Sheriff’s Office Rolls Out Armored SWAT Vehicle

February 11, 2010


The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office unveiled its new SWAT Tactical Rescue Vehicle Wednesday afternoon.

swattruck15.JPGThe 19,000 pound fully armored vehicle was funded with about $230,000 in local option sales tax dollars earmarked for vehicle purchases.

“It wasn’t cheap, but if it can save one person’s life, it will be well worth it,” said Escambia County Chief Deputy Larry Aiken. “We don’t want to ever have to us it, but when we do, we will have the peace of mind that we can protect our personnel or a member of the public.”

Aiken said it can be used to position SWAT members at a scene or used to rescue someone while providing a high degree of safety. The vehicle can stop a high power projectile dead in its tracks.

None of the surround law enforcement agencies have such a fully armored vehicle, Aiken said. Escambia’s new tactical rescue vehicle will be made available for other agencies if the need arises.

Pictured top: The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office new SWAT Tactical Rescue Vehicle. Pictured inset: Sheriff David Morgan inspects the new armored vehicle. Pictured bottom: Chief Deputy Larry Aiken (left) looks inside. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.



42 Responses to “Sheriff’s Office Rolls Out Armored SWAT Vehicle”

  1. Hank Masters on February 16th, 2010 1:37 pm

    When will the “$800,000 a year, every year” myth about the helicopters die? That is a blatent misrepresentation of the facts.

    The helicopters do NOT need new rotor heads every year (for example), but that cost was not amortized as it should have been to reflect the true cost to operate.

    Question for the voters and the deputies out there, which would you rather have, a helicopter or an armored personnel carrier? Which one can serve the citizens and deputies better?

    If we can’t afford to fly the helicopter, so be it, but stop with the grossly inflated budget numbers please.

  2. Doug Masters on February 15th, 2010 10:24 pm

    A $230,000 parking lot ornament. 99% of the Swat call outs will never need this vehicle to be activated. I do agree that if it saves one life, then it was worth the expense. What I don’t agree with is it being purchased during these financial crisis and how long will it just be sitting around not being used. Most likely it will need several new batteries or be jumped off by another vehicle before it can be used. That “grant” could have been used more intelligently and productively.

  3. Walter on February 15th, 2010 6:12 pm

    While not everyone cares for Mr. Morgans persona, I believe we all want what is best for the men and women who “protect and serve” every day. Each Officers efforts are greatly appreciated.

  4. idunno on February 15th, 2010 1:50 am

    Dang Mr. 5 star, for all $, 4-500000 you’ve spent on transport vehicles, you could’ve spent $1500 on an old Escambia Co School bus, put bars on the windows, & hauled a bunch of prisoners around. Those slick speechs are startin to sound alot like Obama. We aint all dummies dude…..

  5. Just An Old Soldier on February 14th, 2010 6:44 pm

    Good Job Sheriff Morgan! And I appreciate your experience in the Armed Forces too. Keep it up, and I’ll be voting for you next election – you can be sure of that.

  6. harley1 on February 14th, 2010 9:19 am

    I don’t know about it being a swat vehicle,but it sure looks like a great pizza delivery vehicle.

  7. none of your business on February 14th, 2010 5:23 am

    LOL to both comments

  8. Observer on February 13th, 2010 10:26 pm

    Reply back to the Sheriff. Not to argue, but that all sounds great, but it’s not factual. You bought them at the request of your former Chief to transport prisoners that were arrested by Patrol. When you couldn’t get enough Officers to drive them for Comp’ time [no pay] and figured we weren’t New York with 6000 officers making arrest, they were parked which is something that should have been figured out before the purchase. We have never had a need for these as this was proven years ago by another administration. In the past and presently, the MP’s have always picked up their Military people either at the jail or at the substation on the beach. As far as big events on the beach, the Military has always sent MP’s out for the event to deal with their own as well as the jail sending Officers out with regular vans [less expensive ones] to transport. In lieu of using a 130000 vehicle to write someone a ticket and release them at the gate, wouldn’t it be cheaper to use one of those new Tahoes and the deputy assigned to it to transport? As far as the Meth truck, again this should have been addressed prior to the purchase. The former head of Narcotics is not the one who signs off on the purchase, you are. Now you’re stuck with a 250000 truck looking for somewhere to work it. The Dive team already had a truck. Nice try.

