Two Cantonment Men Arrested For Wednesday Night Shooting

February 4, 2010

Two Cantonment men are behind bars accused of a Wednesday night shooting over a debt from a previous drug deal.

cantoshoot.jpgCortez Allen, 20, and Derius Griffin, 21, are facing charges of attempted murder, attempted robbery and using a weapon during the commission of a felony.

The two are accused in shooting of Bobby James Burr, 51, in the 200 block of Desoto Road about 10 p.m. Wednesday. Burr was shot in the chest. He reportedly underwent surgery for his wounds Thursday morning at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola where he was listed in fair condition.

Burr was found leaning on his couch near the front door of the residence when deputies arrived Wednesday night, shot in the left side of his chest. The bullet, according to deputies, exited his back just inches from his spine.

Burr said he started arguing with Griffin over money that Burr owned to Griffin for a “previous drug deal”, according to deputies.

One of the two suspects pulled a weapon, and a struggle ensued. Burr was shot during the struggle. It was not immediately known which suspect pulled the trigger.

Allen and Griffin are in the Escambia County jail, held on $115,000 bond each.


23 Responses to “Two Cantonment Men Arrested For Wednesday Night Shooting”

  1. chilly on February 8th, 2010 7:15 pm

    If you folks have children had better be careful what you say because if you have children you could face this same thing someday .Be kind or be left behind.

  2. none of your business on February 6th, 2010 9:31 am

    When anyone does wrong and it hits the papers
    There will always be a court of public opinion.
    Expect it!

    These children foisted this on these parents. NOT US!

    I have no sympathy for druggies with weapons!
    Thats how little girls playing in the front yards of their homes that
    have never done a thing to anyone end up dead and that yellow
    line on the grass or street.

    If I was their mother, I would go down and ask to see them
    and yank them by their bloody ears and by the time I got
    through with these hoodums of mine, there wouldn’t be
    anything left to judge by anyone.

    OK I’m done!

  3. JUDY C. MASEK on February 6th, 2010 1:32 am

    actually, i do have sympathy for the parents of these two young adults…often, no matter how properly parents can raise their children, they (grown kids) will still insist on learning things “the hard way” and making some very bad choices….and, im sure that it is painful for the parents/loved ones to read some of the comments posted here.

  4. dontworryboutit on February 5th, 2010 9:54 pm

    I cant believe how people are reacting about the situation… yes it happened but what you read is only half the situation… I dont think that we should be judging people on what you hear… do ur research Im a friend of the mother of these two guys and the klast thing these families need is for people with negative attitudes to be commenting like this about their children! I hope that everyone grow up!! Thanks for reading!!!

  5. chilly on February 5th, 2010 8:20 pm

    It is sad that this happened. Years ago my son had a friend that came to live with us and his Mom never worried about him she called me his other Mom. He is now married with a beautiful family and is in the service and calls us his spirtual Mom and Dad. He will tell you if he had not lived with us his body would have been outlined in yellow on the street or be in jail. He was the only one of the kids that didn’t get in trouble that he knew his age. We drove down one of those streets and a kid we knew his body was outlined on the street. The kids behind champion need help and for someone just to take time with them. We raised him and our son in church. We are blessed because neither one was ever arrested and never in any trouble. I feel sad for their Moms.

  6. bill, big b little ill on February 5th, 2010 6:36 pm

    None of, that snort snort gave you away. I was wondering what happened to lilly Tomlin.:)

  7. Bill W on February 5th, 2010 6:15 pm

    Not to beat a dead horse over the drug issue but…
    A number of years ago I was driving the Church van through Cantonment when a car with a young couple turned down the street I was going to turn on. A youngster in the van said they were looking to buy crack. Of course my response was Oh come on we don’t know that.
    He told me to go slow and watch, that they would pull up next to a Blue pickup in a parking lot. Sure enough they were pulled up alongside a Blue truck. This young man described how the deal was transacted right down to the hole in the floor to dispose of the evidence should ECSO come by. He said the lookouts wouldn’t let that happen.
    What lookouts? Which direction are you going home, Right or Left? I’ll go Left. About 1mile down the road is a white house with blue shutters; on the side of the house will be a trash barrel with a fire in it, three men will be standing around it keeping watch. I turned left and about a mile down the road was a white house with blue shutters. Three men were standing around a trash can. It was a Sunday, we had been in Church 15 miles away for 3 hours. I never doubted that 13 year old young man again.

