Where’s The Snow? Snowing In Atmore! Flakes In Walnut Hill

February 12, 2010

(Updated 7:30)At 7:30 this morning, large flakes were reported

There have been a few large flakes mixed with rain in Atmore at 7:20.

Don’t give up just yet. That’s the word from the weather service. The snow line is slowly moving toward the southeast. Best guess? Probably some snow in the Atmore area by 8-9 a.m. and the line moving south through North Escambia shortly thereafter.

On WKRG TV 5 this morning, the reporter was doing a live shot from Citronelle, and it was raining about 5:45 a.m. By 6:15, he was making snowballs with snow accumulating on the grass and asphalt. So the weather can change that quickly.

Stay tuned, and don’t forget to email us your snow pictures later this morning.


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