Flomaton Woman Arrested On Drug Charges

February 18, 2010

A Flomaton woman was arrested on multiple felony drug charges after she picked up controlled substance prescriptions belonging to someone else.

gibsonwandra.jpgWandra Gibson was charged with  three counts of possession of a controlled substance, second-degree theft of property, third-degree forgery, and second-degree possession of marijuana.

Gibson allegedly forged someone’s signature at the Walmart Pharmacy in Brewton in order to pick up a Xanax prescription. Police were alerted after a Brewton area resident discovered her prescription had already been picked up and signed for at the pharmacy. Gibson was identified from Walmart’s surveillance video and warrants were issued.

When authorities went to Gibson’s Flomaton home to arrest her, they found several Adderall and Xanax pills without a proper prescription and about a half ounce of marijuana, according to police reports.


18 Responses to “Flomaton Woman Arrested On Drug Charges”

  1. Julie Booth-Moran on February 21st, 2010 1:36 am

    Thank you so much “Just Wondering”! I’m glad someone understood my point. It is not ok just to take, at whatever fraudulent means, just cause one wants something…no matter what it is! When prescription drugs are involved, whether it’s narcotics or heart meds, if it’s not your own Rx, then it better not be in your possesion and you best not be trying to pick it up without the owners permission at the drugstore. It’s just law!

    Thanks again, Just Wondering!

  2. Just wondering on February 20th, 2010 11:15 pm

    I don’t see it being desperation when she’s stealing Xanax! Now if it was a heart medication or for cholesterol or something like that, I could see your point about that, but this is something that is used to get a buzz. Not everyone who takes it is doing so for that reason, but if you’re obtaining it illegally, then it’s a pretty safe bet that’s why they want it.
    Julie is right. That’s why whenever I am over there, I always use her pharmacy. First of all because I love that they know me by name and know what I should and should not take despite the fact that I don’t use them much anymore since I no longer live up there. CVS has never asked me for my id when I’ve filled something and they don’t ask about any other meds or anything like that and it usually takes forever. Julie and her staff are pretty quick and do a great job. One of her staff members also works at the pharmacy I use in my own neighborhood and it was such a nice feeling to walk in there a couple of days ago and see his smiling face behind the counter and hear him greet me by name and ask how I was doing. That’s old fashioned service that we need to get back to.
    Oh yeah, coincidentally, Julie has also been known to help out with allowing someone to charge a medicine they really need (not things like Xanax, lol but real lifesaving medications) when their insurance won’t pay enough and they can’t afford it all. Now THAT’S what it’s all about. Talk about customer loyalty! They’ve earned it because she does business the way it should be done.
    Congratulations, Julie, on doing such a great job.

    As for helping hands, I can’t really afford it, but I do a huge amount of volunteer work with homeless, rape and domestic violence victims, etc. They need whatever help we can provide. It IS our responsibility to take care of our own and I try to do that whenever I can. Many thanks to all the others who do the same.

  3. bill, big b little ill on February 20th, 2010 11:50 am

    JBMorgan…..about that going into a store and just take food… I see people eating grapes, standing around green peanuts eating like it’s a last meal..Yes it is about breaking the law, but Wild Bill has a point as well…something leading up to why a person breaks the law out of desperation..don’t make it right but it happens. It’s easy to give folks a helping hand but not everyone will.

  4. Julie Booth-Moran on February 20th, 2010 10:01 am

    Wild Bill, this is article is not about whether or not someone has insurance, it’s about the law! One cannot just fraudulently obtain controlled substances and think it’s ok or justified because of no health insurance. It’s against the law! Just as one cannot go to the grocery store and take food without paying or to a bank and take money that’s not theirs. Narcotics can be deadly misused or falls into the wrong hands.

    As for where one chooses to get their legal prescriptions, well that should certainly be their choice. This has nothing to do with that.

  5. none of your business on February 19th, 2010 12:39 pm

    Thats all I ever think of now Billy, I’m am old, and I will be gone,
    but WHAT will we have left for our grandchildren, and their children
    to come.

    Everyone could tho at least, do what my husband and I do once a
    year. We make it our total day of giving together. We have a blast.