  8. none of your business on February 5th, 2010 9:48 am

    I can’t believe thats all the bail they gave them.
    I would have set it at 1,000,000.00. After all their drug dealers and buyer.
    Heaven only knows how much money they could come up with if necessary.
    I would also get rid of the the three strikes rule.
    If they screw up twice thats it, life with no possible.

    Bill I love Arnolds idea, even if I do think he let everything go to pot on

    I wonder tho, if MEXICO WOULD TAKE I.O.U.’S

    lol Snort Snort !

  9. riversunshine32 on February 5th, 2010 9:33 am

    It’s a shame how crack is taking over Cantonment. Mr. Burr needs to take this as a great big wake up call and leave the stem alone.

  10. SW on February 5th, 2010 8:28 am

    What would extra deputies have done to prevent this? Burr got into bed with the devil(s) and almost paid with his life; if I read the article correctly.

    Sadly, there are more criminals than police officers; at every level. The good guys can’t be everywhere. Their role, unfortunately sometimes, is to react; ‘mop up’ messes. One of the others roles law enforcement plays is that of deterrent. Police officers seldom get to be proactive.

    This would probably have happened regardless. Sign of the times.

  11. rebel on February 5th, 2010 1:29 am

    Morgan’s too busy with in-house moves & politicing to give a rats butt bout what he promised to do in Cant/Molino with more officers. But it still wouldn’t prevent this crap from happening. Vote in John Powell, lets see what he’ll do. At least he’s been a real cop. 4-star sheriff…..give me a doggone break……

  12. babbs on February 4th, 2010 11:28 pm

    Mr. Burr all I gotta say is karmas a bity (what goes around comes around)

  13. bill on February 4th, 2010 10:36 pm

    Robert……..i still like arnold schwarzeneggers idea of building prisons in mexico. No tv, no weight yards to come out like the hulk. No amenities. send them all to mexico.

  14. robert on February 4th, 2010 6:02 pm

    3 more we will feed for life.

  15. sickofthugs on February 4th, 2010 3:25 pm

    Go ahead and lock them up for life. They will never be an asset to society. I’d gladly pay more taxes if it would take and keep thugs like these off the street.

  16. Angi on February 4th, 2010 1:06 pm

    I do hope that Mr. Burr will be alright… as far as these two go, they need to be in jail without bond for attempted murder…

  17. bill on February 4th, 2010 11:40 am

    In jail and needs to stay in jail.

  18. Oversight on February 4th, 2010 11:39 am

    Yep, another drug deal gone bad! I say let ‘em have at each other and rid society of themselves, but then again there are bystanders that always seem to get hurt when these thugs run amuck.

  19. Bill W on February 4th, 2010 9:36 am

    Mom In most situations like this ( shootings ) the extra deputies wouldn’t help unless they were standing right there.
    This is symptomatic of our society today.We all know the answer to this unnecessary willful violence toward people and property and the disregard for law. The issue is so large we can’t get our hands around it so we all (everyone ) have to do it a little at a time in our own homes , with ourselves and our families.

  20. To MOM on February 4th, 2010 9:25 am

    those extra deputies are busy arresting thier own on domestic violence. and never being around when needed

  21. bill on February 4th, 2010 8:36 am

    Cantonment, pensacola, just driving down the road. Makes you want kevlar vest for your family.

  22. Concerned on February 4th, 2010 7:45 am

    Anyone know the people involved or if they’ve released the names of them?

  23. Mom on February 4th, 2010 1:24 am

    Cantonment is getting to be a bad place. Too many of these stories. Where are the extra deputies we were promised?