Train, Truck Collide In Flomaton (With Photo Gallery)

February 4, 2010


There were no serious injuries when a semi-truck and train collided Thursday morning in Flomaton.

trainmore.jpgThe crash happened about 7:15 on Palafox Street, just north of the Florida line. The driver of an empty flatbed semi-truck crossed into the path of an eastbound train. The force of the impact pushed the 18-wheeler around and down the tracks a short distance. The truck driver was transported to Jay Hospital with minor injuries.

The truck stopped on an adjacent set of tracks almost parallel to tanker cars used for hauling gasoline. There was very little damage to the train’s locomotive, and the train did not derail. None of the train’s cars were damaged.

For a photo gallery from the scene, click here.

Pictured above and  below: A train versus truck collision Thursday morning in Flomaton. photos, click to enlarge.



39 Responses to “Train, Truck Collide In Flomaton (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. Safebear on February 7th, 2010 12:22 pm

    Maybe Wild Bill drives a Toyota and the gas pedal sticks and the brake pedal don’t work and he can’t stop while he’s doing 100mph through town… Maybe the Toyota recall will help him…

  2. harley1 on February 7th, 2010 8:43 am

    aqccident free is correct. Look, the train that hit this truck was not hiding in an alleyway. Yes, the driver had an accident, but a preventable one by any review board, so get over it. No excuses……sorry

  3. bill, big b little ill on February 6th, 2010 7:48 am

    harley 1, are you accident free for all those 45 years?

  4. harley1 on February 6th, 2010 7:06 am

    I drove trucks for years. I still have my CDL . I’ve been driving all kinds of vehicles for 45 years. FACT: If you get hit by a train, you are a clinical moron. No excuses. Well, “somebody might rear end me if I stop at a crossing” and so on, are just excuses of poor drivers.

  5. Angi on February 5th, 2010 8:07 pm

    @ Audrey Hughes…
    I am very glad to know that your nephew is alright, he was very very lucky…

  6. Earl on February 5th, 2010 6:43 pm

    Mr. Hughes,

    First, congratulations on 15 years accident-free. However, as a career railroad engineer and Volunteer Fire Dept. Driver, I can state unequivocally that it takes A LOT longer to get the speed back up on my train than a truck. Also, when I need to stop, it takes MUCH longer than a small tractor trailer truck. If I am supposed to stop and I don’t, I get suspended or fired. Truck drivers should, too. It is no contest – My train is gonna win. Your nephew is lucky he lived to tell the tale – so many do not.
    I have seen and experienced so many close calls and the easy majority is truckers that seem to think they’re bigger than the rest of the vehicles and everyone need to watch out for them. I have heard a trucker tell the ploice officer at a collision site that the train should have stopped for him. The officer pointed out he had the crossbucks – Stop, Look & Listen – and that the train is a fixed wheel vehicle that had the right of way as he was issuing the trucker a wad of citations.

  7. SW on February 5th, 2010 4:46 pm

    Mr. Hughes,

    It is good that your nephew survived this incident.

    I hope you aren’t trying to justify his actions based on his experience or the physics of truck driving. He messed up; this is a freebie.

  8. bill, big b little ill on February 5th, 2010 4:34 pm

    None of your business, I go to walmart way to often, they take your money and don’t bat an eye. If you ever check the FHP traffic accident site. Gee whizz they have lots of accidents in front of all the walmarts. Then everyone one on here would be talking about me. But i do love this web site, it’s like being at work on break or lunch, or with family setting round the table drinking coffee. Some gonna be serious and some gonna crack you up. Gotta love it.

    big b, little ill. Thanks ya’ll

  9. Audrey Hughes on February 5th, 2010 2:03 pm

    That was my nephew that was driving the big truck,he has been driving big trucks for about fifteen years and this is his first acciedent!!! For those who are concerned about whether he is alright or not, he is ok.For those who don’t understand about big rigs once you gear them down it takes longer to get your speed back up than it does smaller vihecles, it also takes longer to stop them!!!

  10. David Huie Green on February 5th, 2010 12:26 pm

    “There have been rumors for years of the railroad closing off Palafox Street at the tracks and not allowing through-traffic. Sure hope this incident doesn’t bring those plans to the table.”

    CSX offered the town of Flomaton a heap of money a few years back if they would close off that road. They figured it would save them even more not having to dodge our skilled drivers.

    The offer was declined.

    “If you are stopping at RR crossings even when no trains are present and warning lights are not flashing you should be more worried about being rear-ended by other drivers who aren’t expecting you to randomly stop for no apparent reason. If you are that worried about crossing train tracks, you might want to give up driving all together for the sake and safety of others.”

    He’s right about being rear ended. It is the most common accident happening to buses. People like him just can’t imagine people would dare stop in front of them so they just keep on going.

    He does have an interesting solution to those intending to follow the law: “give up driving all together”, leave the roads to those who know how to abuse them.

