Rescuers Complete Firefighter II Program

February 9, 2010

Thirteen Escambia County Fire Rescue personnel — including two from the North Escambia area — were honored for graduating from their Firefighter II training courses.

In order to graduate from the Firefighter II program, students must complete 360 hours of lectures and hand-on training.

Recent Escambia County Firefighter graduates were:

Bobby Raines (Cantonment), Johnell Smith (Cantonment), Derek Burleson (Innerarity Point), Lise Ehlinger (West Pensacola), Derrick Elmer (EMS), Geric Fatheree (Warrington), Kyle Gibson (Innerarity Point), Daniel Jones [EMS (honor grad)], John Lee [Ensley (Leadership award)], Mark Rea [EMS/Innerarity Point), Brandon Schlotfeld (West Pensacola), Jacob Shelly (Ensley), and Karen Wood (EMS).


2 Responses to “Rescuers Complete Firefighter II Program”

  1. bill, big b little ill on February 9th, 2010 10:18 am

    May God be with all of you. Any emergency responce teams, people who place them selves in all kinds of weather, danger etc. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

  2. Angi on February 9th, 2010 7:33 am

    Congratulations to you all, we are all greatful for your type of help…