Molino Man, 36, Jailed For Fathering Child With Girlfriend, 16

February 24, 2010

A Molino man is jailed on sex offense charges after allegedly fathering a child with a 16-year old.

brooksarchieeley.jpgArchie Eley Brooks, 36, of Pine Circle, Molino, is charged with sexual assault, unlawful sexual act with certain minors — a second degree felony. Tuesday, his bond was set at $100,000.

In early January of this year, the female victim, now 18, told Escambia County Sheriff’s Office investigators that in 2008, at age 16, she had a consensual sexual relationship with Brooks, then 34. The victim said that during their relationship, she became pregnant by Brooks and gave birth to her baby in February, 2009.

In a February 2, 2010, interview, the victim told investigators that “the relationship started when suspect Brooks moved in with her family and the two shared a room” at her family’s home on Pine Circle Drive in Molino. The victim “stated that Brooks knew she was 16 at the time they began their sexual relationship,” according to the sheriff’s office report.

On February 10, Brooks told investigators that he had a sexual relationship with the victim in which she became pregnant, according to the incident report, and that he knew the victim was 16 at the time. Brooks told deputies that the relationship lasted about two years until it ended on the victim’s 18th birthday.


53 Responses to “Molino Man, 36, Jailed For Fathering Child With Girlfriend, 16”

  1. bamagirl on March 1st, 2010 2:30 pm

    This is just sick and a case of bad parents…….

  2. none of your business on February 26th, 2010 11:24 am

    Did anyone consider that maybe she is complaining now, because she IS
    older and it has dawned on her that he took advantage of her youth and
    stupidity and she is now stuck with a changed world that she will have
    forever, and may have not had if only he would not have seen her as fair game!!!!!!

  3. none of your business on February 26th, 2010 11:20 am

    Morning Big B,

    There has to be a cut off date, and children need protecting from

    Girls at 16 are basically stupid. Most girls who get married to young even
    realize much later that they were dumb, dumb, dumb and nobody
    told them they should wait, or they were to young and headstrong
    to listen.

    That’s why we need laws.
    That and if you know a lot of girls who got knocked up by some old
    geezer, she will tell you later if honest, that he was constrolling and
    abusive. Thats why they want someone young, it’s because some woman
    older with a half a brain would let him touch her with a 10 foot pole.


  4. David Huie Green on February 26th, 2010 7:30 am

    “Note: The baby is safe and loved, and if that ever fails, the grandparents would step in in a heartbeat to pick up the slack.”

    If the man is 36, aren’t the grand parents even more ancient? How much longer will they be around? And will they raise the child with the same disregard for law and morals they did their son?

    David just wondering

  5. Cynical on February 25th, 2010 10:41 pm

    What a lively and forthright discussion.

    David, your thoughts are smart and your points well made.

    Note: The baby is safe and loved, and if that ever fails, the grandparents would step in in a heartbeat to pick up the slack.

    The real winner here is intelligent thought.

    I see everyone’s point as well and it gives me pause.

    Certainly I in particular would not date underage (17-18yo) girls, less out of fear and more out of common sense. But then again, no such temptation has crossed my radar.

    IMO, the law should have some discretion though and at least allow affordable bail. $100000 for a non-violent alleged crime? Not cool.

  6. David Huie Green on February 25th, 2010 8:28 pm

    “the 24 year old in a consensual relationship with a sixteen year old is within the law and the 36 year old in the same consensual relationship is a rapist.

    That is arbitrary.”

    Of course it is.

    Rape is a legal term defined by law and all laws have an arbitrary nature; what’s the difference between 18 years less a day and 18 years plus a day? None, yet one lets you vote and another doesn’t.

    There are countries where a man can sell his 12 year old daughter and it isn’t rape because their law allows it. People have moved to such countries just for such benefits.

    This isn’t one of those countries. Our elected officials have written laws the majority of us feel reasonable. Our police are to enforce those laws, not ignore them because they disagree with them. Our judges are to judge if they are just, Constitutional and violated. It isn’t perfect, just the best we have come up with so far.

    “The reproduction police are just like the intoxication police” “Here let me protect you because you are too stupid to protect yourself.”

    Maybe you can explain the cutoff point for consent,”

    Nope, it all seems arbitrary to me but every game has rules to follow. I see you also dislike there being a legal age for drinking alcoholic beverages. I tend to do so as well, not because I want 8 year olds lying drunk in the streets but because I dislike the idea that being able to legally get drunk is proof of maturity. Instead, I favor holding parents responsible for what their minor children do.

