Charges Dropped Against McDavid Man Accused Of Fighting With Ex Over Baby

February 19, 2010

walkerkeithdale10.jpgCharges have been dropped against a McDavid man after he allegedly got  into a fight with his ex-girlfriend over their baby.

Keith Dale Walker, 28, was jailed January 22 on  a battery domestic violence charge, but the victim in the case did not want him prosecuted, according to the State Attorney’s office.

The victim, Walker’s ex-girlfriend, told deputies that she was asleep in her room when Walker grabbed the four-month old baby out of her arms. She said Walker slapped her across the face multiple times. Fearing that Walker would not return the baby, the victim said she called 911.

Walker admitted to Deputy James Gilman that the two did argue over the baby, but he denied that there was ever any physical contact. Gilman wrote in his report that one side of the victim’s face was redder than the other, but that there was no distinct hand print.


16 Responses to “Charges Dropped Against McDavid Man Accused Of Fighting With Ex Over Baby”

  1. Just wondering on February 20th, 2010 10:05 pm

    Who on here knows the ex-girlfriend? Does anybody know anything other than that she accused him of doing this, now she’s recanted and what he looks like in his picture?
    Well, I know them both. I’ve known Keith’s family for many years, since long before his birth. He’s had a lot of hardship in his life but that doesn’t excuse bad behavior. Keith makes a lot of mistakes (namely the wonderful little tattoo on his throat, lol) but that doesn’t make him a batterer. Yes, he has a temper and he loves a good fight…….but that describes a lot of people around here who are NOT being bashed on here.

    Terri and others,
    I’ve been on both sides of the issue. I’ve been battered and I’ve spent years working with others who are battered, raped, molested, homeless, addicted, etc. Saying that if someone hits you once, he will definitely do it again is not true. Yes, the statistics show that it is much more likely that he will, but it is not a definite. There are times in which the abuser is scared and ashamed at what he has done and it never occurs again. Not every man who ever hits a woman is going to ever do so again. I’ve seen instances in which a woman attacks a man and he shoves her to get her off of him and HE goes to jail for DV. My ex SIL threw a mason jar full of tea at my brother’s head and slapped and scratched him repeatedly. He never touched her in any way until she jumped on his back and began beating him in the head. All he did to her then was flip her off his back and flat onto hers on the ground. All this happened in front of my entire family, including small children. She called 9-1-1 and then proceeded to scratch her face and slap herself to make marks. I grabbed a camera and started taking pics of her doing this. When the police came, they still arrested my brother because “she has marks and he doesn’t.” (I really thought she should have been charged with child abuse for doing this in front of my children and at MY home at that!) It was thrown out in court and she was ultimately charged with making a false statement to police, BUT…..he was still arrested for something he didn’t do. Unfortunately, it works both ways and our system is now set up to believe the woman no matter what witnesses and physical evidence show to be the truth.

    My prayers are with both of these young people that they can straighten their lives out. I’ve tried to talk to Keith many times about this, but he’s still resistant. ……Maybe someday.

  2. bill, big b little ill on February 20th, 2010 9:05 am

    K.B……yep…quit a large group still believe in abstinence until after marriage. But lets face it, some of them screw up to. Sin, lust of the flesh can really get your RPMs going. That why a christian is a christian, we confess to God that we are sinners and ask forgiveness. Now Keith must have been forgiven by his little girl friend, but he will not change until he gets it from God.

  3. K.B. on February 20th, 2010 8:16 am

    Fight with ex-girlfriend?Does anyone believe in abstinence until marriage anymore????

  4. to tell the truth on February 19th, 2010 8:16 pm

    it is true that if your hit once, it will only get worse. i have been there–done that. it always got worse but when my baby turned 6 months old, i didn’t want him to go thru what i did. i left his father. i was only able to leave and stay gone because God give me the strength to leave. so many times i thought it would be easier to go back but God blessed me with guidance and strength to stay away. it has now been 18 years and i never went back. i just hope that this mother is blessed with the same. the men usually have beaten down the woman not only physically but mentally and made her think she is worthless. along with all the threats, it is very scary. so, i will pray for this young girl and her child because she needs it. i hope everyone else will do the same.

  5. Splat on February 19th, 2010 12:47 pm

    she doesn’t want him to be in trouble…and without him going to court the only people that will know the truth is the two of them. You can’t assume she is being abused…a lot of women do lie to get their partner in trouble. I don’t know what happened but I do know he wasn’t found guilty in a court of law for this incident.

