Cost To Resurface Every Century Street: $4.5 Million

February 16, 2010

The Town of Century’s dreams of resurfacing every street in town were brought back down to an expensive reality with a cost estimate from the town’s engineering.

During January, the  Century council decided that each member would submit a list of roads and bridges that they believed need attention. That list was to combined with a list already maintained by the mayor to create a master list of bad roads, and when dollars became available for road and bridge projects, would refer to their master priority list to begin work.

But then the town decided in early February to determine what it would cost to resurface every street in town. And the bottom line was much higher than they hoped — $4.5 million, according to Fabre Engineering.

“That’s a little over our budget,” Century Mayor Freddie McCall chuckled Monday night when he told the council how much the project would cost.

For now, the council will head back to the drawing board and have Fabre Engineering prioritize resurfacing projects to see what the town can afford.


2 Responses to “Cost To Resurface Every Century Street: $4.5 Million”

  1. Ann Brooks on February 16th, 2010 5:12 pm

    What the Council decided to do was to resurface every street that NEEDED resurfacing. Maybe that will be every street, but that has not yet been determined. Fabre Engineering offered to prioritze the streets needing work, and we have asked how much they will charge to do this and are waiting on an answer.

  2. bill, big b little ill on February 16th, 2010 6:42 am

    May have to go back to dirt roads. Where’s a little town like century get 4.5 mil. Mr. Mayor, call bid O in washington, ask him for the phone number to China, or just borrow it from the bank and don’t pay it back. Use one that was bailed out, that way you will be using tax-payers money.