    I’ll even let you pick the age at which they aren’t minors anymore. Up to that time, if a minor gets drunk, kills himself or someone else, the parents should be legally responsible for homicide.

    If the minor gets pregnant because the parents paired her off with an old geezer, the parents should be responsible for taking care of the offspring.

    Or so it seems to me. However, those aren’t the laws we live under and rather than complain that current laws aren’t perfect, continue to suggest improvements.

    “All parties were happy while this relationship was ongoing. When she moved on….”

    Please consider what you are saying here. Everybody was happy with a temporary situation which produced some permanent changes. It seems when the girl matured she became unhappy with it and another party was created who had no say but is now in need of care. The father wanted to provide the care.


    Most of the time the rest of society has to provide the care. That might have something to do with the silly, arbitrary laws you disdain. When he got her pregnant, he endangered her life and definitely changed it.

    Did she give informed consent to all the danger and changes? Does anybody?

    I don’t care; what’s one more son of strangers in this world? See? Now you’re making me cynical about protecting children from predators.

  7. bill, big b little ill on February 25th, 2010 8:16 pm

    Some of you have some very good points. Right or wrong there are always consequences. Consequences can be costly.

  8. Parentwithabrain on February 25th, 2010 7:29 pm

    How nice, a man willing to step up and take responsibility and he’s arrested? Lovely. Was he wrong to get sexually involved with a sixteen year old girl? Definitely. If the parents had pressed charges back then I could understand it. Seems to me this was pretty much done with not only her, but their consent as well. So, mistakes were made. But the fact remains he is the father of this child. And obviously he wants to be a part of the child’s life. Why else start paternity proceedings which will mean, if DNA states he is the father of the child, he must now provide financial care for the child until he reaches his eighteenth birthday. Obviously he knew this. And obviously he was willing to take responsibility. But the law is the law is the law. He broke it, the piper must be paid. However, one can only hope a judge will look at the facts and a just decision held. Probation, possibly. Definitely counseling. Prison time would just be a waste to all concerned. The sad thing is I believe he will now be branded a sexual offender. There’s a stigma that stains deep.

    So, guys a little word of warning. She may look awfully hot but if she’s under eight teen, back off! And to those parents who allowed this to occur, you should be very deeply ashamed of yourselves! And to the mother shame on you as well! Your child will one day be an adult and all this will be known. How do you think he will feel? Playing house with your new family is oh so nice, but children are not toys.

  9. TJ on February 25th, 2010 7:28 pm


  10. Cynical on February 25th, 2010 6:56 pm

    It’s like this, David:

    The “age of consent” in Florida is 16 providing that the older of the two in the relationship is younger than 25.

    Therefore the 24 year old in a consensual relationship with a sixteen year old is within the law and the 36 year old in the same consensual relationship is a rapist.

    That is arbitrary.

    The reproduction police are just like the intoxication police” “Here let me protect you because you are too stupid to protect yourself.”

    Maybe you can explain the cutoff point for consent, but to me it seems mean spirited to say that you are suddenly an “evil rapist” because you have reached your 26th or 36th birthday.

    All parties were happy while this relationship was ongoing. When she moved on and he stepped up in behalf of hi son – to accept financial responsibility, all of a sudden he should go to prison.

    A lot of good 18 cents an hour prison wages are going to do that kid.

    It stinks.

  11. David Huie Green on February 25th, 2010 5:08 pm

    “This situation is a tragedy. The law is not protecting the girl who consensually entered this relationship without coercion. The law is punishing the man for obeying the law of sexual attraction, creating a beautiful child and then stepping up to fulfill his responsibility of supporting the baby.”


    Now if “the law of suxual attraction” leads him to have consensual intercourse with a 15 year old and produce another beautiful baby, that would be good too?
    ….a 14 year old–with her informed consent, of course?
    ….a 13 year old–with her informed consent, of course?
    ….a 12 year old–with her informed consent, of course?

    At which point would your cynicism kick in and think maybe a man should be a man and not do such things?

    David thinking there is more to being a man

  12. David Huie Green on February 25th, 2010 4:48 pm

    ““the relationship started when suspect Brooks moved in with her family and the two shared a room” at her family’s home ”




  13. A big fat thumbs up! on February 25th, 2010 10:58 am

    to CONCERNED !

    Has the world gone completely nuts!

