Escambia Alabama And Florida Unhealthy Places To Live; Santa Rosa Much Better

February 18, 2010

healthseries.jpgThe two Escambia counties might not be the healthiest places to live, while Santa Rosa County is one of Florida’s healthiest, according to a study released Wednesday  by the University of Wisconsin.

Each day through Sunday, will investigate our health. We’ll take a detailed look at what is healthy about our three county area, plus we’ll look at the dirty little health secrets of our residents like smoking, binge drinking, obesity and violent crime. Join us each day through Sunday for our special series “Our Local Health: North Escambia Area”.

Escambia County, Florida

In “health outcomes” which is determined by morbidity and mortality rates, Escambia (Fla.) ranked number 47 of 67 counties in the state.

In the four areas that determine “health factors” Escambia County (Fla.) ranked 43 of 67:

  • 51st in health behaviors, (such as adults who report using tobacco)
  • 3rd in Clinical Care (such as uninsured adults)
  • 46th in Social & Economic Factors (such as high school graduation rates)
  • 64th in Physical Environment (such as unhealthy air due to ozone)

Escambia County, Alabama
In “health outcomes” which is determined by morbidity and mortality rates, Escambia (Ala.) ranked number 51 of 67 counties in the state.

In the four areas that determine “health factors” Escambia County (Ala.) ranked 58 of 67:

  • 52nd in health behaviors, (such as adults who report using tobacco)
  • 50th in Clinical Care (such as uninsured adults)
  • 56th in Social & Economic Factors (such as high school graduation rates)
  • 36th in Physical Environment (such as unhealthy air due to ozone)

Santa Rosa County, Florida
In “health outcomes” which is determined by morbidity and mortality rates, Santa Rosa ranked number 10 of 67 counties in the state.

In the four areas that determine “health factors” Santa Rosa ranked 10 of 67:

  • 27th in health behaviors, (such as adults who report using tobacco)
  • 15th in Clinical Care (such as uninsured adults)
  • 3rd in Social & Economic Factors (such as high school graduation rates)
  • 48th in Physical Environment (such as unhealthy air due to ozone)

Friday, we will continue our series “Our Local Health: North Escambia Area” with an in-dept look at the health of Escambia County (Fla.).

Editor’s note: In all rankings above, a lower ranking – such as Santa Rosa County’s 10th — is better than a higher ranking.


7 Responses to “Escambia Alabama And Florida Unhealthy Places To Live; Santa Rosa Much Better”

  1. Century girl on February 19th, 2010 12:35 am

    Some 10 years ago, I was told by a very well known Insurance health company that Escambia & Santa Rosa Counties were two of the highest rated counties in Florida. Escambia County being the highest…reason being “highest incidence of cancer per sq. mile than in anyother counties. North escambia county had the highest rate of breast cancer than other areas in the same county… Also I was told at that time that the same severity was seen in the Brewton area within a vey limited radius of about 2 miles. Would be good if someone studied this in greater detail to find out why…and what could be done to improve life quality in this beautiful northend of Esc Cty!

  2. Chris Maloney on February 18th, 2010 7:45 pm

    I could blame this on our governments, school systems, lack of jobs, or the parents… I’m just going to say its all about personal accountability. Sometime you the individual just has to take charge of your life and go for it.

  3. bill, big b little ill on February 18th, 2010 12:07 pm

    Janice….just asking…is cleanest clean? I don’t run down to the creek to get a drink, I do have well water, but I still don’t know how clean it is, but it taste mighty good. LOL

  4. Janice Parker on February 18th, 2010 9:38 am

    If this is true, why do we have the two cleanest streams out of five counties flowing through our area? This was reported by an employee of the federal government who tests our streams that the counties listed were Ookaloosa, Santa Rosa, and Escambia of Florida, and Baldwin and Mobile counties in Alabama. Janice Parker

  5. bill, big b little ill on February 18th, 2010 8:12 am

    Life is a risk Ken. But we don’t crawl in a hole and hide. You drink water out of the tap without analyzing it, just as you breather air without filtering.

  6. K80 on February 18th, 2010 7:07 am

    I completely agree w/ Ken! Unless they go Green w/ Solar & Wind!

  7. ken on February 18th, 2010 4:07 am

    If they put the Nuclear plant up in McDavid every one health will be at risk for miles