  9. bill, big b little ill on February 13th, 2010 8:18 pm

    Will all the yahoos please stand up…big b little ill…standing…

  10. Proud of our cops on February 13th, 2010 4:27 pm

    Mr Morgan, I’m glad that you took the time to respond to the yahoos up here but then again, by looking at their comments, I think your post was lost on them.

  11. none of your business on February 13th, 2010 8:06 am

    Sherriff Morgan,

    As to you saying if you didn’t use the money they would have reallocated
    using it, thats not a very good argument.
    Thats like saying, “Well lets see, I got $200.00 left in the bank till payday
    and if I don’t spend it my husband may pay a bill with it, so I guess
    I will go out and get me a new IPOD!

    Why don’t you try telling these citizens that think this was too much money
    for this toy that this was not a toy, and if we give you your term to clean
    up this town, you ARE going to bust down these drug labs, clean
    this town of prostitutes, gangs, and all the bottom feeders you can
    dig out of this town., and it starts TODAY!

    The good ppl of this town MR. MORGAN are tired of Crime and living
    with locked doors and criminals who get away with murder.
    We are tired of Druggies and Meth Labs.

    We know where they are, and I’m betting your officers do to.

    However, I don’t understnad WHY we needed new vehicles to transport
    perps from the the beach to the NAVY BASE. Throw them in
    our jail and let their C.O. come and get them. Why did WE need to
    get two vehicles for them.
    Have their MOMMA’S PICK THEM UP!!!!!!!!!

  12. none of your business on February 13th, 2010 7:46 am

    Big B
    I for one like the cops all over the highway.
    I don’t have the big truck bulliies all the time anymore.
    Ok I still have them sometimes, like monday morning right
    on my block, which is a private street and they should not
    have been there without an invitation to one of the seven
    homes on the block. However, it wouldn’t supprise me if
    they had one.
    It is a shame, that we pay our federal taxes, and they give
    it back in the form of a grant and then they use it to run
    down the roads and ticket us. lol
    However, I do remember many of the women in this town,
    including me talking on here about the bullies on the
    road from molino to town.
    or are they looking after us.
    Only time will tell……….

  13. bill, big b little ill on February 12th, 2010 10:47 pm

    Gangs are nothing but terrorist, yet we go to other countries to try and stop them. Then do so very darn little to stop them from taking over the streets of America.I know that that all those speeders bring in lots of money, so is this all it’s about? Let the homeland terrorist keep on growing, and give another speeder a ticket..

  14. David Morgan on February 12th, 2010 10:11 pm

    To Observer;

    The two transport vehicles were acquired after consultation with NAS personnel (Base CC and DoD Police). They do not have the personnel to respond to areas like Pensacola Beach and transport military personnel back to the base, which then required us to make trips or book them into the ECSO jail. With the transport vehciles we now just write the applicable citation/charges and transport them to the gate at NAS where the Navy takes custody. The vehicles are also taken to the beach for ’special events,’ i.e., Blue Angle weekend(s), Mardi Gra, etc.

    While they are currently being under utilized it is because of the season.

    The Meth Truck was purchased at the request of the former head of narcotics. After acquiring it, the cost of taking on the EPA mandates for acquiring, storing and disposing of the hazardous chemicals did not warrant our keeping it in that capacity. It has been re-fited as a Haz-Mat vehicle and does double duty for the Dive Team.

    Again, this money (LOST) is allocated to the ECSO for these specific purposes.
    We cannot use it for anyother purpose and if we do not use it, the BOCC will reallocate it.

    If you or anyone else would like to consult with us on what equipment should and should not be purchased, please do. The aforementioned vehicles were not acquired at ‘my request,’ but after consultation with the ECSO Command Staff where a definitive need and use was identified and then the decision was approved for the purchase.

    As always, thank you for your continued interest in the oversight and management of the Escambia County Sheriffs Office.

    David Morgan, Sheriff
    Escambia County, FL

  15. Tammie on February 12th, 2010 9:35 pm

    Why do gangs still exist? I would like to know the answer to that also! We know where the crime is….. we know they are dealing drugs, stealing guns and selling them and using them to kill innocent people… but they are still walking the streets! WHY? Not aiming at Sherriff Morgan! I wouldn’t want your job! I mean EVERYWHERE (all over the US). WHY are they not being taken down? Is it their rights? Because it does seem like the criminals have more “rights” than anyone. Is it public opinion or scrutiny? I think there would be alot more people all about taking them down (killing them) than there would be against cleaning up our streets! I think its very admirable on the sherriff’s part by addressing people’s concerns on here…. it lets me know that he is listening! I have 2 children and I worry about their safety (always) ! It just wasn’t like this when I was growing up, like a totally different world. Of course now my Mom would have BEAT MY TAIL if I had even looked like I was thinking about a gang!!!! Maybe that’s the difference!