  14. Interesting thoughts on February 25th, 2010 8:51 am

    I agree with you completely, but it brings to mind something that I’ve thought about many times before: many, many years ago, if you reached the “ripe old age” of 16 and had not yet married, you were considered an old maid. The average age of marriage was 13.
    I look at my own daughters and think of myself way back when and wonder how in the world anyone could think someone of that age is prepared for marriage or has a clue what all it entails.
    The only explanation I can consider is that they were MUCH more responsible and mature than we have become. Isn’t it amazing how societies change?

  15. concerned on February 25th, 2010 1:08 am

    to cynical and anyone else who condones or thinks this ok
    do you have a teen age daughter? if so I think we can find atleast one 30 something male from a local halfway house to volunteer to stay with her and share her bedroom. if that is not ok I would suggest some local boy scouts or military men, upstanding citizen type guys…. they all fall subject to “the laws of sexual attraction” ….
    what kind of joke is this? the law of sexual attraction? lets call it the law of rape and lack of morals. this man can be called a pedaphille (how ever you spell it) someone who has sex with children, yes 16 is a child.
    koodos to all those who keep tabs on their kids, sometimes the choices we make as parents are not the popular choices with the kids, but that is why they are the kids. it is up to us (the parents) to protect them as best we can.
    I say charge the parents as well.

  16. AL on February 24th, 2010 9:17 pm

    “punishing the man for obeying the law of sexual attraction, ”



  17. idunno on February 24th, 2010 9:07 pm

    OK…I won’t use bad language this time around, William, I was upset earlier when i responded. So here goes…. The so-called guardian, which i believe is the one who gave birth to the 16 year old, Note, i didn’t refer to as her mother, allowed this to occur, & the way i understand Fl law, being a retired LEO, constitutes “Exploitation of a Minor”…..meaning in laymans terms, also known as Molino grammer….You allowed sex to occur wif yo yongin & a adult male, with yo consent, for monetary gain. Did i git it right Mr. 5 star?????? Let’s get it on Big Sheriff!!!! DO YO JOB NOW BIG DOG!!!!!!

  18. its not right on February 24th, 2010 9:01 pm

    there is alot to this story that ALOT of people do not know. i personally know the girl and she is a very sweet, kind hearted person. i went to school with her during our junior year of high school and we became very good friends. i think it’s kind of wrong for people to be judging her. she is just like any other normal teenage girl. “cynical” is right. she has COMPLETELY moved on with her life and is EXTREMELY happy!

  19. What is this world coming to? on February 24th, 2010 7:16 pm

    Now, Wild Bill, surely you remember being 16, don’t you? There wasn’t much “right and wrong” at that age. She was probably exceptionally flattered that an “older man” was interested in her.
    Her parents are the idiots who put a grown man in the room with her and then didn’t seem to think there would be sex and possible babies as a result. Wow. Sometimes the intelligence of mankind amazes me.

  20. retha milstead on February 24th, 2010 6:53 pm

    what in the world were these parents thinking.alot of 16 year old are mature and even want sex so these parents got what they ask for.they should go to jail instead of this man.

  21. MG on February 24th, 2010 6:06 pm

    Seriously!!! Really!!! Makes you proud to live in Molino doesn’t it…

  22. Wild Bill on February 24th, 2010 4:45 pm

    If we are going to lock up the girl’s mom and dad, as well as the father of the baby, what about the baby’s momma?

    The baby should be removed from the young mother because if this young lady didn’t know right from wrong enough at age 16, it is doubtful that she is smart enough to raise a child properly now at age 18.

  23. Shocked on February 24th, 2010 4:24 pm

    What in the World were these parents thinking??? They should also be charged. It is scary to think that there are parents out there with such bad judgement! Just goes to show that anyone can give birth to a child . To bad there’s not a requirement on having common sense and judgement before u become a parent!!!!

  24. wannahunt on February 24th, 2010 2:51 pm

    I agree! The parents need something thrown at them as well.

  25. Angi on February 24th, 2010 2:42 pm

    I agree with everyone else, it shouldn’t just be the father of this baby sitting in jail; these parents of this girl is just as guilty and should punished as well for allowing a grown man to move into their home with their 16 year old daughter, and allowing them to share the same bedroom… Sorry but what in the hell is this world coming too??? This is rediculous parenting and poor judgement to allow this to go on for 2 years under their roof. They are obviously the type of parents that just say go ahead honey and do whatever you want to do, it doesn’t matter… I have always been told that I was an overly protective parent, but these days and times… Excuse me, but no parent can be too overly protective!!!

  26. bill, big b little ill on February 24th, 2010 1:58 pm

    Dave….congratulations to your parents…Look like they had some mighty good glue.

