Police Investigate Morning Home Invasion, Sexual Assault Near State Line

February 18, 2010


Authorities are investigating a reported home invasion and sexual assault in Flomaton, just north of the Alabama-Florida state line.

The incident was reported about 8:45 Thursday morning on Old Atmore Road just west of Tulip Street.  A 40-year old female told Flomaton Police that a “husky” or “stocky” male, about 6-foot tall entered her trailer and sexually assaulted her. The victim told police that the suspect did not speak during the attack.  She was transported by ambulance to Jay Hospital for evaluation.

The victim did not know the race of her attacker. She described him as being dressed in all black and wearing a mask, according to Flomaton Police Chief Terri Tolbert. The victim did not know if the suspect fled on foot or in a vehicle.

Tracking dogs from Century Correctional Institution and Fountain Prison in Atmore were called to the scene, but they were unable to locate the suspect.

Tolbert said the victim believed that the attacker entered the home through an unlocked front door.

The incident is still under investigation by the Flomaton Police Department. The Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff’s Department and the Escambia County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Office also assisted in the investigation.

Pictured top: Tracking dogs were used to search for the suspect. Pictured below: Authorities such for the suspect in a Thursday morning home invasion in Flomaton. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.



50 Responses to “Police Investigate Morning Home Invasion, Sexual Assault Near State Line”

  1. R. Robinson on February 23rd, 2010 10:05 pm

    I’m really sorry what happened to the young lady i don’t wish that terriable thing on no one. But to the people who are worried about the new neighbors who moved in the neighbor hood that is out right wrong. Sometimes people will wait just the right time to plan out something like this. And just maybe this was his time to make it look like it was the new neighbors just to throw people like you off. Maybe he wanted you to think it had something to do with the new neighbors moving in. But i have one thing to say; think about the new neighbors i’m sure they was as scared as the neighbors who have been there for years. Never stero type anyone its just not right. I hope this guy is caught in punished to the fullest. God bless you and your family.

  2. 2d Amendment ... FORVER on February 23rd, 2010 9:23 pm

    EVERYONE should have a firearm. Sure, you CAN’T carry it everywhere you go, but by golly, it is your RIGHT to have it in the home for protection. The police can only help AFTER the crime has occurred. Smith & Wesson, Glock, Ruger, et alia can stop it BEFORE it happens.

    I pray that this poor lady is well. But please take my advice – invest in a small pistol. Our founding fathers wanted us to be able to defend our homes and country. Please do it before we read about your funeral!

  3. Retired Officer on February 23rd, 2010 6:59 pm

    Angi, for you information the ball was dropped by your local police department if they did not go door to door before they left the area to speak with each of the neighbors. It is NOT the neighbors job to find the police to talk to them, that’s what the police get paid to do! THEIR JOB!!

  4. Angi on February 23rd, 2010 8:02 am

    Your post: I agree with the previous poster, the police department is not asking the neighbors questions. I talked with someone who lives in the area and they told me that no one had come and asked them if they saw anything. They told me that new people had moved in the area and some odd things were happening.

    My response: If these people told you this information then they need to go to the police and tell them, not wait for the police to come to their door; they need anyone that knows anything to come forward and report it…

  5. Tammy Reid on February 22nd, 2010 5:28 pm


  6. concerned on February 22nd, 2010 12:39 pm

    I agree with the previous poster, the police department is not asking the neighbors questions. I talked with someone who lives in the area and they told me that no one had come and asked them if they saw anything. They told me that new people had moved in the area and some odd things were happening.

    There was something out of the ordinary in the area that must have been observed by someone. Come on police department, lets get to talking to the neighbors and listening to them.

    Keep praying for the family.

  7. Concerned Neighbor on February 22nd, 2010 9:45 am

    Angi, I’m sorry, I’m sure I made it seem like they haven’t mentioned this at all! I appologize, I meant in depth stories with interviews w/police, with more details to this crime so the horrible person who done this to this lady can be brought to justice! I appologize for the error! I just feel they are not doing this justice because it happened in “Little Ol’ Flomaton!” That’s what I meant to say!