  6. JUDY C. MASEK on February 19th, 2010 12:20 pm

    only looking at the deputys report from a legal standpoint….didnt it say that she had been sleeping (w/the baby in her arms)…how can one rule-out that the “red on ONE side of her face only” wasnt due to that side of her face laying against a pillow, while sleeping?…afterall, she called 911 immediately after he grabbed the child from her arms, as she slept….in addition, when i visualize being slapped multiple times during a heated confrontation, as her report indicates, it wouldnt be far fetched to assume that BOTH sides of her face would have demonstrated some degree of redness in the alledged assult ……just looking at the reported evidence from all sides.

  7. justnoticing on February 19th, 2010 11:18 am

    It can take a woman years to get away from an abusing man. She has been abused! The man is usually threatening to kil her if she leaves then hours later trying to kill her when she stays. I hear people say to these women all the time, “Why do you put up with that, JUST LEAVE!” It is not that simple. NOt when your keys and phone are taken away for months, or your tires are slashed. There are many things that keep a woman stuck in these sick situations. Yet, still not enough to help them out of it. Don’t tell her to just leave! Help her plan out an escape, so that she is confident she will not get caught leaving and get her put up somewhere far far away from the man, if you really wann help. I went through 7 years of it. Not taking about this girl in particular, it may not be her case. Just any abused girl. And yes, I dropped charges several times. The only one I didn’t was when I Baker Acted him, and they let him out before they were supposed to and he came after me again….. its a vicious cycle.

  8. Terri Sanders on February 19th, 2010 10:57 am

    To non of your business;thanks for speaking up,you are someone who KNOWS first hand I am just someone who knows the victims. This man has never had to pay consequences for any of his actions.that is why he has a rap sheet..the tatoo is inmaterial, and I feel so is the deputy’s statement about the victims face being redder on one side.Didn’t a deputy just get arrested for domestic violence? i don’t know who this deputy was/is but he may well be a wife abuser himself.Being in law enforcement doesn’t make you any thing but a law enforcer.It should make you above reproach as a public servant,but that doesn’t matter too much anymore. And to all my friends in the north end that are deputies,you know I am not talking about you.At least I hope not!

  9. none of your business on February 19th, 2010 9:43 am

    AS a former battered wife,
    they are usually let go because the wife won’t sign.
    Sometimes that’s for fear and sometimes that because
    she still loves him.

    However, I thought now the state files on him.
    That was implemented because most battered
    wifes are too afraid.

    Sometimes the marks don’t show till the next day.
    So just because the cop wasn’t sure, believe me
    that doesn’t mean a thing.

    I hope this guy cleans up his act for his child’s sake,
    but I have never known a wife beater who did.


  10. bill, big b little ill on February 19th, 2010 8:40 am

    Yes the charges were dropped, yes Keith can change, yes we see the cut here tatoo before we see Keith, but his back ground speaks for it’s self. Yes God can forgive him just like everyone else can forgive him. That will not eliminate consequences that follow his actions. God can and will forgive anyone who ask and repents..but you still have to pay the consequences of your actions.

  11. Splat on February 19th, 2010 8:03 am

    She was asleep with a baby in her arms, that is dangerous. Who knows…he might have taken the baby away from her because of this and then she got mad and over reacted.

  12. Wild Bill on February 19th, 2010 7:56 am

    I don’t think this will be the last we will see of Mr. CUT-HERE.

  13. Molino Mr. on February 19th, 2010 7:42 am

    “Gilman wrote in his report that one side of the victim’s face was redder than the other, but that there was no distinct hand print.”

    The deputy probably had to bust him because of Florida’s domestic violence laws, but you can almost tell by that statement that the deputy had doubts.

    Every consider that maybe the dude didn’t do it? Y’all sure are stereotyping due to that big old “Cut here” on his neck. Maybe he has cleaned up his life and is now a saint.

    Maybe he isn’t. Either way, he’s no longer charged with this one. I do appreciate this story being posted. I understand why stories are done when some is arrested, and I appreciate this site letting us know when they are convicted or charges are dropped.

  14. bill, big b little ill on February 19th, 2010 7:31 am

    Escambia co. clerk of the courts web site just did not have enought room to continue with all offences against this young man. Check it out people. That poor baby really has someone to look up to.

  15. Terri Sanders on February 19th, 2010 7:26 am

    Same old story…different people.abused wife is either too scared or too in love to press charges.He didn’t mean to do it…I ticked him off..he was stressed…blah blah blah.
    Years ago i was in the ER with one of my children and next to us was a baby that just would not stop crying.There was only a curtain between patients back then.After several hours the child finally stooped crying.It had died from a beating that the father had given to it and its mom.
    I encourage all women in abusive relationships to read Robin Norwood’s book..Women Who Love Too Much.
    Seldom does an abuser ever stop on his own and the woman needs help to learn how to protect her and her family and keep from being abused anymore.

  16. walter on February 19th, 2010 7:25 am

    So now he gets a new tatoo somewhere else.

    Might say kiss here.