  27. JUDY C. MASEK on February 24th, 2010 1:54 pm

    right now, with what has been discussed on this site, i dont understand why the mans bond was set so high…the felony hes being charged with wasnt generated from a “violent” felony charge…most certainly, there is ALOT more going on with this situation than what we are reading.

  28. No Doubt on February 24th, 2010 1:41 pm




  29. Dave on February 24th, 2010 1:17 pm

    My father was 18 and my mother was 16 when they got married. Right after that my father left to Europ for WW2 and my older sister was born during the war when my mother was 17. After that my parents had 3 more children, there are 4 of us.

    My parents are still married, we are a happy, healthy family and my father is a good Christian man.

    What a screwed up world we live in now. I’ll be there is some godless hateful person out there who would love to drag my 84 yr old father into jail now and charge him with unlawful sex with a child (my mother)!

  30. Splat on February 24th, 2010 1:13 pm

    Cynical – I had a feeling it had something to do with this. She has moved on with her life and can hold this against him now.

  31. Cynical on February 24th, 2010 12:43 pm

    There is a depth to this story that has not come to light.

    The baby just celebrated his first birthday. He was born a month before his mom’s 18th birthday.

    Both baby and mom are settled into a new life with mom’s husband and newborn little sister.

    Mom is a month from her 19th.

    Dad loves this baby as if it were his own.

    The grandparents love the daughter and the baby with all their hearts.

    Everyone is safe and secure except Archie.

    You people are SO willing to condemn the parents without knowing all the facts. Think about the last time you had to deal with a teenage daughter bursting with hormones and possessed of the stealth of youth.

    This situation is a tragedy. The law is not protecting the girl who consensually entered this relationship without coercion. The law is punishing the man for obeying the law of sexual attraction, creating a beautiful child and then stepping up to fulfill his responsibility of supporting the baby.

    This arrest took place at a paternity hearing initiated by the father.

    There are no villains here, only people.

    Judge not-lest ye be judged.

    There but for the grace of god go you.

  32. No Doubt on February 24th, 2010 11:25 am

    to if

    you are exactly right. It was alright for 2 years, and now its not. Something wrong with this picture. I think probably he was thier babysitter for her, and maybe helping out with the bills and probably decided this relationship wasn’t going to last so he moved out. Then the parents decided place him in jail. Is where is probably needs to be, but the parents should be in more trouble than him. Yes he was wrong but the parents should be the first to be on the butcher block. They allowed this crime to happen. She is and adult now and also a mother. He is the father, now we need to explain to the child that his father is in jail because his mother was too young and the father was too old. Not to mention that the grandparents allowed a crime to happen. Now he deserves to have a father not locked up in jail because bad decisions make by his grandparents. Maybe the father is a good person and could help raise this child. Don’t make him out to be a freak this happens all the time. WHO KNOWS THIS MAN MIGHT BE THE BEST FOR THE CHILD>

  33. lf on February 24th, 2010 11:07 am

    this is rediculous! u never let a man move in your home with a16 yr old livin there. the so called parents should definitely be jailed 4 their awful lack of parenting.

  34. Splat on February 24th, 2010 10:59 am

    Sounds to me like this is retaliation on this guy now. It was okay for two years but all of a sudden this girl has morals? Her parents are wrong for allowing this to begin with.

  35. A. Davis on February 24th, 2010 9:57 am

    now looking at this man he is not even a good looking man! I know looks are not everything but my friends would have made so much fun of me! oldman no looks and no money!

  36. A. Davis on February 24th, 2010 9:53 am

    This is wrong in so many ways but the parents should have their pictures up so we will all know that they think its of for grown men to do this with children. Most parents would freak they wouldnt move the man into the house to share a room maybe it was her “boyfriend and the parents tried to cover it up untill the person who turned them in found out. my friend growing up had a baby with a man she was 15 he was 32!! her parents didnt report him because she had the baby but I thought they would kill him and her. But even after the baby they still didnt let her or the baby around him he just paid child support 20 years later she said to me she thinks now he was a freak!

  37. Terri Sanders on February 24th, 2010 9:52 am

    You would be suprised at how often things like this happen.I know of one grandmother here in the north end who has her grandson living with her who is 18/19 doesn’t work,she just let his girlfriend and her baby move in with them.The baby is not his.Her parents let her boyfriend move in with them when she was 17 and he was 18.then were suprised that she came up pregnant! So here the baby is toted from house to house with no stability in it’s life, and the other grandparents are caught in the middle with no chance of ever having a relatinship ith their grand child.Just goes to show how far America’s morals and common sense has dropped.