  16. Observer on February 12th, 2010 5:53 pm

    In reply to the Sheriff. About 230.000 on this vehicle, about 260.000 on two transport vehicles that aren’t being used and about 250.000 on a Meth’ truck that was surely not needed. The labs were taken down for free with the help of the team out of Tall’. It’s appears that McNesby was not the onlt one that liked toys.

  17. none of your business on February 12th, 2010 10:21 am

    “Thumbs up”

  18. bill, big b little ill on February 12th, 2010 10:16 am

    Until the bleeding heart liberals, and John Q public wise up, nut-tin much going to change. All us religious gun tot-en fanatics need to keep on clinging to those guns. When we quit believing politics and start demanding that they do the job they are elected for, that they are public servants and not higher Archie that we the subjects are not here just to pay their wages, well what can I say..We can all buy a VW bug, mount 50 calibers on the roof and take from there. It’s a disgrace that 1 gang is allowed to exist in the United States..Freedom comes at a price, or fore fathers stood up to the British but it looks like we are going to give in to punks and Washington.

    While some of you think we are in a recession, well it’s just the common folk that are people. When we get a new president, rep or dem, they don’t seam to give a rats rear end how much money they spend on lavish furniture, because the like new stuff that was there just don’t fit their style. Hire no telling how many servants and staff, throw lavish parties, while spending huge amounts of money for personal safety, but the heck with John Q…he just pays the bill.

    Now use that expensive armored vehicle for some good.

  19. none of your business on February 12th, 2010 9:01 am

    Oh and don’t think I’m not rutting for you Sherriff, and your officers.
    Heck I voted for you!

    I just don’t give trust as readily as I use to, now I have to know you.

    Thanks for explaining what you ARE doing and Have done to help us.

    I do realize you probably spent the money before the end of the year.
    It was there, and you had to spend it or lose it.
    We all know how that works.

  20. none of your business on February 12th, 2010 8:55 am

    I’d ride in there to bust up the gangs.



    oh by the way I wouldn’t go in with any of your officers…….I’ve seen
    serpico too many times!

  21. none of your business on February 12th, 2010 8:51 am

    Like I said you need to be safe, we ALL want YOU ALL safe.
    Now we need to quit letting the HOODLUMS RUN THIS TOWN.

  22. Sheriff David Morgan on February 12th, 2010 8:17 am

    To All: I approved the purchase of this vehicle request after we experienced 6 SWAT call-outs in my first 5 months in office, and with the tragic deaths of 3 officers in Okaloosa County. The nearest agency that can provide one is 3 hours away, for they have to place it on a flat bed for transport (it is an older version).

    These monies (Local Option Sales Tax/LOST) can only be used for such purchases. We cannot use it for hiring officers, overtime, etc.

    This vehicle, versus the helicopter, is a one-time expense, with the exception of routine maitenance. The helicopter costs were $800,000.00 per year, every year. (And sorry to disappoint, but I don’t “ride around in it,” just like I didn’t accept one of the new Tahoes, these are purchased for the deputies.) We have in fact deployed the helicopter twice since grounding them (we still have 2). Once for a missing person, and once for an assist to the US Marshall Task Force in looking for a fleeing felon. We didn’t find either after employing the helicopter.

    Anyone want to volunteer for the next SWAT call-out? Requiring entry where there is an armed, baracaded suspect? This vehicle has the capability to go through the side of a building, or take down the doors, while affording officer safety.

    Sadly, the criminals in Escambia County are as well (if not better) armed as we are. Not many years ago, most drug busts were conducted with a couple of narcotics officers, and a back-up patrol. Today, few narcotics warrants are executed without SWAT as the back-up unit, in full gear. Why? AK-47’s, Mack-10’s, etc.

    For Billy; While you may not accept my military police experience (AF SPI), let me assure you and the other citizens that it did not inhibit my ability to reduce the budget by $4M while adding 12 new deputies. Nor in solving the K-9 issues, nor in the successful resolution of the Billings Murders, the Department of Justice Investigation, etc., etc. While local experience is certainly a consideration, it is not an end all. The Sheriff is a chief executive/management position, not a street cop. While I did not create the current problems (they were created by ‘former deputies’), the tasks are certainly mine to correct.