  8. Angi on February 22nd, 2010 8:34 am

    Actually this has been on the news…

  9. Concerned Neighbor on February 21st, 2010 9:59 pm

    I tell you what is ODD…that there has not been one word mentioned in the media, by media I mean the local television stations about an update on trying to apprehend this subject? Whether they have leads or not, shouldn’t they say either way? I mean if they are still needing people’s help in trying to help them find more leads or if they are have a lead and need more help to get to the bottom of this, they need to update the public on it either way! I find it odd that they haven’t said anything about this on the local news channels since the first few days since the incident. The poor lady who had this happen to her has enough to worry about, I’m sure, than to worry if he’s coming back? What about the neighbors around her? He may think, he has gotten away w/it once in that neighborhood, why not try it again? People who do such things as this are obviously insane anyway, so why not? I think we as a community need to start asking more questions about what now? What is our local law enforcement gonna do now? What’s next?

  10. jenjen on February 21st, 2010 12:50 am

    OK, I have heard enough. I do not know this lady but I do know her son and daughter in law and I know that they are good people. I was sickend by the person who stated that this story seemed a little odd. The worst thing that could ever happen to a human being has just happened to this lady. Most people have commented about how their prayers are for the family and I think that is great. We do all need to put our hands together and pray that this idiot man get whats coming to him. No matter if the police catch him or not, he WILL be punished. I just wish that people would use this comment board to show their condolences to the family (as most of us have) instead of trying to figure out if the story has any truth to it. If you dont believe the lady and what happened to her than maybe you should move on to a different story and comment on that. This family does not need all of this right now. All this family needs to hear is that we are praying for her and her family to get through this.

  11. boone on February 20th, 2010 8:36 pm

    to everyone this girl down need this she need pray all i ask u to pray for her yes it make mad but the LORD WILL GET HIM U SEE JUST WAIT.to the family we are praying for u and the family.JUST HOLD ON TO JESUS OK ASK YOUR OLD PASTOR SAY TO U LOOK UP FOR YOUR HELP COME FROM ABOVE THAT IS JESUS

  12. Concerned on February 20th, 2010 6:59 pm

    Pray for this lady and her family everyday. This coward will hopefully be caught and pay for his actions. Until then, it is important for all the neighbors to be alert to their surroundings and never go anywhere without a weapon or o.c. spray.

    Have there been any other incidents in the area that neighbors have noticed.?
    I pray the Police department and the Sheriff’s Office put the needed manpower on this case and do some follow up work. There are always clues in a case no matter how small someone might think they are.

    Let’s call this subject who did this exactly what he is, A COWARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Worried on February 20th, 2010 6:44 pm

    I would like to see the police check with all the neighbors and see if there were an changes in the neighborhhood recently. Did they notice anything out of the ordinary? Were there new people who moved in? Were there new people who moved out? Was anybody observed walking the roads? Did any odd things happen in the area? Someone might remember something at a later date. The police should always go door to door and advise people to call them if they remember something. Sometimes the little things are the breaks needed in the case.

    I support the police department, but I also know that on going training is needed to keep up with all the newest investigative means. The town council will get what it pays for and that is a fact. We must pay the officers and give them the training they need. I will continue praying for this family.

  14. HomeFry on February 20th, 2010 2:31 pm

    My thoughts and prayers are with the lady and her family.
    I will say their hasn’t been much done by the local police letting us neighbors know this was going on and I sure haven’t seen anything on T.V.
    I thank this online news for keeping up as best they can.
    I hope this nasty- creep low life gets his come’up’ns…….