  38. Lady in Florida on February 24th, 2010 9:23 am

    wow, that family puts the FUNK in dysfunctional!

  39. JJ on February 24th, 2010 8:59 am

    I believe this may knock them out of the running for the Parents of the Year award….

    I agree with everyone else, it’s the parents who should go to jail. They let a 34 year old man move into their house, and stay in their 16 year old’s bedroom…. I mean, how is there going to be any other outcome? The live-in dude is dumb, but he’s definitely not the dumbest person in the story. Unfortunately he’ll probably get hammered while the rest of this dysfunctional family will keep on dysfunctioning.

  40. What is this world coming to? on February 24th, 2010 8:55 am

    The “age of consent” IS indeed 16 in Florida……but ONLY if the other partner is 24 or younger. If he is older than that, it is a second degree felony.
    I’m sure the parents will be charged with neglect, contributing to the delinquency of the a minor…..something along those lines.
    The sad thing is that I would have understood it a little more if he was 16, 17, 18….closer to her own age. I hate to admit that because I don’t think any 16 year old should be having sex, but it would just make more sense if he was closer to her age instead of being old enough to be her father.

  41. not an english major on February 24th, 2010 8:22 am

    WTH??????? 16 and parents let them SHARE A ROOM??? What were they thinking? That is just insane! Hope the SA office will press some kind of charges against these parents for abuse or neglect! I pray this baby turns out ok and this 18 year old girl can overcome! This is just ashame!

  42. K.B. on February 24th, 2010 8:19 am

    GOOD FOR YOU, Crazy Mom!!!! I must be crazy,too because I agree with you! If my daughter has a “relationship” with any guy at 16 I’m gonna wring some necks. It’s time to activily teach ABSTNENCE!!!(until marriage)

  43. Crazy World on February 24th, 2010 7:44 am

    There are a number of things wrong with this scenario. First, who started the investigation? Someone had to call the police to get the police involved. Second, when the police were called, why were neglect chargers not pressed on the parents? If this girl has a baby, and that baby is living in this home, shame on the system for allowing it. Third, I thought in the state of Florida 16 was the age for consensual sex. Nevertheless these parents had to have known his child who was sharing a room with a grown man was involved with him. A 16 yr old child can not hide emotions like that. Who’s baby did they think she was carrying?
    CRAZY PARENTS! People wonder why my kids can have friends over but not go anywhere unless I absolutely know everything about the parents…..well here is a perfect example.

  44. wow on February 24th, 2010 7:36 am

    Wow nice job parents!

  45. NF on February 24th, 2010 6:05 am


  46. What??? on February 24th, 2010 6:02 am

    “the relationship started when suspect Brooks moved in with her family and the two shared a room” at her family’s home”….. I am the only one that has a problem with this? They need to arrest her mom and dad also, but then again being complete idiots is not a crime.

  47. Michele on February 24th, 2010 5:58 am

    I think the parents need to be charged with neglect or something. Who in their right mind would put a 34 year old man in the same room with their 16 year old daughter? DUH!

  48. CityResident on February 24th, 2010 5:53 am

    How stupid, why not arrest the Mother and Father for permitting this guy to share a room with a 16 year old.

  49. unchain your dog on February 24th, 2010 5:33 am

    The family allowed a 34 Yr. Old man to share a bedroom with a 16 yr. old girl?? Sounds like those parents should be charged with something, too!

  50. idunno on February 24th, 2010 5:21 am

    Charge the parents who allowed this also !!!! If u wanna call em parents!

  51. mary on February 24th, 2010 4:05 am

    This is just SICK!! 1st..why did the parents let thier 16 yr old daughter share a room w/a 34 yr old man. 2nd…did the parents NOT know thier daughter was having sex…w/any1…let alone w/a 34 yr old??? In thier house? I hope there will be charges against the parents!!

  52. mary on February 24th, 2010 3:59 am

    where were her parents?? Living in the same house as thier daughter was having the guy was 16 or 34..I would know if my kids were having sex under my roof!!! This “relationship las 2 yrs!!! 2 years!! I just reread..they shared a room..OMG! Hopefully the parents will get charged w/something!!! this family needs some serious help!! SICK SICK SICK!!!!!!

  53. CJ on February 24th, 2010 1:24 am

    He moved in with the family and they shared a room?! Was this ok with the family, and if so what in the hell were they thinking? What is wrong with people?