911 Caller: Firefighters Deserve Recognition For Saving Woman In Bridge Accident

March 2, 2010


Fearless– that’s the term used by the man who witnessed three Cantonment firefighters jump into the cold waters of Jacks Branch to save a woman from a submerged vehicle last week. And now he’s calling for the men to recognized as heroes.

Jack Rainey of Cantonment was headed home late the night of Monday, February 23. He called 911 to report that a vehicle had gone off a bridge on Jacks Branch Road and into the water.

When Cantonment volunteer firefighters A. Fails, Shay McCarro and Coy McKenna arrived just minutes later, they found that a vehicle had gone through the guardrail, over the bridge and fallen about 25 feet to the water below. The vehicle was completely submerged in the branch, the tail lights barely visible. A woman, Denise Ann Holden, 47, of Cantonment, had climbed out of the vehicle and was calling for help.

McCarro and McKenna shed their heavy firefighter bunker gear and went into the creek to save Holden.

Rainey is asking the county to recognize firefighters McCarro, McKenna, and Fails. The following is an email he sent to Escambia Fire-Rescue Lt. Daniel Akerman:

Dear Lt. Daniel Akerman,My name is Jack Rainey, my Wife and I was on our way home from work, and I was the 911 caller on Monday Feb 23rd,
concerning the Lady who went off the Bridge on Jack’s Branch Road.That was the first time I was involved with 911 where I was able to witness Fire Fighters in action other than a fire. They did not talk much,
and every movement or word seemed to have a purpose, seemed all 3 Young Men knew their jobs, and the jobs of the other 2 as well.Even when I was younger, I am not sure I could have done the kind of things these Young Men do. They put the publics safety above their own.
And to me, that says an awful lot about the Integrity and Character that these Young Men possess.I do not recall to many times, seeing in the news, or paper, where Recognition is given to our Emergency personnel, and I feel in my heart,
that this incident should be praised. I would like to nominate those 3 Men for an Award, medal, or Citation. I am not sure of the Fire Department’s
policy on this, and would appreciate if you could look into this for me. I will assist in any way that I can.

I live on Perdido Lake Road, which is just up the street from the scene, and if 911 is ever called to my House for me or my family, and the if
Crew that arrives are as Professional as those 3, then I feel VERY confident and assured of their abilities to save a life.

This is what I posted on NorthEscambia.com,

*30 Responses to “Firefighters Rescue Woman From Submerged Vehicle After It Plummets Off Bridge”*

1. Jack Rainey on February 25th, 2010 6:16 pm

4 min and 14 seconds, that’s the time it took our Cantonment Boys
to reach the scene. That’s pretty fast to me. When that truck
stopped, they were out and going like ants. No hesitation from any
of them. One man was breaking out equipment and the other 2 headed
down to the creek and coming out of their fire suites. That water
is cold even in the summer. Watching all 3, the only word that
came to my mind was “Fearless” I asked the 2 taking off their
suites if I could help, one of them said”No Sir, but thank you”
Some of the Best Teamwork I have ever witnessed. They earned my
Respect 10 times over that night. I talked to the man breaking out
equipment, and he said “Thank you for calling and allowing us to
do our job” I also talked to the first one in the water, on the
phone last night at the Station, very respectful. When I asked him
could my wife and I order them Pizza he hesitated, funny as how on
scene he did not. Ordered them 3 large ones. Never had a son, if I
did, hope he would be as Honorable as those 3 young men are!

Jack Rainey
Cantonment, Fl. 32533

Pictured above: A Cantonment driver crashed through the guardrail on this bridge over Jacks Branch last week, crashing about 25 feet into the water below. Pictured below: In this digitally enhanced photo, the tail lights and outline of the vehicle are barely visible in an estimated 12-15 feet of water. NorthEscambia.com exclusive file  photos, click to enlarge.



14 Responses to “911 Caller: Firefighters Deserve Recognition For Saving Woman In Bridge Accident”

  1. flomaton 1 on March 6th, 2010 2:05 pm

    *no name* you may or may not think that these young men did a heroic deed when they saved that woman, but you could at least have some RESPECT, which you clearly do not!!

  2. rebel on March 2nd, 2010 8:29 pm

    Speaking of Fails: This man has given Escambia County thousands of hours without pay…..how do I know? Hundreds of hours with me personally as a deputy sheriff in the auxillary program. A true local HERO in every aspect of humanity & selflessness. If there were more KC’s around, it would be a much better world!!! KC I’m not around you guys any more like the yesteryears in person, but I’m still there at heart! Love ya bro…., Ben

  3. Danny L on March 2nd, 2010 8:21 pm

    And if I am right these Firefighters all over Escambia County do this every day, Some with llittle to no pay. yea yea I know they Volunteered. But I promise you as aFirefighter myself it goes way beyond that. Mr. Rainey what you witnessed was training these guys have been given. I do not know any of these Firefighters, but they new there was a mission to do and they would get it taken care of the quickestand most efficient way. Thank You Mr. Rainey for noticeing the talent this county has in our young people. Guys great job!!!!

  4. RESIDENT on March 2nd, 2010 7:39 pm

    thanks for your herorics,and service

  5. mr river on March 2nd, 2010 5:35 pm

    Thanks guys for a job well done. KC , Jeff doing a great job getting these young guys trained for any situation that occurs. Can remember( back in the day) the only training you really got was when you joined the jr fireman at cantonment you started learning from there . Its great to ride by the firehouse and see the young guys and gals hanging out glad to see some things never change. Coming from and old firefighter to another KEEp up the good work.

  6. no name on March 2nd, 2010 4:17 pm

    Glad this woman is ok. But its time to go on. They are fire fighter and thats is what they are trained for. Give them something and lets get on with this.

  7. T on March 2nd, 2010 12:05 pm

    And how about a hand to Mr. Rainey, his quick thinking, and his call to 911…….
    Thank you Mr. Rainey for caring, for stopping and for calling!!

  8. Ashley! on March 2nd, 2010 11:50 am

    GREAT JOB Guys!
    I think that these men deserve more that any could give them.
    I hope Mr. Rainey’s request gets answered for these guys. Because they answered ours as the public, very quickly.
    Again, Great Job, Keep up the good job!

  9. pensacola on March 2nd, 2010 10:46 am

    That my Brother Coy”I wouldn’t expect anything diffrent.He would take the shirt off his back to help someone.Great Job to the other two firefighters.

  10. Thinker on March 2nd, 2010 10:08 am

    Apparently outstanding work by the firemen but just as outstanding and outspoken communication by the witness. He surely seems thankful that the woman was saved in a situation where he was the link to her salvation.

  11. Dan on March 2nd, 2010 9:20 am

    KUDO’S GUYS !!!

    You are a credit to the Fire Service !

  12. ANGIE on March 2nd, 2010 9:16 am

    My hat is off to each of the young men!

  13. Angi on March 2nd, 2010 7:28 am

    Incredible work to these firefighters for savging this lady, you workers do so much for people…Thank you so much to you…

  14. escambiamom on March 2nd, 2010 3:30 am

    Here, here! Good work! I hope they are recognized and I am happy they were there to save that lady.