    We go out and find places that need help and we fill their wish lists.
    Like ronald mcdonald house, or the children’s home on chemstrand.
    We box up lots of things and take them to be donated, We call the
    local baptist church and see if there is anyone who has needs that
    they can’t get to. Sometimes even the churches get overwhelmed.
    You can pull names from WWW. any soldier.com and send a box
    of things to one of them. They tell you what they need. You can
    pick a boy or a girl soldier. We always find that fun.
    Sometimes I clean out places in the house, and put things in a box
    and set it out side the gates and by morning it is gone. I just mark
    the box free! lol
    If you have some better ideas Billy I am always open to new ones.
    I tried to pay the grocery bill of a guy with two little girls in walmart
    one day, because he was using something called click or something
    and he couldn’t get some of the stuff that he picked out, but he
    got all irritated and nasty with me.
    I guess it was pride. He doesn’t realize that at 63 I have probably
    needed a helping hand sometime in my life too. It’s nothing
    to be ashamed of. I wasn’t trying to do it for him anyway, I was trying
    to do it for the two little kids that were with him.
    Big Sigh!

  6. Billy on February 19th, 2010 12:22 pm

    None of your business
    I agree with you. I guess my point is if we did what we are obligated to do as a Christian nation or just in the name of humanity, the gov’t wouldn’t need much of our money. Our gov’t has become way too big and is wasting way too much money. I also believe that we are too far gone to get back to greatness. I guess we will just sit here and let things get worse until China come to the U.S. to cash in. The gov’t is worried about the terrorists and they do cause a threat but they can’t compare to what China will do to us. God help our children and grand children.

  7. none of your business on February 19th, 2010 11:49 am

    The Government is US and is OUR money!

    They already do everything I mentioned and yet we have ppl here
    who do without meds and medical insurance.
    Most families can’t give enough to help others.
    I already do a ton of charity work and it is never enough there is
    so much need.
    Yet the ppl who handle OUR money spend it foolishly and don’t
    take care of our own.
    Thanks for what you do, and certainly every one should help
    out anywhere they can.
    But like I said there is so much waste in american politics that
    we could pay ALL of America’s meds on just the waste and mis-
    management alone, and there would still be a ton to squander.

    I don’t expect the government to take care of those who CAN,
    I expect the government to take care of those who can’t.

    I don’t feel sorry for those who just WON’T !!!!

  8. Billy on February 19th, 2010 10:36 am

    NO…we should be helping each other and not expecting or relying on our government to do it. It is not the governments job to help other country’s with anything. It is also not our government’s job to help us out financially. It is our job to help those in need. We expect our government to be passionate and eager to lend a helping hand but it is ok for us to be selfish and say “the government should do a better job”? Screw that, if someone needs help…help them if it is possible. If you can’t help them because you are in the same shape, you can help them by finding someone who can. I set aside part of my paycheck(never over $100) every month after I pay bills in case I come across someone who is in need of food or medicine. Most months I never spend it all. If all who could afford even $20 to do this with would beging helping, it would give our government relief and would be a heck of a lot cheaper that a stinking national healthcare plan. And don’t give me that crap about “I pay enough taxes” because I do too.
    And not to mention, people used to be a lot nicer and there was a time when you weren’t affraid to leave your door unlocked. That was also a time when the government didn’t do much for you except keep you safe from foreign enemies. The government did’t have to do anything for you because WE DID IT FOR EACH OTHER. Anyone over 50 know what Im talking about.

  9. bill, big b little ill on February 19th, 2010 9:52 am

    Amen to that NOYB….Need a little help here in the USA…Some Goverment officals have become more burden than help.At the point and time that I can no longer affords meds for my wife or myself then we just won’t have them..Even with insurance some meds are just out of the ball park. Not all medications can be gotten in generic form at walmart for 4 dollars.
    I feel sorry for this lady she needs help, But can’t agree with what she did.

  10. none of your business on February 19th, 2010 9:22 am

    i’M SO SORRY so many ppl do not have the meds that they need.
    I’m not saying what this lady did was right at all.
    I can’t stand thieves personnally.

    We take probably $2000,00 worth of meds a month maybe more.
    But we have insurance that takes care of it.

    I can’t believe we clean up Iraq, and every national disaster in
    every third world country, but ppl here are going without
    vital meds.

    I had a worker come to do tile in my home, and he needed
    meds for high colesteral. Something as simple as that
    or he will have a stroke or heart attack, and he couldn’t
    afford them. He is under 40 with a family. Why are we
    not providing him with meds. Soon his family will be
    OUR responsiblity. Why don’t we keep him alive and let
    him take care of his family.