    I will gladly take the criticism for this one-time purchase. I will not take the criticism for not affording my officers every possible protection.

    As always, thanks to all for your continued interest in the management and oversight of the Escambia County Shereiffs Office.

    David Morgan, Sheriff
    Escambia County, FL

  23. none of your business on February 12th, 2010 8:11 am

    And By the Way.

    I would use that vehicle to ram the known drug houses in this town
    and the explosion would be heard from one end of this town to the other.

    I would wake up the druggies and the gangs in this town and it would
    be a war like they have never seen before.

    Thats what that vehicle can do!

  24. none of your business on February 12th, 2010 8:09 am

    I want our officers safe, but this just looks like a big expensive boy toy to

    Heck if the bad guy from the gangs wants to kill you, they will use armor
    piercing bullets. If you up the anti so will they just like L.A.
    If things get so bad like L.A. and they can’t or won’t go into an area,
    they can always call in the millitary. Ever heard of that L.A. . . Shame
    on them, because everyone knows that.

    Big Bill, we actually have more than 20 gangs in this town from one
    outskirt to the other.
    What are we really doing about them, they just keep walking the
    darned streets, everyone sees them, and if you don’t know gang
    colors and wear when you see them you certainly should learn it.

    I still see the prostitutes on the street in the evenings in the same
    area as a school in two different places in this town. Yuck!
    Pros. Pimps and children, well isn’t that nice and they have been
    there for the hole 6 years I have been here.

    If they can’t solve that problem, how the heck they going to solve
    the drug and gang problem, and they ARE all related.


    It’s like my hubby always says you have to have the right equipment
    for the job but I always then expect the job to be done.

    Have fun boys!

  25. Willie B. Posted on February 11th, 2010 2:13 pm

    Give me a break! We are in a major recession, the county is broke, people are out of work, our tax base is shrinking. How can our county justify such an expenditure. Some of our elected officials need to work in a profit based business for a few years, maybe in a lumber mill or other business where even in good times you watch your pennies,cause the Pacific Rim or the Canadians are competing with you.
    I think one of the reasons Ronnie Mac’ was defeated was partially due to the electric scooter purchase for the beach. Don’t tell me it came out of some grant or other funding, in the end ,it comes out of our pockets!
    This makes me literally sick to my stomach.Sure you can come up with some sort of scenario where this monstrosity could be used, but using that line of logic, we could use a blimp and a cobra bite rescue squad also. Hey, it could happen! Notice how we will make it available to all the other counties, who don’t have one. Ole’ Uncle Escambia has deep pockets.

  26. bill, big b little ill on February 11th, 2010 2:00 pm

    it looks like we may have a fishing season much longer…I wonder if the rest of the world has fishing rules like we do…You know, catch those snapper under size and throw them back so they can be eaten on the way back down.

  27. Dave on February 11th, 2010 1:19 pm

    If this thing were sunk in the bay it would make an excellent fishing reef. I would support that in a minute.

  28. Darryl on February 11th, 2010 12:18 pm

    Seems to not address the fundamental problem. One solution is to legalize the non-pharmaceutical drugs and end the cycle of piling hundreds of thousands into prisons while the real criminals walk. On gangs, look at what fuels them: the drug trade, kids in near hopeless (or hopeless) home life situations, etc. As long as we address the symptoms and not the problem I’m afraid we can’t build enough jails or spend enough on the latest crime fighting toy.

    This “Mad Max” vehicle says alot about our priorities and mindset. I realize it may seem like a good idea, and easy to justify with the “if it saves just one life” mentality but that is unrealistic and sets the stage for more of this type of equipment. When police bust up a gang do they really ride in guns a blazing in armored cars? I thought the capture was to be less full frontal assault and more ambush.

  29. Billy on February 11th, 2010 12:11 pm

    It doesn’t matter where you live. Crime rate for the most part is the same everywhere in the nation….per capita that is. Im not saying there is as much crime in Century as there is in Atlanta but per capita there is.
    I’m proud of the ECSO for getting this peice of machinery. You should never get “caught with you pants down” and should always be prepared for the worst. My question is did the Sheriff take bids from different companies and could he have gotten the same quality machine for a cheaper price.
    Whether you like Morgan or not…the county elected him to make these types of decisions so lets trust him. If he breaks the trust, vote him out next election. Its that simple. I have my own issues with Morgan being the Sheriff after never being a police officer or deputy or trooper, but I have to trust that he will let his men guide him through his term until he learns the business.

