Royals Win Round One In 1-2A Tourney

February 10, 2010

Jay 58, Ponce de Leon 40

The Jay Royals won the first round of the District 1-2A Tournament in Freeport Tuesday, 58-40. Bugg Fischer paced the Royals (11-12) with 19 and had seven rebounds.–Hunter Boutwell 12, Dakota Walker 1, Luke Rowell 6, Bugg Fischer 19,Stephen Brabham 5, Tyler Prescott 3, Todd Laney 12.

Jay 18 17 18 5-58 Ponce De Leon 9 16 7 8-40


2 Responses to “Royals Win Round One In 1-2A Tourney”

  1. Alice on February 11th, 2010 3:23 pm

    We are proud of you. best of luck next round.
    Play hard from walnut hill

  2. Angi on February 10th, 2010 9:40 am

    WTG Royals…