Study: Century, Jay And Cantonment Unhealthy; Walnut Hill, McDavid, Molino Much Healthier

February 21, 2010


An environmental health study shows that residing in the Century, Jay or Cantonment zip codes may be unhealthy, while the McDavid/Walnut Hill and Molino zip codes are among the healthiest places to live in a two county area.

The results were released in a recent University of West Florida study focusing on Escambia and Santa Rosa counties.

healthseries.jpgThe study shows that residents in the Century and Jay zip codes have the among the highest disease risk in the two-county region, attributed almost entirely to formaldehyde and toluene emission from the petroleum and natural gas extraction operations in the north Santa Rosa County area. For the purposes of the study, the Century and Jay zip codes were combined into one geographic region due to their relatively small populations. The location attributed most to the risk factor attributed almost entirely to formaldehyde emissions from a natural gas compressor station in northern Santa Rosa County.

The risks associated with living in the Cantonment  zip code were related to the pulp and paper manufacturing operation, mostly attributed to higher levels of methanol, acetaldehyde, benzene and xylene, which are used as chemical solvents in the pulping operation. The area encompassed by the Cantonment zip had the worst mortality rate due to birth defects.

The McDavid/Walnut Hill and the Molino zip code areas had the lowest rates of hospital admission in the two county area due to respiratory problems. The zip codes also had among the lowest overall health and cancer risks.

Primarily, the study evaluated relationships between the health outcomes and the proximity of the zip codes to air emission sites.

During the past several days, has taken an in-depth look at the health of North Escambia and our immediate neighbors in the series “Our Local Health: North Escambia Area”.  For previous articles, click the links below:

The darker reds and orange colors show the zip codes with the greatest burden of disease in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. 


7 Responses to “Study: Century, Jay And Cantonment Unhealthy; Walnut Hill, McDavid, Molino Much Healthier”

  1. S.L.B on February 22nd, 2010 8:30 am

    Something to consider is another source of air polution. Over the past 2 years I have personally placed complaints to Citizens Against Toxic Exposure (CATE), the Florida and Alabama State of Enviromental Mgmt. concerning the Big Esc. Creek Plant/Exxon Mobile putting off emissions (Sulfur Dioxide) that causes irritations in the nose, throat and lungs making it very difficult for those who already have breathing difficulties to breath and not to mention it smells really aweful. Not long after I requested an investigation back in 2008, the plant closed down and we didn’t smell anything for about a year. We can tell it’s started back up again as the north winds pushes it in our direction and the same symptoms are back. I am wondering if this plant and the one located in Jay,Fl might have something to do with the findings in this enviromental health study for the Century (32535) and Jay (32565) areas?

  2. Darryl on February 22nd, 2010 8:28 am

    Hey concerned citizen, I have a question? You complain about your wear and tear on your vehicle and the distance to a Walmart. Why not move to the suburbs closer to the amenities you want?

    This is classic compliant that land use planners have to deal with; some people want to live in rural area with nothing next to them but they want their conveniences too. Most would gladly sacrifice someone in next community for their desire for amenities as long as it didn’t effect them. Tough one to deal with.

    As to septic tanks, along the rivers, bayous, and bays they are a source of pollution. You do realize that e-coli and other contaminates that gets into our food is usually sourced from feces? Sewage getting access to waterways, poor slaughter practices, and restaurant workers not washing their hands after a trip to toilet all contribute.

    As to the healthy list, nothing surprising in the differences, especially Cantonment where “the smell of money” is taking its toll.

  3. David Huie Green on February 22nd, 2010 12:49 am

    actually, the spray is good for you, it kills fleas

  4. concerned citizen on February 21st, 2010 7:27 pm

    So leave our septic tanks alone! We are doing just fine with our health in Walnut Hill/Bratt area! We already pay enough for taxes and permits let alone the expense on gas and wear & tear on vehicles just to drive to the nearest Walmart living in the rural areas or 45 miles one way just to get a decent paying job. Something pensacola residents may want to think about before voting for consolidation IF you feel we don’t pay our share already for living in a rural area.
    No offense! Just some food for thought!

  5. Bob on February 21st, 2010 3:23 pm

    WOW; If I lived across the road I would be healthier. I have always hated my mail addressed to Century. By the way,Nothing in my book could be more graceful ,and aerodynamically beautiful than to see and hear the drone of an Aerial Applicator getting his job accomplished in the early morning hours. They are not referred to as spray planes anymore because they provide so many aspects of agriculture growth in so many areas.

  6. interested reader on February 21st, 2010 2:11 pm

    I am proud to say I live in the Walnut Hill area and glad to see that it is in the safer area. We are lucky to be able to enjoy clean air (except for the spray planes) and appreciate actually being able to see stars and skies so blue it hurts your eyes. Never have I seen more beautiful sunsets too. ALL FREE FOR ANYONE TO ENJOY. OOPS, SORRY IF THIS WAS A BIG SECRET.

  7. Thinker on February 21st, 2010 9:29 am

    There will be no outcry in response to this. Apathy will prevail.
    There should be demonstrations. So it goes.
    We need leaders.