Take Snow Pictures? Have A Closure To Report? Email Us

February 12, 2010

If it does snow tonight and Friday as forecast, send us your photos! We would love to post them for all to see here on NorthEscambia.com.

Just email your photos as an attachment to news@northescambia.com.

If you have a closure or cancellation to report, you can email that information to news@northescambia.com or use our contact form.  Cancellation notices must include a name and phone number for verification. We won’t publish the name or phone number unless you ask us to do so, but do need the information if we have any questions.


One Response to “Take Snow Pictures? Have A Closure To Report? Email Us”

  1. Wild Bill on February 11th, 2010 3:15 pm

    Just announced:

    NAS Pensacola Base closure Friday for all non-essential personnel.