Former Sheriff’s Office Employee Charged With Stealing Over $100,000

February 4, 2010

A former Escambia County Sheriff’s Office employee was arrested Thursday, accused of stealing more than $100,000 from the department.

listercatherine.jpgCatherine Lister, was charged with grand theft over $100,000, a first degree felony. She was a 32-year employee of the department who retired last Friday from the finance division.

“Recently implemented accounting practices along with discrepancies noticed by employees led to an investigation being launched on Tuesday,” Sgt. Ted Roy, ECSO spokesperson, said. Lister was reportedly keeping two sets of financial records for the office.

Lister was booked into the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $25,000.


25 Responses to “Former Sheriff’s Office Employee Charged With Stealing Over $100,000”

  1. A. Davis on February 8th, 2010 1:41 pm

    shes not the only one and she will not be the last.

  2. observer on February 6th, 2010 2:45 pm

    Oh Please….. to all who whine, not fair raises, bad bosses, broken system, criminal politicians, Etc….
    do you hear yourselves, making excuses. the law is the law, you break it you pay. If raises are not fair where you work, work somewhere else! if your boss is a crook, turn them in! if the system is broken, try to fix it not exploit it.
    we were all born with our own little “jimmy cricket” each person has to decide themselves if they are going to listen to him or not. We all make choices, we all need to accept what comes with the choices we make. I myself have made several bad decisions and choices over the years, I have also learned from them. this does not make me better than anyone else, it makes me human. I have 2 things that keep me straight on track, The all mighty Lord, who helps me daily in my life, and my fear of not being able to support my family. they really go together. I try not to make choices that hurt my family. this woman could be seperated from her family for a long time now and they might suffer financally also. not really worth it for $3.00 A DAY OVER AN ENTIRE CAREER!
    just my thoughts, and I am just 1 person.

  3. David Huie Green on February 5th, 2010 12:31 pm

    ” wonder whose job it was to recieve, count and deposit the ESCO confiscated “drug money” ….hhmmm…just thinking…”

    I’LL DO IT!

    I’LL DO IT!

    David with a money acquiring scheme

  4. JUDY C. MASEK on February 5th, 2010 12:17 pm

    correction: thats ECSO

  5. JUDY C. MASEK on February 5th, 2010 12:15 pm

    i wonder whose job it was to recieve, count and deposit the ESCO confiscated “drug money” ….hhmmm…just thinking…

  6. none of your business on February 5th, 2010 12:15 pm

    I’m betting this actually may have started from the stem of the
    slight she had over the pay raise.
    So in her stupidity she dipped in and took some money.
    She got a way with it, so she took some more.
    I bet this started small and got bigger and bigger.

    Just like when a man hits his wife the first time.
    He got away with it, so three months later he hits her again. TWICE!
    Then three months later he is ticked at something so he ………
    Well you know how it goes….till one day he kills her.

    Probably at some point she took a hugh bundle because it had
    been just tooo darnnned easy.

    You just know she needed one of them thur new fangled whatcha ma
    call it’s….ok what is it ! Oh Yeah That’s right a new fangled PLASMA

    Well that will teach em not to pay a woman, now won’t it.

    ouch….let me get the caculator and see what part of my tax dollar she took,
    maybe I’ll have to get that little ole skillet out again…..



  7. David Huie Green on February 5th, 2010 12:09 pm

    “@ 3K a year or $3.00 a day”

    Does this mean there are a thousand days in a year?

    I knew a company which insisted all employees take their vacations. It wasn’t just out of concern for their health but because they noticed those who never vacationed often had scheems which were not uncovered until somebody sat in their jobs.

    David learning new things and assuming this lady is innocent too

  8. SW on February 5th, 2010 11:32 am

    I don’t know how much drug testing or polygraph’s would’ve done to prevent this; however, I would be curious of the time frame in which she committed this embezzlement. Surely, the audits of the sheriff’s department didn’t allow her to have committed this over a very long period of time. Of course, I would wonder about the quality of the auditors, too.

