Tonight Is Your Last Chance To Catch South Pacific

February 20, 2010


southpacific12.jpgThe Flomaton High School Drama Club will present Rodgers and Hammerstein’s South Pacific Saturday evening.

Considered one of the best musicals in history, the musical tells the story of Seabees, sailors, nurses and Marines on a small island in the South Pacific during World War II.

The Flomaton High production of South Pacific stars Victoria Creamer as Nellie Forbush, Austin Patterson as Emile de Beque, Blakelee White as Bloody Mary, Josh Brock as Luther Billis, Robert Anderson as Lt. Joseph Cable, among a cast of about 40 drama students.

South Pacific will be presented Saturday evening 7:00 at the Flomaton High School Auditorium. Admission is $6.

A performance was held Thursday night.

Pictured top: A group of Seabees in the Flomaton High School production of South Pacific. Pictured inset: Nicole Simpson as Liat and Robert Anderson as Lt. Joseph Cable. Pictured below: Professor played by Dylan Green, Bloody Mary played by Blakelee White and Luther Billis played by Josh Brock. Pictured bottom: Victoria Creamer as Nellie Forbus and Austin Patterson as Emile de Becque. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.




2 Responses to “Tonight Is Your Last Chance To Catch South Pacific”

  1. Grandma on February 19th, 2010 9:42 am

    Had the pleasure of watching this prodution last night. It was fantastic! It seems all of our children, no matter where they attend school, continue to surpass what we think them capable of. There is talent in all the surrounding schools and communities. Thanks to caring teachers who go the “extra mile”, we are able to get a glimpse of some of it. Also, thanks to parents who so willingly give of their time and money to help their child excell. If you get a chance, go see this Saturday night, you won’t be sorry!

  2. Angi on February 18th, 2010 8:32 am

    This is awesome, I have always loved the drama club; maybe one day these students will further their careers in being actors and actresses in the movies… Good luck with your show…