School Board Approves Pay Raises

February 17, 2010

The Escambia school district has approved pay raises for teachers and staff members that amount to about 2.42 percent for 2009-2010.

seesalary.jpgThe plan includes a higher starting salary — $32,500 — for new teachers, a small raise for teachers with up to four years of experience, and annual 2 -percent raises for teachers with five or more years of experience. The 2 percent raise ends at year 26 and then provides a $500 annual bonus beginning in year 27.

The salary deal will be retroactive to July 1, 2009, now that it has been ratified by the Escambia County School District and the Escambia Education Association.

Professional and administrative employees will receive a raise that averages 2.71 percent.

The salary increases will cost the school district about $3.7 million.


7 Responses to “School Board Approves Pay Raises”

  1. Dixie Chick on February 17th, 2010 11:18 pm

    Amen Bobby and Anonymous!! It is always the teachers who get the raises. The support personnel is SOL like always. Raise, at least the teacher got raises to help cover the copays, etc. The support people who keep the school going got nothing. Without them your child would not get that free bus ride or get fed hot lunches and use a clean bathroom!! Not to mention that special ed aide who changes your handicapped child’s diaper. They work just as hard as teachers and in many cases even harder!!

  2. raise on February 17th, 2010 9:42 pm

    This is really not a raise the copay went up on insurance and have to pay a certain percent. A preventive med. office visit was 180.00 allowed amount was 118.04 copay 20.00 plan covers 80 percent school insurance payed 78.43. Employee pays 39.61. Ladies do not be shocked mamo 285.99 plan allowes 330.99 plan covers 80 percent which is 264.79 . I had to pay 66.20. Total so far 105.81 for annual check up and mamo. Have not got the bill for doctor that read the mamogram or the lab. I expect it to be around 200.00 total if I am lucky. What did you say about a pay increase? If you try to work all day themn go to urgent care do not forget that you will pay a new copay of 50.00. The amount that we will get will be lots less than we will pay out of pocket on our insurance. What raise?

  3. Anonymous on February 17th, 2010 4:31 pm

    I agree with you Bobby. How can the district lay off employees then the year turn around and give out raises? How can this question come about to the district officials? Also I agree with whoever said what about the lunch room employees and bus drivers, you never here about those people getting raises. I believe something is wrong with the district and has been wrong with the escambia county school district for a while. I also think its crap that the district can lay people off, then hire somebody back if they have a relative who is some kind of head honcho supervisor or some kind of department supervisor that works or has been retired with the district. It just goes along just like every other job, its not what you know, its who you know, guess that’s the same deal with the school district.

  4. guess who on February 17th, 2010 2:39 pm

    why is it always teachers who get a raise? look at the lunch room workers they feed the children, and look at the bus drivers, they make shure that the kids get to school when they have no other way.

  5. Angie on February 17th, 2010 12:47 pm

    Yay for the teachers!! You deserve this! Keep up the good work!

  6. BOBBY on February 17th, 2010 7:48 am

    Congradulations teachers and staff! You deserve it!!!! Honestly!! But, lets face it! How can you lay off or cut back employees and claim it is the economy??? Then turn around and give raises! You do the math. 2 + 2 doesn’t equal 4 here citizens! Perhaps we have become the dog eat dog world that God predicted in the end! What does it hurt to lay off a few to suffer and pay for the raises. The big guys have it all worked out to not cost them a dime but they still look good and get that vote next term. Think about this next Sunday. How is the person that was laid off or hrs. cut feeling about their 2% raise????
    Just a thought!

  7. Oversight on February 17th, 2010 5:15 am

    Well certainly the school board has the money. Look at Leon County’s budget; it is around a hundred million less than Escambia’s with about the same number of students. So it looks like budgets can in fact be adjusted so that workers can be afforded at least a little relief from ever increasing costs of the basics from electricity to food.
    Now how about that bunch of one eyed bandits that make up the so called Escambia Board of County Commissioners, did they receive an increase in pay within the last two years courtesy of the state’s legislature?