  15. JUDY C. MASEK on February 20th, 2010 1:13 pm

    lisa- first of all, name calling isnt necessary (“idiots”) ..i think that most folks (myself included) are only trying to stay informed with as much available info, so as to help find/capture the assailant….IF the authorities ALREADY have information from the victim, such as what kind of mask the assailant was wearing, MAYBE, just maybe someone out there, in the public, unknowingly has a clue, as to the owner or where they are sold, etc…..there is NO insensitivity directed toward the victim by wishing that the AUTHORITIES would released more discription details to the public…i think that its more like common sence.

  16. bill, big b little ill on February 20th, 2010 12:41 pm

    I would like to think that everyone that post anything has this ladys best interest at heart. Personally I think a rapist should get no less than the death penalty. Some of you will think that’s to strong, but I said personally. NO woman should ever have to go through that. This scum of the earth may have gotten away for now, But I hope and pray not.

  17. Family on February 20th, 2010 11:14 am

    local guy on feb18 u better hope that i never see u around ill show u odd promise

  18. Significant on February 20th, 2010 10:19 am

    I’ve sat here and read all of these comments. With a few who get their own prompts, I’m sure this woman (and her family) will appreciate all of your kind words and prayers as they are much needed.

    When a woman is violated it’s not something she can overcome in a quick ”let’s wrap this up” theme. So, all of you who are not empathic to this woman’s situation as well as others who have faced similar violations. Do yourself a favor and do not sit and point fingers or place judgment. Equally, if you haven’t been through or had a friend or family member who hasn’t been through such horrid actions. Then do those who have a favor and keep your mouths shut. If you are human and compassionate enough and you wish to feel or try to understand what a rape (or violated) person in general goes through emotionally. I know Flomaton is small and the sources are few but it does have a library, utilize it. But then again, if you are reading this then you have a computer, so use it for more than gaming. Research, research, research!

    Now on to the heart of the matter. I do know this woman and I’ve known her for 17+ years. No matter if I only knew her for one day what I am about to say doesn’t change based on how long you’ve (or I) know anyone. Anyone.. man, woman, child, elderly.. HUMAN period should NEVER experience someone violating them to this degree. Not only did this COWARD walk in her home unannounced and certainly uninvited he did the unspeakable. He took from a woman that was to be secure in her own home doors locked or not. This was/is her home! She was attacked and used for this COWARDS selfishness.

    Nothing is worse than knowing that the person that attacked you, 1. you don’t know who it was… 2. not knowing if they will come back. and 3, God forbid it happen to someone else.

    So if anyone knows anything please contact the local police, although what you may know, to you may seem very insignificant. Whether it was a man walking beside the road, darting into the bushes, pulling off the side of the road, anything could be a possible tool to help bring closure to this situation.

  19. Tammy Reid on February 20th, 2010 8:49 am

    Thanks Lisa….we need people like you to stand up for whats right….people on here…that is downing this lady…which is my dear friend…..doesnt have a life of their own….they are wanting to judge others….I just hope that they dont have to go through this….or a love one….and maybe they wont be judge too….REMEMBER PEOPLE….THE POINT IS THAT THIS MAN DID NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO WHAT HE DONE TO HER…SHE DID NOT ASK FOR IT….LEAVE HER ALONE….NO WOMAN SHOULD HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS….PRAY FOR HER AND HER FAMILY….so before you set and jugde her..just remember that she is going through enough…and she doesnt need to read your crap….one day it might be you or your love ones….DO YOU WANT THEM TO BE JUDGED!!!! PRAY THAT GOD WOULD PUT ENOUGH GUILT ON HIS HEART THAT HE WILL TURN HIS SELF IN….ENOUGH GUILT THAT HE CANT SLEEP OR EAT…ENOUGH GUILT THAT HE GOES INSANE…..BECAUSE THATS WHAT HE DONE TO HER!!!