  9. JUDY C. MASEK on February 5th, 2010 10:16 am

    i wonder if a periodic, RANDOM lie detector testing policy (similar to random urine testing done at some jobs) would prove helpful in weeding out problems BEFORE they expand to this ($100,000.00++) degree…i know that they do it in the military w/certain intelligence jobs…furthermore, i think that just the thought of possibly being “tested” would be an effective deterrent to anyone contemplating any unethical or feloneous acts within the ranks……and, those who may think that its a violatoin of their “civil rights” (being tested) should view it as but ONE more safeguard used by the county in keeping THEIR own pay/benefits intact, as well as alleviating any consequential financial burden unnecessaryily inflicted onto the tax payers….it would be money well spent, in my opinion…unfortunately, somewhat due to the harsh economic times that many of us are now facing, i have a strong feeling that there will be more individuals that will tend to rationalize these types of larcenous activities w/the idea that “the end, justifies the means”.

  10. SW on February 5th, 2010 9:56 am

    Let’s see: Your boss doesn’t treat you fairly, so it’s okay to steal from him? I guess it was too much trouble to go look for a better job.

    Ohhhhh kaaaay.


  11. none of your business on February 5th, 2010 9:36 am

    Let me speak, thats a load of hog manure.

    Only a crook would think like that.
    If you don’t like your raise, talk to your boss or higher, or you can
    always quit, but you don’t steal to get even.
    Is it fair, heck no.
    I lost a great job one day because the good ole boy boss wanted
    to play footsie with me, and I wouldn’t play. So what!
    I started my own store, and did a heck of a lot better.
    He did me a favor.

    What don’t kill you, makes you stronger.
    Or you can steal three dollars a day and see where that gets you!

    Stupid is, as stupid DOES~

  12. letmespeak13 on February 5th, 2010 7:56 am

    I think this is a result of the Sheriff’s Department not being fair with their pay raises. Around the time this may have started pay raises were given out. However, for the people who worked there 10 years or more they basically got screwed. They got just enoungh so the Sheriff’s Deptartment could say that they got something. What that means is that after 30 years of working there if a new person just gets hired the new person will make as much as she did after 30 years. The Sheriff’s Department did not take into consideration years of loyal service. I guess she was just making up the difference.

  13. BAJ on February 5th, 2010 7:30 am

    Yes,,, John Doe is correct @ 3K a year or $3.00 a day. She broke the law and should be punished. Could she pay it back, ,probably if she did it @ $3.00 a day
    Nancy Peloski spends 3X that $100,000 in 1 week on her Gulf Stream Jet. And yep the rats get to keep their retirement as Mike Powell stated
    Which one needs it most.

  14. Wild Bill on February 5th, 2010 7:27 am

    In Florida, I am fairly certain that public employees must forfeit taxpayer-funded portions of their pensions when they commit certain crimes, including theft and any felony involving misuse of public office. I think they are however refunded any portion to which they contributed towards the retirement benefit.

    Personally I am not surprised, local government corruption is nothing new. These type Charlie Morris schemes go on everyday unchecked in government. Why do they go unchecked? IMO, because the the people who should be overseeing these organizations are often the most corrupt.

  15. Oversight on February 5th, 2010 5:47 am

    I see some folk are having trouble understanding what they are reading. The article states she retired on Friday, an investigation was started Tuesday and she was arrested on Thursday (yesterday). It really is that straight forward. On the retirement, I would hope that when she is “convicted” of the crime the Florida Retirement System will pull her pension.

  16. rebel on February 5th, 2010 2:00 am

    GREEDY! But there’s even more to this story…..

  17. rebel on February 5th, 2010 1:19 am

    cell-mate for charlie morris….

  18. stuart on February 4th, 2010 9:50 pm

    This really means that someone wasn’t watching closely enough.

  19. noBICShere on February 4th, 2010 8:38 pm

    oops…arrested on FRIDAY, not TUESDAY…still, odd that the discrepancies didnt get acted upon until 4 business days after her retirement

  20. john doe on February 4th, 2010 8:36 pm

    she only made an extra 3k per year !

  21. JUDY C. MASEK on February 4th, 2010 8:34 pm

    since she has already retired (last friday) and, then..gets arrested on tuesday (strange)…does she get to keep her pension…..and, or her Florida retirement?….seems like it would be a double-screw for the escambia county tax payers…just wondering…

  22. mickey powell on February 4th, 2010 8:03 pm

    Our society caused this. Heck it caused policitians to be locked up too. DIFERENCE, the rats are still drawing their retirement.
    Mickey Powell

  23. / on February 4th, 2010 7:00 pm

    well if she posted bond then she would have 75,000 left.

  24. Royal fan on February 4th, 2010 6:56 pm

    wow 32 year employee unreal

  25. T on February 4th, 2010 6:21 pm

    What is this world coming to? She looks like a trusting Granny!!
    Lord, Lord, Lord.