Walmart Robbery, Hostage Incident Not Real

February 18, 2010

There was no holdup and no hostage incident at Brewton’s Walmart on Wednesday.

Media outlets, including, received numerous news tips Wednesday morning that someone had attempted a holdup at the store, and, supposedly, the holdup had gone wrong and hostages were being held inside the store. In Brewton and surrounding communities, the alleged incident was the topic of conversation.

“Somebody just held up the Walmart in Brewton and they are holding hostages inside the store,” one caller in Century to reported.

But police say the incident was nothing more than prank phone calls made to the store. The caller stated he was in a vehicle outside the store, and unless employees walked out with money, he would enter the store and rob it. He reportedly made at least two calls to the business.

Authorities are continuing to investigate the prank phone calls. No arrests have been made.


2 Responses to “Walmart Robbery, Hostage Incident Not Real”

  1. Now Now Children on February 18th, 2010 9:53 am

    Why are people so stupid? They can’t find their thrills any other way than this? How pathetic.

  2. Angi on February 18th, 2010 8:40 am

    Oh my goodness! There have been so much going on at that walmart store in Brewton, I know several months ago we had went to this store to make a return exchange and while at the service desk they called over the intercom (Code Blue) which means everyone needs to exit the store, there was a bomb threat. We had to get as far away from the building as possible for about 45 minutes until the authorities went in and checked out the whole store, before they would let anyone back inside, they had also said that it also happened the night before that as well… Must have either been a dissatisfied customer or perhaps and employee that they let go…