  20. D-Tac on February 20th, 2010 7:54 am

    Ladies —– Buy can of wasp/bee spray!!! Where pepper spray only is effective at close range, the wasp spray can shoot to 20-25 feet with a real strong stream.
    And it will BURN the hell out of the persons eyes.!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Angi on February 19th, 2010 10:46 pm

    This attacker must have obviously had a vehicle parked somewhere close by her home, this is why the dogs couldn’t go any further with the scent. I totally agree, everyone needs to take caution; because this attacker is still out there on the loose. And there are plenty more out there just like this one and it is a crying shame that people are this way… This poor woman is having to suffer from all of this and I am sure she probably has nightmares of it as well… I feel so sorry for her, because she is really a very sweet lady. God be with her and her family, and please don’t give up the search for this attacker!!!

  22. Lisa on February 19th, 2010 10:25 pm

    I know this lady,she lives down the road a bit from me,she is a wonderful person and would have no reason to make up such a story….
    To all you idiots that need a better description,lay off and give her time,i mean really the poor lady was assualted!!
    And to everyone that seems to think that SOMEONE should of saw something or saw the person,well…the next time that you are driving down the road,pay attention to yourself and how much you are looking around as you pass houses..YOU DONT! And as far as a dog goes,well i think you can preoccupy a dog with a piece of meat or a treat…..
    With all that being said,I wish her a great recovery and good health after all of this mess,she and her family will be in my thoughts and prayers!

  23. JUDY C. MASEK on February 19th, 2010 9:00 pm

    I WISH, that the authorities would have reported to the public, WHAT KIND OF MASK WAS IT?!… that information could be a valuable clue for the public to be aware of…ski mask? holloween mask? zoro mask? surgical mask? covering the entire head or just partial..and, what color???…that type of information, made public, could stimulate a lead in the case…geeze!

  24. Worried on February 19th, 2010 7:36 pm

    Only a coward would hurt a female and the implications of this man’s actions are far reaching. Until this person is caught and placed in jail, the area is not safe.
    No one can judge another until they are placed in the same situation. The idle gossip is hurtful to family members and is un-called for. Let’s address the real issues:
    What are the police doing?
    Call in outside help as suggested earlier in a post.
    Canvas the neighbors and ask questions.
    It is the duty and responsibility of the police department to protect and serve.
    Listen to the neighbors and investigate.

  25. AngK on February 19th, 2010 7:32 pm

    First, and foremost, my thoughts and prayers are with this entire family. I am very disappointed in the people that have no heart saying “her story don’t add up-her story is a little odd.” I myself would like for her to have a full description of the sicko. She doesn’t though due to the circumstances. We all would like to believe I would have done this or that–Truth is nobody knows what they would do or if they would even have a chance to survive something like this. I thank God that her life wasn’t taken. She DID NOT ask for this whether she knew him or not. And she is not lying. She works at a place where she has to deal with the public everyday. I don’t believe she knew him. But, he may have known her. Where is your encouragement, support, and prayers people? That family needs everything positive right now.

  26. concerned on February 19th, 2010 6:41 pm

    I hope the police will call in outside help if they do not have the training to investigate this case. There is no dead end on any case unless they give up. Talk to the neighbors, I am sure they have observed some changes in the area that could help. Arm yourselves and be aware of your surroundings at all times.
    Until this subject is caught, we are all at risk and should take actions to stay safe. Maybe the ABI should be called in to assist. This lady did not deserve this as any other human being does not deserve these actions. I am praying for her and the family.

  27. Angi on February 19th, 2010 2:23 pm

    I guess they havent got him yet. No update. Hopefully perhaps they could get dna when she went to the hospital or maybe it could still be in her home. Hope they dont give up on this investigation

  28. none of your business on February 19th, 2010 1:03 pm

    I wouldn’t doubt that she was singled out by someone she knew,
    however, I doubt that she knows who it was.
    Some ppl have total recall during a crisis, others completely blank.

    I personnally was a bithering idiot when attacked when I was a teen.
    The cops must have been very exasperated with me. I could tell
    them nothing much, just like this woman.
    I acted like a total moron and all I could do was cry. You won’t know how you’ll handle it till it happens to you.
    I would guess like you however, that if she had seen the face
    she would have known him, and that is why he didn’t speak.
    Or maybe he just had some kind of accent that would have given
    him away somehow. Who knows.