    Would you send someone you don’t know food over seas,
    and let YOUR CHILD starve. Of course not.
    But that is exactly what our govenment does.

    Everyone in american should have all the meds that they

    This makes me soooooo mad.

  11. Wild Bill on February 19th, 2010 7:45 am

    Unfortunately Julia, not everyone has medical insurance or can afford to buy prescriptions at a pharmacy where everyone knows their name. Many would have to choose between food or medicine if not for Walmarts $4.00 prescriptions.

  12. Julie Booth-Moran on February 19th, 2010 12:51 am

    As a pharmacist and following HIPAA Regulations, there is suppose to be a system in place for making sure that either the prescription owner themselves are picking up the Rx ..OR.. The person (s) listed on their “who can pick up my meds card” . And if you are sending someone to pickup your Rx and you should let the pharmacy know who you are sending.

    Doing business where you are known is always a good idea-not just for the personable aspect but to help prevent this from happening. Like the old song from. “Cheers” … Where everybody knows your name’”

  13. Now Now Children on February 18th, 2010 1:16 pm

    Hmm, Billy, ever seen someone coming off meth or coke? If vomiting, shaking, convulsing, etc is all mental then I’ll agree with you.
    And if someone has an addictive personality, they can get addicted to ANYTHING whether it has opiates in it or not.

  14. whitepunknotondope on February 18th, 2010 12:25 pm

    Or a cough lozenge, now that would be forgiveable!

  15. Splat on February 18th, 2010 11:00 am

    whether she is unable to afford this medication or not, she stole from someone else. I could care less if she has a drug problem but she is a thief! It’s not that persons problem she can’t afford healthcare. I have to be honest, I would be much more empathetic if she stole an antibiotic…well maybe not it’s still stealing but you get my point.

  16. Billy on February 18th, 2010 10:50 am

    I believe that many, many, many doctors make a good living getting people addicted to drugs. Doctors prescribe pain killers, benzos and other different psychotrophic drugs to people who ask for them and/or don’t need them at all. I personally know of a psychiatrist in Brewton who prescribes a certian way to take the medicine but then suggests that you take much more than that. He also says just make an appointment when you need more. Most of these types of drugs are supposed to by taken very short term while you are getting your problems resolved through counseling or other means. As a result these very addictive drugs are getting people hooked and they result to desperate measures and act crazy.
    As for the pain killers (opiate based), people don’t realize that when they taking these, you are essentially taking a heroin derivative.
    A little history lesson for you….people got addicted to opium so the drug companies made heroin to get them off of opium. Then they got addicted to heroin so the drug companies developed morphine to get them off of heroin. Then they got addicted to morphine so they developed methadone to get them off of morphine and now they are addicted to methadone. Lortab, Lorcet, Oxycontin, Oxycodone etc…are in the same family as opium and heroin and all contain opiates. These drugs are actually more dangerous than drugs like marijuana, cocaine, meth etc. because the opiates cause physical withdrawl which can kill you. Mary J, cocaine, meth etc. only have mental withdrawl…even though it looks physical it is only classified as mental. Coming off of these drugs can’t harm you but coming off of opiate can. So if you have the addictive personality or the adictive gene or whatever you believe in, you may want to think about this before you take these types of medicine.

  17. Angi on February 18th, 2010 9:05 am

    I agree with bill, big b little ill on somethings gotta give for the people that need meds and cant afford them. Life is hard for many.But this doesn’t give people the right to steal someone else’s meds…
    Use Caution:
    When your medicine bottles are empty, peel off the labeling into several pieces
    before throwing in the garbage can.
    All of the pharmacies need to be more strict on when people pick up their prescriptions, they need to ask for verifications of name, date of birth, address and what the prescription is that the person is picking up and also a picture ID…
    I can say CVS in century is very good about doing this… Glad she was caught for doing these crimes, it is not a very good idea to take other peoples medications, because it could result in health problems…

  18. bill, big b little ill on February 18th, 2010 8:02 am

    I have no idea what is going on in this ladys life. Don’t know if the doctors gave this to her, got her hooked and quit. Don’t know if she just has no insurance and can’t afford them. But I do know something gotta give for the people that need meds and cant afford them. Life is hard for many.