  30. Lawson on February 11th, 2010 11:38 am

    If I was on the SWAT team, I’d sure want as much protection as I could get. There are some bad boys and girls out there who are well armed.
    Yes, this is expensive, but someone in authority must make decisions as to which way the department operates. If they are human, they won’t always be one hundred per cent right.
    We, of the armchairs, should cut them a little slack until we see how it actually pans out.

  31. Bob on February 11th, 2010 10:42 am

    Our roads are in Pre-Construction condition but we are ready to fight crime well into the 21ST century. Goes to show you where our priorities have drifted. When you look at these hoodlums walking the streets holding their pants up with one hand and looking deformed and retarded makes one wonder.

  32. bill, big b little ill on February 11th, 2010 10:33 am

    If it help these men and women go home to their familys safe and unharmed. Then every penny was well spent..

  33. Splat on February 11th, 2010 10:28 am

    kind of makes me want to get arrested so i can get a ride in it.

  34. escambia reader on February 11th, 2010 10:25 am

    Everyone has their opinion on the expenditure of tax dollars, but these decisions are made based on the potential violence that is present. Just a few short months ago, a gunman shot several people in very rural Geneva County AL. The gunman was using a rifle as well as other weapons. Car doors and even building doors and walls do not stop rifle shots well. If this can happen in rural South Alabama, it can happen anywhere.

    I, for one, want the responders (whether police, fire, or EMS) to have the proper equipment to protect themselves so they can continue to provide protection to those they serve. More personnel and vehicles would be great, but without the tools to do the job, this may only mean more officers and citizens killed when the worst case becomes reality.

    I applaud the Sheriff and his staff for trying to provide the equipment to protect the officers and public and also making the equipment available to the surrounding agencies that may not be fortunate enough to have the needed equipment.

  35. Skeptical on February 11th, 2010 10:04 am

    I doubt you’ll ever see a return on the dollars spent on this piece of equipment. This is sort of like the helicopter – high dollar, but at least the helicopter was a functional asset that was extensively used. By the way, didn’t the Florida Department of Law Enforcement provide a similar vehicle to Okaloosa County to be used regionally about a year or so ago?

  36. Dave on February 11th, 2010 9:53 am

    What a boondoggle! Just one more reason to drive across the border and pay lower sales tax over in Alabama.

  37. Mom on February 11th, 2010 8:36 am

    I think it was a good purchase. How many bank robberies do we have these days? What if there were hostages in the bank? Now SWAT can drive up, knock with battering ram and deposit some lead in the bad guys.

  38. bill, big b little ill on February 11th, 2010 8:30 am

    Wild Bill..

    It’s lots of money, and no we don’t live in LA…But everyday the bad guys are getting more heavyly armed than our law officers…How do we put a price on saving lives…And brother, I hope and pray that this area never gets like LA. I understand that the gangs have take a part of LA that the police no longer even go into..according to TV doc. To me, that’s a disgrace.

  39. susan on February 11th, 2010 8:07 am

    ok, they were just talking about all the different cuts that had to be made to stick to the budget. He grounded the helicopter that was somewhat usefulto spot crooks on the run or even missing persons. I guess we can count out the extra cops up in the north-end, because now they arent going to be able to purshase move cars to accomadate the extra cops that was to be hired for our area. go figure! What a waste of tax payers money. It looks to me for just another jam up vehicle for our sheriff to cruise around in……

  40. Wild Bill on February 11th, 2010 7:49 am

    What a waste of taxpayer dollars! How many more patrol cars could have been purchased for $230, 000 dollars. I could understand if there were a justifiable need, but this is Escambia County not Los Angles. The only need I see justified by this purchase is Sheriiff Morgan’s need to inflate his ego. Keep wasting taxpayer dollars like this Sheriff and you will be looking for a new job in a couple years.

  41. whitepunknotondope on February 11th, 2010 7:24 am

    Let’s go kill some gang-bangers! I’m in!

  42. bill, big b little ill on February 11th, 2010 5:31 am

    Where’s the beef…..looks like they found it..I herd some where that there’s 20 different gangs in the pensacola area. Don’t know that for sure myself. But it looks like the Sheriffs department is getting ready for something.