    My heart goes out to this woman and her entire family.
    I hope they catch the creep, there are way too many of these incidences.
    Everyone probably now days either had it happen to them, or someone
    they know. Big SIGH!


  29. Family on February 19th, 2010 12:25 pm

    to LOCAL GUY!! the nieghbors wasnt home at the time and the german shepard wouldnt hurt a fly! he only likes to chase cars and you dont know the details so if i was u i wouldnt make another comment!!the only thing odd is that police couldnt catch the perv!

  30. none of your business on February 19th, 2010 10:08 am

    Always remember that everything is a weapon.
    Keys are especially good. One key thrust into an eye or the hollow
    in the throat can incapacitate someone nicely.
    If you stomp on their insole as hard as you can, you
    don’t even need a weapon. They will go limp in pain
    and thats when your set of keys will work.
    Never stop till their down for good.

    If they get up, your finished!

  31. bill, big b little ill on February 19th, 2010 6:41 am

    No don’t forget the pepper spray! You can’t place a gun in your purse and go any where you want. You walk out of walmart, reach in that purse and pull out a gun, walk across the parking lot and someone sees it, even if you have a permit to carry the gun you can find yourself in jail. Not eveyone has the nerve to us a gun, if you do use the gun and miss. Lets hope that you don’t kill a kid or someone else that was not intended to be shot. If you don’t think pepper spray works, just try it once.

  32. GRITS on February 19th, 2010 12:29 am

    I live at the end of a dead-end dirt road. To get here, you have to drive past at least six of my relative’s houses. When I walk outside to visit one of my relatives, I lock the door. When I’m at home, the door is locked. My point is, you cannot leave your door unlocked, unless you don’t care who walks through it. No matter where you live. If the door is locked, a perp is going to make a lot of noise breaking in. If it’s not locked, you won’t know they’re there until they have their hands around your throat.

    The lady that cuts my hair walked in her back door not long ago and someone ran out the front. The front door that they never bothered to lock. She lives not too far from where this rape occurred. She also locks her doors now, religiously. Lock your doors. And forget the pepper spray. Learn how to shoot a gun, if you don’t already know – and be ready to use it. I am.

  33. Century girl on February 19th, 2010 12:13 am

    Sadly, We no longer live in a time where we can leave the doors unlocked. Hopefully, this person will be caught quickly and of course, our prayers are with the victim, her family, and that community. Too much tragedy in that little community lately.

  34. Tammy Reid on February 18th, 2010 10:24 pm

    IT SEEMS ODD??? What does that mean?? Until you are put in the place that this lady was put in today by this SICK PERSON….then you can judge…you got to remember the shock that she is in…somebody coming into your home..where you feel safe….and do the things that this person done to her…dont judge…just pray for this lady….and that the police can get this SICK PERSON….

  35. LocalGuy on February 18th, 2010 8:47 pm

    Saw on Channel 3 news, the attacker was wearing a mask. I still think it was someone she must have known. Especially for that house to be hit out of all the others. Just next door, I believe they have a German Shepard that is free to roam to her yard. I don’t know many people that will just run up on a house that has a German Shepard in the yard, Hoping the house was unlocked, and the house is easily seen by 3 other homes. And by the attacker not saying anything to her, he was more than likely afraid she would know his voice.
    On the other hand, there is a lot of crazy people in this world and the attacker may have just targeted the first house he wanted to.

  36. bill, big b little ill on February 18th, 2010 8:24 pm

    Ladies please….get some pepper spray, not the smallest one you can find but one that will reach out and touch someone. Don’t put it in your purse and forget about it. When you got out the door have it in your hand, when you get in or out of your car have it in your hand. When you walk out of walmart, get it out of your purse and keep it in your hand.Same for going into your home alone…I also have read that wasp and hornet spray in the eyes and they will have to go to the hospital for an antidote and most of them will spray 18 to 25 feet. Keep a few around the house. Please quit thinking that you live in a safe place or that it could never happen to you…Bad things do happen to good people.