    David for yielding to trains, fools, drunks and Wild Bill

  11. none of your business on February 5th, 2010 11:24 am

    I think your just having to much fun on here in the AM.
    Go to walmart or something lol

  12. bill on February 5th, 2010 10:51 am

    Ya’ll cracken me up….thanks for that BAD TWAIN…LOL

  13. none of your business on February 5th, 2010 8:51 am

    Oh and SW,
    Now that’s funny! lol
    BAD BAD TWAIN………………

  14. none of your business on February 5th, 2010 8:50 am

    Bill you said a mouth full.

    Accidents are Accidents. Thats why you don’t go to jail for them unless
    your drunk or on drugs.

    Everybody has them.

    Now I had never had one till two years ago.
    Guess that makes me almost perfect.

    “Picture me holding my sides will peels of laughter”

    I had more problem with the poor cop that didn’t see one coming or
    hear one coming while hunting than I did this one. I lived near a
    railroad track when I was very small, and you could feel that thing
    coming for a long time when you stood on the ground.

    Ok I know I’m going to hear about that one, so thats enough for today. lol

  15. Lulu on February 5th, 2010 4:46 am

    Dear Lord: Thank you for preserving this truck driver and everyone involved. When You give us a wake up call like this, it is to make us appreciate the life You gave us and know that our time here is short. Bless him to get ready to meet you, no matter when the final call comes, and to live his life for You. Bless his family to enjoy every day they have together to the fullest. Amen

  16. Mr, Rodgers on February 5th, 2010 12:18 am

    I am with Bill. We ALL, THAT’S ALL NEIGHBORS’ make driving mistakes. None of of ask to be iN an accident.

    BUTT, if you are one of those people who have never had a VERY CLOSE CALL, WELL MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS YOU. AND NEVER MIND THOSE ANGELS WHO WERE LOOKING OUT FOR YOU. AND you know I am so glad to see there are a few perfect people that live near by.

    I am happy to know this man’s family is rejoyceing tonight.

  17. bill on February 4th, 2010 11:27 pm

    sorry that was susposed to be Epiphany.

  18. bill on February 4th, 2010 11:14 pm

    No argument on DOT rules, but i can take you to several 4 lane highways in AL THAT NO ONE stops at just because it’s a RR XING. They do have warning lights and if a train is coming, they stop, or should stop. The cops don’t set beside the road waiting to give tickets.

    Now all you people calling this guy a moron or anything else. Do you really think this guy got in his truck, had an apifany, man I’m going to hit a train this morning. Went out and smacked one. Use that thing between your ears, accidents are accidents. Some can be avoided, some can’t.

  19. st on February 4th, 2010 9:02 pm

    bill u need to read the dot department rules for commercial trucks on stopping at RR crossings. the only that have to stop is as follow tankers,buses, and those carrying haz-mat. the only time that all have stop is when there is a stop sign.

  20. SW on February 4th, 2010 7:32 pm

    Bad train – hiding from people like that. It was probably waiting on some unsuspecting person to cross, then jump out and get ‘em.

    The train can’t leave the tracks and chase someone down to run over them. If the truck was on the track, it is his fault; regardless of the reason. Maybe he stopped, maybe he didn’t, either way he pulled in front of the train, This driver is very lucky that the train was apparently going very slow.

    The tracks belong to the railroad and is private property. The street crosses it. The train has the right of way.

    Sometimes bad things happen to good people; it is a warning to everyone to not get complacent around railroads.

  21. BaBa on February 4th, 2010 6:59 pm

    You Know…
    I was there too..cell phone had something to do with it I think …kinda screwed the day up for a lotta people didnt it ?? He had a completely unobstructed view..he just was not looking..remember STOP…LOOK…LISTEN…and LIVE dont the these…you will LEARN

  22. you know on February 4th, 2010 6:47 pm

    First off no one on here was there, i was, and no he didnt stop and He had just called a man to tell him he was there we watched this happen it was at 7:05 i called 911

    the man should count his blessings that it didnt kill him
    Trains can not stop like a car and yes we do have the right of way all of our trains have cameras on them and they see all that happens along the tracks

    have a nice night and STOP LOOK AND LIVE we do care if you get hurt

  23. D on February 4th, 2010 6:09 pm

    I agree Valeria!! It’s so disappointing to see all the bad comments toward people when they make a mistake that makes the news. That’s when they need support more than ever. Glad everyone is okay. :)

  24. valeria on February 4th, 2010 2:57 pm

    the man who got hit by this train is a very good fiend of mine and my husbands. he is a very safe driver and did stop and look for a train. the train come by on a blind side of his behind a rail car and he did not see them. He is not a moron he works with and around trains every single day. Him and my husband work together. He is ok. He is very sore though. If you do not have anything nice to say please dont say it. No one knows wht happened but him.

  25. Another One on February 4th, 2010 11:41 am

    Billy – there are morons in Atmore too! Just this morning I witnessed two vehicles race across the tracks as the crossing arms were lowering.

