

    To Mr. Albritton,

    That was very professional. You are earning my respect.

  11. Lloyd Albritton on March 3rd, 2010 8:55 am

    Just a note to say that I am reading all these comments and to thank those of you who have taken the time to express your opinions. I am listening! I do hope to get to know you all better as the campaign develops and I am confident that as you get to know me better your confidence in my abilities to be your Sheriff will increase. To all for or against, thanks again for your comments.

  12. guest on March 3rd, 2010 8:26 am

    Let me tell you what 2 deputies on patrol means at any given time………………………..It means poor management from the Administration…………….it means if you live near McCoullough and there is a family disturbance in or near Flomaton that pulls both deputies to Flomaton, and there is some mad man trying to break in on you in your McCoullough home, you are on your own………When is the last time this Administration has fought for more money for deputies, whether it be for a raise, or hiring extra officers for the street. It is my understanding that there are way to many investigator positions in this department…I hope the new Sheriff(and there will be a new Sheriff) could pull a few and put them back on patrol where they need help. Please ask our County Commissioners to fund this worthy cause. It is a serious problem that needs fixing now. The turn-over rate at the agnecy is big.

  13. MOP. T on March 3rd, 2010 1:22 am

    Were’s Sheriff HAWSEY, He’s the man!!!!

  14. SW on March 2nd, 2010 6:54 pm

    Why are you shocked at the fact that there are only 2 deputies out at night? It that’s realy true, just know it’s been that way since 1983; prior to that, there were usually none, unless they were called out. I remember there being only one deputy out at night for the entire county, sometimes.

    One would be surprised that there are only a few troopers out statewide in Alabama after midnight except maybe for a holiday or a weekend; exception, too, in larger counties like Mobile, Montgomery, and Jefferson. Of course they are on call, just like deputies.

    I think it is good to elect new officials at every level. I guess that means sometimes you throw the baby out with the bath water, but it keeps them in check and reportable to their electors.

  15. Crooked = Corrupt on March 2nd, 2010 5:38 pm

    I am not going to get into politics, and I understand that the comment section is not a discussion forum. What I would like to know is what makes the Sheriff or Sheriff’s Department “crooked”. I know several deputy’s employed at the Sheriff’s department and for the most part they are just doing there job the best they can with what they have to work with. Crooked is a very nasty word when thrown at an officer, you may not agree with every decision, you may not understand why something was done the way it was. The right thing to do would be to ask questions not call the department “crooked”. Crooked would be something criminal or unethical. I have not seen nor heard of anything that has been done illegal or unethical at the Escambia County AL, Sheriff’s Department.

  16. Travis Barlow on March 2nd, 2010 5:19 pm

    Sounds like somebody needs to run who is a “rookie” police officer. Maybe when this guy was a Sergeant of Marines there weren’t many women there to lead. If he was good enough to investigate Criminal acts in the Marine Corps he sounds a lot better than a “rookie” policeman. Once a Marine, always a Marine!
    Marines get it done!
    Semper Fi

  17. someone on March 2nd, 2010 11:35 am

    From his photo, he looks like he could be both nice and stern.

    I do not know him, but I look forward to getting to know his thoughts.

    Like many of you have said, he has to be better than our current Sheriff.
    I was surprised to hear that only 2 officers are on patrol at one time.

  18. Billy on March 2nd, 2010 11:25 am

    I don’t understand why the Republican party won’t put somebody in the running that has experience in law enforcement and is highly qualified. Although a sheriff doesn’t have to be a certified law enforcment officer, he needs to be. But then again, it won’t take much to out perform the current sheriff at the position.

  19. UD Better Belive it on March 2nd, 2010 11:21 am

    If Albritton is any thing like Gibbs on NCIS we will take him ….

  20. Interested on March 2nd, 2010 11:13 am

    I think he is using “Men” as people, not excluding women.
    He may have the experience someone needs, I can not imagine that he will post his entire resume on here.
    I for one will email him and ask him what he plans to do and how.
    I am glad to see the Republicans standing up for their values, it’s about time!
    The current Sheriff will not be getting my vote, so I will research this candidate and see what he has to offer.

  21. Shadow Knows on March 2nd, 2010 10:05 am

    The bottom line is this. The position of Sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer for the county – not the chief office manager. Mr. Albritton is not a certified Alabama police officer. Therefore, he is not empowered to make arrests. An entry level policeman at any municipality is required to complete a police academy and is then required to complete a certain number of annual training hours to remain certified. Surely we want a Sheriff who is at least qualified as the most rookie policeman.

  22. Billy on March 2nd, 2010 9:03 am

    You are right. Anything is better than the nasty corrupted department that the county has right now. But Albritton is not qualified. He never mentioned any law enforcement experience. I didn’t know that you got credentials as a criminal investigator. He mentioned that he was in the military and that may help his managment skills but military law enforcement can’t even begin to compare to civilian law enforcement. A sheriff in any county big or small needs to be willing and able to get out on the street and work at any time. Albritton couldn’t do that. He doesn’t have any experience or knowledge of the law. We can only pray that there will be a good qualified candidate announce his bid for candidacy soon. If there isn’t we will be stuck with the same crap shoot of a department. The only real law enforcement that I see out in the county right now is by the Alabama Troopers. Maybe one of them will run for sheriff even though its probably a pay cut.

  23. Bob on March 2nd, 2010 8:49 am

    To Guest; Call your county commissioner? What a joke. Those are positions that should be eliminated.

  24. me on March 2nd, 2010 8:44 am

    anybody has to be better than what escambia county has now I just hope this man wont be quick to help shady friends A lot of what goes on cant be proven but by god I know it goes down

  25. guest on March 2nd, 2010 8:03 am

    i hope somebody can turn the agency around, it is a joke now,,,,,,the citizens of Escambia County probably have no idea how little they are protected. William, please look into it. Only 2 Deputies working at a time in that big of a county, and to top it off they make only 12.00 an hour. But Atmore has about 6 at any given time. Escambia County residents you had better call your County Commissioners now.

  26. Oversight on March 2nd, 2010 5:17 am

    When one is attempting to unseat the top law enforcement officer in the county, folks are going to look closely at one’s personal history. Here are a few observations and questions for the candidate from the statement. “I have led men…,” reads a bit biased towards women. The sheriff’s office also employs women and how does Albritton plan to lead them? Just what is “a fully credentialed Criminal Investigator?” How about some specifics like in which branch of service, attended which military training school(s) and what was the highest pay grade attained, and discharged honorably? Has the candidate completed Alabama police officer standards training? Why or why not? Generating sales teams and making training systems sounds like meaningful work, but has he completed a higher education in criminal justice (bachelors or masters)? Some may scoff at the last question, but it does carry relevance because criminal justice degree programs expose college students to management and operations in civilian police organizations, corrections, and courts, and they include civilian criminal and civil law studies.