  37. Angi on February 18th, 2010 7:54 pm

    To K…
    Honey if you are only 11 years old, you shouldn’t be staying at home by yourself anyway. If your parents are at work then you need to be staying with an adult until your parents get home… Hopefully he will be caught very soon so everyone can be at ease…

  38. molinojim on February 18th, 2010 7:45 pm

    to local guy/ The victim has been sexually assaulted and there is physical injury to go along with the emotional trauma—-could you give a good ID on the person under such a situation? I do not know this lady but if they did an exam at the hospital and she was telling a tale she would have all ready been found out. In most sexual assaults there is enough physical damage to show that it happen. No one should have this happen to them. I think the idea of running over the person who did this using the SWAT vehicles is a good idea.

  39. Molino Madman on February 18th, 2010 7:29 pm

    Maybe its the same guy that was attacking the northview girls. Oh ..sorry, I think theres a gag order on that hoax.

  40. FYI on February 18th, 2010 7:27 pm

    I’m very sorry this happened to her and I hope the person is caught soon.

    Whatever happened with those home invasions in Molino where teenagers were targeted? Is there a connection?

  41. K on February 18th, 2010 7:08 pm

    Mmy friends mom works there with her. I heard about this earlier and im only 11 im scared to death now. I get my hair cut around there. Im now scared to come home to an empty house everyday. This is gonna scar her and ME for life! God,please help the police find that man and help her get better and God bless that man,he needs freakin help!

  42. LocalGuy on February 18th, 2010 5:37 pm

    This story seems a little odd. The victim did not know the race of her attacker. How is that possible? was he wearing a ski-mask? If so, it seems like if a neighbor saw someone wearing a ski-mask enter her home, they would have called the police. Maybe its just me, but something seems out of place in the story. More info on the attack would be nice. The description of the attacker is really simple. “husky” or “stocky” male, about 6-foot tall with no other description is kind of odd. Plus the area where this happened, everyone knows everyone who lives around that area. and the attacked didn’t say anything. This leads me to believe she may know the person that attacked her. Hopefully we can get more information on this and catch the person responsible.

  43. Angi on February 18th, 2010 3:34 pm

    Hopefully someone from that neighborhood saw this attacker and will report them to the authorities, however if the door was unlocked and he entered then the neighbors may have thought that this person was just going into their home. But hopefully when this news gets out then maybe someone will come forward with something more to identify the attacker. He really needs to be caught!

  44. Dixie Chick on February 18th, 2010 3:31 pm

    Wonder if this is related to the attacks on the cheerleaders?

  45. bill, big b little ill on February 18th, 2010 2:55 pm

    I do hope they catch him, maybe they can put that 230,000.00 swat vehicle to good use and run over him a time or two. Not really, but I do hope they catch him.

  46. Name (required) on February 18th, 2010 1:30 pm

    I am very sorry that this happened. Please know that the victim is in my prayers, as well as the family. Also praying for law enforcement that they might find the man before he can do this again.

  47. Wow on February 18th, 2010 1:10 pm

    Check with the people on Gandy Lane who live behind there. It is possible that someone parked back there and walked through the woods or across the back yards. There’s a trail through there from the old CES building.

  48. Angi on February 18th, 2010 12:49 pm

    To Family…
    I know her too and yes she is a very very sweet lady, she did not deserve this at all; nor does anyone else… I will surely be praying for her and the family… And hopefully they will find this scumbag very quickly.

  49. Family on February 18th, 2010 12:30 pm

    she is my mother in law a very sweet christian lady and i hope the police will bring justice. if anyone seen a car parked or anything please contact the police!and he better hope the cops get him before my husband!!!she didnt deserve for this to happen to her!!pray for her and her family!!

  50. Angi on February 18th, 2010 12:16 pm

    Thanks so much for the update Willam, I hope the victom that was sexually assaulted will be ok, and I hope they find this attacker very soon, before they do it again…