  26. Billy on February 4th, 2010 10:43 am

    Ok, I was refraining but I will explaine RR in regards to stopping/not stopping. Commercial vehicles have to stop at RR crossings whether the crossings are signaling or not. There are some exceptions but any commercial vehicle with passengers has to stop at all crossings with no exceptions. Any personally owned, non comercial vehicle has to obey all signals at railroad crossings but is not required to stop unles there is a traffic control device. Keep in mind that the train has the right of way and if a RR crossing doesn’t have a stop sign or signal and a train hits you….it is your fault. Good practice is to always stop or at least slow if you have a good line of sight in both directions.
    Believe it or not there are still some morans is Brewton that drive through the flashing red lights at the crossing downtown.

  27. smarty pants on February 4th, 2010 9:45 am

    Thank God, once again nobody got hurt. It seems it is happening more these days. It is happening by unobstructed views of this giant train that can be seen coming for quiet a ways and folks are getting hit trying to beet the train. How many times does this have to happen before folks realize that trains will not and cannot swerve to miss them. Why take the chance? Even if they are in a hurry, don’t they know it will take them much longer when they get hit, than it does to just wait for the train to pass. How much brains does it take to figure this out. Maybe the laws should double the fines on this.

  28. jj on February 4th, 2010 9:31 am

    We all must remember if we drive in the state of Alabama and there are no cross arms or flashing red signals at railroad crossings you have to STOP at railroad crossings whether or not there is a Stop sign.

  29. Casandra on February 4th, 2010 9:29 am

    Let’s all hope Wild Bill never shows up at the rear of our vehicles…

  30. Billy on February 4th, 2010 9:19 am

    SW, that’s funny!!

  31. Angi on February 4th, 2010 9:19 am

    @Wild Bill
    Well I consider myself to be a very safe driver and I do take all precautions when it comes to being on the hiways and at RR crossings… I value my life and who ever is in the vehicle with me their life as well… Why do you think school buses stop at all RR crossing? Are they in the wrong for stopping too? And if someone rearends me for taking safe measures and not risking mine or someone else’s life, then they will be the ones charged for unsafe driving, not me… And NO I will not give up driving, but I will continue to take safe precaution… Hopefully we won’t hear of you next being hit by a train!

  32. SW on February 4th, 2010 9:10 am


    Angi, it’d be bad if you stopped and Wild Bill hit your car in the rear end knocking you into the path of that train after all.

  33. Elmer Fudd on February 4th, 2010 8:46 am

    Most all electronics are protected by fuses or circuit breakers, I’m sure railroad signals are protected the same way from power surges and lightning strikes. If I can see a safe distance when approaching a railroad crossing, I will continue across it. If the view is not far enough for me to feel safe, I will slow down or stop if necessary to make sure a train isn’t going to hit me. I feel my life and everyone else’s life is worth more than a 25 cent fuse or five dollar circuit breaker. If someone rear ends me, it will be them explaining to the police why the road wasn’t long enough for them to stop, not me. The law says if a vehicle stops ahead of you, your suppose to be able to stop. The person that stopped doesn’t have to explain why they stopped, but the person that hit the one in the rear will have some explaining to do.

  34. bill on February 4th, 2010 8:40 am

    Casandra, Casandra, Casandra

    Do you have a copy of that law. Way to many RR tracks across major Highways that no one stops at for that to be correct.

  35. Casandra on February 4th, 2010 8:32 am

    Wild Bill–you would do well to get your facts straight. a friend and I were actually pulled over and given a warning citation at that very RR crossing years ago because I did NOT stop. At the time, my friend and I were informed by the police officer, that the law in Alabama is that you must come to a complete stop at any RR crossing, whether there is a stop sign or not.

  36. someone on February 4th, 2010 8:26 am

    There have been rumors for years of the railroad closing off Palafox Street at the tracks and not allowing through-traffic. Sure hope this incident doesn’t bring those plans to the table.

  37. Billy on February 4th, 2010 7:51 am

    Always remember that the train always has the right of way and if you don’t want to get hit by one………use some brain power and don’t get in a hurry while driving.

  38. Wild Bill on February 4th, 2010 7:45 am

    If you are stopping at RR crossings even when no trains are present and warning lights are not flashing you should be more worried about being rear-ended by other drivers who aren’t expecting you to randomly stop for no apparent reason. If you are that worried about crossing train tracks, you might want to give up driving all together for the sake and safety of others.

  39. Angi on February 4th, 2010 7:35 am

    OMG! this is terrible, I do hope that no one is hurt. I am always scared of this happening to me when crossing RRtracks , that is why I always make it a habit of stopping and looking before I cross, I can remember being back in school, and they showed us some films on this kind of stuff; where people thought they could make it across before the train got there and they actually didn’t make it, I know there are arms that usually go down when a train is coming, but sometimes they could fail, so I say everyone be careful crossing RRtracks, at least slow down and look both ways before crossing.;.. THINK SAFETY…